package patch import ( "encoding/json" "testing" "" "" "" yaml "" ) func Test_preProcessStrategicMergePatch_multipleAnchors(t *testing.T) { testCases := []struct { rawPolicy []byte rawResource []byte expectedPatch []byte }{ { rawPolicy: []byte(`{ "spec": { "containers": [ { "(name)": "*", "securityContext": { "+(allowPrivilegeEscalation)": false, "+(capabilities)": { "drop": [ "NET_CAP" ] }, "+(privileged)": false } } ], "initContainers": [ { "(name)": "*", "securityContext": { "+(allowPrivilegeEscalation)": false, "+(capabilities)": { "drop": [ "NET_ADMIN" ] }, "+(privileged)": false } } ] } }`), rawResource: []byte(`{ "apiVersion": "v1", "kind": "Pod", "metadata": { "name": "mutation-debug", "namespace": "amritapuri" }, "spec": { "containers": [ { "name": "sleepy-container-1", "image": "" }, { "name": "sleepy-container-2", "image": "" } ], "initContainers": [ { "name": "init-container-1", "image": "" }, { "name": "init-container-2", "image": "" } ] } }`), expectedPatch: []byte(`{ "spec": { "containers": [ { "name": "sleepy-container-1", "securityContext": { "allowPrivilegeEscalation": false, "capabilities": { "drop": [ "NET_CAP" ] }, "privileged": false } }, { "name": "sleepy-container-2", "securityContext": { "allowPrivilegeEscalation": false, "capabilities": { "drop": [ "NET_CAP" ] }, "privileged": false } } ], "initContainers": [ { "name": "init-container-1", "securityContext": { "allowPrivilegeEscalation": false, "capabilities": { "drop": [ "NET_ADMIN" ] }, "privileged": false } }, { "name": "init-container-2", "securityContext": { "allowPrivilegeEscalation": false, "capabilities": { "drop": [ "NET_ADMIN" ] }, "privileged": false } } ] } }`), }, { rawPolicy: []byte(`{ "metadata": { "annotations": { "+(": "true" } }, "spec": { "volumes": [ { "<(emptyDir)": {} } ] } }`), rawResource: []byte(`{ "apiVersion": "v1", "kind": "Pod", "metadata": { "name": "static-web", "labels": { "role": "myrole" } }, "spec": { "containers": [ { "name": "web", "image": "1nginx" } ], "volumes": [ { "emptyDir": {}, "name": "cache-volume" }, { "secret": { "secretName": "default-token-6gplg" }, "name": "default-token-6gplg" } ] } }`), expectedPatch: []byte(`{ "metadata": { "annotations": { "": "true" } } }`), }, { rawPolicy: []byte(`{ "metadata": null }`), rawResource: []byte(`{ "apiVersion": "v1", "kind": "Pod", "metadata": { "name": "hello" }, "spec": { "containers": [ { "name": "hello", "image": "busybox" } ] } }`), expectedPatch: []byte(`{ "metadata": null }`), }, { rawPolicy: []byte(`{ "spec": { "containers": [ { "(name)": "*", "image": "" } ], "imagePullSecrets": [ { "name": "regcred" } ] } }`), rawResource: []byte(`{ "apiVersion": "v1", "kind": "Pod", "metadata": { "name": "hello" }, "spec": { "containers": [ { "name": "hello", "image": "busybox" } ] } }`), expectedPatch: []byte(`{ "spec": { "containers": [ { "name": "hello", "image": "" } ], "imagePullSecrets": [ { "name": "regcred" } ] } }`), }, { rawPolicy: []byte(`{ "spec": { "containers": [ { "(name)": "*", "(image)": "*", "new_filed": "must be inserted" } ], "imagePullSecrets": [ { "name": "regcred" } ] } }`), rawResource: []byte(`{ "apiVersion": "v1", "kind": "Pod", "metadata": { "name": "hello2" }, "spec": { "containers": [ { "name": "hello", "image": "" } ] } }`), expectedPatch: []byte(`{ "spec": { "containers": [{ "name": "hello", "new_filed": "must be inserted" }], "imagePullSecrets": [ { "name": "regcred" } ] } }`), }, { rawPolicy: []byte(`{ "spec": { "containers": [ { "(image)": "" } ], "imagePullSecrets": [ { "name": "regcred" } ] } }`), rawResource: []byte(`{ "apiVersion": "v1", "kind": "Pod", "metadata": { "name": "hello2" }, "spec": { "containers": [ { "name": "hello", "image": "" } ] } }`), expectedPatch: []byte(`{ "spec": { "imagePullSecrets": [ { "name": "regcred" } ] } }`), }, { rawPolicy: []byte(`{ "spec": { "containers": [ { "(image)": "*" } ], "imagePullSecrets": [ { "name": "regcred" } ] } }`), rawResource: []byte(`{ "apiVersion": "v1", "kind": "Pod", "metadata": { "name": "hello2" }, "spec": { "containers": [ { "name": "hello", "image": "" } ] } }`), expectedPatch: []byte(`{ "spec": { "imagePullSecrets": [ { "name": "regcred" } ] } }`), }, { // only the third container does not match the given condition rawPolicy: []byte(`{ "spec": { "containers": [ { "(image)": "*" } ], "imagePullSecrets": [ { "name": "regcred" } ] } }`), rawResource: []byte(`{ "apiVersion": "v1", "kind": "Pod", "metadata": { "name": "hello" }, "spec": { "containers": [ { "name": "hello", "image": "" }, { "name": "hello2", "image": "" }, { "name": "hello3", "image": "" } ] } }`), expectedPatch: []byte(`{ "spec": { "imagePullSecrets": [ { "name": "regcred" } ] } }`), }, { rawPolicy: []byte(`{ "metadata": { "annotations": { "+(": true }, "labels": { "+(add-labels)": "add" } }, "spec": { "volumes": [ { "<(hostPath)": { "path": "*" } } ] } }`), rawResource: []byte(`{ "kind": "Pod", "apiVersion": "v1", "metadata": { "name": "nginx" }, "spec": { "containers": [ { "name": "nginx", "image": "nginx:latest", "imagePullPolicy": "Never", "volumeMounts": [ { "mountPath": "/cache", "name": "cache-volume" } ] } ], "volumes": [ { "name": "cache-volume", "hostPath": { "path": "/data", "type": "Directory" } } ] } }`), expectedPatch: []byte(`{ "metadata": { "annotations": { "": true }, "labels": { "add-labels": "add" } } }`), }, { rawPolicy: []byte(`{ "metadata": { "annotations": { "+(": true } }, "spec": { "volumes": [ { "<(hostPath)": { "path": "*" } } ] } }`), rawResource: []byte(`{ "kind": "Pod", "apiVersion": "v1", "metadata": { "name": "nginx", "annotations": { "": "false" } }, "spec": { "containers": [ { "name": "nginx", "image": "nginx:latest", "imagePullPolicy": "Never", "volumeMounts": [ { "mountPath": "/cache", "name": "cache-volume" } ] } ], "volumes": [ { "name": "cache-volume", "hostPath": { "path": "/data", "type": "Directory" } } ] } }`), expectedPatch: []byte(`{}`), }, { rawPolicy: []byte(`{ "metadata": { "annotations": { "+(": "HTTPS", "+(": "HTTPS", "+(": "internal", "+(": "ip", "+(": "alb" } } }`), rawResource: []byte(`{ "apiVersion": "extensions/v1beta1", "kind": "Ingress", "metadata": { "annotations": { "": "HTTPS", "": "HTTPS", "": "internal", "": "ip", "": "argo", "": "test" }, "labels": { "app": "argocd-server", "": "argocd-server" }, "name": "argocd", "namespace": "default" } }`), expectedPatch: []byte(`{}`), }, { rawPolicy: []byte(`{ "spec": { "template": { "spec": { "containers": [ { "(name)": "*", "resources": { "limits": { "+(memory)": "300Mi", "+(cpu)": "100" } } } ] } } } }`), rawResource: []byte(`{ "apiVersion": "apps/v1", "kind": "Deployment", "metadata": { "name": "qos-demo", "labels": { "test": "qos" } }, "spec": { "replicas": 1, "selector": { "matchLabels": { "app": "nginx" } }, "template": { "metadata": { "labels": { "app": "nginx" } }, "spec": { "containers": [ { "name": "nginx", "image": "nginx:latest", "resources": { "limits": { "cpu": "50m" } } } ] } } } }`), expectedPatch: []byte(`{ "spec": { "template": { "spec": { "containers": [ { "resources": { "limits": { "memory": "300Mi" } }, "name": "nginx" } ] } } } }`), }, { rawPolicy: []byte(`{ "metadata": { "annotations": { "+(annotation1)": "atest1", "+(annotation2)": "atest2" }, "labels": { "+(label1)": "test1" } }, "spec": { "(volumes)": [ { "(hostPath)": { "path": "/var/run/docker.sock" } } ], "containers": [ { "(image)": "*:latest", "command": [ "ls" ], "imagePullPolicy": "Always" } ] } }`), rawResource: []byte(`{ "apiVersion": "v1", "kind": "Pod", "metadata": { "annotations": { "annotation1": "atest2" }, "labels": { "label1": "test2", "label2": "test2" }, "name": "check-root-user" }, "spec": { "containers": [ { "command": [ "ll" ], "image": "nginx:latest", "imagePullPolicy": "Never", "name": "nginx" }, { "image": "busybox:latest", "imagePullPolicy": "Never", "name": "busybox" } ], "volumes": [ { "hostPath": { "path": "/var/run/docker.sock" }, "name": "test-volume" } ] } }`), expectedPatch: []byte(`{ "metadata": { "annotations": { "annotation2": "atest2" } }, "spec": { "containers": [ { "command": [ "ls" ], "imagePullPolicy": "Always", "name": "nginx" }, { "command": [ "ls" ], "imagePullPolicy": "Always", "name": "busybox" } ] } }`), }, { rawPolicy: []byte(`{ "metadata": { "annotations": { "+(annotation1)": "atest1", } } }`), rawResource: []byte(`{ "apiVersion": "v1", "kind": "Pod", "metadata": { "annotations": { "annotation1": "atest2" }, "labels": { "label1": "test2", "label2": "test2" }, "name": "check-root-user" } }`), expectedPatch: []byte(`{}`), }, { rawPolicy: []byte(`{ "metadata": { "annotations": { "annotation1": null } } }`), rawResource: []byte(`{ "apiVersion": "v1", "kind": "Pod", "metadata": { "annotations": { "annotation1": "atest2" }, "labels": { "label1": "test2", "label2": "test2" }, "name": "check-root-user" } }`), expectedPatch: []byte(`{ "metadata": { "annotations": { "annotation1": null } } }`), }, { rawPolicy: []byte(`{ "metadata": { "annotations": { "+(": true } }, "spec": { "volumes": [ { "hostPath": { "<(path)": "*data" } } ] } }`), rawResource: []byte(`{ "kind": "Pod", "apiVersion": "v1", "metadata": { "name": "nginx" }, "spec": { "containers": [ { "name": "nginx", "image": "nginx:latest", "imagePullPolicy": "Never", "volumeMounts": [ { "mountPath": "/cache", "name": "cache-volume" } ] } ], "volumes": [ { "name": "cache-volume", "hostPath": { "path": "/data", "type": "Directory" } } ] } }`), expectedPatch: []byte(`{ "metadata": { "annotations": { "": true } } }`), }, { rawPolicy: []byte(`{ "spec": { "securityContext": { "runAsNonRoot": true }, "initContainers": [ { "(name)": "*", "securityContext": { "runAsNonRoot": true } } ], "containers": [ { "(name)": "*", "securityContext": { "runAsNonRoot": true } } ] } }`), rawResource: []byte(`{ "spec":{ "initContainers":[ { "name":"initbusy", "image":"busybox:1.28", "command":[ "sleep", "9999" ] } ], "containers":[ { "image":"busybox:1.28", "name":"busybox", "command":[ "sleep", "9999" ] } ], "affinity":{ "podAntiAffinity":{ "requiredDuringSchedulingIgnoredDuringExecution":[ { "labelSelector":{ "matchExpressions":[ { "key":"app", "operator":"In", "values":[ "foo", "bar" ] } ] }, "topologyKey":"" } ] } } } }`), expectedPatch: []byte(`{ "spec": { "securityContext": { "runAsNonRoot": true }, "initContainers": [ { "name": "initbusy", "securityContext": { "runAsNonRoot": true } } ], "containers": [ { "name": "busybox", "securityContext": { "runAsNonRoot": true } } ] } }`), }, } for i, test := range testCases { t.Logf("Running test %d...", i) preProcessedPolicy, err := preProcessStrategicMergePatch(logging.GlobalLogger(), string(test.rawPolicy), string(test.rawResource)) assert.NilError(t, err) output, err := preProcessedPolicy.MarshalJSON() assert.NilError(t, err) assert.DeepEqual(t, toJSON(t, []byte(test.expectedPatch)), toJSON(t, output)) } } func toJSON(t *testing.T, b []byte) interface{} { var i interface{} err := json.Unmarshal(b, &i) assert.NilError(t, err) return i } func Test_FilterKeys_NoConditions(t *testing.T) { patternRaw := []byte(`{ "key1": "value1", "key2": "value2" }`) pattern := yaml.MustParse(string(patternRaw)) conditions, err := filterKeys(pattern, anchor.IsCondition) assert.NilError(t, err) assert.Equal(t, len(conditions), 0) } func Test_FilterKeys_ConditionsArePresent(t *testing.T) { patternRaw := []byte(`{ "key1": "value1", "(key2)": "value2", "(key3)": "value3" }`) pattern := yaml.MustParse(string(patternRaw)) conditions, err := filterKeys(pattern, anchor.IsCondition) assert.NilError(t, err) assert.Equal(t, len(conditions), 2) assert.Equal(t, conditions[0].String(), "(key2)") assert.Equal(t, conditions[1].String(), "(key3)") } func Test_FilterKeys_EmptyList(t *testing.T) { patternRaw := []byte(`{}`) pattern := yaml.MustParse(string(patternRaw)) conditions, err := filterKeys(pattern, anchor.IsCondition) assert.NilError(t, err) assert.Equal(t, len(conditions), 0) } func Test_CheckConditionAnchor_Matches(t *testing.T) { patternRaw := []byte(`{ "key1": "value*" }`) resourceRaw := []byte(`{ "key1": "value1" }`) pattern := yaml.MustParse(string(patternRaw)) resource := yaml.MustParse(string(resourceRaw)) err := checkCondition(logging.GlobalLogger(), pattern, resource) assert.Equal(t, err, nil) } func Test_CheckConditionAnchor_DoesNotMatch(t *testing.T) { patternRaw := []byte(`{ "key1": "value*" }`) resourceRaw := []byte(`{ "key1": "sample" }`) pattern := yaml.MustParse(string(patternRaw)) resource := yaml.MustParse(string(resourceRaw)) err := checkCondition(logging.GlobalLogger(), pattern, resource) assert.Error(t, err, "resource value 'sample' does not match 'value*' at path /key1/") } func Test_ValidateConditions_MapWithOneCondition_Matches(t *testing.T) { patternRaw := []byte(`{ "(key1)": "value*", "key2": "value2" }`) resourceRaw := []byte(`{ "key1": "value1", "key2": "sample" }`) pattern := yaml.MustParse(string(patternRaw)) resource := yaml.MustParse(string(resourceRaw)) err := validateConditions(logging.GlobalLogger(), pattern, resource) assert.NilError(t, err) } func Test_ValidateConditions_MapWithOneCondition_DoesNotMatch(t *testing.T) { patternRaw := []byte(`{ "(key1)": "value*", "key2": "value2" }`) resourceRaw := []byte(`{ "key1": "text", "key2": "sample" }`) pattern := yaml.MustParse(string(patternRaw)) resource := yaml.MustParse(string(resourceRaw)) err := validateConditions(logging.GlobalLogger(), pattern, resource) _, ok := err.(ConditionError) assert.Assert(t, ok) } func Test_RenameField(t *testing.T) { patternRaw := []byte(`{ "+(key1)": "value", }`) pattern := yaml.MustParse(string(patternRaw)) renameField("+(key1)", "key1", pattern) actual := pattern.Field("key1").Value.YNode().Value expected := "value" fields, err := pattern.Fields() assert.NilError(t, err) assert.Equal(t, len(fields), 1) assert.Equal(t, actual, expected) } func Test_RenameField_NonExisting(t *testing.T) { patternRaw := []byte(`{ "+(key1)": "value", }`) pattern := yaml.MustParse(string(patternRaw)) renameField("non_existing_field", "key1", pattern) actual := pattern.Field("+(key1)").Value.YNode().Value expected := "value" fields, err := pattern.Fields() assert.NilError(t, err) assert.Equal(t, len(fields), 1) assert.Equal(t, actual, expected) } func Test_deleteRNode(t *testing.T) { patternRaw := []byte(`{ "list": [ "first": { "a": "b" }, "second": { "a": "b" }, "third": { "a": "b" }, ], }`) pattern := yaml.MustParse(string(patternRaw)) list := pattern.Field("list").Value elements, err := list.Elements() assert.NilError(t, err) assert.Equal(t, len(elements), 3) deleteListElement(list, 0) elements, err = list.Elements() assert.NilError(t, err) assert.Equal(t, len(elements), 2) } func Test_DeleteConditions(t *testing.T) { patternRaw := []byte(`{ "spec": { "containers": [ { "(name)": "*", "image": "" }, { "image": "", "name": "hello" } ], "imagePullSecrets": [ { "name": "regcred" } ] } }`) pattern := yaml.MustParse(string(patternRaw)) containers, err := pattern.Field("spec").Value.Field("containers").Value.Elements() assert.NilError(t, err) assert.Equal(t, len(containers), 2) _, err = deleteAnchors(pattern, false, false) assert.NilError(t, err) containers, err = pattern.Field("spec").Value.Field("containers").Value.Elements() assert.NilError(t, err) assert.Equal(t, len(containers), 1) name := containers[0].Field("name").Value.YNode().Value assert.Equal(t, name, "hello") } func Test_ConditionCheck_SeveralElementsMatchExceptOne(t *testing.T) { patternRaw := []byte(`{ "containers": [ { "(name)": "hello?", "image": "" } ] }`) containersRaw := []byte(`{ "containers": [ { "name": "hello", "image": "" }, { "name": "hello2", "image": "" }, { "name": "hello3", "image": "" } ] }`) pattern := yaml.MustParse(string(patternRaw)) containers := yaml.MustParse(string(containersRaw)) err := preProcessPattern(logging.GlobalLogger(), pattern, containers) assert.NilError(t, err) patternContainers := pattern.Field("containers") assert.Assert(t, patternContainers != nil) assert.Assert(t, patternContainers.Value != nil) elements, err := patternContainers.Value.Elements() assert.NilError(t, err) assert.Equal(t, len(elements), 2) } func Test_NonExistingKeyMustFailPreprocessing(t *testing.T) { rawPattern := []byte(`{ "metadata": { "labels": { "(key1)": "value1", } }, "spec": { "containers": [ { "name": "busybox", "image": "" } ], "imagePullSecrets": [ { "name": "regcred" } ] } }`) rawResource := []byte(`{ "apiVersion": "v1", "kind": "Pod", "metadata": { "name": "hello" }, "spec": { "containers": [ { "name": "hello", "image": "busybox" } ] } }`) pattern := yaml.MustParse(string(rawPattern)) resource := yaml.MustParse(string(rawResource)) err := preProcessPattern(logging.GlobalLogger(), pattern, resource) assert.Error(t, err, "condition failed: could not found \"key1\" key in the resource") } func Test_NestedConditionals(t *testing.T) { rawPattern := `{"spec":{"template":{"spec":{"volumes":[{"(emptyDir)":{"+(sizeLimit)":"20Mi"},"name":"*"}]}}}}` rawResource := `{"spec":{"template":{"spec":{"volumes":[{"emptyDir":{},"name":"vol02"}]}}}}` expectedPattern := `{"spec":{"template":{"spec":{"volumes":[{"emptyDir":{"sizeLimit":"20Mi"},"name":"vol02"}]}}}}` pattern := yaml.MustParse(rawPattern) resource := yaml.MustParse(rawResource) err := preProcessPattern(logging.GlobalLogger(), pattern, resource) assert.NilError(t, err) resultPattern, _ := pattern.String() assert.DeepEqual(t, toJSON(t, []byte(expectedPattern)), toJSON(t, []byte(resultPattern))) } func Test_GlobalCondition_Fail(t *testing.T) { rawPattern := []byte(`{ "metadata": { "annotations": { "+(": "true" } }, "spec": { "volumes": [ { "<(emptyDir)": {} } ] } }`) rawResource := []byte(`{ "apiVersion": "v1", "kind": "Pod", "metadata": { "name": "pod-without-emptydir-hostpath" }, "spec": { "containers": [ { "name": "nginx", "image": "nginx" } ] } }`) pattern := yaml.MustParse(string(rawPattern)) resource := yaml.MustParse(string(rawResource)) err := preProcessPattern(logging.GlobalLogger(), pattern, resource) assert.Error(t, err, "global condition failed: could not found \"emptyDir\" key in the resource") }