package webhooks import ( "" engine "" "" v1beta1 "" metav1 "" "" ) // HandleMutation handles mutating webhook admission request func (ws *WebhookServer) HandleMutation(request *v1beta1.AdmissionRequest) *v1beta1.AdmissionResponse { glog.V(4).Infof("Receive request in mutating webhook: Kind=%s, Namespace=%s Name=%s UID=%s patchOperation=%s", request.Kind.Kind, request.Namespace, request.Name, request.UID, request.Operation) policies, err := ws.policyLister.List(labels.NewSelector()) if err != nil { // Unable to connect to policy Lister to access policies glog.Error("Unable to connect to policy controller to access policies. Mutation Rules are NOT being applied") glog.Warning(err) return &v1beta1.AdmissionResponse{ Allowed: true, } } rname := engine.ParseNameFromObject(request.Object.Raw) rns := engine.ParseNamespaceFromObject(request.Object.Raw) rkind := request.Kind.Kind if rkind == "" { glog.Errorf("failed to parse KIND from request: Namespace=%s Name=%s UID=%s patchOperation=%s\n", request.Namespace, request.Name, request.UID, request.Operation) } var allPatches [][]byte policyInfos := []*info.PolicyInfo{} for _, policy := range policies { // check if policy has a rule for the admission request kind if !StringInSlice(request.Kind.Kind, getApplicableKindsForPolicy(policy)) { continue } //TODO: HACK Check if an update of annotations if checkIfOnlyAnnotationsUpdate(request) { return &v1beta1.AdmissionResponse{ Allowed: true, } } policyInfo := info.NewPolicyInfo(policy.Name, rkind, rname, rns, policy.Spec.ValidationFailureAction) glog.V(3).Infof("Handling mutation for Kind=%s, Namespace=%s Name=%s UID=%s patchOperation=%s", request.Kind.Kind, rns, rname, request.UID, request.Operation) glog.Infof("Applying policy %s with %d rules\n", policy.ObjectMeta.Name, len(policy.Spec.Rules)) policyPatches, ruleInfos := engine.Mutate(*policy, request.Object.Raw, request.Kind) policyInfo.AddRuleInfos(ruleInfos) if !policyInfo.IsSuccessful() { glog.Infof("Failed to apply policy %s on resource %s/%s", policy.Name, rname, rns) for _, r := range ruleInfos { glog.Warningf("%s: %s\n", r.Name, r.Msgs) } } else { // CleanUp Violations if exists err := ws.violationBuilder.RemoveInactiveViolation(policy.Name, request.Kind.Kind, rns, rname, info.Mutation) if err != nil { glog.Info(err) } allPatches = append(allPatches, policyPatches...) glog.Infof("Mutation from policy %s has applied succesfully to %s %s/%s", policy.Name, request.Kind.Kind, rname, rns) } policyInfos = append(policyInfos, policyInfo) annPatch := addAnnotationsToResource(request.Object.Raw, policyInfo, info.Mutation) if annPatch != nil { // add annotations ws.annotationsController.Add(rkind, rns, rname, annPatch) } } if len(allPatches) > 0 { eventsInfo, _ := newEventInfoFromPolicyInfo(policyInfos, (request.Operation == v1beta1.Update), info.Mutation) ws.eventController.Add(eventsInfo...) } ok, msg := isAdmSuccesful(policyInfos) if ok { patchType := v1beta1.PatchTypeJSONPatch return &v1beta1.AdmissionResponse{ Allowed: true, Patch: engine.JoinPatches(allPatches), PatchType: &patchType, } } return &v1beta1.AdmissionResponse{ Allowed: false, Result: &metav1.Status{ Message: msg, }, } }