.DEFAULT_GOAL: build-all ############ # DEFAULTS # ############ GIT_VERSION := $(shell git describe --match "v[0-9]*" --tags $(git rev-list --tags --max-count=1)) GIT_VERSION_DEV := $(shell git describe --match "[0-9].[0-9]-dev*") GIT_BRANCH := $(shell git branch | grep \* | cut -d ' ' -f2) GIT_HASH := $(GIT_BRANCH)/$(shell git log -1 --pretty=format:"%H") TIMESTAMP := $(shell date '+%Y-%m-%d_%I:%M:%S%p') VERSION ?= $(shell git describe --match "v[0-9]*") REGISTRY ?= ghcr.io REPO ?= kyverno IMAGE_TAG_LATEST_DEV = $(shell git describe --match "[0-9].[0-9]-dev*" | cut -d '-' -f-2) IMAGE_TAG_DEV = $(GIT_VERSION_DEV) IMAGE_TAG ?= $(GIT_VERSION) K8S_VERSION ?= $(shell kubectl version --short | grep -i server | cut -d" " -f3 | cut -c2-) KIND_IMAGE ?= kindest/node:v1.25.3 KIND_NAME ?= kind GOOS ?= $(shell go env GOOS) GOARCH ?= $(shell go env GOARCH) KOCACHE ?= /tmp/ko-cache BUILD_WITH ?= ko KYVERNOPRE_IMAGE := kyvernopre KYVERNO_IMAGE := kyverno CLI_IMAGE := kyverno-cli CLEANUP_IMAGE := cleanup-controller REPORTS_IMAGE := reports-controller REPO_KYVERNOPRE := $(REGISTRY)/$(REPO)/$(KYVERNOPRE_IMAGE) REPO_KYVERNO := $(REGISTRY)/$(REPO)/$(KYVERNO_IMAGE) REPO_CLI := $(REGISTRY)/$(REPO)/$(CLI_IMAGE) REPO_CLEANUP := $(REGISTRY)/$(REPO)/$(CLEANUP_IMAGE) REPO_REPORTS := $(REGISTRY)/$(REPO)/$(REPORTS_IMAGE) USE_CONFIG ?= standard ######### # TOOLS # ######### TOOLS_DIR := $(PWD)/.tools KIND := $(TOOLS_DIR)/kind KIND_VERSION := v0.17.0 CONTROLLER_GEN := $(TOOLS_DIR)/controller-gen CONTROLLER_GEN_VERSION := v0.11.1 CLIENT_GEN := $(TOOLS_DIR)/client-gen LISTER_GEN := $(TOOLS_DIR)/lister-gen INFORMER_GEN := $(TOOLS_DIR)/informer-gen OPENAPI_GEN := $(TOOLS_DIR)/openapi-gen CODE_GEN_VERSION := v0.26.0 GEN_CRD_API_REFERENCE_DOCS := $(TOOLS_DIR)/gen-crd-api-reference-docs GEN_CRD_API_REFERENCE_DOCS_VERSION := latest GO_ACC := $(TOOLS_DIR)/go-acc GO_ACC_VERSION := latest GOIMPORTS := $(TOOLS_DIR)/goimports GOIMPORTS_VERSION := latest HELM := $(TOOLS_DIR)/helm HELM_VERSION := v3.10.1 HELM_DOCS := $(TOOLS_DIR)/helm-docs HELM_DOCS_VERSION := v1.11.0 KO := $(TOOLS_DIR)/ko KO_VERSION := main #e93dbee8540f28c45ec9a2b8aec5ef8e43123966 KUTTL := $(TOOLS_DIR)/kubectl-kuttl KUTTL_VERSION := v0.0.0-20230126200340-834a4dac1ec7 TOOLS := $(KIND) $(CONTROLLER_GEN) $(CLIENT_GEN) $(LISTER_GEN) $(INFORMER_GEN) $(OPENAPI_GEN) $(GEN_CRD_API_REFERENCE_DOCS) $(GO_ACC) $(GOIMPORTS) $(HELM) $(HELM_DOCS) $(KO) $(KUTTL) ifeq ($(GOOS), darwin) SED := gsed else SED := sed endif $(KIND): @echo Install kind... >&2 @GOBIN=$(TOOLS_DIR) go install sigs.k8s.io/kind@$(KIND_VERSION) $(CONTROLLER_GEN): @echo Install controller-gen... >&2 @GOBIN=$(TOOLS_DIR) go install sigs.k8s.io/controller-tools/cmd/controller-gen@$(CONTROLLER_GEN_VERSION) $(CLIENT_GEN): @echo Install client-gen... >&2 @GOBIN=$(TOOLS_DIR) go install k8s.io/code-generator/cmd/client-gen@$(CODE_GEN_VERSION) $(LISTER_GEN): @echo Install lister-gen... >&2 @GOBIN=$(TOOLS_DIR) go install k8s.io/code-generator/cmd/lister-gen@$(CODE_GEN_VERSION) $(INFORMER_GEN): @echo Install informer-gen... >&2 @GOBIN=$(TOOLS_DIR) go install k8s.io/code-generator/cmd/informer-gen@$(CODE_GEN_VERSION) $(OPENAPI_GEN): @echo Install openapi-gen... >&2 @GOBIN=$(TOOLS_DIR) go install k8s.io/code-generator/cmd/openapi-gen@$(CODE_GEN_VERSION) $(GEN_CRD_API_REFERENCE_DOCS): @echo Install gen-crd-api-reference-docs... >&2 @GOBIN=$(TOOLS_DIR) go install github.com/ahmetb/gen-crd-api-reference-docs@$(GEN_CRD_API_REFERENCE_DOCS_VERSION) $(GO_ACC): @echo Install go-acc... >&2 @GOBIN=$(TOOLS_DIR) go install github.com/ory/go-acc@$(GO_ACC_VERSION) $(GOIMPORTS): @echo Install goimports... >&2 @GOBIN=$(TOOLS_DIR) go install golang.org/x/tools/cmd/goimports@$(GOIMPORTS_VERSION) $(HELM): @echo Install helm... >&2 @GOBIN=$(TOOLS_DIR) go install helm.sh/helm/v3/cmd/helm@$(HELM_VERSION) $(HELM_DOCS): @echo Install helm-docs... >&2 @GOBIN=$(TOOLS_DIR) go install github.com/norwoodj/helm-docs/cmd/helm-docs@$(HELM_DOCS_VERSION) $(KO): @echo Install ko... >&2 @GOBIN=$(TOOLS_DIR) go install github.com/google/ko@$(KO_VERSION) $(KUTTL): @echo Install kuttl... >&2 @GOBIN=$(TOOLS_DIR) go install github.com/kyverno/kuttl/cmd/kubectl-kuttl@$(KUTTL_VERSION) .PHONY: install-tools install-tools: $(TOOLS) ## Install tools .PHONY: clean-tools clean-tools: ## Remove installed tools @echo Clean tools... >&2 @rm -rf $(TOOLS_DIR) ################# # BUILD (LOCAL) # ################# CMD_DIR := ./cmd KYVERNO_DIR := $(CMD_DIR)/kyverno KYVERNOPRE_DIR := $(CMD_DIR)/initContainer CLI_DIR := $(CMD_DIR)/cli/kubectl-kyverno CLEANUP_DIR := $(CMD_DIR)/cleanup-controller REPORTS_DIR := $(CMD_DIR)/reports-controller KYVERNO_BIN := $(KYVERNO_DIR)/kyverno KYVERNOPRE_BIN := $(KYVERNOPRE_DIR)/kyvernopre CLI_BIN := $(CLI_DIR)/kubectl-kyverno CLEANUP_BIN := $(CLEANUP_DIR)/cleanup-controller REPORTS_BIN := $(REPORTS_DIR)/reports-controller PACKAGE ?= github.com/kyverno/kyverno CGO_ENABLED ?= 0 LD_FLAGS = "-s -w -X $(PACKAGE)/pkg/version.BuildVersion=$(GIT_VERSION) -X $(PACKAGE)/pkg/version.BuildHash=$(GIT_HASH) -X $(PACKAGE)/pkg/version.BuildTime=$(TIMESTAMP)" LD_FLAGS_DEV = "-s -w -X $(PACKAGE)/pkg/version.BuildVersion=$(GIT_VERSION_DEV) -X $(PACKAGE)/pkg/version.BuildHash=$(GIT_HASH) -X $(PACKAGE)/pkg/version.BuildTime=$(TIMESTAMP)" .PHONY: fmt fmt: ## Run go fmt @echo Go fmt... >&2 @go fmt ./... .PHONY: vet vet: ## Run go vet @echo Go vet... >&2 @go vet ./... .PHONY: imports imports: $(GOIMPORTS) @echo Go imports... >&2 @$(GOIMPORTS) -w . .PHONY: fmt-check fmt-check: fmt @echo Checking code format... >&2 @git --no-pager diff . @echo 'If this test fails, it is because the git diff is non-empty after running "make fmt".' >&2 @echo 'To correct this, locally run "make fmt" and commit the changes.' >&2 @git diff --quiet --exit-code . .PHONY: imports-check imports-check: imports @echo Checking go imports... >&2 @git --no-pager diff . @echo 'If this test fails, it is because the git diff is non-empty after running "make imports-check".' >&2 @echo 'To correct this, locally run "make imports" and commit the changes.' >&2 @git diff --quiet --exit-code . .PHONY: unused-package-check unused-package-check: @tidy=$$(go mod tidy); \ if [ -n "$${tidy}" ]; then \ echo "go mod tidy checking failed!"; echo "$${tidy}"; echo; \ fi $(KYVERNOPRE_BIN): fmt vet @echo Build kyvernopre binary... >&2 @CGO_ENABLED=$(CGO_ENABLED) GOOS=$(GOOS) go build -o $(KYVERNOPRE_BIN) -ldflags=$(LD_FLAGS) $(KYVERNOPRE_DIR) $(KYVERNO_BIN): fmt vet @echo Build kyverno binary... >&2 @CGO_ENABLED=$(CGO_ENABLED) GOOS=$(GOOS) go build -o $(KYVERNO_BIN) -ldflags=$(LD_FLAGS) $(KYVERNO_DIR) $(CLI_BIN): fmt vet @echo Build cli binary... >&2 @CGO_ENABLED=$(CGO_ENABLED) GOOS=$(GOOS) go build -o $(CLI_BIN) -ldflags=$(LD_FLAGS) $(CLI_DIR) $(CLEANUP_BIN): fmt vet @echo Build cleanup controller binary... >&2 @CGO_ENABLED=$(CGO_ENABLED) GOOS=$(GOOS) go build -o $(CLEANUP_BIN) -ldflags=$(LD_FLAGS) $(CLEANUP_DIR) $(REPORTS_BIN): fmt vet @echo Build reports controller binary... >&2 @CGO_ENABLED=$(CGO_ENABLED) GOOS=$(GOOS) go build -o $(REPORTS_BIN) -ldflags=$(LD_FLAGS) $(REPORTS_DIR) .PHONY: build-kyvernopre build-kyvernopre: $(KYVERNOPRE_BIN) ## Build kyvernopre binary .PHONY: build-kyverno build-kyverno: $(KYVERNO_BIN) ## Build kyverno binary .PHONY: build-cli build-cli: $(CLI_BIN) ## Build cli binary .PHONY: build-cleanup-controller build-cleanup-controller: $(CLEANUP_BIN) ## Build cleanup controller binary .PHONY: build-reports-controller build-reports-controller: $(REPORTS_BIN) ## Build reports controller binary build-all: build-kyvernopre build-kyverno build-cli build-cleanup-controller build-reports-controller ## Build all binaries ############## # BUILD (KO) # ############## PLATFORMS := linux/amd64,linux/arm64,linux/s390x LOCAL_PLATFORM := linux/$(GOARCH) KO_TAGS := latest,$(IMAGE_TAG) KO_TAGS_DEV := latest,$(IMAGE_TAG_DEV) .PHONY: ko-build-kyvernopre ko-build-kyvernopre: $(KO) ## Build kyvernopre local image (with ko) @echo Build kyvernopre local image with ko... >&2 @LD_FLAGS=$(LD_FLAGS_DEV) KOCACHE=$(KOCACHE) KO_DOCKER_REPO=ko.local $(KO) build $(KYVERNOPRE_DIR) --preserve-import-paths --tags=$(KO_TAGS_DEV) --platform=$(LOCAL_PLATFORM) .PHONY: ko-build-kyverno ko-build-kyverno: $(KO) ## Build kyverno local image (with ko) @echo Build kyverno local image with ko... >&2 @LD_FLAGS=$(LD_FLAGS_DEV) KOCACHE=$(KOCACHE) KO_DOCKER_REPO=ko.local $(KO) build $(KYVERNO_DIR) --preserve-import-paths --tags=$(KO_TAGS_DEV) --platform=$(LOCAL_PLATFORM) .PHONY: ko-build-cli ko-build-cli: $(KO) ## Build cli local image (with ko) @echo Build cli local image with ko... >&2 @LD_FLAGS=$(LD_FLAGS_DEV) KOCACHE=$(KOCACHE) KO_DOCKER_REPO=ko.local $(KO) build $(CLI_DIR) --preserve-import-paths --tags=$(KO_TAGS_DEV) --platform=$(LOCAL_PLATFORM) .PHONY: ko-build-cleanup-controller ko-build-cleanup-controller: $(KO) ## Build cleanup controller local image (with ko) @echo Build cleanup controller local image with ko... >&2 @LD_FLAGS=$(LD_FLAGS_DEV) KOCACHE=$(KOCACHE) KO_DOCKER_REPO=ko.local $(KO) build $(CLEANUP_DIR) --preserve-import-paths --tags=$(KO_TAGS_DEV) --platform=$(LOCAL_PLATFORM) .PHONY: ko-build-reports-controller ko-build-reports-controller: $(KO) ## Build reports controller local image (with ko) @echo Build reports controller local image with ko... >&2 @LD_FLAGS=$(LD_FLAGS_DEV) KOCACHE=$(KOCACHE) KO_DOCKER_REPO=ko.local $(KO) build $(REPORTS_DIR) --preserve-import-paths --tags=$(KO_TAGS_DEV) --platform=$(LOCAL_PLATFORM) .PHONY: ko-build-all ko-build-all: ko-build-kyvernopre ko-build-kyverno ko-build-cli ko-build-cleanup-controller ko-build-reports-controller ## Build all local images (with ko) ################ # PUBLISH (KO) # ################ REGISTRY_USERNAME ?= dummy KO_KYVERNOPRE_IMAGE := ko.local/github.com/kyverno/kyverno/cmd/initcontainer KO_KYVERNO_IMAGE := ko.local/github.com/kyverno/kyverno/cmd/kyverno KO_CLEANUP_IMAGE := ko.local/github.com/kyverno/kyverno/cmd/cleanup-controller KO_REPORTS_IMAGE := ko.local/github.com/kyverno/kyverno/cmd/reports-controller .PHONY: ko-login ko-login: $(KO) @$(KO) login $(REGISTRY) --username $(REGISTRY_USERNAME) --password $(REGISTRY_PASSWORD) .PHONY: ko-publish-kyvernopre ko-publish-kyvernopre: ko-login ## Build and publish kyvernopre image (with ko) @LD_FLAGS=$(LD_FLAGS) KOCACHE=$(KOCACHE) KO_DOCKER_REPO=$(REPO_KYVERNOPRE) $(KO) build $(KYVERNOPRE_DIR) --bare --tags=$(KO_TAGS) --platform=$(PLATFORMS) .PHONY: ko-publish-kyverno ko-publish-kyverno: ko-login ## Build and publish kyverno image (with ko) @LD_FLAGS=$(LD_FLAGS) KOCACHE=$(KOCACHE) KO_DOCKER_REPO=$(REPO_KYVERNO) $(KO) build $(KYVERNO_DIR) --bare --tags=$(KO_TAGS) --platform=$(PLATFORMS) .PHONY: ko-publish-cli ko-publish-cli: ko-login ## Build and publish cli image (with ko) @LD_FLAGS=$(LD_FLAGS) KOCACHE=$(KOCACHE) KO_DOCKER_REPO=$(REPO_CLI) $(KO) build $(CLI_DIR) --bare --tags=$(KO_TAGS) --platform=$(PLATFORMS) .PHONY: ko-publish-cleanup-controller ko-publish-cleanup-controller: ko-login ## Build and publish cleanup controller image (with ko) @LD_FLAGS=$(LD_FLAGS) KOCACHE=$(KOCACHE) KO_DOCKER_REPO=$(REPO_CLEANUP) $(KO) build $(CLEANUP_DIR) --bare --tags=$(KO_TAGS) --platform=$(PLATFORMS) .PHONY: ko-publish-reports-controller ko-publish-reports-controller: ko-login ## Build and publish reports controller image (with ko) @LD_FLAGS=$(LD_FLAGS) KOCACHE=$(KOCACHE) KO_DOCKER_REPO=$(REPO_REPORTS) $(KO) build $(REPORTS_DIR) --bare --tags=$(KO_TAGS) --platform=$(PLATFORMS) .PHONY: ko-publish-kyvernopre-dev ko-publish-kyvernopre-dev: ko-login ## Build and publish kyvernopre dev image (with ko) @LD_FLAGS=$(LD_FLAGS_DEV) KOCACHE=$(KOCACHE) KO_DOCKER_REPO=$(REPO_KYVERNOPRE) $(KO) build $(KYVERNOPRE_DIR) --bare --tags=$(KO_TAGS_DEV) --platform=$(PLATFORMS) .PHONY: ko-publish-kyverno-dev ko-publish-kyverno-dev: ko-login ## Build and publish kyverno dev image (with ko) @LD_FLAGS=$(LD_FLAGS_DEV) KOCACHE=$(KOCACHE) KO_DOCKER_REPO=$(REPO_KYVERNO) $(KO) build $(KYVERNO_DIR) --bare --tags=$(KO_TAGS_DEV) --platform=$(PLATFORMS) .PHONY: ko-publish-cli-dev ko-publish-cli-dev: ko-login ## Build and publish cli dev image (with ko) @LD_FLAGS=$(LD_FLAGS_DEV) KOCACHE=$(KOCACHE) KO_DOCKER_REPO=$(REPO_CLI) $(KO) build $(CLI_DIR) --bare --tags=$(KO_TAGS_DEV) --platform=$(PLATFORMS) .PHONY: ko-publish-cleanup-controller-dev ko-publish-cleanup-controller-dev: ko-login ## Build and publish cleanup controller dev image (with ko) @LD_FLAGS=$(LD_FLAGS_DEV) KOCACHE=$(KOCACHE) KO_DOCKER_REPO=$(REPO_CLEANUP) $(KO) build $(CLEANUP_DIR) --bare --tags=$(KO_TAGS_DEV) --platform=$(PLATFORMS) .PHONY: ko-publish-reports-controller-dev ko-publish-reports-controller-dev: ko-login ## Build and publish reports controller dev image (with ko) @LD_FLAGS=$(LD_FLAGS_DEV) KOCACHE=$(KOCACHE) KO_DOCKER_REPO=$(REPO_REPORTS) $(KO) build $(REPORTS_DIR) --bare --tags=$(KO_TAGS_DEV) --platform=$(PLATFORMS) .PHONY: ko-publish-all ko-publish-all: ko-publish-kyvernopre ko-publish-kyverno ko-publish-cli ko-publish-cleanup-controller ko-publish-reports-controller ## Build and publish all images (with ko) .PHONY: ko-publish-all-dev ko-publish-all-dev: ko-publish-kyvernopre-dev ko-publish-kyverno-dev ko-publish-cli-dev ko-publish-cleanup-controller-dev ko-publish-reports-controller-dev ## Build and publish all dev images (with ko) ################# # BUILD (IMAGE) # ################# LOCAL_KYVERNOPRE_IMAGE := $($(shell echo $(BUILD_WITH) | tr '[:lower:]' '[:upper:]')_KYVERNOPRE_IMAGE) LOCAL_KYVERNO_IMAGE := $($(shell echo $(BUILD_WITH) | tr '[:lower:]' '[:upper:]')_KYVERNO_IMAGE) LOCAL_CLEANUP_IMAGE := $($(shell echo $(BUILD_WITH) | tr '[:lower:]' '[:upper:]')_CLEANUP_IMAGE) LOCAL_REPORTS_IMAGE := $($(shell echo $(BUILD_WITH) | tr '[:lower:]' '[:upper:]')_REPORTS_IMAGE) .PHONY: image-build-kyvernopre image-build-kyvernopre: $(BUILD_WITH)-build-kyvernopre .PHONY: image-build-kyverno image-build-kyverno: $(BUILD_WITH)-build-kyverno .PHONY: image-build-cli image-build-cli: $(BUILD_WITH)-build-cli .PHONY: image-build-cleanup-controller image-build-cleanup-controller: $(BUILD_WITH)-build-cleanup-controller .PHONY: image-build-reports-controller image-build-reports-controller: $(BUILD_WITH)-build-reports-controller .PHONY: image-build-all image-build-all: $(BUILD_WITH)-build-all ########### # CODEGEN # ########### GOPATH_SHIM := ${PWD}/.gopath PACKAGE_SHIM := $(GOPATH_SHIM)/src/$(PACKAGE) OUT_PACKAGE := $(PACKAGE)/pkg/client INPUT_DIRS := $(PACKAGE)/api/kyverno/v1,$(PACKAGE)/api/kyverno/v1alpha2,$(PACKAGE)/api/kyverno/v1beta1,$(PACKAGE)/api/kyverno/v2alpha1,$(PACKAGE)/api/policyreport/v1alpha2 CLIENTSET_PACKAGE := $(OUT_PACKAGE)/clientset LISTERS_PACKAGE := $(OUT_PACKAGE)/listers INFORMERS_PACKAGE := $(OUT_PACKAGE)/informers CRDS_PATH := ${PWD}/config/crds $(GOPATH_SHIM): @echo Create gopath shim... >&2 @mkdir -p $(GOPATH_SHIM) .INTERMEDIATE: $(PACKAGE_SHIM) $(PACKAGE_SHIM): $(GOPATH_SHIM) @echo Create package shim... >&2 @mkdir -p $(GOPATH_SHIM)/src/github.com/kyverno && ln -s -f ${PWD} $(PACKAGE_SHIM) .PHONY: codegen-client-clientset codegen-client-clientset: $(PACKAGE_SHIM) $(CLIENT_GEN) ## Generate clientset @echo Generate clientset... >&2 @GOPATH=$(GOPATH_SHIM) $(CLIENT_GEN) --go-header-file ./scripts/boilerplate.go.txt --clientset-name versioned --output-package $(CLIENTSET_PACKAGE) --input-base "" --input $(INPUT_DIRS) .PHONY: codegen-client-listers codegen-client-listers: $(PACKAGE_SHIM) $(LISTER_GEN) ## Generate listers @echo Generate listers... >&2 @GOPATH=$(GOPATH_SHIM) $(LISTER_GEN) --go-header-file ./scripts/boilerplate.go.txt --output-package $(LISTERS_PACKAGE) --input-dirs $(INPUT_DIRS) .PHONY: codegen-client-informers codegen-client-informers: $(PACKAGE_SHIM) $(INFORMER_GEN) ## Generate informers @echo Generate informers... >&2 @GOPATH=$(GOPATH_SHIM) $(INFORMER_GEN) --go-header-file ./scripts/boilerplate.go.txt --output-package $(INFORMERS_PACKAGE) --input-dirs $(INPUT_DIRS) --versioned-clientset-package $(CLIENTSET_PACKAGE)/versioned --listers-package $(LISTERS_PACKAGE) .PHONY: codegen-client-wrappers codegen-client-wrappers: codegen-client-clientset $(GOIMPORTS) ## Generate client wrappers @echo Generate client wrappers... >&2 @go run ./hack/main.go @$(GOIMPORTS) -w ./pkg/clients @go fmt ./pkg/clients/... .PHONY: codegen-client-all codegen-client-all: codegen-client-clientset codegen-client-listers codegen-client-informers codegen-client-wrappers ## Generate clientset, listers and informers .PHONY: codegen-crds-kyverno codegen-crds-kyverno: $(CONTROLLER_GEN) ## Generate kyverno CRDs @echo Generate kyverno crds... >&2 @$(CONTROLLER_GEN) crd paths=./api/kyverno/... crd:crdVersions=v1 output:dir=$(CRDS_PATH) .PHONY: codegen-crds-report codegen-crds-report: $(CONTROLLER_GEN) ## Generate policy reports CRDs @echo Generate policy reports crds... >&2 @$(CONTROLLER_GEN) crd paths=./api/policyreport/... crd:crdVersions=v1 output:dir=$(CRDS_PATH) .PHONY: codegen-crds-all codegen-crds-all: codegen-crds-kyverno codegen-crds-report ## Generate all CRDs .PHONY: codegen-deepcopy-kyverno codegen-deepcopy-kyverno: $(CONTROLLER_GEN) $(GOIMPORTS) ## Generate kyverno deep copy functions @echo Generate kyverno deep copy functions... >&2 @$(CONTROLLER_GEN) object:headerFile="scripts/boilerplate.go.txt" paths="./api/kyverno/..." && $(GOIMPORTS) -w ./api/kyverno .PHONY: codegen-deepcopy-report codegen-deepcopy-report: $(CONTROLLER_GEN) $(GOIMPORTS) ## Generate policy reports deep copy functions @echo Generate policy reports deep copy functions... >&2 @$(CONTROLLER_GEN) object:headerFile="scripts/boilerplate.go.txt" paths="./api/policyreport/..." && $(GOIMPORTS) -w ./api/policyreport .PHONY: codegen-deepcopy-all codegen-deepcopy-all: codegen-deepcopy-kyverno codegen-deepcopy-report ## Generate all deep copy functions .PHONY: codegen-api-docs codegen-api-docs: $(PACKAGE_SHIM) $(GEN_CRD_API_REFERENCE_DOCS) ## Generate API docs @echo Generate api docs... >&2 @rm -rf docs/user/crd && mkdir -p docs/user/crd @GOPATH=$(GOPATH_SHIM) $(GEN_CRD_API_REFERENCE_DOCS) -v 4 \ -api-dir github.com/kyverno/kyverno/api \ -config docs/user/config.json \ -template-dir docs/user/template \ -out-file docs/user/crd/index.html .PHONY: codegen-helm-docs codegen-helm-docs: ## Generate helm docs @echo Generate helm docs... >&2 @docker run -v ${PWD}/charts:/work -w /work jnorwood/helm-docs:v1.11.0 -s file .PHONY: codegen-helm-crds codegen-helm-crds: codegen-crds-all ## Generate helm CRDs @echo Generate helm crds... >&2 @cat $(CRDS_PATH)/* \ | $(SED) -e '1i{{- if .Values.crds.install }}' \ | $(SED) -e '$$a{{- end }}' \ | $(SED) -e '/^ creationTimestamp: null/i \ \ \ \ {{- with .Values.crds.annotations }}' \ | $(SED) -e '/^ creationTimestamp: null/i \ \ \ \ {{- toYaml . | nindent 4 }}' \ | $(SED) -e '/^ creationTimestamp: null/i \ \ \ \ {{- end }}' \ | $(SED) -e '/^ creationTimestamp: null/a \ \ \ \ {{- include "kyverno.crds.labels" . | nindent 4 }}' \ | $(SED) -e '/^ creationTimestamp: null/a \ \ labels:' \ | $(SED) -e '/^ creationTimestamp: null/d' \ > ./charts/kyverno/templates/crds/crds.yaml .PHONY: codegen-helm-all codegen-helm-all: codegen-helm-crds codegen-helm-docs ## Generate helm docs and CRDs .PHONY: codegen-manifest-install codegen-manifest-install: $(HELM) ## Create install manifest @echo Generate install manifest... >&2 @$(HELM) template kyverno --namespace kyverno --skip-tests ./charts/kyverno \ --set templating.enabled=true \ --set templating.version=latest \ --set image.tag=latest \ --set initImage.tag=latest \ --set cleanupController.image.tag=latest \ --set reportsController.image.tag=latest \ | $(SED) -e '/^#.*/d' \ > ./config/install.yaml .PHONY: codegen-manifest-debug codegen-manifest-debug: $(HELM) ## Create debug manifest @echo Generate debug manifest... >&2 @mkdir -p ./.manifest @$(HELM) template kyverno --namespace kyverno --skip-tests ./charts/kyverno \ --set templating.enabled=true \ --set templating.version=latest \ --set templating.debug=true \ --set image.tag=latest \ --set initImage.tag=latest \ --set cleanupController.image.tag=latest \ --set reportsController.image.tag=latest \ | $(SED) -e '/^#.*/d' \ > ./.manifest/debug.yaml # guidance https://github.com/kyverno/kyverno/wiki/Generate-a-Release .PHONY: codegen-manifest-release codegen-manifest-release: $(HELM) ## Create release manifest @echo Generate release manifest... >&2 @mkdir -p ./.manifest @$(HELM) template kyverno --namespace kyverno --skip-tests ./charts/kyverno \ --set templating.enabled=true \ --set templating.version=$(GIT_VERSION) \ --set image.tag=$(GIT_VERSION) \ --set initImage.tag=$(GIT_VERSION) \ --set cleanupController.image.tag=$(GIT_VERSION) \ --set reportsController.image.tag=$(GIT_VERSION) \ | $(SED) -e '/^#.*/d' \ > ./.manifest/release.yaml .PHONY: codegen-manifest-all codegen-manifest-all: codegen-manifest-install codegen-manifest-debug codegen-manifest-release ## Create all manifests .PHONY: codegen-quick codegen-quick: codegen-deepcopy-all codegen-crds-all codegen-api-docs codegen-helm-all codegen-manifest-all ## Generate all generated code except client .PHONY: codegen-slow codegen-slow: codegen-client-all ## Generate client code .PHONY: codegen-all codegen-all: codegen-quick codegen-slow ## Generate all generated code # .PHONY: codegen-openapi # codegen-openapi: $(PACKAGE_SHIM) $(OPENAPI_GEN) ## Generate open api code # @echo Generate open api definitions... >&2 # @GOPATH=$(GOPATH_SHIM) $(OPENAPI_GEN) --go-header-file ./scripts/boilerplate.go.txt \ # --input-dirs $(INPUT_DIRS) \ # --input-dirs k8s.io/apimachinery/pkg/apis/meta/v1,k8s.io/apimachinery/pkg/runtime,k8s.io/apimachinery/pkg/version \ # --output-package $(OUT_PACKAGE)/openapi \ # -O zz_generated.openapi ################## # VERIFY CODEGEN # ################## .PHONY: verify-crds verify-crds: codegen-crds-all ## Check CRDs are up to date @echo Checking crds are up to date... >&2 @git --no-pager diff $(CRDS_PATH) @echo 'If this test fails, it is because the git diff is non-empty after running "make codegen-crds-all".' >&2 @echo 'To correct this, locally run "make codegen-crds-all", commit the changes, and re-run tests.' >&2 @git diff --quiet --exit-code $(CRDS_PATH) .PHONY: verify-client verify-client: codegen-client-all ## Check client is up to date @echo Checking client is up to date... >&2 @git --no-pager diff --ignore-space-change pkg/client @echo 'If this test fails, it is because the git diff is non-empty after running "make codegen-client-all".' >&2 @echo 'To correct this, locally run "make codegen-client-all", commit the changes, and re-run tests.' >&2 @git diff --ignore-space-change --quiet --exit-code pkg/client @git --no-pager diff --ignore-space-change pkg/clients @echo 'If this test fails, it is because the git diff is non-empty after running "make codegen-client-all".' >&2 @echo 'To correct this, locally run "make codegen-client-all", commit the changes, and re-run tests.' >&2 @git diff --ignore-space-change --quiet --exit-code pkg/clients .PHONY: verify-deepcopy verify-deepcopy: codegen-deepcopy-all ## Check deepcopy functions are up to date @echo Checking deepcopy functions are up to date... >&2 @git --no-pager diff api @echo 'If this test fails, it is because the git diff is non-empty after running "make codegen-deepcopy-all".' >&2 @echo 'To correct this, locally run "make codegen-deepcopy-all", commit the changes, and re-run tests.' >&2 @git diff --quiet --exit-code api .PHONY: verify-api-docs verify-api-docs: codegen-api-docs ## Check api reference docs are up to date @echo Checking api reference docs are up to date... >&2 @git --no-pager diff docs/user @echo 'If this test fails, it is because the git diff is non-empty after running "make codegen-api-docs".' >&2 @echo 'To correct this, locally run "make codegen-api-docs", commit the changes, and re-run tests.' >&2 @git diff --quiet --exit-code docs/user .PHONY: verify-helm verify-helm: codegen-helm-all ## Check Helm charts are up to date @echo Checking helm charts are up to date... >&2 @git --no-pager diff charts @echo 'If this test fails, it is because the git diff is non-empty after running "make codegen-helm-all".' >&2 @echo 'To correct this, locally run "make codegen-helm-all", commit the changes, and re-run tests.' >&2 @git diff --quiet --exit-code charts .PHONY: verify-manifest-install verify-manifest-install: codegen-manifest-install ## Check install manifest is up to date @echo Checking install manifest is up to date... >&2 @git --no-pager diff config/install.yaml @echo 'If this test fails, it is because the git diff is non-empty after running "make codegen-helm-all".' >&2 @echo 'To correct this, locally run "make codegen-helm-all", commit the changes, and re-run tests.' >&2 @git diff --quiet --exit-code config/install.yaml .PHONY: verify-codegen verify-codegen: verify-crds verify-client verify-deepcopy verify-api-docs verify-helm verify-manifest-install ## Verify all generated code and docs are up to date ############## # UNIT TESTS # ############## CODE_COVERAGE_FILE := coverage CODE_COVERAGE_FILE_TXT := $(CODE_COVERAGE_FILE).txt CODE_COVERAGE_FILE_HTML := $(CODE_COVERAGE_FILE).html .PHONY: test test: test-clean test-unit ## Clean tests cache then run unit tests .PHONY: test-clean test-clean: ## Clean tests cache @echo Clean test cache... >&2 @go clean -testcache ./... .PHONY: test-unit test-unit: test-clean $(GO_ACC) ## Run unit tests @echo Running unit tests... >&2 @$(GO_ACC) ./... -o $(CODE_COVERAGE_FILE_TXT) .PHONY: code-cov-report code-cov-report: test-clean ## Generate code coverage report @echo Generating code coverage report... >&2 @GO111MODULE=on go test -v -coverprofile=coverage.out ./... @go tool cover -func=coverage.out -o $(CODE_COVERAGE_FILE_TXT) @go tool cover -html=coverage.out -o $(CODE_COVERAGE_FILE_HTML) ##################### # CONFORMANCE TESTS # ##################### .PHONY: test-conformance test-conformance: ## Run conformance tests @echo Running conformance tests... >&2 @go run ./test/conformance .PHONY: kind-test-conformance kind-test-conformance: kind-deploy-kyverno ## Run conformance tests on a local cluster @echo Running conformance tests... >&2 @go run ./test/conformance --create-cluster=false ############### # KUTTL TESTS # ############### .PHONY: test-kuttl test-kuttl: $(KUTTL) ## Run kuttl tests @echo Running kuttl tests... >&2 @$(KUTTL) test --config ./test/conformance/kuttl/kuttl-test.yaml ############# # CLI TESTS # ############# TEST_GIT_BRANCH ?= main .PHONY: test-cli test-cli: test-cli-policies test-cli-local test-cli-local-mutate test-cli-local-generate test-cli-test-case-selector-flag test-cli-registry ## Run all CLI tests .PHONY: test-cli-policies test-cli-policies: $(CLI_BIN) @$(CLI_BIN) test https://github.com/kyverno/policies/$(TEST_GIT_BRANCH) .PHONY: test-cli-local test-cli-local: $(CLI_BIN) @$(CLI_BIN) test ./test/cli/test .PHONY: test-cli-local-mutate test-cli-local-mutate: $(CLI_BIN) @$(CLI_BIN) test ./test/cli/test-mutate .PHONY: test-cli-local-generate test-cli-local-generate: $(CLI_BIN) @$(CLI_BIN) test ./test/cli/test-generate .PHONY: test-cli-test-case-selector-flag test-cli-test-case-selector-flag: $(CLI_BIN) @$(CLI_BIN) test ./test/cli/test --test-case-selector "policy=disallow-latest-tag, rule=require-image-tag, resource=test-require-image-tag-pass" .PHONY: test-cli-registry test-cli-registry: $(CLI_BIN) @$(CLI_BIN) test ./test/cli/registry --registry ############# # HELM TEST # ############# .PHONY: helm-test helm-test: $(HELM) ## Run helm test @echo Running helm test... >&2 @$(HELM) test --namespace kyverno kyverno ########################### # Testing & Code-Coverage # ########################### helm-test-values: sed -i -e "s|nameOverride:.*|nameOverride: kyverno|g" charts/kyverno/values.yaml sed -i -e "s|fullnameOverride:.*|fullnameOverride: kyverno|g" charts/kyverno/values.yaml sed -i -e "s|namespace:.*|namespace: kyverno|g" charts/kyverno/values.yaml sed -i -e "s|tag: # replaced in e2e tests.*|tag: $(IMAGE_TAG_DEV)|" charts/kyverno/values.yaml sed -i -e "s|repository: ghcr.io/kyverno/kyvernopre # init: replaced in e2e tests|repository: $(LOCAL_KYVERNOPRE_IMAGE)|" charts/kyverno/values.yaml sed -i -e "s|repository: ghcr.io/kyverno/kyverno # kyverno: replaced in e2e tests|repository: $(LOCAL_KYVERNO_IMAGE)|" charts/kyverno/values.yaml release-notes: @bash -c 'while IFS= read -r line ; do if [[ "$$line" == "## "* && "$$line" != "## $(VERSION)" ]]; then break ; fi; echo "$$line"; done < "CHANGELOG.md"' \ true ######### # DEBUG # ######### .PHONY: debug-deploy debug-deploy: codegen-manifest-debug ## Install debug manifests @kubectl create -f ./.manifest/debug.yaml || kubectl replace -f ./.manifest/debug.yaml ########## # GITHUB # ########## .PHONY: gh-install-pin-github-action gh-install-pin-github-action: @npm install -g pin-github-action .PHONY: gh-pin-actions gh-pin-actions: gh-install-pin-github-action @pin-github-action ./.github/workflows/release.yaml ############# # PERF TEST # ############# PERF_TEST_NODE_COUNT ?= 3 PERF_TEST_MEMORY_REQUEST ?= "1Gi" .PHONY: test-perf test-perf: $(PACKAGE_SHIM) GO111MODULE=off GOPATH=$(GOPATH_SHIM) go get k8s.io/perf-tests || true cd $(GOPATH_SHIM)/src/k8s.io/perf-tests && \ GOPATH=$(GOPATH_SHIM) ./run-e2e.sh cluster-loader2 \ --testconfig=./testing/load/config.yaml \ --provider=kind \ --kubeconfig=${HOME}/.kube/config \ --nodes=$(PERF_TEST_NODE_COUNT) \ --prometheus-memory-request=$(PERF_TEST_MEMORY_REQUEST) \ --enable-prometheus-server=true \ --tear-down-prometheus-server=true \ --prometheus-apiserver-scrape-port=6443 \ --prometheus-scrape-kubelets=true \ --prometheus-scrape-master-kubelets=true \ --prometheus-scrape-etcd=true \ --prometheus-scrape-kube-proxy=true \ --prometheus-kube-proxy-selector-key=k8s-app \ --prometheus-scrape-node-exporter=false \ --prometheus-scrape-kube-state-metrics=true \ --prometheus-scrape-metrics-server=true \ --prometheus-pvc-storage-class=standard \ --v=2 \ --report-dir=. ######## # KIND # ######## .PHONY: kind-create-cluster kind-create-cluster: $(KIND) ## Create kind cluster @echo Create kind cluster... >&2 @$(KIND) create cluster --name $(KIND_NAME) --image $(KIND_IMAGE) --config ./scripts/config/kind.yaml .PHONY: kind-delete-cluster kind-delete-cluster: $(KIND) ## Delete kind cluster @echo Delete kind cluster... >&2 @$(KIND) delete cluster --name $(KIND_NAME) .PHONY: kind-load-kyvernopre kind-load-kyvernopre: $(KIND) image-build-kyvernopre ## Build kyvernopre image and load it in kind cluster @echo Load kyvernopre image... >&2 @$(KIND) load docker-image --name $(KIND_NAME) $(LOCAL_KYVERNOPRE_IMAGE):$(IMAGE_TAG_DEV) .PHONY: kind-load-kyverno kind-load-kyverno: $(KIND) image-build-kyverno ## Build kyverno image and load it in kind cluster @echo Load kyverno image... >&2 @$(KIND) load docker-image --name $(KIND_NAME) $(LOCAL_KYVERNO_IMAGE):$(IMAGE_TAG_DEV) .PHONY: kind-load-cleanup-controller kind-load-cleanup-controller: $(KIND) image-build-cleanup-controller ## Build cleanup controller image and load it in kind cluster @echo Load cleanup controller image... >&2 @$(KIND) load docker-image --name $(KIND_NAME) $(LOCAL_CLEANUP_IMAGE):$(IMAGE_TAG_DEV) .PHONY: kind-load-reports-controller kind-load-reports-controller: $(KIND) image-build-reports-controller ## Build reports controller image and load it in kind cluster @echo Load reports controller image... >&2 @$(KIND) load docker-image --name $(KIND_NAME) $(LOCAL_REPORTS_IMAGE):$(IMAGE_TAG_DEV) .PHONY: kind-load-all kind-load-all: kind-load-kyvernopre kind-load-kyverno kind-load-cleanup-controller kind-load-reports-controller ## Build images and load them in kind cluster .PHONY: kind-deploy-kyverno kind-deploy-kyverno: $(HELM) kind-load-all ## Build images, load them in kind cluster and deploy kyverno helm chart @echo Install kyverno chart... >&2 @$(HELM) upgrade --install kyverno --namespace kyverno --create-namespace --wait ./charts/kyverno \ --set image.repository=$(LOCAL_KYVERNO_IMAGE) \ --set image.tag=$(IMAGE_TAG_DEV) \ --set initImage.repository=$(LOCAL_KYVERNOPRE_IMAGE) \ --set initImage.tag=$(IMAGE_TAG_DEV) \ --set cleanupController.image.repository=$(LOCAL_CLEANUP_IMAGE) \ --set cleanupController.image.tag=$(IMAGE_TAG_DEV) \ --set reportsController.image.repository=$(LOCAL_REPORTS_IMAGE) \ --set reportsController.image.tag=$(IMAGE_TAG_DEV) \ --values ./scripts/config/$(USE_CONFIG)/kyverno.yaml .PHONY: kind-deploy-kyverno-policies kind-deploy-kyverno-policies: $(HELM) ## Deploy kyverno-policies helm chart @echo Install kyverno-policies chart... >&2 @$(HELM) upgrade --install kyverno-policies --namespace kyverno --create-namespace --wait ./charts/kyverno-policies \ --values ./scripts/config/$(USE_CONFIG)/kyverno-policies.yaml .PHONY: kind-deploy-all kind-deploy-all: | kind-deploy-kyverno kind-deploy-kyverno-policies ## Build images, load them in kind cluster and deploy helm charts .PHONY: kind-deploy-reporter kind-deploy-reporter: $(HELM) ## Deploy policy-reporter helm chart @echo Install policy-reporter chart... >&2 @$(HELM) upgrade --install policy-reporter --namespace policy-reporter --create-namespace --wait \ --repo https://kyverno.github.io/policy-reporter policy-reporter \ --values ./scripts/config/standard/kyverno-reporter.yaml @kubectl port-forward -n policy-reporter services/policy-reporter-ui 8082:8080 ########### # DEV LAB # ########### .PHONY: dev-lab-ingress-ngingx dev-lab-ingress-ngingx: ## Deploy ingress-ngingx @echo Install ingress-ngingx... >&2 @kubectl apply -f https://raw.githubusercontent.com/kubernetes/ingress-nginx/main/deploy/static/provider/kind/deploy.yaml @sleep 15 @kubectl wait --namespace ingress-nginx --for=condition=ready pod --selector=app.kubernetes.io/component=controller --timeout=90s .PHONY: dev-lab-prometheus dev-lab-prometheus: $(HELM) ## Deploy kube-prometheus-stack helm chart @echo Install kube-prometheus-stack chart... >&2 @$(HELM) upgrade --install kube-prometheus-stack --namespace monitoring --create-namespace --wait \ --repo https://prometheus-community.github.io/helm-charts kube-prometheus-stack \ --values ./scripts/config/dev/kube-prometheus-stack.yaml .PHONY: dev-lab-loki dev-lab-loki: $(HELM) ## Deploy loki-stack helm chart @echo Install loki-stack chart... >&2 @$(HELM) upgrade --install loki-stack --namespace monitoring --create-namespace --wait \ --repo https://grafana.github.io/helm-charts loki-stack \ --values ./scripts/config/dev/loki-stack.yaml .PHONY: dev-lab-tempo dev-lab-tempo: $(HELM) ## Deploy tempo helm chart @echo Install tempo chart... >&2 @$(HELM) upgrade --install tempo --namespace monitoring --create-namespace --wait \ --repo https://grafana.github.io/helm-charts tempo \ --values ./scripts/config/dev/tempo.yaml @kubectl apply -f ./scripts/config/dev/tempo-datasource.yaml .PHONY: dev-lab-metrics-server dev-lab-metrics-server: $(HELM) ## Deploy metrics-server helm chart @echo Install metrics-server chart... >&2 @$(HELM) upgrade --install metrics-server --namespace kube-system --wait \ --repo https://charts.bitnami.com/bitnami metrics-server \ --values ./scripts/config/dev/metrics-server.yaml .PHONY: dev-lab-all dev-lab-all: dev-lab-ingress-ngingx dev-lab-metrics-server dev-lab-prometheus dev-lab-loki dev-lab-tempo ######## # HELP # ######## .PHONY: help help: ## Shows the available commands @grep -E '^[a-zA-Z_-]+:.*?## .*$$' $(MAKEFILE_LIST) | awk 'BEGIN {FS = ":.*?## "}; {printf "\033[36m%-40s\033[0m %s\n", $$1, $$2}'