# Contributing to Kyverno ## Contributing Code Unless you are fixing a known bug, we **strongly** recommend discussing it with the core team via a GitHub issue or [in our chat](https://app.slack.com/client/T09NY5SBT/CLGR9BJU9) before getting started to ensure your work is consistent with Kyverno roadmap and architecture. All contributions are made via pull request. Note that **all patches from all contributors get reviewed**. After a pull request is made other contributors will offer feedback, and if the patch passes review a maintainer will accept it with a comment. When pull requests fail testing, authors are expected to update their pull requests to address the failures until the tests pass and the pull request merges successfully. At least one review from a maintainer is required for all patches (even patches from maintainers). Reviewers should leave a "LGTM" comment once they are satisfied with the patch. If the patch was submitted by a maintainer with write access, the pull request should be merged by the submitter after review. ## Code Style We follow the community provided standard [code structure](https://github.com/golang-standards/project-layout). See : https://github.com/nirmata/kyverno#contributing