#!/usr/bin/env bash # Copyright 2015 The Kubernetes Authors. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. # A set of helpers for tests readonly reset=$(tput sgr0) readonly bold=$(tput bold) readonly black=$(tput setaf 0) readonly red=$(tput setaf 1) readonly green=$(tput setaf 2) kube::test::clear_all() { if kube::test::if_supports_resource "rc" ; then kubectl delete "${kube_flags[@]}" rc --all --grace-period=0 --force fi if kube::test::if_supports_resource "pods" ; then kubectl delete "${kube_flags[@]}" pods --all --grace-period=0 --force fi } # Prints the calling file and line number $1 levels deep # Defaults to 2 levels so you can call this to find your own caller kube::test::get_caller() { local levels=${1:-2} local caller_file="${BASH_SOURCE[${levels}]}" local caller_line="${BASH_LINENO[${levels}-1]}" echo "$(basename "${caller_file}"):${caller_line}" } # Force exact match of a returned result for a object query. Wrap this with || to support multiple # valid return types. # This runs `kubectl get` once and asserts that the result is as expected. ## $1: Object on which get should be run # $2: The go-template to run on the result # $3: The expected output # $4: Additional args to be passed to kubectl kube::test::get_object_assert() { kube::test::object_assert 1 "$@" } # Asserts that the output of a given get query is as expected. # Runs the query multiple times before failing it. # $1: Object on which get should be run # $2: The go-template to run on the result # $3: The expected output # $4: Additional args to be passed to kubectl kube::test::wait_object_assert() { kube::test::object_assert 10 "$@" } # Asserts that the output of a given get query is as expected. # Can run the query multiple times before failing it. # $1: Number of times the query should be run before failing it. # $2: Object on which get should be run # $3: The go-template to run on the result # $4: The expected output # $5: Additional args to be passed to kubectl kube::test::object_assert() { local tries=$1 local object=$2 local request=$3 local expected=$4 local args=${5:-} for j in $(seq 1 ${tries}); do res=$(eval kubectl get "${kube_flags[@]}" ${args} ${object} -o go-template=\"${request}\") if [[ "${res}" =~ ^$expected$ ]]; then echo -n "${green}" echo "$(kube::test::get_caller 3): Successful get ${object} ${request}: ${res}" echo -n "${reset}" return 0 fi echo "Waiting for Get ${object} ${request} ${args}: expected: ${expected}, got: ${res}" sleep $((${j}-1)) done echo "${bold}${red}" echo "$(kube::test::get_caller 3): FAIL!" echo "Get ${object} ${request}" echo " Expected: ${expected}" echo " Got: ${res}" echo "${reset}${red}" caller echo "${reset}" return 1 } kube::test::get_object_jsonpath_assert() { local object=$1 local request=$2 local expected=$3 res=$(eval kubectl get "${kube_flags[@]}" ${object} -o jsonpath=\"${request}\") if [[ "${res}" =~ ^$expected$ ]]; then echo -n "${green}" echo "$(kube::test::get_caller): Successful get ${object} ${request}: ${res}" echo -n "${reset}" return 0 else echo "${bold}${red}" echo "$(kube::test::get_caller): FAIL!" echo "Get ${object} ${request}" echo " Expected: ${expected}" echo " Got: ${res}" echo "${reset}${red}" caller echo "${reset}" return 1 fi } kube::test::describe_object_assert() { local resource=$1 local object=$2 local matches=${@:3} result=$(eval kubectl describe "${kube_flags[@]}" ${resource} ${object}) for match in ${matches}; do if [[ ! $(echo "${result}" | grep ${match}) ]]; then echo "${bold}${red}" echo "$(kube::test::get_caller): FAIL!" echo "Describe ${resource} ${object}" echo " Expected Match: ${match}" echo " Not found in:" echo "${result}" echo "${reset}${red}" caller echo "${reset}" return 1 fi done echo -n "${green}" echo "$(kube::test::get_caller): Successful describe ${resource} ${object}:" echo "${result}" echo -n "${reset}" return 0 } kube::test::describe_object_events_assert() { local resource=$1 local object=$2 local showevents=${3:-"true"} if [[ -z "${3:-}" ]]; then result=$(eval kubectl describe "${kube_flags[@]}" ${resource} ${object}) else result=$(eval kubectl describe "${kube_flags[@]}" "--show-events=${showevents}" ${resource} ${object}) fi if [[ -n $(echo "${result}" | grep "No events.\|Events:") ]]; then local has_events="true" else local has_events="false" fi if [[ "${showevents}" == "${has_events}" ]]; then echo -n "${green}" echo "$(kube::test::get_caller): Successful describe" echo "${result}" echo "${reset}" return 0 else echo "${bold}${red}" echo "$(kube::test::get_caller): FAIL" if [[ "${showevents}" == "false" ]]; then echo " Events information should not be described in:" else echo " Events information not found in:" fi echo "${result}" echo "${reset}${red}" caller echo "${reset}" return 1 fi } kube::test::describe_resource_assert() { local resource=$1 local matches=${@:2} result=$(eval kubectl describe "${kube_flags[@]}" ${resource}) for match in ${matches}; do if [[ ! $(echo "${result}" | grep ${match}) ]]; then echo "${bold}${red}" echo "FAIL!" echo "Describe ${resource}" echo " Expected Match: ${match}" echo " Not found in:" echo "${result}" echo "${reset}${red}" caller echo "${reset}" return 1 fi done echo -n "${green}" echo "Successful describe ${resource}:" echo "${result}" echo -n "${reset}" return 0 } kube::test::describe_resource_events_assert() { local resource=$1 local showevents=${2:-"true"} result=$(eval kubectl describe "${kube_flags[@]}" "--show-events=${showevents}" ${resource}) if [[ $(echo "${result}" | grep "No events.\|Events:") ]]; then local has_events="true" else local has_events="false" fi if [[ "${showevents}" == "${has_events}" ]]; then echo -n "${green}" echo "Successful describe" echo "${result}" echo -n "${reset}" return 0 else echo "${bold}${red}" echo "FAIL" if [[ "${showevents}" == "false" ]]; then echo " Events information should not be described in:" else echo " Events information not found in:" fi echo "${result}" caller echo "${reset}" return 1 fi } # Compare sort-by resource name output with expected order specify in the last parameter kube::test::if_sort_by_has_correct_order() { local array=($(echo "$1" |awk '{if(NR!=1) print $1}')) local var for i in "${array[@]}"; do var+="${i}:" done kube::test::if_has_string "${var}" "${@:$#}" } kube::test::if_has_string() { local message=$1 local match=$2 if grep -q "${match}" <<< "${message}"; then echo "Successful" echo "message:${message}" echo "has:${match}" return 0 else echo "FAIL!" echo "message:${message}" echo "has not:${match}" caller return 1 fi } kube::test::if_has_not_string() { local message=$1 local match=$2 if grep -q "${match}" <<< "${message}"; then echo "FAIL!" echo "message:${message}" echo "has:${match}" caller return 1 else echo "Successful" echo "message:${message}" echo "has not:${match}" return 0 fi } kube::test::if_empty_string() { local match=$1 if [ -n "${match}" ]; then echo "${match} is not empty" caller return 1 else echo "Successful" return 0 fi } # Returns true if the required resource is part of supported resources. # Expects env vars: # SUPPORTED_RESOURCES: Array of all resources supported by the apiserver. "*" # means it supports all resources. For ex: ("*") or ("rc" "*") both mean that # all resources are supported. # $1: Name of the resource to be tested. kube::test::if_supports_resource() { SUPPORTED_RESOURCES=${SUPPORTED_RESOURCES:-""} REQUIRED_RESOURCE=${1:-""} for r in "${SUPPORTED_RESOURCES[@]}"; do if [[ "${r}" == "*" || "${r}" == "${REQUIRED_RESOURCE}" ]]; then return 0 fi done return 1 } kube::test::version::object_to_file() { name=$1 flags=${2:-""} file=$3 kubectl version ${flags} | grep "${name} Version:" | sed -e s/"${name} Version: version.Info{"/'/' -e s/'}'/'/' -e s/', '/','/g -e s/':'/'=/g' -e s/'"'/""/g | tr , '\n' > "${file}" } kube::test::version::json_object_to_file() { flags=$1 file=$2 kubectl version ${flags} --output json | sed -e s/' '/''/g -e s/'\"'/''/g -e s/'}'/''/g -e s/'{'/''/g -e s/'clientVersion:'/'clientVersion:,'/ -e s/'serverVersion:'/'serverVersion:,'/ | tr , '\n' > "${file}" } kube::test::version::json_client_server_object_to_file() { flags=$1 name=$2 file=$3 kubectl version ${flags} --output json | jq -r ".${name}" | sed -e s/'\"'/''/g -e s/'}'/''/g -e s/'{'/''/g -e /^$/d -e s/','/''/g -e s/':'/'='/g > "${file}" } kube::test::version::yaml_object_to_file() { flags=$1 file=$2 kubectl version ${flags} --output yaml | sed -e s/' '/''/g -e s/'\"'/''/g -e /^$/d > "${file}" } kube::test::version::diff_assert() { local original=$1 local comparator=${2:-"eq"} local latest=$3 local diff_msg=${4:-""} local res="" if [ ! -f "${original}" ]; then echo "${bold}${red}" echo "FAIL! ${diff_msg}" echo "the file '${original}' does not exit" echo "${reset}${red}" caller echo "${reset}" return 1 fi if [ ! -f "${latest}" ]; then echo "${bold}${red}" echo "FAIL! ${diff_msg}" echo "the file '${latest}' does not exit" echo "${reset}${red}" caller echo "${reset}" return 1 fi sort ${original} > "${original}.sorted" sort ${latest} > "${latest}.sorted" if [ "${comparator}" == "eq" ]; then if [ "$(diff -iwB ${original}.sorted ${latest}.sorted)" == "" ] ; then echo -n "${green}" echo "Successful: ${diff_msg}" echo -n "${reset}" return 0 else echo "${bold}${red}" echo "FAIL! ${diff_msg}" echo " Expected: " echo "$(cat ${original})" echo " Got: " echo "$(cat ${latest})" echo "${reset}${red}" caller echo "${reset}" return 1 fi else if [ ! -z "$(diff -iwB ${original}.sorted ${latest}.sorted)" ] ; then echo -n "${green}" echo "Successful: ${diff_msg}" echo -n "${reset}" return 0 else echo "${bold}${red}" echo "FAIL! ${diff_msg}" echo " Expected: " echo "$(cat ${original})" echo " Got: " echo "$(cat ${latest})" echo "${reset}${red}" caller echo "${reset}" return 1 fi fi }