package policy import ( "errors" "fmt" "reflect" "regexp" "strconv" kyverno "" "" metav1 "" ) // Validate does some initial check to verify some conditions // - One operation per rule // - ResourceDescription mandatory checks func Validate(p kyverno.ClusterPolicy) error { if path, err := validateUniqueRuleName(p); err != nil { return fmt.Errorf("path: spec.%s: %v", path, err) } for i, rule := range p.Spec.Rules { // only one type of rule is allowed per rule if err := validateRuleType(rule); err != nil { return fmt.Errorf("path: spec.rules[%d]: %v", i, err) } // validate resource description if path, err := validateResources(rule); err != nil { return fmt.Errorf("path: spec.rules[%d].%s: %v", i, path, err) } // validate rule types // only one type of rule is allowed per rule if err := validateRuleType(rule); err != nil { // as there are more than 1 operation in rule, not need to evaluate it further return fmt.Errorf("path: spec.rules[%d]: %v", i, err) } // Operation Validation // Mutation if rule.HasMutate() { if path, err := validateMutation(rule.Mutation); err != nil { return fmt.Errorf("path: spec.rules[%d].mutate.%s.: %v", i, path, err) } } // Validation if rule.HasValidate() { if path, err := validateValidation(rule.Validation); err != nil { return fmt.Errorf("path: spec.rules[%d].validate.%s.: %v", i, path, err) } } // Generation if rule.HasGenerate() { if path, err := validateGeneration(rule.Generation); err != nil { return fmt.Errorf("path: spec.rules[%d].generate.%s.: %v", i, path, err) } } } return nil } func validateResources(rule kyverno.Rule) (string, error) { // matched resources if path, err := validateMatchedResourceDescription(rule.MatchResources.ResourceDescription); err != nil { return fmt.Sprintf("resources.%s", path), err } // exclude resources if path, err := validateExcludeResourceDescription(rule.ExcludeResources.ResourceDescription); err != nil { return fmt.Sprintf("resources.%s", path), err } return "", nil } // ValidateUniqueRuleName checks if the rule names are unique across a policy func validateUniqueRuleName(p kyverno.ClusterPolicy) (string, error) { var ruleNames []string for i, rule := range p.Spec.Rules { if containString(ruleNames, rule.Name) { return fmt.Sprintf("rule[%d]", i), fmt.Errorf(`duplicate rule name: '%s'`, rule.Name) } ruleNames = append(ruleNames, rule.Name) } return "", nil } // validateRuleType checks only one type of rule is defined per rule func validateRuleType(r kyverno.Rule) error { ruleTypes := []bool{r.HasMutate(), r.HasValidate(), r.HasGenerate()} operationCount := func() int { count := 0 for _, v := range ruleTypes { if v { count++ } } return count }() if operationCount == 0 { return fmt.Errorf("no operation defined in the rule '%s'.(supported operations: mutation,validation,generation)", r.Name) } else if operationCount != 1 { return fmt.Errorf("multiple operations defined in the rule '%s', only one type of operation is allowed per rule", r.Name) } return nil } // validateResourceDescription checks if all necesarry fields are present and have values. Also checks a Selector. // field type is checked through openapi // Returns error if // - kinds is empty array in matched resource block, i.e. kinds: [] // - selector is invalid func validateMatchedResourceDescription(rd kyverno.ResourceDescription) (string, error) { if reflect.DeepEqual(rd, kyverno.ResourceDescription{}) { return "", fmt.Errorf("match resources not specified") } if len(rd.Kinds) == 0 { return "match", fmt.Errorf("kind is mandatory") } if err := validateResourceDescription(rd); err != nil { return "match", err } return "", nil } func validateExcludeResourceDescription(rd kyverno.ResourceDescription) (string, error) { if reflect.DeepEqual(rd, kyverno.ResourceDescription{}) { // exclude is not mandatory return "", nil } if err := validateResourceDescription(rd); err != nil { return "exclude", err } return "", nil } // validateResourceDescription returns error if selector is invalid // field type is checked through openapi func validateResourceDescription(rd kyverno.ResourceDescription) error { if rd.Selector != nil { selector, err := metav1.LabelSelectorAsSelector(rd.Selector) if err != nil { return err } requirements, _ := selector.Requirements() if len(requirements) == 0 { return errors.New("the requirements are not specified in selector") } } return nil } func validateMutation(m kyverno.Mutation) (string, error) { // JSON Patches if len(m.Patches) != 0 { for i, patch := range m.Patches { if err := validatePatch(patch); err != nil { return fmt.Sprintf("patch[%d]", i), err } } } // Overlay if m.Overlay != nil { path, err := validatePattern(m.Overlay, "/", []anchor.IsAnchor{anchor.IsConditionAnchor, anchor.IsAddingAnchor}) if err != nil { return path, err } } return "", nil } // Validate if all mandatory PolicyPatch fields are set func validatePatch(pp kyverno.Patch) error { if pp.Path == "" { return errors.New("JSONPatch field 'path' is mandatory") } if pp.Operation == "add" || pp.Operation == "replace" { if pp.Value == nil { return fmt.Errorf("JSONPatch field 'value' is mandatory for operation '%s'", pp.Operation) } return nil } else if pp.Operation == "remove" { return nil } return fmt.Errorf("Unsupported JSONPatch operation '%s'", pp.Operation) } func validateValidation(v kyverno.Validation) (string, error) { if err := validateOverlayPattern(v); err != nil { // no need to proceed ahead return "", err } if v.Pattern != nil { if path, err := validatePattern(v.Pattern, "/", []anchor.IsAnchor{anchor.IsConditionAnchor, anchor.IsExistanceAnchor, anchor.IsEqualityAnchor, anchor.IsNegationAnchor}); err != nil { return fmt.Sprintf("pattern.%s", path), err } } if len(v.AnyPattern) != 0 { for i, pattern := range v.AnyPattern { if path, err := validatePattern(pattern, "/", []anchor.IsAnchor{anchor.IsConditionAnchor, anchor.IsExistanceAnchor, anchor.IsEqualityAnchor, anchor.IsNegationAnchor}); err != nil { return fmt.Sprintf("anyPattern[%d].%s", i, path), err } } } return "", nil } // validateOverlayPattern checks one of pattern/anyPattern must exist func validateOverlayPattern(v kyverno.Validation) error { if v.Pattern == nil && len(v.AnyPattern) == 0 { return fmt.Errorf("a pattern or anyPattern must be specified") } if v.Pattern != nil && len(v.AnyPattern) != 0 { return fmt.Errorf("only one operation allowed per validation rule(pattern or anyPattern)") } return nil } // Validate returns error if generator is configured incompletely func validateGeneration(gen kyverno.Generation) (string, error) { if gen.Data == nil && gen.Clone == (kyverno.CloneFrom{}) { return "", fmt.Errorf("clone or data are required") } if gen.Data != nil && gen.Clone != (kyverno.CloneFrom{}) { return "", fmt.Errorf("only one operation allowed per generate rule(data or clone)") } // check kind is non empty // check name is non empty if gen.Name == "" { return "name", fmt.Errorf("name cannot be empty") } if gen.Kind == "" { return "kind", fmt.Errorf("kind cannot be empty") } if !reflect.DeepEqual(gen.Clone, kyverno.CloneFrom{}) { if path, err := validateClone(gen.Clone); err != nil { return fmt.Sprintf("clone.%s", path), err } } if gen.Data != nil { //TODO: is this required ?? as anchors can only be on pattern and not resource // we can add this check by not sure if its needed here if path, err := validatePattern(gen.Data, "/", []anchor.IsAnchor{}); err != nil { return fmt.Sprintf("data.%s", path), fmt.Errorf("anchors not supported on generate resoruces: %v", err) } } return "", nil } func validateClone(c kyverno.CloneFrom) (string, error) { if c.Name == "" { return "name", fmt.Errorf("name cannot be empty") } if c.Namespace == "" { return "namespace", fmt.Errorf("namespace cannot be empty") } return "", nil } func validatePattern(patternElement interface{}, path string, supportedAnchors []anchor.IsAnchor) (string, error) { switch typedPatternElement := patternElement.(type) { case map[string]interface{}: return validateMap(typedPatternElement, path, supportedAnchors) case []interface{}: return validateArray(typedPatternElement, path, supportedAnchors) case string, float64, int, int64, bool, nil: //TODO? check operator return "", nil default: return path, fmt.Errorf("Validation rule failed at '%s', pattern contains unknown type", path) } return "", nil } func validateMap(patternMap map[string]interface{}, path string, supportedAnchors []anchor.IsAnchor) (string, error) { // check if anchors are defined for key, value := range patternMap { // if key is anchor // check regex () -> this is anchor // () // single char () matched, err := regexp.MatchString(`^.?\(.+\)$`, key) if err != nil { return path + "/" + key, fmt.Errorf("Unable to parse the field %s: %v", key, err) } // check the type of anchor if matched { // some type of anchor // check if valid anchor if !checkAnchors(key, supportedAnchors) { return path + "/" + key, fmt.Errorf("Unsupported anchor %s", key) } // addition check for existance anchor // value must be of type list if anchor.IsExistanceAnchor(key) { typedValue, ok := value.([]interface{}) if !ok { return path + "/" + key, fmt.Errorf("Existance anchor should have value of type list") } // validate there is only one entry in the list if len(typedValue) == 0 || len(typedValue) > 1 { return path + "/" + key, fmt.Errorf("Existance anchor: single value expected, multiple specified") } } } // lets validate the values now :) if errPath, err := validatePattern(value, path+"/"+key, supportedAnchors); err != nil { return errPath, err } } return "", nil } func validateArray(patternArray []interface{}, path string, supportedAnchors []anchor.IsAnchor) (string, error) { for i, patternElement := range patternArray { currentPath := path + strconv.Itoa(i) + "/" // lets validate the values now :) if errPath, err := validatePattern(patternElement, currentPath, supportedAnchors); err != nil { return errPath, err } } return "", nil } func checkAnchors(key string, supportedAnchors []anchor.IsAnchor) bool { for _, f := range supportedAnchors { if f(key) { return true } } return false }