*[documentation](/README.md#documentation) / [Writing Policies](/documentation/writing-policies.md) / Configmap Lookup* # Configmap Reference in Kyverno Policy There are many cases where the values that are passed into kyverno policies are dynamic, In such a cases the values are added/ modified inside policy itself. The Configmap Reference allows the reference of configmap values inside kyverno policy rules as a JMESPATH, So for any required changes in the values of a policy, a modification has to be done on the referred configmap. # Defining Rule Context To reference values from a ConfigMap inside any Rule, define a context inside the rule with one or more ConfigMap declarations. ````yaml rules: - name: example-configmap-lookup # added context to define the configmap information which will be referred context: # unique name to identify configmap - name: dictionary configMap: # configmap name - name of the configmap which will be referred name: mycmap # configmap namepsace - namespace of the configmap which will be referred namespace: test ```` Referenced Configmap Definition ````yaml apiVersion: v1 data: env: production kind: ConfigMap metadata: name: mycmap ```` # Referring Value A ConfigMap that is defined inside the rule context can be referred to using its unique name within the context. ConfigMap values can be references using a JMESPATH expression `{{..}}`. For the example above, we can refer to a ConfigMap value using {{dictionary.data.env}}. The variable will be substituted with production during policy execution. # Handling Array Values The ConfigMap value can be an array of string values in JSON format. Kyverno will parse the JSON string to a list of strings, so set operations like In and NotIn can then be applied. For example, a list of allowed roles can be stored in a ConfigMap, and the Kyverno policy can refer to this list to deny the requests where the role does not match the one of the values in the list. Here are the allowed roles in the ConfigMap ````yaml apiVersion: v1 data: allowed-roles: "[\"cluster-admin\", \"cluster-operator\", \"tenant-admin\"]" kind: ConfigMap metadata: name: roles-dictionary namespace: test ```` This is a rule to deny the Deployment operation, if the value of annotation `role` is not in the allowed list: ````yaml spec: validationFailureAction: enforce rules: - name: validate-role-annotation context: - name: roles-dictionary configMap: name: roles-dictionary namespace: test match: resources: kinds: - Deployment preconditions: - key: "{{ request.object.metadata.annotations.role }}" operator: NotEquals value: "" validate: message: "role {{ request.object.metadata.annotations.role }} is not in the allowed list {{ \"roles-dictionary\".data.\"allowed-roles\" }}" deny: conditions: - key: "{{ request.object.metadata.annotations.role }}" operator: NotIn value: "{{ \"roles-dictionary\".data.\"allowed-roles\" }}" ```` *Read Next >> [Testing Policies](/documentation/testing-policies.md)*