package engine import ( "encoding/json" "fmt" "reflect" "strconv" jsonpatch "" kubepolicy "" "" metav1 "" ) // ProcessOverlay handles validating admission request // Checks the target resources for rules defined in the policy func ProcessOverlay(rule kubepolicy.Rule, rawResource []byte, gvk metav1.GroupVersionKind) ([]PatchBytes, result.RuleApplicationResult) { overlayApplicationResult := result.NewRuleApplicationResult(rule.Name) if rule.Mutation == nil || rule.Mutation.Overlay == nil { return nil, overlayApplicationResult } var resource interface{} var appliedPatches []PatchBytes json.Unmarshal(rawResource, &resource) patches, res := mutateResourceWithOverlay(resource, *rule.Mutation.Overlay) overlayApplicationResult.MergeWith(&res) if overlayApplicationResult.GetReason() == result.Success { appliedPatches = append(appliedPatches, patches...) } return appliedPatches, overlayApplicationResult } // OverlayProcessor stores context for overlay mutation process type OverlayProcessor struct { appliedPatches []PatchBytes result result.RuleApplicationResult } // mutateResourceWithOverlay is a start of overlaying process // It assumes that mutation is started from root, so "/" is passed func mutateResourceWithOverlay(resource, pattern interface{}) ([]PatchBytes, result.RuleApplicationResult) { return applyOverlay(resource, pattern, "/") } // applyOverlay detects type of current item and goes down through overlay and resource trees applying overlay func applyOverlay(resource, overlay interface{}, path string) ([]PatchBytes, result.RuleApplicationResult) { var appliedPatches []PatchBytes overlayResult := result.NewRuleApplicationResult("") // resource item exists but has different type - replace // all subtree within this path by overlay if reflect.TypeOf(resource) != reflect.TypeOf(overlay) { patch, res := replaceSubtree(overlay, path) overlayResult.MergeWith(&res) if result.Success == overlayResult.GetReason() { appliedPatches = append(appliedPatches, patch) } return appliedPatches, overlayResult } return applyOverlayForSameTypes(resource, overlay, path) } // applyOverlayForSameTypes is applyOverlay for cases when TypeOf(resource) == TypeOf(overlay) func applyOverlayForSameTypes(resource, overlay interface{}, path string) ([]PatchBytes, result.RuleApplicationResult) { var appliedPatches []PatchBytes overlayResult := result.NewRuleApplicationResult("") // detect the type of resource and overlay and select corresponding handler switch typedOverlay := overlay.(type) { // map case map[string]interface{}: typedResource := resource.(map[string]interface{}) patches, res := applyOverlayToMap(typedResource, typedOverlay, path) overlayResult.MergeWith(&res) if result.Success == overlayResult.GetReason() { appliedPatches = append(appliedPatches, patches...) } // array case []interface{}: typedResource := resource.([]interface{}) patches, res := applyOverlayToArray(typedResource, typedOverlay, path) overlayResult.MergeWith(&res) if result.Success == overlayResult.GetReason() { appliedPatches = append(appliedPatches, patches...) } // elementary types case string, float64, int64, bool: patch, res := replaceSubtree(overlay, path) overlayResult.MergeWith(&res) if result.Success == overlayResult.GetReason() { appliedPatches = append(appliedPatches, patch) } default: overlayResult.FailWithMessagef("Overlay has unsupported type: %T", overlay) return nil, overlayResult } return appliedPatches, overlayResult } // for each overlay and resource map elements applies overlay func applyOverlayToMap(resourceMap, overlayMap map[string]interface{}, path string) ([]PatchBytes, result.RuleApplicationResult) { var appliedPatches []PatchBytes overlayResult := result.NewRuleApplicationResult("") for key, value := range overlayMap { // skip anchor element because it has condition, not // the value that must replace resource value if wrappedWithParentheses(key) { continue } currentPath := path + key + "/" resourcePart, ok := resourceMap[key] if ok { // Key exists - go down through the overlay and resource trees patches, res := applyOverlay(resourcePart, value, currentPath) overlayResult.MergeWith(&res) if result.Success == overlayResult.GetReason() { appliedPatches = append(appliedPatches, patches...) } } else { // Key does not exist - insert entire overlay subtree patch, res := insertSubtree(value, currentPath) overlayResult.MergeWith(&res) if result.Success == overlayResult.GetReason() { appliedPatches = append(appliedPatches, patch) } } } return appliedPatches, overlayResult } // for each overlay and resource array elements applies overlay func applyOverlayToArray(resource, overlay []interface{}, path string) ([]PatchBytes, result.RuleApplicationResult) { var appliedPatches []PatchBytes overlayResult := result.NewRuleApplicationResult("") if 0 == len(overlay) { overlayResult.FailWithMessagef("Empty array detected in the overlay") return nil, overlayResult } if 0 == len(resource) { patch, res := insertSubtree(overlay, path) overlayResult.MergeWith(&res) if result.Success == overlayResult.GetReason() { appliedPatches = append(appliedPatches, patch) } return appliedPatches, res } if reflect.TypeOf(resource[0]) != reflect.TypeOf(overlay[0]) { overlayResult.FailWithMessagef("Overlay array and resource array have elements of different types: %T and %T", overlay[0], resource[0]) return nil, overlayResult } return applyOverlayToArrayOfSameTypes(resource, overlay, path) } func applyOverlayToArrayOfSameTypes(resource, overlay []interface{}, path string) ([]PatchBytes, result.RuleApplicationResult) { var appliedPatches []PatchBytes overlayResult := result.NewRuleApplicationResult("") switch overlay[0].(type) { case map[string]interface{}: return applyOverlayToArrayOfMaps(resource, overlay, path) default: lastElementIdx := len(resource) // Add elements to the end for i, value := range overlay { currentPath := path + strconv.Itoa(lastElementIdx+i) + "/" patch, res := insertSubtree(value, currentPath) overlayResult.MergeWith(&res) if result.Success == overlayResult.GetReason() { appliedPatches = append(appliedPatches, patch) } } } return appliedPatches, overlayResult } func applyOverlayToArrayOfMaps(resource, overlay []interface{}, path string) ([]PatchBytes, result.RuleApplicationResult) { var appliedPatches []PatchBytes overlayResult := result.NewRuleApplicationResult("") lastElementIdx := len(resource) for i, overlayElement := range overlay { typedOverlay := overlayElement.(map[string]interface{}) anchors := getAnchorsFromMap(typedOverlay) if len(anchors) > 0 { // If we have anchors - choose corresponding resource element and mutate it patches, res := applyOverlayWithAnchors(resource, overlayElement, anchors, path) overlayResult.MergeWith(&res) if result.Success == overlayResult.GetReason() { appliedPatches = append(appliedPatches, patches...) } } else if hasNestedAnchors(overlayElement) { // If we have anchors on the lower level - continue traversing overlay and resource trees for j, resourceElement := range resource { currentPath := path + strconv.Itoa(j) + "/" patches, res := applyOverlay(resourceElement, overlayElement, currentPath) overlayResult.MergeWith(&res) if result.Success == overlayResult.GetReason() { appliedPatches = append(appliedPatches, patches...) } } } else { // Overlay subtree has no anchors - insert new element currentPath := path + strconv.Itoa(lastElementIdx+i) + "/" patch, res := insertSubtree(overlayElement, currentPath) overlayResult.MergeWith(&res) if result.Success == overlayResult.GetReason() { appliedPatches = append(appliedPatches, patch) } } } return appliedPatches, overlayResult } func applyOverlayWithAnchors(resource []interface{}, overlay interface{}, anchors map[string]interface{}, path string) ([]PatchBytes, result.RuleApplicationResult) { var appliedPatches []PatchBytes overlayResult := result.NewRuleApplicationResult("") for i, resourceElement := range resource { typedResource := resourceElement.(map[string]interface{}) currentPath := path + strconv.Itoa(i) + "/" if !skipArrayObject(typedResource, anchors) { patches, res := applyOverlay(resourceElement, overlay, currentPath) overlayResult.MergeWith(&res) if result.Success == overlayResult.GetReason() { appliedPatches = append(appliedPatches, patches...) } } } return appliedPatches, overlayResult } func insertSubtree(overlay interface{}, path string) (PatchBytes, result.RuleApplicationResult) { return processSubtree(overlay, path, "add") } func replaceSubtree(overlay interface{}, path string) (PatchBytes, result.RuleApplicationResult) { return processSubtree(overlay, path, "replace") } func processSubtree(overlay interface{}, path string, op string) (PatchBytes, result.RuleApplicationResult) { overlayResult := result.NewRuleApplicationResult("") if len(path) > 1 && path[len(path)-1] == '/' { path = path[:len(path)-1] } if path == "" { path = "/" } value := prepareJSONValue(overlay) patchStr := fmt.Sprintf(`{ "op": "%s", "path": "%s", "value": %s }`, op, path, value) // check the patch _, err := jsonpatch.DecodePatch([]byte("[" + patchStr + "]")) if err != nil { overlayResult.FailWithMessagef("Failed to make '%s' patch from an overlay '%s' for path %s", op, value, path) return nil, overlayResult } return PatchBytes(patchStr), overlayResult } // converts overlay to JSON string to be inserted into the JSON Patch func prepareJSONValue(overlay interface{}) string { jsonOverlay, err := json.Marshal(overlay) if err != nil || hasOnlyAnchors(overlay) { return "" } return string(jsonOverlay) } // Anchor has pattern value, so resource shouldn't be mutated with it // If entire subtree has only anchor keys - we func hasOnlyAnchors(overlay interface{}) bool { switch typed := overlay.(type) { case map[string]interface{}: if anchors := getAnchorsFromMap(typed); len(anchors) == len(typed) { return true } for _, value := range typed { if !hasOnlyAnchors(value) { return false } } case []interface{}: for _, value := range typed { if !hasOnlyAnchors(value) { return false } } default: return false } return true } // Checks if subtree has anchors func hasNestedAnchors(overlay interface{}) bool { switch typed := overlay.(type) { case map[string]interface{}: if anchors := getAnchorsFromMap(typed); len(anchors) > 0 { return true } for _, value := range typed { if hasNestedAnchors(value) { return true } } return false case []interface{}: for _, value := range typed { if hasNestedAnchors(value) { return true } } return false default: return false } }