package variables import ( "fmt" "regexp" "strconv" "strings" "" "" ) const ( variableRegex = `\{\{([^{}]*)\}\}` singleVarRegex = `^\{\{([^{}]*)\}\}$` ) //SubstituteVars replaces the variables with the values defined in the context // - if any variable is invaid or has nil value, it is considered as a failed varable substitution func SubstituteVars(ctx context.EvalInterface, pattern interface{}) (interface{}, error) { errs := []error{} pattern = subVars(ctx, pattern, "", &errs) if len(errs) == 0 { // no error while parsing the pattern return pattern, nil } return pattern, fmt.Errorf("%v", errs) } func subVars(ctx context.EvalInterface, pattern interface{}, path string, errs *[]error) interface{} { switch typedPattern := pattern.(type) { case map[string]interface{}: return subMap(ctx, typedPattern, path, errs) case []interface{}: return subArray(ctx, typedPattern, path, errs) case string: return subValR(ctx, typedPattern, path, errs) default: return pattern } } func subMap(ctx context.EvalInterface, patternMap map[string]interface{}, path string, errs *[]error) map[string]interface{} { for key, patternElement := range patternMap { curPath := path + "/" + key value := subVars(ctx, patternElement, curPath, errs) patternMap[key] = value } return patternMap } func subArray(ctx context.EvalInterface, patternList []interface{}, path string, errs *[]error) []interface{} { for idx, patternElement := range patternList { curPath := path + "/" + strconv.Itoa(idx) value := subVars(ctx, patternElement, curPath, errs) patternList[idx] = value } return patternList } // subValR resolves the variables if defined func subValR(ctx context.EvalInterface, valuePattern string, path string, errs *[]error) interface{} { // variable values can be scalar values(string,int, float) or they can be obects(map,slice) // - {{variable}} // there is a single variable resolution so the value can be scalar or object // - {{variable1--{{variable2}}}}} // variable2 is evaluted first as an individual variable and can be have scalar or object values // but resolving the outer variable, {{variable--}} // if is scalar then it can replaced, but for object types its tricky // as object cannot be directy replaced, if the object is stringyfied then it loses it structure. // since this might be a potential place for error, required better error reporting and handling // object values are only suported for single variable substitution if ok, retVal := processIfSingleVariable(ctx, valuePattern, path, errs); ok { return retVal } // var emptyInterface interface{} var failedVars []string // process type string for { valueStr := valuePattern if len(failedVars) != 0 { glog.Info("some failed variables short-circuiting") break } // get variables at this level validRegex := regexp.MustCompile(variableRegex) groups := validRegex.FindAllStringSubmatch(valueStr, -1) if len(groups) == 0 { // there was no match // not variable defined break } subs := map[string]interface{}{} for _, group := range groups { if _, ok := subs[group[0]]; ok { // value has already been substituted continue } // here we do the querying of the variables from the context variable, err := ctx.Query(group[1]) if err != nil { // error while evaluating failedVars = append(failedVars, group[1]) continue } // path not found in context and value stored in null/nill if variable == nil { failedVars = append(failedVars, group[1]) continue } // get values for each and replace subs[group[0]] = variable } // perform substitutions newVal := valueStr for k, v := range subs { // if value is of type string then cast else consider it as direct replacement if val, ok := v.(string); ok { newVal = strings.Replace(newVal, k, val, -1) continue } // if type is not scalar then consider this as a failed variable glog.Infof("variable %s resolves to non-scalar value %v. Non-Scalar values are not supported for nested variables", k, v) failedVars = append(failedVars, k) } valuePattern = newVal } // update errors if any if len(failedVars) > 0 { *errs = append(*errs, fmt.Errorf("failed to resolve %v at path %s", failedVars, path)) } return valuePattern } // processIfSingleVariable will process the evaluation of single variables // {{variable-{{variable}}}} -> compound/nested variables // {{variable}}{{variable}} -> multiple variables // {{variable}} -> single variable // if the value can be evaluted return the value // -> return value can be scalar or object type // -> if the variable is not present in the context then add an error and dont process further func processIfSingleVariable(ctx context.EvalInterface, valuePattern interface{}, path string, errs *[]error) (bool, interface{}) { valueStr, ok := valuePattern.(string) if !ok { glog.Infof("failed to convert %v to string", valuePattern) return false, nil } // get variables at this level validRegex := regexp.MustCompile(singleVarRegex) groups := validRegex.FindAllStringSubmatch(valueStr, -1) if len(groups) == 0 { return false, nil } // as there will be exactly one variable based on the above regex group := groups[0] variable, err := ctx.Query(group[1]) if err != nil || variable == nil { *errs = append(*errs, fmt.Errorf("failed to resolve %v at path %s", group[1], path)) // return the same value pattern, and add un-resolvable variable error return true, valuePattern } return true, variable }