#!/usr/bin/env bash # Copyright 2016 The Kubernetes Authors. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. KUBE_ROOT=$(dirname "${BASH_SOURCE}")/../.. source "${KUBE_ROOT}/hack/lib/init.sh" focus=${FOCUS:-""} skip=${SKIP-"\[Flaky\]|\[Slow\]|\[Serial\]"} # The number of tests that can run in parallel depends on what tests # are running and on the size of the node. Too many, and tests will # fail due to resource contention. 8 is a reasonable default for a # n1-standard-1 node. # Currently, parallelism only affects when REMOTE=true. For local test, # ginkgo default parallelism (cores - 1) is used. parallelism=${PARALLELISM:-8} artifacts=${ARTIFACTS:-"/tmp/_artifacts/`date +%y%m%dT%H%M%S`"} remote=${REMOTE:-"false"} runtime=${RUNTIME:-"docker"} container_runtime_endpoint=${CONTAINER_RUNTIME_ENDPOINT:-""} image_service_endpoint=${IMAGE_SERVICE_ENDPOINT:-""} run_until_failure=${RUN_UNTIL_FAILURE:-"false"} test_args=${TEST_ARGS:-""} system_spec_name=${SYSTEM_SPEC_NAME:-} extra_envs=${EXTRA_ENVS:-} # Parse the flags to pass to ginkgo ginkgoflags="" if [[ ${parallelism} > 1 ]]; then ginkgoflags="${ginkgoflags} -nodes=${parallelism} " fi if [[ ${focus} != "" ]]; then ginkgoflags="${ginkgoflags} -focus=\"${focus}\" " fi if [[ ${skip} != "" ]]; then ginkgoflags="${ginkgoflags} -skip=\"${skip}\" " fi if [[ ${run_until_failure} != "" ]]; then ginkgoflags="${ginkgoflags} -untilItFails=${run_until_failure} " fi # Setup the directory to copy test artifacts (logs, junit.xml, etc) from remote host to local host if [ ! -d "${artifacts}" ]; then echo "Creating artifacts directory at ${artifacts}" mkdir -p ${artifacts} fi echo "Test artifacts will be written to ${artifacts}" if [[ ${runtime} == "remote" ]] ; then if [[ ! -z ${container_runtime_endpoint} ]] ; then test_args="--container-runtime-endpoint=${container_runtime_endpoint} ${test_args}" fi if [[ ! -z ${image_service_endpoint} ]] ; then test_args="--image-service-endpoint=${image_service_endpoint} ${test_args}" fi fi if [ ${remote} = true ] ; then # The following options are only valid in remote run. images=${IMAGES:-""} hosts=${HOSTS:-""} image_project=${IMAGE_PROJECT:-"kubernetes-node-e2e-images"} metadata=${INSTANCE_METADATA:-""} list_images=${LIST_IMAGES:-false} if [[ ${list_images} == "true" ]]; then gcloud compute images list --project="${image_project}" | grep "e2e-node" exit 0 fi gubernator=${GUBERNATOR:-"false"} image_config_file=${IMAGE_CONFIG_FILE:-""} if [[ ${hosts} == "" && ${images} == "" && ${image_config_file} == "" ]]; then image_project=${IMAGE_PROJECT:-"cos-cloud"} gci_image=$(gcloud compute images list --project ${image_project} \ --no-standard-images --filter="name ~ 'cos-beta.*'" --format="table[no-heading](name)") images=${gci_image} metadata="user-data<${KUBE_ROOT}/test/e2e_node/jenkins/gci-init.yaml,gci-update-strategy=update_disabled" fi instance_prefix=${INSTANCE_PREFIX:-"test"} cleanup=${CLEANUP:-"true"} delete_instances=${DELETE_INSTANCES:-"false"} test_suite=${TEST_SUITE:-"default"} # Get the compute zone zone=${ZONE:-"$(gcloud info --format='value(config.properties.compute.zone)')"} if [[ ${zone} == "" ]]; then echo "Could not find gcloud compute/zone when running: \`gcloud info --format='value(config.properties.compute.zone)'\`" exit 1 fi # Get the compute project project=$(gcloud info --format='value(config.project)') if [[ ${project} == "" ]]; then echo "Could not find gcloud project when running: \`gcloud info --format='value(config.project)'\`" exit 1 fi # Check if any of the images specified already have running instances. If so reuse those instances # by moving the IMAGE to a HOST if [[ ${images} != "" ]]; then IFS=',' read -ra IM <<< "${images}" images="" for i in "${IM[@]}"; do if [[ $(gcloud compute instances list "${instance_prefix}-${i}" | grep ${i}) ]]; then if [[ "${hosts}" != "" ]]; then hosts="${hosts}," fi echo "Reusing host ${instance_prefix}-${i}" hosts="${hosts}${instance_prefix}-${i}" else if [[ "${images}" != "" ]]; then images="${images}," fi images="${images}${i}" fi done fi # Output the configuration we will try to run echo "Running tests remotely using" echo "Project: ${project}" echo "Image Project: ${image_project}" echo "Compute/Zone: ${zone}" echo "Images: ${images}" echo "Hosts: ${hosts}" echo "Ginkgo Flags: ${ginkgoflags}" echo "Instance Metadata: ${metadata}" echo "Image Config File: ${image_config_file}" # Invoke the runner go run test/e2e_node/runner/remote/run_remote.go --logtostderr --vmodule=*=4 --ssh-env="gce" \ --zone="${zone}" --project="${project}" --gubernator="${gubernator}" \ --hosts="${hosts}" --images="${images}" --cleanup="${cleanup}" \ --results-dir="${artifacts}" --ginkgo-flags="${ginkgoflags}" \ --image-project="${image_project}" --instance-name-prefix="${instance_prefix}" \ --delete-instances="${delete_instances}" --test_args="${test_args}" --instance-metadata="${metadata}" \ --image-config-file="${image_config_file}" --system-spec-name="${system_spec_name}" \ --extra-envs="${extra_envs}" --test-suite="${test_suite}" \ 2>&1 | tee -i "${artifacts}/build-log.txt" exit $? else # Refresh sudo credentials for local run if ! ping -c 1 -q metadata.google.internal &> /dev/null; then echo "Updating sudo credentials" sudo -v || exit 1 fi # Do not use any network plugin by default. User could override the flags with # test_args. test_args='--kubelet-flags="--network-plugin= --cni-bin-dir=" '${test_args} # Runtime flags test_args='--kubelet-flags="--container-runtime='${runtime}'" '${test_args} # Test using the host the script was run on # Provided for backwards compatibility go run test/e2e_node/runner/local/run_local.go \ --system-spec-name="${system_spec_name}" --extra-envs="${extra_envs}" \ --ginkgo-flags="${ginkgoflags}" --test-flags="--container-runtime=${runtime} \ --alsologtostderr --v 4 --report-dir=${artifacts} --node-name $(hostname) \ ${test_args}" --build-dependencies=true 2>&1 | tee -i "${artifacts}/build-log.txt" exit $? fi