*[documentation](/README.md#documentation) / [Writing Policies](/documentation/writing-policies.md) / Background Processing*
# Background processing
Kyverno applies policies during admission control and to existing resources in the cluster that may have been created before a policy was created. The application of policies to existing resources is referred to as `background` processing.
Note, that Kyverno does not mutate existing resources, and will only report policy violation for existing resources that do not match mutation, validation, or generation rules.
A policy is always enabled for processing during admission control. However, policy rules that rely on request information (e.g. `{{request.userInfo}}`) cannot be applied to existing resource in the `background` mode as the user information is not available outside of the admission controller. Hence, these rules must use the boolean flag `{spec.background}` to disable `background` processing.
background: true
- name: default-deny-ingress
The default value of `background` is `true`. When a policy is created or modified, the policy validation logic will report an error if a rule uses `userInfo` and does not set `background` to `false`.
*Read Next >> [Testing Policies](/documentation/testing-policies.md)*