ClusterPolicy declares validation, mutation, and generation behaviors for matching resources.
Field | Description | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
apiVersion string |
kind string |
ClusterPolicy |
metadata Kubernetes meta/v1.ObjectMeta |
Refer to the Kubernetes API documentation for the fields of the
metadata field.
spec Spec |
Spec declares policy behaviors.
status PolicyStatus |
Status contains policy runtime data. |
Policy declares validation, mutation, and generation behaviors for matching resources. See: for more information.
Field | Description | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
apiVersion string |
kind string |
Policy |
metadata Kubernetes meta/v1.ObjectMeta |
Refer to the Kubernetes API documentation for the fields of the
metadata field.
spec Spec |
Spec defines policy behaviors and contains one or more rules.
status PolicyStatus |
Deprecated. Policy metrics are available via the metrics endpoint |
(Appears on: ContextAPICall, ExternalAPICall)
Field | Description |
urlPath string |
URLPath is the URL path to be used in the HTTP GET or POST request to the
Kubernetes API server (e.g. “/api/v1/namespaces” or “/apis/apps/v1/deployments”).
The format required is the same format used by the |
method Method |
Method is the HTTP request type (GET or POST). Defaults to GET. |
data []RequestData |
The data object specifies the POST data sent to the server. Only applicable when the method field is set to POST. |
service ServiceCall |
Service is an API call to a JSON web service. This is used for non-Kubernetes API server calls. It’s mutually exclusive with the URLPath field. |
alias)(Appears on: ResourceDescription, ResourceDescription)
AdmissionOperation can have one of the values CREATE, UPDATE, CONNECT, DELETE, which are used to match a specific action.
(Appears on: Attestation, ForEachGeneration, ForEachMutation, ForEachValidation)
AnyAllConditions consists of conditions wrapped denoting a logical criteria to be fulfilled. AnyConditions get fulfilled when at least one of its sub-conditions passes. AllConditions get fulfilled only when all of its sub-conditions pass.
Field | Description |
any []Condition |
AnyConditions enable variable-based conditional rule execution. This is useful for finer control of when an rule is applied. A condition can reference object data using JMESPath notation. Here, at least one of the conditions need to pass |
all []Condition |
AllConditions enable variable-based conditional rule execution. This is useful for finer control of when an rule is applied. A condition can reference object data using JMESPath notation. Here, all of the conditions need to pass |
ApplyRulesType controls whether processing stops after one rule is applied or all rules are applied.
(Appears on: ImageVerification, ImageVerification)
Attestation are checks for signed in-toto Statements that are used to verify the image. See Kyverno fetches signed attestations from the OCI registry and decodes them into a list of Statements.
Field | Description |
name string |
Name is the variable name. |
predicateType string |
Deprecated in favour of ‘Type’, to be removed soon |
type string |
Type defines the type of attestation contained within the Statement. |
attestors []AttestorSet |
Attestors specify the required attestors (i.e. authorities). |
conditions []AnyAllConditions |
Conditions are used to verify attributes within a Predicate. If no Conditions are specified the attestation check is satisfied as long there are predicates that match the predicate type. |
(Appears on: AttestorSet)
Field | Description |
keys StaticKeyAttestor |
Keys specifies one or more public keys. |
certificates CertificateAttestor |
Certificates specifies one or more certificates. |
keyless KeylessAttestor |
Keyless is a set of attribute used to verify a Sigstore keyless attestor. See |
attestor Kubernetes apiextensions/v1.JSON |
Attestor is a nested set of Attestor used to specify a more complex set of match authorities. |
annotations map[string]string |
Annotations are used for image verification. Every specified key-value pair must exist and match in the verified payload. The payload may contain other key-value pairs. |
repository string |
Repository is an optional alternate OCI repository to use for signatures and attestations that match this rule. If specified Repository will override other OCI image repository locations for this Attestor. |
signatureAlgorithm string |
Specify signature algorithm for public keys. Supported values are sha224, sha256, sha384 and sha512. |
(Appears on: Attestation, ImageVerification, Manifests, ImageVerification)
Field | Description |
count int |
Count specifies the required number of entries that must match. If the count is null, all entries must match (a logical AND). If the count is 1, at least one entry must match (a logical OR). If the count contains a value N, then N must be less than or equal to the size of entries, and at least N entries must match. |
entries []Attestor |
Entries contains the available attestors. An attestor can be a static key, attributes for keyless verification, or a nested attestor declaration. |
(Appears on: PolicyStatus)
AutogenStatus contains autogen status information.
Field | Description |
rules []Rule |
Rules is a list of Rule instances. It contains auto generated rules added for pod controllers |
(Appears on: Validation, Validation)
CEL allows validation checks using the Common Expression Language (
Field | Description |
expressions []Kubernetes admissionregistration/v1.Validation |
Expressions is a list of CELExpression types. |
paramKind Kubernetes admissionregistration/v1.ParamKind |
ParamKind is a tuple of Group Kind and Version. |
paramRef Kubernetes admissionregistration/v1.ParamRef |
ParamRef references a parameter resource. |
auditAnnotations []Kubernetes admissionregistration/v1.AuditAnnotation |
AuditAnnotations contains CEL expressions which are used to produce audit annotations for the audit event of the API request. |
variables []Kubernetes admissionregistration/v1.Variable |
Variables contain definitions of variables that can be used in composition of other expressions.
Each variable is defined as a named CEL expression.
The variables defined here will be available under |
(Appears on: CertificateAttestor, KeylessAttestor, StaticKeyAttestor)
Field | Description |
ignoreSCT bool |
IgnoreSCT defines whether to use the Signed Certificate Timestamp (SCT) log to check for a certificate timestamp. Default is false. Set to true if this was opted out during signing. |
pubkey string |
PubKey, if set, is used to validate SCTs against a custom source. |
tsaCertChain string |
TSACertChain, if set, is the PEM-encoded certificate chain file for the RFC3161 timestamp authority. Must contain the root CA certificate. Optionally may contain intermediate CA certificates, and may contain the leaf TSA certificate if not present in the timestamurce. |
(Appears on: Attestor)
Field | Description |
cert string |
Cert is an optional PEM-encoded public certificate. |
certChain string |
CertChain is an optional PEM encoded set of certificates used to verify. |
rekor Rekor |
Rekor provides configuration for the Rekor transparency log service. If an empty object is provided the public instance of Rekor ( is used. |
ctlog CTLog |
CTLog (certificate timestamp log) provides a configuration for validation of Signed Certificate Timestamps (SCTs). If the value is unset, the default behavior by Cosign is used. |
(Appears on: GeneratePattern)
CloneFrom provides the location of the source resource used to generate target resources. The resource kind is derived from the match criteria.
Field | Description |
namespace string |
Namespace specifies source resource namespace. |
name string |
Name specifies name of the resource. |
(Appears on: AnyAllConditions)
Condition defines variable-based conditional criteria for rule execution.
Field | Description |
key Kubernetes apiextensions/v1.JSON |
Key is the context entry (using JMESPath) for conditional rule evaluation. |
operator ConditionOperator |
Operator is the conditional operation to perform. Valid operators are: Equals, NotEquals, In, AnyIn, AllIn, NotIn, AnyNotIn, AllNotIn, GreaterThanOrEquals, GreaterThan, LessThanOrEquals, LessThan, DurationGreaterThanOrEquals, DurationGreaterThan, DurationLessThanOrEquals, DurationLessThan |
value Kubernetes apiextensions/v1.JSON |
Value is the conditional value, or set of values. The values can be fixed set or can be variables declared using JMESPath. |
message string |
Message is an optional display message |
alias)(Appears on: Condition)
ConditionOperator is the operation performed on condition key and value.
(Appears on: Deny, Rule, TargetResourceSpec)
ConditionsWrapper contains either the deprecated list of Conditions or the new AnyAll Conditions.
Field | Description |
- any |
Conditions is a list of conditions that must be satisfied for the rule to be applied. |
(Appears on: ContextEntry)
ConfigMapReference refers to a ConfigMap
Field | Description |
name string |
Name is the ConfigMap name. |
namespace string |
Namespace is the ConfigMap namespace. |
(Appears on: ContextEntry)
Field | Description |
APICall APICall |
(Members of |
default Kubernetes apiextensions/v1.JSON |
Default is an optional arbitrary JSON object that the context value is set to, if the apiCall returns error. |
jmesPath string |
JMESPath is an optional JSON Match Expression that can be used to transform the JSON response returned from the server. For example a JMESPath of “items | length(@)” applied to the API server response for the URLPath “/apis/apps/v1/deployments” will return the total count of deployments across all namespaces. |
(Appears on: ForEachGeneration, ForEachMutation, ForEachValidation, Rule, TargetResourceSpec, CleanupPolicySpec, CleanupPolicySpec, Rule)
ContextEntry adds variables and data sources to a rule Context. Either a ConfigMap reference or a APILookup must be provided.
Field | Description |
name string |
Name is the variable name. |
configMap ConfigMapReference |
ConfigMap is the ConfigMap reference. |
apiCall ContextAPICall |
APICall is an HTTP request to the Kubernetes API server, or other JSON web service. The data returned is stored in the context with the name for the context entry. |
imageRegistry ImageRegistry |
ImageRegistry defines requests to an OCI/Docker V2 registry to fetch image details. |
variable Variable |
Variable defines an arbitrary JMESPath context variable that can be defined inline. |
globalReference GlobalContextEntryReference |
GlobalContextEntryReference is a reference to a cached global context entry. |
(Appears on: ForEachValidation, ValidateImageVerification, Validation)
Deny specifies a list of conditions used to pass or fail a validation rule.
Field | Description |
conditions ConditionsWrapper |
Multiple conditions can be declared under an |
(Appears on: Manifests)
DryRunOption is a configuration for dryrun. If enable is set to “true”, manifest verification performs “dryrun & compare” which provides robust matching against changes by defaults and other admission controllers. Dryrun requires additional permissions. See config/dryrun/dryrun_rbac.yaml
Field | Description |
enable bool |
namespace string |
alias)(Appears on: Spec, WebhookConfiguration, Spec)
FailurePolicyType specifies a failure policy that defines how unrecognized errors from the admission endpoint are handled.
(Appears on: Generation)
Field | Description |
list string |
List specifies a JMESPath expression that results in one or more elements to which the validation logic is applied. |
context []ContextEntry |
Context defines variables and data sources that can be used during rule execution. |
preconditions AnyAllConditions |
AnyAllConditions are used to determine if a policy rule should be applied by evaluating a
set of conditions. The declaration can contain nested |
GeneratePattern GeneratePattern |
(Appears on: ForEachMutationWrapper, Mutation)
ForEachMutation applies mutation rules to a list of sub-elements by creating a context for each entry in the list and looping over it to apply the specified logic.
Field | Description |
list string |
List specifies a JMESPath expression that results in one or more elements to which the validation logic is applied. |
order ForeachOrder |
Order defines the iteration order on the list. Can be Ascending to iterate from first to last element or Descending to iterate in from last to first element. |
context []ContextEntry |
Context defines variables and data sources that can be used during rule execution. |
preconditions AnyAllConditions |
AnyAllConditions are used to determine if a policy rule should be applied by evaluating a
set of conditions. The declaration can contain nested |
patchStrategicMerge |
PatchStrategicMerge is a strategic merge patch used to modify resources. See and |
patchesJson6902 string |
PatchesJSON6902 is a list of RFC 6902 JSON Patch declarations used to modify resources. See and |
foreach ForEachMutationWrapper |
Foreach declares a nested foreach iterator |
(Appears on: ForEachMutation)
ForEachMutationWrapper contains a list of ForEach descriptors.
Field | Description |
- []ForEachMutation |
Item is a descriptor on how to iterate over the list of items. |
(Appears on: ForEachValidationWrapper, Validation, Validation)
ForEachValidation applies validate rules to a list of sub-elements by creating a context for each entry in the list and looping over it to apply the specified logic.
Field | Description |
list string |
List specifies a JMESPath expression that results in one or more elements to which the validation logic is applied. |
elementScope bool |
ElementScope specifies whether to use the current list element as the scope for validation. Defaults to “true” if not specified. When set to “false”, “request.object” is used as the validation scope within the foreach block to allow referencing other elements in the subtree. |
context []ContextEntry |
Context defines variables and data sources that can be used during rule execution. |
preconditions AnyAllConditions |
AnyAllConditions are used to determine if a policy rule should be applied by evaluating a
set of conditions. The declaration can contain nested |
pattern Kubernetes apiextensions/v1.JSON |
Pattern specifies an overlay-style pattern used to check resources. |
anyPattern Kubernetes apiextensions/v1.JSON |
AnyPattern specifies list of validation patterns. At least one of the patterns must be satisfied for the validation rule to succeed. |
deny Deny |
Deny defines conditions used to pass or fail a validation rule. |
foreach ForEachValidationWrapper |
Foreach declares a nested foreach iterator |
(Appears on: ForEachValidation)
ForEachValidationWrapper contains a list of ForEach descriptors.
Field | Description |
- []ForEachValidation |
Item is a descriptor on how to iterate over the list of items. |
alias)(Appears on: ForEachMutation)
ForeachOrder specifies the iteration order in foreach statements.
(Appears on: ForEachGeneration, Generation)
Field | Description |
ResourceSpec ResourceSpec |
ResourceSpec contains information to select the resource. |
data Kubernetes apiextensions/v1.JSON |
Data provides the resource declaration used to populate each generated resource. At most one of Data or Clone must be specified. If neither are provided, the generated resource will be created with default data only. |
clone CloneFrom |
Clone specifies the source resource used to populate each generated resource. At most one of Data or Clone can be specified. If neither are provided, the generated resource will be created with default data only. |
cloneList CloneList |
CloneList specifies the list of source resource used to populate each generated resource. |
Generation defines how new resources should be created and managed.
Field | Description |
generateExisting bool |
GenerateExisting controls whether to trigger the rule in existing resources If is set to “true” the rule will be triggered and applied to existing matched resources. |
synchronize bool |
Synchronize controls if generated resources should be kept in-sync with their source resource. If Synchronize is set to “true” changes to generated resources will be overwritten with resource data from Data or the resource specified in the Clone declaration. Optional. Defaults to “false” if not specified. |
orphanDownstreamOnPolicyDelete bool |
OrphanDownstreamOnPolicyDelete controls whether generated resources should be deleted when the rule that generated them is deleted with synchronization enabled. This option is only applicable to generate rules of the data type. See Defaults to “false” if not specified. |
GeneratePattern GeneratePattern |
(Optional) |
foreach []ForEachGeneration |
ForEach applies generate rules to a list of sub-elements by creating a context for each entry in the list and looping over it to apply the specified logic. |
(Appears on: ContextEntry)
Field | Description |
name string |
Name of the global context entry |
jmesPath string |
JMESPath is an optional JSON Match Expression that can be used to transform the JSON response returned from the server. For example a JMESPath of “items | length(@)” applied to the API server response for the URLPath “/apis/apps/v1/deployments” will return the total count of deployments across all namespaces. |
(Appears on: ServiceCall)
Field | Description |
key string |
Key is the header key |
value string |
Value is the header value |
Field | Description |
path string |
Path is the path to the object containing the image field in a custom resource. It should be slash-separated. Each slash-separated key must be a valid YAML key or a wildcard ‘*’. Wildcard keys are expanded in case of arrays or objects. |
value string |
Value is an optional name of the field within ‘path’ that points to the image URI. This is useful when a custom ‘key’ is also defined. |
name string |
Name is the entry the image will be available under ‘images. |
key string |
Key is an optional name of the field within ‘path’ that will be used to uniquely identify an image. Note - this field MUST be unique. |
jmesPath string |
JMESPath is an optional JMESPath expression to apply to the image value. This is useful when the extracted image begins with a prefix like ‘docker://’. The ‘trim_prefix’ function may be used to trim the prefix: trim_prefix(@, ‘docker://’). Note - Image digest mutation may not be used when applying a JMESPAth to an image. |
(Appears on: ContextEntry)
ImageRegistry defines requests to an OCI/Docker V2 registry to fetch image details.
Field | Description |
reference string |
Reference is image reference to a container image in the registry. Example: |
jmesPath string |
JMESPath is an optional JSON Match Expression that can be used to transform the ImageData struct returned as a result of processing the image reference. |
imageRegistryCredentials ImageRegistryCredentials |
ImageRegistryCredentials provides credentials that will be used for authentication with registry |
(Appears on: ImageRegistry, ImageVerification, ImageVerification)
Field | Description |
allowInsecureRegistry bool |
AllowInsecureRegistry allows insecure access to a registry. |
providers []ImageRegistryCredentialsProvidersType |
Providers specifies a list of OCI Registry names, whose authentication providers are provided. It can be of one of these values: default,google,azure,amazon,github. |
secrets []string |
Secrets specifies a list of secrets that are provided for credentials. Secrets must live in the Kyverno namespace. |
alias)(Appears on: ImageRegistryCredentials)
ImageRegistryCredentialsProvidersType provides the list of credential providers required.
(Appears on: Rule)
ImageVerification validates that images that match the specified pattern are signed with the supplied public key. Once the image is verified it is mutated to include the SHA digest retrieved during the registration.
Field | Description |
failureAction ValidationFailureAction |
Allowed values are Audit or Enforce. |
type ImageVerificationType |
Type specifies the method of signature validation. The allowed options are Cosign, Sigstore Bundle and Notary. By default Cosign is used if a type is not specified. |
image string |
Deprecated. Use ImageReferences instead. |
imageReferences []string |
ImageReferences is a list of matching image reference patterns. At least one pattern in the list must match the image for the rule to apply. Each image reference consists of a registry address (defaults to, repository, image, and tag (defaults to latest). Wildcards (‘*’ and ‘?’) are allowed. See: |
skipImageReferences []string |
SkipImageReferences is a list of matching image reference patterns that should be skipped. At least one pattern in the list must match the image for the rule to be skipped. Each image reference consists of a registry address (defaults to, repository, image, and tag (defaults to latest). Wildcards (‘*’ and ‘?’) are allowed. See: |
key string |
Deprecated. Use StaticKeyAttestor instead. |
roots string |
Deprecated. Use KeylessAttestor instead. |
subject string |
Deprecated. Use KeylessAttestor instead. |
issuer string |
Deprecated. Use KeylessAttestor instead. |
additionalExtensions map[string]string |
Deprecated. |
attestors []AttestorSet |
Attestors specified the required attestors (i.e. authorities) |
attestations []Attestation |
Attestations are optional checks for signed in-toto Statements used to verify the image. See Kyverno fetches signed attestations from the OCI registry and decodes them into a list of Statement declarations. |
annotations map[string]string |
Deprecated. Use annotations per Attestor instead. |
repository string |
Repository is an optional alternate OCI repository to use for image signatures and attestations that match this rule. If specified Repository will override the default OCI image repository configured for the installation. The repository can also be overridden per Attestor or Attestation. |
cosignOCI11 bool |
CosignOCI11 enables the experimental OCI 1.1 behaviour in cosign image verification. Defaults to false. |
mutateDigest bool |
MutateDigest enables replacement of image tags with digests. Defaults to true. |
verifyDigest bool |
VerifyDigest validates that images have a digest. |
validate ValidateImageVerification |
Validation checks conditions across multiple image verification attestations or context entries |
required bool |
Required validates that images are verified i.e. have matched passed a signature or attestation check. |
imageRegistryCredentials ImageRegistryCredentials |
ImageRegistryCredentials provides credentials that will be used for authentication with registry. |
useCache bool |
UseCache enables caching of image verify responses for this rule. |
alias)(Appears on: ImageVerification, ImageVerification)
ImageVerificationType selects the type of verification algorithm
(Appears on: Attestor)
Field | Description |
rekor Rekor |
Rekor provides configuration for the Rekor transparency log service. If an empty object is provided the public instance of Rekor ( is used. |
ctlog CTLog |
CTLog (certificate timestamp log) provides a configuration for validation of Signed Certificate Timestamps (SCTs). If the value is unset, the default behavior by Cosign is used. |
issuer string |
Issuer is the certificate issuer used for keyless signing. |
issuerRegExp string |
IssuerRegExp is the regular expression to match certificate issuer used for keyless signing. |
subject string |
Subject is the verified identity used for keyless signing, for example the email address. |
subjectRegExp string |
SubjectRegExp is the regular expression to match identity used for keyless signing, for example the email address. |
roots string |
Roots is an optional set of PEM encoded trusted root certificates. If not provided, the system roots are used. |
additionalExtensions map[string]string |
AdditionalExtensions are certificate-extensions used for keyless signing. |
(Appears on: Validation, Validation)
Field | Description |
attestors []AttestorSet |
Attestors specified the required attestors (i.e. authorities) |
annotationDomain string |
AnnotationDomain is custom domain of annotation for message and signature. Default is “”. |
ignoreFields IgnoreFieldList |
Fields which will be ignored while comparing manifests. |
dryRun DryRunOption |
DryRun configuration |
repository string |
Repository is an optional alternate OCI repository to use for resource bundle reference. The repository can be overridden per Attestor or Attestation. |
(Appears on: Rule)
MatchResources is used to specify resource and admission review request data for which a policy rule is applicable.
Field | Description |
any ResourceFilters |
Any allows specifying resources which will be ORed |
all ResourceFilters |
All allows specifying resources which will be ANDed |
UserInfo UserInfo |
UserInfo contains information about the user performing the operation. Specifying UserInfo directly under match is being deprecated. Please specify under “any” or “all” instead. |
resources ResourceDescription |
ResourceDescription contains information about the resource being created or modified. Requires at least one tag to be specified when under MatchResources. Specifying ResourceDescription directly under match is being deprecated. Please specify under “any” or “all” instead. |
alias)(Appears on: APICall)
Method is a HTTP request type.
Mutation defines how resource are modified.
Field | Description |
mutateExistingOnPolicyUpdate bool |
MutateExistingOnPolicyUpdate controls if the mutateExisting rule will be applied on policy events. |
targets []TargetResourceSpec |
Targets defines the target resources to be mutated. |
patchStrategicMerge Kubernetes apiextensions/v1.JSON |
PatchStrategicMerge is a strategic merge patch used to modify resources. See and |
patchesJson6902 string |
PatchesJSON6902 is a list of RFC 6902 JSON Patch declarations used to modify resources. See and |
foreach []ForEachMutation |
ForEach applies mutation rules to a list of sub-elements by creating a context for each entry in the list and looping over it to apply the specified logic. |
Field | Description |
fields []string |
objects |
(Appears on: Validation, Validation)
PodSecurity applies exemptions for Kubernetes Pod Security admission by specifying exclusions for Pod Security Standards controls.
Field | Description |
level |
Level defines the Pod Security Standard level to be applied to workloads. Allowed values are privileged, baseline, and restricted. |
version string |
Version defines the Pod Security Standard versions that Kubernetes supports. Allowed values are v1.19, v1.20, v1.21, v1.22, v1.23, v1.24, v1.25, v1.26, v1.27, v1.28, v1.29, latest. Defaults to latest. |
exclude []PodSecurityStandard |
Exclude specifies the Pod Security Standard controls to be excluded. |
(Appears on: PodSecurity, PolicyExceptionSpec, PolicyExceptionSpec)
PodSecurityStandard specifies the Pod Security Standard controls to be excluded.
Field | Description |
controlName string |
ControlName specifies the name of the Pod Security Standard control. See: |
images []string |
Images selects matching containers and applies the container level PSS. Each image is the image name consisting of the registry address, repository, image, and tag. Empty list matches no containers, PSS checks are applied at the pod level only. Wildcards (‘*’ and ‘?’) are allowed. See: |
restrictedField string |
RestrictedField selects the field for the given Pod Security Standard control. When not set, all restricted fields for the control are selected. |
values []string |
Values defines the allowed values that can be excluded. |
PolicyInterface abstracts the concrete policy type (Policy vs ClusterPolicy)
(Appears on: ClusterPolicy, Policy, ClusterPolicy, Policy)
Deprecated. Policy metrics are now available via the “/metrics” endpoint. See:
Field | Description |
ready bool |
Deprecated in favor of Conditions |
conditions []Kubernetes meta/v1.Condition |
(Optional) |
autogen AutogenStatus |
(Optional) |
rulecount RuleCountStatus |
(Optional) |
validatingadmissionpolicy ValidatingAdmissionPolicyStatus |
ValidatingAdmissionPolicy contains status information |
(Appears on: CertificateAttestor, KeylessAttestor, StaticKeyAttestor)
Field | Description |
url string |
URL is the address of the transparency log. Defaults to the public Rekor log instance |
pubkey string |
RekorPubKey is an optional PEM-encoded public key to use for a custom Rekor. If set, this will be used to validate transparency log signatures from a custom Rekor. |
ignoreTlog bool |
IgnoreTlog skips transparency log verification. |
(Appears on: APICall)
RequestData contains the HTTP POST data
Field | Description |
key string |
Key is a unique identifier for the data value |
value Kubernetes apiextensions/v1.JSON |
Value is the data value |
(Appears on: MatchResources, ResourceFilter)
ResourceDescription contains criteria used to match resources.
Field | Description |
kinds []string |
Kinds is a list of resource kinds. |
name string |
Name is the name of the resource. The name supports wildcard characters “*” (matches zero or many characters) and “?” (at least one character). NOTE: “Name” is being deprecated in favor of “Names”. |
names []string |
Names are the names of the resources. Each name supports wildcard characters “*” (matches zero or many characters) and “?” (at least one character). |
namespaces []string |
Namespaces is a list of namespaces names. Each name supports wildcard characters “*” (matches zero or many characters) and “?” (at least one character). |
annotations map[string]string |
Annotations is a map of annotations (key-value pairs of type string). Annotation keys and values support the wildcard characters “*” (matches zero or many characters) and “?” (matches at least one character). |
selector Kubernetes meta/v1.LabelSelector |
Selector is a label selector. Label keys and values in |
namespaceSelector Kubernetes meta/v1.LabelSelector |
NamespaceSelector is a label selector for the resource namespace. Label keys and values
in |
operations []AdmissionOperation |
Operations can contain values [“CREATE, “UPDATE”, “CONNECT”, “DELETE”], which are used to match a specific action. |
ResourceFilter allow users to “AND” or “OR” between resources
Field | Description |
UserInfo UserInfo |
UserInfo contains information about the user performing the operation. |
resources ResourceDescription |
ResourceDescription contains information about the resource being created or modified. |
alias)(Appears on: MatchResources, MatchResources)
ResourceFilters is a slice of ResourceFilter
(Appears on: GeneratePattern, TargetSelector, UpdateRequestSpec, UpdateRequestStatus, RuleContext, UpdateRequestSpec, UpdateRequestStatus)
Field | Description |
apiVersion string |
APIVersion specifies resource apiVersion. |
kind string |
Kind specifies resource kind. |
namespace string |
Namespace specifies resource namespace. |
name string |
Name specifies the resource name. |
uid |
UID specifies the resource uid. |
(Appears on: AutogenStatus, Spec)
Rule defines a validation, mutation, or generation control for matching resources. Each rules contains a match declaration to select resources, and an optional exclude declaration to specify which resources to exclude.
Field | Description |
name string |
Name is a label to identify the rule, It must be unique within the policy. |
context []ContextEntry |
Context defines variables and data sources that can be used during rule execution. |
reportProperties map[string]string |
ReportProperties are the additional properties from the rule that will be added to the policy report result |
match MatchResources |
MatchResources defines when this policy rule should be applied. The match criteria can include resource information (e.g. kind, name, namespace, labels) and admission review request information like the user name or role. At least one kind is required. |
exclude MatchResources |
ExcludeResources defines when this policy rule should not be applied. The exclude criteria can include resource information (e.g. kind, name, namespace, labels) and admission review request information like the name or role. |
imageExtractors ImageExtractorConfigs |
ImageExtractors defines a mapping from kinds to ImageExtractorConfigs. This config is only valid for verifyImages rules. |
preconditions ConditionsWrapper |
Preconditions are used to determine if a policy rule should be applied by evaluating a
set of conditions. The declaration can contain nested |
celPreconditions []Kubernetes admissionregistration/v1.MatchCondition |
CELPreconditions are used to determine if a policy rule should be applied by evaluating a set of CEL conditions. It can only be used with the validate.cel subrule |
mutate Mutation |
Mutation is used to modify matching resources. |
validate Validation |
Validation is used to validate matching resources. |
generate Generation |
Generation is used to create new resources. |
verifyImages []ImageVerification |
VerifyImages is used to verify image signatures and mutate them to add a digest |
skipBackgroundRequests bool |
SkipBackgroundRequests bypasses admission requests that are sent by the background controller. The default value is set to “true”, it must be set to “false” to apply generate and mutateExisting rules to those requests. |
(Appears on: PolicyStatus)
RuleCountStatus contains four variables which describes counts for validate, generate, mutate and verify images rules
Field | Description |
validate int |
Count for validate rules in policy |
generate int |
Count for generate rules in policy |
mutate int |
Count for mutate rules in policy |
verifyimages int |
Count for verify image rules in policy |
(Appears on: StaticKeyAttestor)
Field | Description |
name string |
Name of the secret. The provided secret must contain a key named |
namespace string |
Namespace name where the Secret exists. |
(Appears on: APICall)
Field | Description |
url string |
URL is the JSON web service URL. A typical form is
headers []HTTPHeader |
Headers is a list of optional HTTP headers to be included in the request. |
caBundle string |
CABundle is a PEM encoded CA bundle which will be used to validate the server certificate. |
(Appears on: ClusterPolicy, Policy)
Spec contains a list of Rule instances and other policy controls.
Field | Description |
rules []Rule |
Rules is a list of Rule instances. A Policy contains multiple rules and each rule can validate, mutate, or generate resources. |
applyRules ApplyRulesType |
ApplyRules controls how rules in a policy are applied. Rule are processed in
the order of declaration. When set to |
failurePolicy FailurePolicyType |
Deprecated, use failurePolicy under the webhookConfiguration instead. |
validationFailureAction ValidationFailureAction |
Deprecated, use validationFailureAction under the validate rule instead. |
validationFailureActionOverrides []ValidationFailureActionOverride |
Deprecated, use validationFailureActionOverrides under the validate rule instead. |
emitWarning bool |
EmitWarning enables API response warnings for mutate policy rules or validate policy rules with validationFailureAction set to Audit. Enabling this option will extend admission request processing times. The default value is “false”. |
admission bool |
Admission controls if rules are applied during admission. Optional. Default value is “true”. |
background bool |
Background controls if rules are applied to existing resources during a background scan. Optional. Default value is “true”. The value must be set to “false” if the policy rule uses variables that are only available in the admission review request (e.g. user name). |
schemaValidation bool |
Deprecated. |
webhookTimeoutSeconds int32 |
Deprecated, use webhookTimeoutSeconds under webhookConfiguration instead. |
mutateExistingOnPolicyUpdate bool |
Deprecated, use mutateExistingOnPolicyUpdate under the mutate rule instead |
generateExistingOnPolicyUpdate bool |
Deprecated, use generateExisting instead |
generateExisting bool |
Deprecated, use generateExisting under the generate rule instead |
useServerSideApply bool |
UseServerSideApply controls whether to use server-side apply for generate rules If is set to “true” create & update for generate rules will use apply instead of create/update. Defaults to “false” if not specified. |
webhookConfiguration WebhookConfiguration |
WebhookConfiguration specifies the custom configuration for Kubernetes admission webhookconfiguration. |
(Appears on: Attestor)
Field | Description |
publicKeys string |
Keys is a set of X.509 public keys used to verify image signatures. The keys can be directly
specified or can be a variable reference to a key specified in a ConfigMap (see, or reference a standard Kubernetes Secret
elsewhere in the cluster by specifying it in the format “k8s:// |
signatureAlgorithm string |
Deprecated. Use attestor.signatureAlgorithm instead. |
kms string |
KMS provides the URI to the public key stored in a Key Management System. See: |
secret SecretReference |
Reference to a Secret resource that contains a public key |
rekor Rekor |
Rekor provides configuration for the Rekor transparency log service. If an empty object is provided the public instance of Rekor ( is used. |
ctlog CTLog |
CTLog (certificate timestamp log) provides a configuration for validation of Signed Certificate Timestamps (SCTs). If the value is unset, the default behavior by Cosign is used. |
(Appears on: Mutation)
TargetResourceSpec defines targets for mutating existing resources.
Field | Description |
TargetSelector TargetSelector |
TargetSelector contains the ResourceSpec and a label selector to support selecting with labels. |
context []ContextEntry |
Context defines variables and data sources that can be used during rule execution. |
preconditions ConditionsWrapper |
Preconditions are used to determine if a policy rule should be applied by evaluating a
set of conditions. The declaration can contain nested |
(Appears on: TargetResourceSpec)
Field | Description |
ResourceSpec ResourceSpec |
ResourceSpec contains the target resources to load when mutating existing resources. |
selector Kubernetes meta/v1.LabelSelector |
Selector allows you to select target resources with their labels. |
(Appears on: MatchResources, ResourceFilter, ResourceFilter)
UserInfo contains information about the user performing the operation.
Field | Description |
roles []string |
Roles is the list of namespaced role names for the user. |
clusterRoles []string |
ClusterRoles is the list of cluster-wide role names for the user. |
subjects []Kubernetes rbac/v1.Subject |
Subjects is the list of subject names like users, user groups, and service accounts. |
(Appears on: ImageVerification, ImageVerification)
ValidateImageVerification checks conditions across multiple image verification attestations or context entries
Field | Description |
message string |
Message specifies a custom message to be displayed on failure. |
deny Deny |
Deny defines conditions used to pass or fail a validation rule. |
(Appears on: PolicyStatus)
ValidatingAdmissionPolicy contains status information
Field | Description |
generated bool |
Generated indicates whether a validating admission policy is generated from the policy or not |
message string |
Message is a human readable message indicating details about the generation of validating admission policy It is an empty string when validating admission policy is successfully generated. |
(Appears on: Rule)
Validation defines checks to be performed on matching resources.
Field | Description |
failureAction ValidationFailureAction |
FailureAction defines if a validation policy rule violation should block the admission review request (Enforce), or allow (Audit) the admission review request and report an error in a policy report. Optional. Allowed values are Audit or Enforce. |
failureActionOverrides []ValidationFailureActionOverride |
FailureActionOverrides is a Cluster Policy attribute that specifies FailureAction namespace-wise. It overrides FailureAction for the specified namespaces. |
allowExistingViolations bool |
AllowExistingViolations allows prexisting violating resources to continue violating a policy. |
message string |
Message specifies a custom message to be displayed on failure. |
manifests Manifests |
Manifest specifies conditions for manifest verification |
foreach []ForEachValidation |
ForEach applies validate rules to a list of sub-elements by creating a context for each entry in the list and looping over it to apply the specified logic. |
pattern Kubernetes apiextensions/v1.JSON |
Pattern specifies an overlay-style pattern used to check resources. |
anyPattern Kubernetes apiextensions/v1.JSON |
AnyPattern specifies list of validation patterns. At least one of the patterns must be satisfied for the validation rule to succeed. |
deny Deny |
Deny defines conditions used to pass or fail a validation rule. |
podSecurity PodSecurity |
PodSecurity applies exemptions for Kubernetes Pod Security admission by specifying exclusions for Pod Security Standards controls. |
cel CEL |
CEL allows validation checks using the Common Expression Language ( |
assert |
Assert defines a kyverno-json assertion tree. |
alias)(Appears on: ImageVerification, Spec, Validation, ValidationFailureActionOverride, ImageVerification, Spec, Validation)
ValidationFailureAction defines the policy validation failure action
(Appears on: Spec, Validation, Spec, Validation)
Field | Description |
action ValidationFailureAction |
namespaces []string |
namespaceSelector Kubernetes meta/v1.LabelSelector |
(Appears on: ContextEntry)
Variable defines an arbitrary JMESPath context variable that can be defined inline.
Field | Description |
value |
Value is any arbitrary JSON object representable in YAML or JSON form. |
jmesPath string |
JMESPath is an optional JMESPath Expression that can be used to transform the variable. |
default |
Default is an optional arbitrary JSON object that the variable may take if the JMESPath expression evaluates to nil |
WebhookConfiguration specifies the configuration for Kubernetes admission webhookconfiguration.
Field | Description |
failurePolicy FailurePolicyType |
FailurePolicy defines how unexpected policy errors and webhook response timeout errors are handled.
Rules within the same policy share the same failure behavior.
This field should not be accessed directly, instead |
timeoutSeconds int32 |
TimeoutSeconds specifies the maximum time in seconds allowed to apply this policy. After the configured time expires, the admission request may fail, or may simply ignore the policy results, based on the failure policy. The default timeout is 10s, the value must be between 1 and 30 seconds. |
matchConditions []Kubernetes admissionregistration/v1.MatchCondition |
MatchCondition configures admission webhook matchConditions. Requires Kubernetes 1.27 or later. |
Package v1beta1 contains API Schema definitions for the policy v1beta1 API group
Resource Types:
UpdateRequest is a request to process mutate and generate rules in background.
Field | Description | ||||||||||||||
apiVersion string |
kind string |
UpdateRequest |
metadata Kubernetes meta/v1.ObjectMeta |
Refer to the Kubernetes API documentation for the fields of the
metadata field.
spec UpdateRequestSpec |
ResourceSpec is the information to identify the trigger resource.
status UpdateRequestStatus |
Status contains statistics related to update request. |
(Appears on: UpdateRequestSpecContext)
AdmissionRequestInfoObject stores the admission request and operation details
Field | Description |
admissionRequest Kubernetes admission/v1.AdmissionRequest |
(Optional) |
operation Kubernetes admission/v1.Operation |
(Optional) |
(Appears on: UpdateRequestSpecContext)
RequestInfo contains permission info carried in an admission request.
Field | Description |
roles []string |
Roles is a list of possible role send the request. |
clusterRoles []string |
ClusterRoles is a list of possible clusterRoles send the request. |
userInfo Kubernetes authentication/v1.UserInfo |
UserInfo is the userInfo carried in the admission request. |
alias)(Appears on: UpdateRequestSpec)
(Appears on: UpdateRequest)
UpdateRequestSpec stores the request specification.
Field | Description |
requestType RequestType |
Type represents request type for background processing |
policy string |
Specifies the name of the policy. |
rule string |
Rule is the associate rule name of the current UR. |
deleteDownstream bool |
DeleteDownstream represents whether the downstream needs to be deleted. |
synchronize bool |
Synchronize represents the sync behavior of the corresponding rule Optional. Defaults to “false” if not specified. |
resource ResourceSpec |
ResourceSpec is the information to identify the trigger resource. |
context UpdateRequestSpecContext |
Context … |
(Appears on: UpdateRequestSpec)
UpdateRequestSpecContext stores the context to be shared.
Field | Description |
userInfo RequestInfo |
(Optional) |
admissionRequestInfo AdmissionRequestInfoObject |
(Optional) |
alias)(Appears on: UpdateRequestStatus)
UpdateRequestState defines the state of request.
(Appears on: UpdateRequest)
UpdateRequestStatus defines the observed state of UpdateRequest
Field | Description |
handler string |
Deprecated |
state UpdateRequestState |
State represents state of the update request. |
message string |
Specifies request status message. |
generatedResources []ResourceSpec |
This will track the resources that are updated by the generate Policy. Will be used during clean up resources. |
retryCount int |
Resource Types:
CleanupPolicy defines a rule for resource cleanup.
Field | Description | ||||||||||||
apiVersion string |
kind string |
CleanupPolicy |
metadata Kubernetes meta/v1.ObjectMeta |
Refer to the Kubernetes API documentation for the fields of the
metadata field.
spec CleanupPolicySpec |
Spec declares policy behaviors.
status CleanupPolicyStatus |
Status contains policy runtime data. |
ClusterCleanupPolicy defines rule for resource cleanup.
Field | Description | ||||||||||||
apiVersion string |
kind string |
ClusterCleanupPolicy |
metadata Kubernetes meta/v1.ObjectMeta |
Refer to the Kubernetes API documentation for the fields of the
metadata field.
spec CleanupPolicySpec |
Spec declares policy behaviors.
status CleanupPolicyStatus |
Status contains policy runtime data. |
PolicyException declares resources to be excluded from specified policies.
Field | Description | ||||||||||
apiVersion string |
kind string |
PolicyException |
metadata Kubernetes meta/v1.ObjectMeta |
Refer to the Kubernetes API documentation for the fields of the
metadata field.
spec PolicyExceptionSpec |
Spec declares policy exception behaviors.
UpdateRequest is a request to process mutate and generate rules in background.
Field | Description | ||||||||||||||||
apiVersion string |
kind string |
UpdateRequest |
metadata Kubernetes meta/v1.ObjectMeta |
Refer to the Kubernetes API documentation for the fields of the
metadata field.
spec UpdateRequestSpec |
ResourceSpec is the information to identify the trigger resource.
status UpdateRequestStatus |
Status contains statistics related to update request. |
(Appears on: UpdateRequestSpecContext)
AdmissionRequestInfoObject stores the admission request and operation details
Field | Description |
admissionRequest Kubernetes admission/v1.AdmissionRequest |
(Optional) |
operation Kubernetes admission/v1.Operation |
(Optional) |
(Appears on: CleanupPolicySpec, PolicyExceptionSpec)
Field | Description |
any []Condition |
AnyConditions enable variable-based conditional rule execution. This is useful for finer control of when an rule is applied. A condition can reference object data using JMESPath notation. Here, at least one of the conditions need to pass. |
all []Condition |
AllConditions enable variable-based conditional rule execution. This is useful for finer control of when an rule is applied. A condition can reference object data using JMESPath notation. Here, all of the conditions need to pass. |
CleanupPolicyInterface abstracts the concrete policy type (CleanupPolicy vs ClusterCleanupPolicy)
(Appears on: CleanupPolicy, ClusterCleanupPolicy)
CleanupPolicySpec stores specifications for selecting resources that the user needs to delete and schedule when the matching resources needs deleted.
Field | Description |
context []ContextEntry |
Context defines variables and data sources that can be used during rule execution. |
match MatchResources |
MatchResources defines when cleanuppolicy should be applied. The match criteria can include resource information (e.g. kind, name, namespace, labels) and admission review request information like the user name or role. At least one kind is required. |
exclude MatchResources |
ExcludeResources defines when cleanuppolicy should not be applied. The exclude criteria can include resource information (e.g. kind, name, namespace, labels) and admission review request information like the name or role. |
schedule string |
The schedule in Cron format |
conditions AnyAllConditions |
Conditions defines the conditions used to select the resources which will be cleaned up. |
deletionPropagationPolicy Kubernetes meta/v1.DeletionPropagation |
DeletionPropagationPolicy defines how resources will be deleted (Foreground, Background, Orphan). |
(Appears on: CleanupPolicy, ClusterCleanupPolicy)
CleanupPolicyStatus stores the status of the policy.
Field | Description |
conditions []Kubernetes meta/v1.Condition |
lastExecutionTime Kubernetes meta/v1.Time |
(Appears on: AnyAllConditions)
Field | Description |
key |
Key is the context entry (using JMESPath) for conditional rule evaluation. |
operator ConditionOperator |
Operator is the conditional operation to perform. Valid operators are: Equals, NotEquals, In, AnyIn, AllIn, NotIn, AnyNotIn, AllNotIn, GreaterThanOrEquals, GreaterThan, LessThanOrEquals, LessThan, DurationGreaterThanOrEquals, DurationGreaterThan, DurationLessThanOrEquals, DurationLessThan |
value |
Value is the conditional value, or set of values. The values can be fixed set or can be variables declared using JMESPath. |
message string |
Message is an optional display message |
alias)(Appears on: Condition)
ConditionOperator is the operation performed on condition key and value.
(Appears on: PolicyExceptionSpec)
Exception stores infos about a policy and rules
Field | Description |
policyName string |
PolicyName identifies the policy to which the exception is applied.
The policy name uses the format |
ruleNames []string |
RuleNames identifies the rules to which the exception is applied. |
(Appears on: PolicyException)
PolicyExceptionSpec stores policy exception spec
Field | Description |
background bool |
Background controls if exceptions are applied to existing policies during a background scan. Optional. Default value is “true”. The value must be set to “false” if the policy rule uses variables that are only available in the admission review request (e.g. user name). |
match MatchResources |
Match defines match clause used to check if a resource applies to the exception |
conditions AnyAllConditions |
Conditions are used to determine if a resource applies to the exception by evaluating a
set of conditions. The declaration can contain nested |
exceptions []Exception |
Exceptions is a list policy/rules to be excluded |
podSecurity []PodSecurityStandard |
PodSecurity specifies the Pod Security Standard controls to be excluded. Applicable only to policies that have validate.podSecurity subrule. |
(Appears on: UpdateRequestSpecContext)
RequestInfo contains permission info carried in an admission request.
Field | Description |
roles []string |
Roles is a list of possible role send the request. |
clusterRoles []string |
ClusterRoles is a list of possible clusterRoles send the request. |
userInfo Kubernetes authentication/v1.UserInfo |
UserInfo is the userInfo carried in the admission request. |
alias)(Appears on: UpdateRequestSpec)
(Appears on: UpdateRequestSpec)
Field | Description |
rule string |
Rule is the associate rule name of the current UR. |
deleteDownstream bool |
DeleteDownstream represents whether the downstream needs to be deleted. |
synchronize bool |
Synchronize represents the sync behavior of the corresponding rule Optional. Defaults to “false” if not specified. |
trigger ResourceSpec |
ResourceSpec is the information to identify the trigger resource. |
(Appears on: UpdateRequest)
UpdateRequestSpec stores the request specification.
Field | Description |
requestType RequestType |
Type represents request type for background processing |
policy string |
Specifies the name of the policy. |
ruleContext []RuleContext |
RuleContext is the associate context to apply rules. optional |
rule string |
Rule is the associate rule name of the current UR. |
deleteDownstream bool |
DeleteDownstream represents whether the downstream needs to be deleted. Deprecated |
synchronize bool |
Synchronize represents the sync behavior of the corresponding rule Optional. Defaults to “false” if not specified. Deprecated, will be removed in 1.14. |
resource ResourceSpec |
ResourceSpec is the information to identify the trigger resource. |
context UpdateRequestSpecContext |
Context represents admission request context. It is used upon admission review only and is shared across rules within the same UR. |
(Appears on: UpdateRequestSpec)
UpdateRequestSpecContext stores the context to be shared.
Field | Description |
userInfo RequestInfo |
(Optional) |
admissionRequestInfo AdmissionRequestInfoObject |
(Optional) |
alias)(Appears on: UpdateRequestStatus)
UpdateRequestState defines the state of request.
(Appears on: UpdateRequest)
UpdateRequestStatus defines the observed state of UpdateRequest
Field | Description |
state UpdateRequestState |
State represents state of the update request. |
message string |
Specifies request status message. |
generatedResources []ResourceSpec |
This will track the resources that are updated by the generate Policy. Will be used during clean up resources. |
retryCount int |
Resource Types:
PolicyException declares resources to be excluded from specified policies.
Field | Description | ||||||
apiVersion string |
kind string |
CELPolicyException |
metadata Kubernetes meta/v1.ObjectMeta |
Refer to the Kubernetes API documentation for the fields of the
metadata field.
spec CELPolicyExceptionSpec |
Spec declares policy exception behaviors.
GlobalContextEntry declares resources to be cached.
Field | Description | ||||
apiVersion string |
kind string |
GlobalContextEntry |
metadata Kubernetes meta/v1.ObjectMeta |
Refer to the Kubernetes API documentation for the fields of the
metadata field.
spec GlobalContextEntrySpec |
Spec declares policy exception behaviors.
status GlobalContextEntryStatus |
Status contains globalcontextentry runtime data. |
Field | Description | ||||||
apiVersion string |
kind string |
ValidatingPolicy |
metadata Kubernetes meta/v1.ObjectMeta |
Refer to the Kubernetes API documentation for the fields of the
metadata field.
spec ValidatingPolicySpec |
(Appears on: CELPolicyException)
PolicyExceptionSpec stores policy exception spec
Field | Description |
policyRefs []PolicyRef |
PolicyRefs identifies the policies to which the exception is applied. |
matchConstraints Kubernetes admissionregistration/v1.MatchResources |
MatchConstraints is used to check if a resource applies to the exception. |
matchConditions []Kubernetes admissionregistration/v1.MatchCondition |
MatchConditions is a list of CEL expressions that must be met for a resource to be excluded. |
(Appears on: GlobalContextEntrySpec)
Field | Description |
APICall APICall |
(Members of |
refreshInterval Kubernetes meta/v1.Duration |
RefreshInterval defines the interval in duration at which to poll the APICall. The duration is a sequence of decimal numbers, each with optional fraction and a unit suffix, such as “300ms”, “1.5h” or “2h45m”. Valid time units are “ns”, “us” (or “µs”), “ms”, “s”, “m”, “h”. |
retryLimit int |
RetryLimit defines the number of times the APICall should be retried in case of failure. |
(Appears on: GlobalContextEntry)
GlobalContextEntrySpec stores policy exception spec
Field | Description |
kubernetesResource KubernetesResource |
Stores a list of Kubernetes resources which will be cached. Mutually exclusive with APICall. |
apiCall ExternalAPICall |
Stores results from an API call which will be cached. Mutually exclusive with KubernetesResource. This can be used to make calls to external (non-Kubernetes API server) services. It can also be used to make calls to the Kubernetes API server in such cases: 1. A POST is needed to create a resource. 2. Finer-grained control is needed. Example: To restrict the number of resources cached. |
(Appears on: GlobalContextEntry)
Field | Description |
ready bool |
Deprecated in favor of Conditions |
conditions []Kubernetes meta/v1.Condition |
(Optional) |
lastRefreshTime Kubernetes meta/v1.Time |
Indicates the time when the globalcontextentry was last refreshed successfully for the API Call |
(Appears on: GlobalContextEntrySpec)
KubernetesResource stores infos about kubernetes resource that should be cached
Field | Description |
group string |
Group defines the group of the resource. |
version string |
Version defines the version of the resource. |
resource string |
Resource defines the type of the resource. Requires the pluralized form of the resource kind in lowercase. (Ex., “deployments”) |
namespace string |
Namespace defines the namespace of the resource. Leave empty for cluster scoped resources. If left empty for namespaced resources, all resources from all namespaces will be cached. |
(Appears on: CELPolicyExceptionSpec)
Field | Description |
name string |
Name is the name of the policy |
kind string |
Kind is the kind of the policy |
(Appears on: ValidatingPolicy)
ValidatingPolicySpec is the specification of the desired behavior of the ValidatingPolicy.
Field | Description |
ValidatingAdmissionPolicySpec Kubernetes admissionregistration/v1.ValidatingAdmissionPolicySpec |
(Members of |
validationActions []Kubernetes admissionregistration/v1.ValidationAction |
ValidationAction specifies the action to be taken when the matched resource violates the policy. |
webhookConfiguration WebhookConfiguration |
WebhookConfiguration defines the configuration for the webhook. |
(Appears on: ValidatingPolicySpec)
Field | Description |
timeoutSeconds int32 |
TimeoutSeconds specifies the maximum time in seconds allowed to apply this policy. After the configured time expires, the admission request may fail, or may simply ignore the policy results, based on the failure policy. The default timeout is 10s, the value must be between 1 and 30 seconds. |
CleanupPolicy defines a rule for resource cleanup.
Field | Description | ||||||||||||
apiVersion string |
kind string |
CleanupPolicy |
metadata Kubernetes meta/v1.ObjectMeta |
Refer to the Kubernetes API documentation for the fields of the
metadata field.
spec CleanupPolicySpec |
Spec declares policy behaviors.
status CleanupPolicyStatus |
Status contains policy runtime data. |
ClusterCleanupPolicy defines rule for resource cleanup.
Field | Description | ||||||||||||
apiVersion string |
kind string |
ClusterCleanupPolicy |
metadata Kubernetes meta/v1.ObjectMeta |
Refer to the Kubernetes API documentation for the fields of the
metadata field.
spec CleanupPolicySpec |
Spec declares policy behaviors.
status CleanupPolicyStatus |
Status contains policy runtime data. |
ClusterPolicy declares validation, mutation, and generation behaviors for matching resources.
Field | Description | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
apiVersion string |
kind string |
ClusterPolicy |
metadata Kubernetes meta/v1.ObjectMeta |
Refer to the Kubernetes API documentation for the fields of the
metadata field.
spec Spec |
Spec declares policy behaviors.
status PolicyStatus |
Status contains policy runtime data. |
Policy declares validation, mutation, and generation behaviors for matching resources. See: for more information.
Field | Description | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
apiVersion string |
kind string |
Policy |
metadata Kubernetes meta/v1.ObjectMeta |
Refer to the Kubernetes API documentation for the fields of the
metadata field.
spec Spec |
Spec defines policy behaviors and contains one or more rules.
status PolicyStatus |
Status contains policy runtime data. |
PolicyException declares resources to be excluded from specified policies.
Field | Description | ||||||||||
apiVersion string |
kind string |
PolicyException |
metadata Kubernetes meta/v1.ObjectMeta |
Refer to the Kubernetes API documentation for the fields of the
metadata field.
spec PolicyExceptionSpec |
Spec declares policy exception behaviors.
(Appears on: CleanupPolicySpec, Deny, PolicyExceptionSpec, Rule)
Field | Description |
any []Condition |
AnyConditions enable variable-based conditional rule execution. This is useful for finer control of when an rule is applied. A condition can reference object data using JMESPath notation. Here, at least one of the conditions need to pass. |
all []Condition |
AllConditions enable variable-based conditional rule execution. This is useful for finer control of when an rule is applied. A condition can reference object data using JMESPath notation. Here, all of the conditions need to pass. |
(Appears on: CleanupPolicy, ClusterCleanupPolicy)
CleanupPolicySpec stores specifications for selecting resources that the user needs to delete and schedule when the matching resources needs deleted.
Field | Description |
context []ContextEntry |
Context defines variables and data sources that can be used during rule execution. |
match MatchResources |
MatchResources defines when cleanuppolicy should be applied. The match criteria can include resource information (e.g. kind, name, namespace, labels) and admission review request information like the user name or role. At least one kind is required. |
exclude MatchResources |
ExcludeResources defines when cleanuppolicy should not be applied. The exclude criteria can include resource information (e.g. kind, name, namespace, labels) and admission review request information like the name or role. |
schedule string |
The schedule in Cron format |
conditions AnyAllConditions |
Conditions defines the conditions used to select the resources which will be cleaned up. |
deletionPropagationPolicy Kubernetes meta/v1.DeletionPropagation |
DeletionPropagationPolicy defines how resources will be deleted (Foreground, Background, Orphan). |
(Appears on: CleanupPolicy, ClusterCleanupPolicy)
CleanupPolicyStatus stores the status of the policy.
Field | Description |
conditions []Kubernetes meta/v1.Condition |
lastExecutionTime Kubernetes meta/v1.Time |
(Appears on: AnyAllConditions)
Field | Description |
key |
Key is the context entry (using JMESPath) for conditional rule evaluation. |
operator ConditionOperator |
Operator is the conditional operation to perform. Valid operators are: Equals, NotEquals, In, AnyIn, AllIn, NotIn, AnyNotIn, AllNotIn, GreaterThanOrEquals, GreaterThan, LessThanOrEquals, LessThan, DurationGreaterThanOrEquals, DurationGreaterThan, DurationLessThanOrEquals, DurationLessThan |
value |
Value is the conditional value, or set of values. The values can be fixed set or can be variables declared using JMESPath. |
message string |
Message is an optional display message |
alias)(Appears on: Condition)
ConditionOperator is the operation performed on condition key and value.
(Appears on: Validation)
Deny specifies a list of conditions used to pass or fail a validation rule.
Field | Description |
conditions AnyAllConditions |
Multiple conditions can be declared under an |
(Appears on: PolicyExceptionSpec)
Exception stores infos about a policy and rules
Field | Description |
policyName string |
PolicyName identifies the policy to which the exception is applied.
The policy name uses the format |
ruleNames []string |
RuleNames identifies the rules to which the exception is applied. |
(Appears on: Rule)
ImageVerification validates that images that match the specified pattern are signed with the supplied public key. Once the image is verified it is mutated to include the SHA digest retrieved during the registration.
Field | Description |
failureAction ValidationFailureAction |
Allowed values are Audit or Enforce. |
type ImageVerificationType |
Type specifies the method of signature validation. The allowed options are Cosign and Notary. By default Cosign is used if a type is not specified. |
imageReferences []string |
ImageReferences is a list of matching image reference patterns. At least one pattern in the list must match the image for the rule to apply. Each image reference consists of a registry address (defaults to, repository, image, and tag (defaults to latest). Wildcards (‘*’ and ‘?’) are allowed. See: |
skipImageReferences []string |
SkipImageReferences is a list of matching image reference patterns that should be skipped. At least one pattern in the list must match the image for the rule to be skipped. Each image reference consists of a registry address (defaults to, repository, image, and tag (defaults to latest). Wildcards (‘*’ and ‘?’) are allowed. See: |
attestors []AttestorSet |
Attestors specified the required attestors (i.e. authorities) |
attestations []Attestation |
Attestations are optional checks for signed in-toto Statements used to verify the image. See Kyverno fetches signed attestations from the OCI registry and decodes them into a list of Statement declarations. |
repository string |
Repository is an optional alternate OCI repository to use for image signatures and attestations that match this rule. If specified Repository will override the default OCI image repository configured for the installation. The repository can also be overridden per Attestor or Attestation. |
mutateDigest bool |
MutateDigest enables replacement of image tags with digests. Defaults to true. |
verifyDigest bool |
VerifyDigest validates that images have a digest. |
validate ValidateImageVerification |
Validation checks conditions across multiple image verification attestations or context entries |
required bool |
Required validates that images are verified i.e. have matched passed a signature or attestation check. |
imageRegistryCredentials ImageRegistryCredentials |
ImageRegistryCredentials provides credentials that will be used for authentication with registry |
useCache bool |
UseCache enables caching of image verify responses for this rule |
(Appears on: CleanupPolicySpec, PolicyExceptionSpec, CleanupPolicySpec, PolicyExceptionSpec, Rule)
MatchResources is used to specify resource and admission review request data for which a policy rule is applicable.
Field | Description |
any ResourceFilters |
Any allows specifying resources which will be ORed |
all ResourceFilters |
All allows specifying resources which will be ANDed |
(Appears on: PolicyException)
PolicyExceptionSpec stores policy exception spec
Field | Description |
background bool |
Background controls if exceptions are applied to existing policies during a background scan. Optional. Default value is “true”. The value must be set to “false” if the policy rule uses variables that are only available in the admission review request (e.g. user name). |
match MatchResources |
Match defines match clause used to check if a resource applies to the exception |
conditions AnyAllConditions |
Conditions are used to determine if a resource applies to the exception by evaluating a
set of conditions. The declaration can contain nested |
exceptions []Exception |
Exceptions is a list policy/rules to be excluded |
podSecurity []PodSecurityStandard |
PodSecurity specifies the Pod Security Standard controls to be excluded. Applicable only to policies that have validate.podSecurity subrule. |
(Appears on: ResourceFilter)
ResourceDescription contains criteria used to match resources.
Field | Description |
kinds []string |
Kinds is a list of resource kinds. |
names []string |
Names are the names of the resources. Each name supports wildcard characters “*” (matches zero or many characters) and “?” (at least one character). |
namespaces []string |
Namespaces is a list of namespaces names. Each name supports wildcard characters “*” (matches zero or many characters) and “?” (at least one character). |
annotations map[string]string |
Annotations is a map of annotations (key-value pairs of type string). Annotation keys and values support the wildcard characters “*” (matches zero or many characters) and “?” (matches at least one character). |
selector Kubernetes meta/v1.LabelSelector |
Selector is a label selector. Label keys and values in |
namespaceSelector Kubernetes meta/v1.LabelSelector |
NamespaceSelector is a label selector for the resource namespace. Label keys and values
in |
operations []AdmissionOperation |
Operations can contain values [“CREATE, “UPDATE”, “CONNECT”, “DELETE”], which are used to match a specific action. |
ResourceFilter allow users to “AND” or “OR” between resources
Field | Description |
UserInfo UserInfo |
UserInfo contains information about the user performing the operation. |
resources ResourceDescription |
ResourceDescription contains information about the resource being created or modified. |
ResourceFilters is a slice of ResourceFilter
(Appears on: Spec)
Rule defines a validation, mutation, or generation control for matching resources. Each rules contains a match declaration to select resources, and an optional exclude declaration to specify which resources to exclude.
Field | Description |
name string |
Name is a label to identify the rule, It must be unique within the policy. |
context []ContextEntry |
Context defines variables and data sources that can be used during rule execution. |
match MatchResources |
MatchResources defines when this policy rule should be applied. The match criteria can include resource information (e.g. kind, name, namespace, labels) and admission review request information like the user name or role. At least one kind is required. |
exclude MatchResources |
ExcludeResources defines when this policy rule should not be applied. The exclude criteria can include resource information (e.g. kind, name, namespace, labels) and admission review request information like the name or role. |
imageExtractors ImageExtractorConfigs |
ImageExtractors defines a mapping from kinds to ImageExtractorConfigs. This config is only valid for verifyImages rules. |
preconditions AnyAllConditions |
Preconditions are used to determine if a policy rule should be applied by evaluating a
set of conditions. The declaration can contain nested |
celPreconditions []Kubernetes admissionregistration/v1.MatchCondition |
CELPreconditions are used to determine if a policy rule should be applied by evaluating a set of CEL conditions. It can only be used with the validate.cel subrule |
mutate Mutation |
Mutation is used to modify matching resources. |
validate Validation |
Validation is used to validate matching resources. |
generate Generation |
Generation is used to create new resources. |
verifyImages []ImageVerification |
VerifyImages is used to verify image signatures and mutate them to add a digest |
skipBackgroundRequests bool |
SkipBackgroundRequests bypasses admission requests that are sent by the background controller. The default value is set to “true”, it must be set to “false” to apply generate and mutateExisting rules to those requests. |
(Appears on: ClusterPolicy, Policy)
Spec contains a list of Rule instances and other policy controls.
Field | Description |
rules []Rule |
Rules is a list of Rule instances. A Policy contains multiple rules and each rule can validate, mutate, or generate resources. |
applyRules ApplyRulesType |
ApplyRules controls how rules in a policy are applied. Rule are processed in
the order of declaration. When set to |
failurePolicy FailurePolicyType |
Deprecated, use failurePolicy under the webhookConfiguration instead. |
validationFailureAction ValidationFailureAction |
Deprecated, use validationFailureAction under the validate rule instead. |
validationFailureActionOverrides []ValidationFailureActionOverride |
Deprecated, use validationFailureActionOverrides under the validate rule instead. |
emitWarning bool |
EmitWarning enables API response warnings for mutate policy rules or validate policy rules with validationFailureAction set to Audit. Enabling this option will extend admission request processing times. The default value is “false”. |
admission bool |
Admission controls if rules are applied during admission. Optional. Default value is “true”. |
background bool |
Background controls if rules are applied to existing resources during a background scan. Optional. Default value is “true”. The value must be set to “false” if the policy rule uses variables that are only available in the admission review request (e.g. user name). |
schemaValidation bool |
Deprecated. |
webhookTimeoutSeconds int32 |
Deprecated, use webhookTimeoutSeconds under webhookConfiguration instead. |
mutateExistingOnPolicyUpdate bool |
Deprecated, use mutateExistingOnPolicyUpdate under the mutate rule instead |
generateExistingOnPolicyUpdate bool |
Deprecated, use generateExisting instead |
generateExisting bool |
Deprecated, use generateExisting under the generate rule instead |
useServerSideApply bool |
UseServerSideApply controls whether to use server-side apply for generate rules If is set to “true” create & update for generate rules will use apply instead of create/update. Defaults to “false” if not specified. |
webhookConfiguration WebhookConfiguration |
WebhookConfiguration specifies the custom configuration for Kubernetes admission webhookconfiguration. |
(Appears on: Rule)
Validation defines checks to be performed on matching resources.
Field | Description |
failureAction ValidationFailureAction |
FailureAction defines if a validation policy rule violation should block the admission review request (Enforce), or allow (Audit) the admission review request and report an error in a policy report. Optional. Allowed values are Audit or Enforce. |
failureActionOverrides []ValidationFailureActionOverride |
FailureActionOverrides is a Cluster Policy attribute that specifies FailureAction namespace-wise. It overrides FailureAction for the specified namespaces. |
message string |
Message specifies a custom message to be displayed on failure. |
manifests Manifests |
Manifest specifies conditions for manifest verification |
foreach []ForEachValidation |
ForEach applies validate rules to a list of sub-elements by creating a context for each entry in the list and looping over it to apply the specified logic. |
pattern |
Pattern specifies an overlay-style pattern used to check resources. |
anyPattern |
AnyPattern specifies list of validation patterns. At least one of the patterns must be satisfied for the validation rule to succeed. |
deny Deny |
Deny defines conditions used to pass or fail a validation rule. |
podSecurity PodSecurity |
PodSecurity applies exemptions for Kubernetes Pod Security admission by specifying exclusions for Pod Security Standards controls. |
cel CEL |
CEL allows validation checks using the Common Expression Language ( |
assert |
Assert defines a kyverno-json assertion tree. |
Resource Types:
ClusterEphemeralReport is the Schema for the ClusterEphemeralReports API
Field | Description | ||||||
apiVersion string |
kind string |
ClusterEphemeralReport |
metadata Kubernetes meta/v1.ObjectMeta |
Refer to the Kubernetes API documentation for the fields of the
metadata field.
spec EphemeralReportSpec |
EphemeralReport is the Schema for the EphemeralReports API
Field | Description | ||||||
apiVersion string |
kind string |
EphemeralReport |
metadata Kubernetes meta/v1.ObjectMeta |
Refer to the Kubernetes API documentation for the fields of the
metadata field.
spec EphemeralReportSpec |
(Appears on: ClusterEphemeralReport, EphemeralReport)
Field | Description |
owner Kubernetes meta/v1.OwnerReference |
Owner is a reference to the report owner (e.g. a Deployment, Namespace, or Node) |
summary PolicyReportSummary |
PolicyReportSummary provides a summary of results |
results []PolicyReportResult |
PolicyReportResult provides result details |
ReportInterface abstracts the concrete report change request type
ClusterPolicyReport is the Schema for the clusterpolicyreports API
Field | Description |
apiVersion string |
kind string |
ClusterPolicyReport |
metadata Kubernetes meta/v1.ObjectMeta |
Refer to the Kubernetes API documentation for the fields of the
metadata field.
scope Kubernetes core/v1.ObjectReference |
Scope is an optional reference to the report scope (e.g. a Deployment, Namespace, or Node) |
scopeSelector Kubernetes meta/v1.LabelSelector |
ScopeSelector is an optional selector for multiple scopes (e.g. Pods). Either one of, or none of, but not both of, Scope or ScopeSelector should be specified. |
summary PolicyReportSummary |
PolicyReportSummary provides a summary of results |
results []PolicyReportResult |
PolicyReportResult provides result details |
PolicyReport is the Schema for the policyreports API
Field | Description |
apiVersion string |
kind string |
PolicyReport |
metadata Kubernetes meta/v1.ObjectMeta |
Refer to the Kubernetes API documentation for the fields of the
metadata field.
scope Kubernetes core/v1.ObjectReference |
Scope is an optional reference to the report scope (e.g. a Deployment, Namespace, or Node) |
scopeSelector Kubernetes meta/v1.LabelSelector |
ScopeSelector is an optional selector for multiple scopes (e.g. Pods). Either one of, or none of, but not both of, Scope or ScopeSelector should be specified. |
summary PolicyReportSummary |
PolicyReportSummary provides a summary of results |
results []PolicyReportResult |
PolicyReportResult provides result details |
(Appears on: ClusterPolicyReport, PolicyReport, EphemeralReportSpec)
PolicyReportResult provides the result for an individual policy
Field | Description |
source string |
Source is an identifier for the policy engine that manages this report |
policy string |
Policy is the name or identifier of the policy |
rule string |
Rule is the name or identifier of the rule within the policy |
resources []Kubernetes core/v1.ObjectReference |
Subjects is an optional reference to the checked Kubernetes resources |
resourceSelector Kubernetes meta/v1.LabelSelector |
SubjectSelector is an optional label selector for checked Kubernetes resources. For example, a policy result may apply to all pods that match a label. Either a Subject or a SubjectSelector can be specified. If neither are provided, the result is assumed to be for the policy report scope. |
message string |
Description is a short user friendly message for the policy rule |
result PolicyResult |
Result indicates the outcome of the policy rule execution |
scored bool |
Scored indicates if this result is scored |
properties map[string]string |
Properties provides additional information for the policy rule |
timestamp Kubernetes meta/v1.Timestamp |
Timestamp indicates the time the result was found |
category string |
Category indicates policy category |
severity PolicySeverity |
Severity indicates policy check result criticality |
(Appears on: ClusterPolicyReport, PolicyReport, EphemeralReportSpec)
PolicyReportSummary provides a status count summary
Field | Description |
pass int |
Pass provides the count of policies whose requirements were met |
fail int |
Fail provides the count of policies whose requirements were not met |
warn int |
Warn provides the count of non-scored policies whose requirements were not met |
error int |
Error provides the count of policies that could not be evaluated |
skip int |
Skip indicates the count of policies that were not selected for evaluation |
alias)(Appears on: PolicyReportResult)
PolicyResult has one of the following values: - pass: indicates that the policy requirements are met - fail: indicates that the policy requirements are not met - warn: indicates that the policy requirements and not met, and the policy is not scored - error: indicates that the policy could not be evaluated - skip: indicates that the policy was not selected based on user inputs or applicability
alias)(Appears on: PolicyReportResult)
PolicySeverity has one of the following values: - critical - high - low - medium - info