package wildcards import ( "strings" commonAnchor "" "" metav1 "" ) // ReplaceInSelector replaces label selector keys and values containing // wildcard characters with matching keys and values from the resource labels. func ReplaceInSelector(labelSelector *metav1.LabelSelector, resourceLabels map[string]string) { result := replaceWildcardsInMapKeyValues(labelSelector.MatchLabels, resourceLabels) labelSelector.MatchLabels = result } // replaceWildcardsInMap will expand the "key" and "value" and will replace wildcard characters // It also does not handle anchors as these are not expected in selectors func replaceWildcardsInMapKeyValues(patternMap map[string]string, resourceMap map[string]string) map[string]string { result := map[string]string{} for k, v := range patternMap { if hasWildcards(k) || hasWildcards(v) { matchK, matchV := expandWildcards(k, v, resourceMap, true, true) result[matchK] = matchV } else { result[k] = v } } return result } func hasWildcards(s string) bool { return strings.Contains(s, "*") || strings.Contains(s, "?") } func expandWildcards(k, v string, resourceMap map[string]string, matchValue, replace bool) (key string, val string) { for k1, v1 := range resourceMap { if wildcard.Match(k, k1) { if !matchValue { return k1, v1 } else if wildcard.Match(v, v1) { return k1, v1 } } } if replace { k = replaceWildCardChars(k) v = replaceWildCardChars(v) } return k, v } // replaceWildCardChars will replace '*' and '?' characters which are not // supported by Kubernetes with a '0'. func replaceWildCardChars(s string) string { s = strings.Replace(s, "*", "0", -1) s = strings.Replace(s, "?", "0", -1) return s } // ExpandInMetadata substitutes wildcard characters in map keys for metadata.labels and // metadata.annotations that are present in a validation pattern. Values are not substituted // here, as they are evaluated separately while processing the validation pattern. Anchors // on the tags (e.g. "=(*)" will be preserved when the values are expanded. func ExpandInMetadata(patternMap, resourceMap map[string]interface{}) map[string]interface{} { _, patternMetadata := getPatternValue("metadata", patternMap) if patternMetadata == nil { return patternMap } resourceMetadata := resourceMap["metadata"] if resourceMetadata == nil { return patternMap } metadata := patternMetadata.(map[string]interface{}) labelsKey, labels := expandWildcardsInTag("labels", patternMetadata, resourceMetadata) if labels != nil { metadata[labelsKey] = labels } annotationsKey, annotations := expandWildcardsInTag("annotations", patternMetadata, resourceMetadata) if annotations != nil { metadata[annotationsKey] = annotations } return patternMap } func getPatternValue(tag string, pattern map[string]interface{}) (string, interface{}) { for k, v := range pattern { k2, _ := commonAnchor.RemoveAnchor(k) if k2 == tag { return k, v } } return "", nil } // expandWildcardsInTag func expandWildcardsInTag(tag string, patternMetadata, resourceMetadata interface{}) (string, map[string]interface{}) { patternKey, patternData := getValueAsStringMap(tag, patternMetadata) if patternData == nil { return "", nil } _, resourceData := getValueAsStringMap(tag, resourceMetadata) if resourceData == nil { return "", nil } results := replaceWildcardsInMapKeys(patternData, resourceData) return patternKey, results } func getValueAsStringMap(key string, data interface{}) (string, map[string]string) { if data == nil { return "", nil } dataMap := data.(map[string]interface{}) patternKey, val := getPatternValue(key, dataMap) if val == nil { return "", nil } result := map[string]string{} for k, v := range val.(map[string]interface{}) { result[k] = v.(string) } return patternKey, result } // replaceWildcardsInMapKeys will expand only the "key" and not replace wildcard characters in the key or values // It also preserves anchors in keys func replaceWildcardsInMapKeys(patternData, resourceData map[string]string) map[string]interface{} { results := map[string]interface{}{} for k, v := range patternData { if hasWildcards(k) { anchorFreeKey, anchorPrefix := commonAnchor.RemoveAnchor(k) matchK, _ := expandWildcards(anchorFreeKey, v, resourceData, false, false) if anchorPrefix != "" { matchK = commonAnchor.AddAnchor(matchK, anchorPrefix) } results[matchK] = v } else { results[k] = v } } return results }