package common import ( "bufio" "bytes" "encoding/json" "fmt" "io" "io/ioutil" "net/http" "os" "path/filepath" "strings" jsonpatch "" "" "" v1 "" client "" "" "" "" sanitizederror "" "" "" ut "" yamlv2 "" "" "" "" yaml_v2 "" ) // GetPolicies - Extracting the policies from multiple YAML type Resource struct { Name string `json:"name"` Values map[string]string `json:"values"` } type Policy struct { Name string `json:"name"` Resources []Resource `json:"resources"` } type Values struct { Policies []Policy `json:"policies"` } func GetPolicies(paths []string) (policies []*v1.ClusterPolicy, errors []error) { for _, path := range paths { log.Log.V(5).Info("reading policies", "path", path) var ( fileDesc os.FileInfo err error ) isHttpPath := strings.Contains(path, "http") // path clean and retrieving file info can be possible if it's not an HTTP URL if !isHttpPath { path = filepath.Clean(path) fileDesc, err = os.Stat(path) if err != nil { err := fmt.Errorf("failed to process %v: %v", path, err.Error()) errors = append(errors, err) continue } } // apply file from a directory is possible only if the path is not HTTP URL if !isHttpPath && fileDesc.IsDir() { files, err := ioutil.ReadDir(path) if err != nil { err := fmt.Errorf("failed to process %v: %v", path, err.Error()) errors = append(errors, err) continue } listOfFiles := make([]string, 0) for _, file := range files { ext := filepath.Ext(file.Name()) if ext == "" || ext == ".yaml" || ext == ".yml" { listOfFiles = append(listOfFiles, filepath.Join(path, file.Name())) } } policiesFromDir, errorsFromDir := GetPolicies(listOfFiles) errors = append(errors, errorsFromDir...) policies = append(policies, policiesFromDir...) } else { var fileBytes []byte if isHttpPath { resp, err := http.Get(path) if err != nil { err := fmt.Errorf("failed to process %v: %v", path, err.Error()) errors = append(errors, err) continue } defer resp.Body.Close() if resp.StatusCode != http.StatusOK { err := fmt.Errorf("failed to process %v: %v", path, err.Error()) errors = append(errors, err) continue } fileBytes, err = ioutil.ReadAll(resp.Body) if err != nil { err := fmt.Errorf("failed to process %v: %v", path, err.Error()) errors = append(errors, err) continue } } else { fileBytes, err = ioutil.ReadFile(path) if err != nil { err := fmt.Errorf("failed to process %v: %v", path, err.Error()) errors = append(errors, err) continue } } policiesFromFile, errFromFile := utils.GetPolicy(fileBytes) if errFromFile != nil { err := fmt.Errorf("failed to process %s: %v", path, errFromFile.Error()) errors = append(errors, err) continue } policies = append(policies, policiesFromFile...) } } log.Log.V(3).Info("read policies", "policies", len(policies), "errors", len(errors)) return policies, errors } // PolicyHasVariables - check for variables in the policy func PolicyHasVariables(policy v1.ClusterPolicy) [][]string { policyRaw, _ := json.Marshal(policy) matches := RegexVariables.FindAllStringSubmatch(string(policyRaw), -1) return matches } // PolicyHasNonAllowedVariables - checks for unexpected variables in the policy func PolicyHasNonAllowedVariables(policy v1.ClusterPolicy) bool { policyRaw, _ := json.Marshal(policy) matchesAll := RegexVariables.FindAllStringSubmatch(string(policyRaw), -1) matchesAllowed := AllowedVariables.FindAllStringSubmatch(string(policyRaw), -1) if len(matchesAll) > len(matchesAllowed) { // If rules contains Context then skip this validation for _, rule := range policy.Spec.Rules { if len(rule.Context) > 0 { return false } } return true } return false } // MutatePolicy - applies mutation to a policy func MutatePolicy(policy *v1.ClusterPolicy, logger logr.Logger) (*v1.ClusterPolicy, error) { patches, _ := policymutation.GenerateJSONPatchesForDefaults(policy, logger) if len(patches) == 0 { return policy, nil } type jsonPatch struct { Path string `json:"path"` Op string `json:"op"` Value interface{} `json:"value"` } var jsonPatches []jsonPatch err := json.Unmarshal(patches, &jsonPatches) if err != nil { return nil, sanitizederror.NewWithError(fmt.Sprintf("failed to unmarshal patches for %s policy", policy.Name), err) } patch, err := jsonpatch.DecodePatch(patches) if err != nil { return nil, sanitizederror.NewWithError(fmt.Sprintf("failed to decode patch for %s policy", policy.Name), err) } policyBytes, _ := json.Marshal(policy) if err != nil { return nil, sanitizederror.NewWithError(fmt.Sprintf("failed to marshal %s policy", policy.Name), err) } modifiedPolicy, err := patch.Apply(policyBytes) if err != nil { return nil, sanitizederror.NewWithError(fmt.Sprintf("failed to apply %s policy", policy.Name), err) } var p v1.ClusterPolicy err = json.Unmarshal(modifiedPolicy, &p) if err != nil { return nil, sanitizederror.NewWithError(fmt.Sprintf("failed to unmarshal %s policy", policy.Name), err) } return &p, nil } // GetCRDs - Extracting the crds from multiple YAML func GetCRDs(paths []string) (unstructuredCrds []*unstructured.Unstructured, err error) { unstructuredCrds = make([]*unstructured.Unstructured, 0) for _, path := range paths { path = filepath.Clean(path) fileDesc, err := os.Stat(path) if err != nil { return nil, err } if fileDesc.IsDir() { files, err := ioutil.ReadDir(path) if err != nil { return nil, sanitizederror.NewWithError(fmt.Sprintf("failed to parse %v", path), err) } listOfFiles := make([]string, 0) for _, file := range files { listOfFiles = append(listOfFiles, filepath.Join(path, file.Name())) } policiesFromDir, err := GetCRDs(listOfFiles) if err != nil { return nil, sanitizederror.NewWithError(fmt.Sprintf("failed to extract crds from %v", listOfFiles), err) } unstructuredCrds = append(unstructuredCrds, policiesFromDir...) } else { getCRDs, err := GetCRD(path) if err != nil { fmt.Printf("\nError: failed to extract crds from %s. \nCause: %s\n", path, err) os.Exit(2) } unstructuredCrds = append(unstructuredCrds, getCRDs...) } } return unstructuredCrds, nil } // GetCRD - Extracts crds from a YAML func GetCRD(path string) (unstructuredCrds []*unstructured.Unstructured, err error) { path = filepath.Clean(path) unstructuredCrds = make([]*unstructured.Unstructured, 0) yamlbytes, err := ioutil.ReadFile(path) if err != nil { return nil, err } buf := bytes.NewBuffer(yamlbytes) reader := yaml.NewYAMLReader(bufio.NewReader(buf)) for { // Read one YAML document at a time, until io.EOF is returned b, err := reader.Read() if err == io.EOF || len(b) == 0 { break } else if err != nil { fmt.Printf("\nError: unable to read crd from %s. Cause: %s\n", path, err) os.Exit(2) } var u unstructured.Unstructured err = yaml_v2.Unmarshal(b, &u) if err != nil { return nil, err } unstructuredCrds = append(unstructuredCrds, &u) } return unstructuredCrds, nil } // IsInputFromPipe - check if input is passed using pipe func IsInputFromPipe() bool { fileInfo, _ := os.Stdin.Stat() return fileInfo.Mode()&os.ModeCharDevice == 0 } // RemoveDuplicateVariables - remove duplicate variables func RemoveDuplicateVariables(matches [][]string) string { var variableStr string for _, m := range matches { for _, v := range m { foundVariable := strings.Contains(variableStr, v) if !foundVariable { variableStr = variableStr + " " + v } } } return variableStr } // GetVariable - get the variables from console/file func GetVariable(variablesString, valuesFile string, fs billy.Filesystem, isGit bool, policyresoucePath string) (map[string]string, map[string]map[string]Resource, error) { valuesMap := make(map[string]map[string]Resource) variables := make(map[string]string) var yamlFile []byte var err error if variablesString != "" { kvpairs := strings.Split(strings.Trim(variablesString, " "), ",") for _, kvpair := range kvpairs { kvs := strings.Split(strings.Trim(kvpair, " "), "=") variables[strings.Trim(kvs[0], " ")] = strings.Trim(kvs[1], " ") } } if valuesFile != "" { if isGit { filep, err := fs.Open(filepath.Join(policyresoucePath, valuesFile)) if err != nil { fmt.Printf("Unable to open variable file: %s. error: %s", valuesFile, err) } yamlFile, err = ioutil.ReadAll(filep) } else { yamlFile, err = ioutil.ReadFile(valuesFile) } if err != nil { return variables, valuesMap, sanitizederror.NewWithError("unable to read yaml", err) } valuesBytes, err := yaml.ToJSON(yamlFile) if err != nil { return variables, valuesMap, sanitizederror.NewWithError("failed to convert json", err) } values := &Values{} if err := json.Unmarshal(valuesBytes, values); err != nil { return variables, valuesMap, sanitizederror.NewWithError("failed to decode yaml", err) } for _, p := range values.Policies { pmap := make(map[string]Resource) for _, r := range p.Resources { pmap[r.Name] = r } valuesMap[p.Name] = pmap } } return variables, valuesMap, nil } // MutatePolices - function to apply mutation on policies func MutatePolices(policies []*v1.ClusterPolicy) ([]*v1.ClusterPolicy, error) { newPolicies := make([]*v1.ClusterPolicy, 0) logger := log.Log.WithName("apply") for _, policy := range policies { p, err := MutatePolicy(policy, logger) if err != nil { if !sanitizederror.IsErrorSanitized(err) { return nil, sanitizederror.NewWithError("failed to mutate policy.", err) } return nil, err } newPolicies = append(newPolicies, p) } return newPolicies, nil } // ApplyPolicyOnResource - function to apply policy on resource func ApplyPolicyOnResource(policy *v1.ClusterPolicy, resource *unstructured.Unstructured, mutateLogPath string, mutateLogPathIsDir bool, variables map[string]string, policyReport bool) ([]*response.EngineResponse, *response.EngineResponse, bool, bool, error) { responseError := false rcError := false engineResponses := make([]*response.EngineResponse, 0) resPath := fmt.Sprintf("%s/%s/%s", resource.GetNamespace(), resource.GetKind(), resource.GetName()) log.Log.V(3).Info("applying policy on resource", "policy", policy.Name, "resource", resPath) ctx := context.NewContext() for key, value := range variables { startString := "" endString := "" for _, k := range strings.Split(key, ".") { startString += fmt.Sprintf(`{"%s":`, k) endString += `}` } midString := fmt.Sprintf(`"%s"`, value) finalString := startString + midString + endString var jsonData = []byte(finalString) ctx.AddJSON(jsonData) } mutateResponse := engine.Mutate(&engine.PolicyContext{Policy: *policy, NewResource: *resource, JSONContext: ctx}) engineResponses = append(engineResponses, mutateResponse) if !mutateResponse.IsSuccessful() { fmt.Printf("Failed to apply mutate policy %s -> resource %s", policy.Name, resPath) for i, r := range mutateResponse.PolicyResponse.Rules { fmt.Printf("\n%d. %s", i+1, r.Message) } responseError = true } else { if len(mutateResponse.PolicyResponse.Rules) > 0 { yamlEncodedResource, err := yamlv2.Marshal(mutateResponse.PatchedResource.Object) if err != nil { rcError = true } if mutateLogPath == "" { mutatedResource := string(yamlEncodedResource) if len(strings.TrimSpace(mutatedResource)) > 0 { fmt.Printf("\nmutate policy %s applied to %s:", policy.Name, resPath) fmt.Printf("\n" + mutatedResource) fmt.Printf("\n") } } else { err := PrintMutatedOutput(mutateLogPath, mutateLogPathIsDir, string(yamlEncodedResource), resource.GetName()+"-mutated") if err != nil { return engineResponses, &response.EngineResponse{}, responseError, rcError, sanitizederror.NewWithError("failed to print mutated result", err) } fmt.Printf("\n\nMutation:\nMutation has been applied successfully. Check the files.") } } } if resource.GetKind() == "Pod" && len(resource.GetOwnerReferences()) > 0 { if policy.HasAutoGenAnnotation() { if _, ok := policy.GetAnnotations()[engine.PodControllersAnnotation]; ok { delete(policy.Annotations, engine.PodControllersAnnotation) } } } policyCtx := &engine.PolicyContext{Policy: *policy, NewResource: mutateResponse.PatchedResource, JSONContext: ctx} validateResponse := engine.Validate(policyCtx) if !policyReport { if !validateResponse.IsSuccessful() { fmt.Printf("\npolicy %s -> resource %s failed: \n", policy.Name, resPath) for i, r := range validateResponse.PolicyResponse.Rules { if !r.Success { fmt.Printf("%d. %s: %s \n", i+1, r.Name, r.Message) } } responseError = true } } var policyHasGenerate bool for _, rule := range policy.Spec.Rules { if rule.HasGenerate() { policyHasGenerate = true } } if policyHasGenerate { policyContext := &engine.PolicyContext{ NewResource: *resource, Policy: *policy, ExcludeGroupRole: []string{}, ExcludeResourceFunc: func(s1, s2, s3 string) bool { return false }, JSONContext: context.NewContext(), } generateResponse := engine.Generate(policyContext) engineResponses = append(engineResponses, generateResponse) if len(generateResponse.PolicyResponse.Rules) > 0 { log.Log.V(3).Info("generate resource is valid", "policy", policy.Name, "resource", resPath) } else { fmt.Printf("generate policy %s resource %s is invalid \n", policy.Name, resPath) for i, r := range generateResponse.PolicyResponse.Rules { fmt.Printf("%d. %s \b", i+1, r.Message) } responseError = true } } return engineResponses, validateResponse, responseError, rcError, nil } // PrintMutatedOutput - function to print output in provided file or directory func PrintMutatedOutput(mutateLogPath string, mutateLogPathIsDir bool, yaml string, fileName string) error { var f *os.File var err error yaml = yaml + ("\n---\n\n") if !mutateLogPathIsDir { f, err = os.OpenFile(mutateLogPath, os.O_APPEND|os.O_WRONLY, 0644) } else { f, err = os.OpenFile(mutateLogPath+"/"+fileName+".yaml", os.O_APPEND|os.O_CREATE|os.O_WRONLY, 0644) } if err != nil { return err } if _, err := f.Write([]byte(yaml)); err != nil { f.Close() return err } if err := f.Close(); err != nil { return err } return nil } // GetPoliciesFromPaths - get policies according to the resource path func GetPoliciesFromPaths(fs billy.Filesystem, dirPath []string, isGit bool, policyresoucePath string) (policies []*v1.ClusterPolicy, err error) { var errors []error if isGit { for _, pp := range dirPath { filep, err := fs.Open(filepath.Join(policyresoucePath, pp)) if err != nil { fmt.Printf("Error: file not available with path %s: %v", filep.Name(), err.Error()) continue } bytes, err := ioutil.ReadAll(filep) if err != nil { fmt.Printf("Error: failed to read file %s: %v", filep.Name(), err.Error()) continue } policyBytes, err := yaml.ToJSON(bytes) if err != nil { fmt.Printf("failed to convert to JSON: %v", err) continue } policiesFromFile, errFromFile := ut.GetPolicy(policyBytes) if errFromFile != nil { err := fmt.Errorf("failed to process : %v", errFromFile.Error()) errors = append(errors, err) continue } policies = append(policies, policiesFromFile...) } } else { if len(dirPath) > 0 && dirPath[0] == "-" { if IsInputFromPipe() { policyStr := "" scanner := bufio.NewScanner(os.Stdin) for scanner.Scan() { policyStr = policyStr + scanner.Text() + "\n" } yamlBytes := []byte(policyStr) policies, err = ut.GetPolicy(yamlBytes) if err != nil { return nil, sanitizederror.NewWithError("failed to extract the resources", err) } } } else { var errors []error policies, errors = GetPolicies(dirPath) if len(policies) == 0 { if len(errors) > 0 { return nil, sanitizederror.NewWithErrors("failed to read file", errors) } return nil, sanitizederror.New(fmt.Sprintf("no file found in paths %v", dirPath)) } if len(errors) > 0 && log.Log.V(1).Enabled() { fmt.Printf("ignoring errors: \n") for _, e := range errors { fmt.Printf(" %v \n", e.Error()) } } } } return } // GetResourceAccordingToResourcePath - get resources according to the resource path func GetResourceAccordingToResourcePath(fs billy.Filesystem, resourcePaths []string, cluster bool, policies []*v1.ClusterPolicy, dClient *client.Client, namespace string, policyReport bool, isGit bool, policyresoucePath string) (resources []*unstructured.Unstructured, err error) { if isGit { resources, err = GetResourcesWithTest(fs, policies, resourcePaths, isGit, policyresoucePath) if err != nil { return nil, sanitizederror.NewWithError("failed to extract the resources", err) } } else { if len(resourcePaths) > 0 && resourcePaths[0] == "-" { if IsInputFromPipe() { resourceStr := "" scanner := bufio.NewScanner(os.Stdin) for scanner.Scan() { resourceStr = resourceStr + scanner.Text() + "\n" } yamlBytes := []byte(resourceStr) resources, err = GetResource(yamlBytes) if err != nil { return nil, sanitizederror.NewWithError("failed to extract the resources", err) } } } else if (len(resourcePaths) > 0 && resourcePaths[0] != "-") || len(resourcePaths) < 0 || cluster { resources, err = GetResources(policies, resourcePaths, dClient, cluster, namespace, policyReport) if err != nil { return resources, err } } } return resources, err }