language: go go: - "1.12" # safelist branches: only: - master before_install: - | if ! git diff --name-only $TRAVIS_COMMIT_RANGE | grep -qvE '(.md)|^(LICENSE)' then echo "Not running CI since only docs were changed." exit fi # Skip the install step. Don't `go get` dependencies. Only build with the code # in vendor/ install: true script: # build initContainer - make docker-build-initContainer || travis_terminate 1; # build kyverno container - make docker-build-kyverno || travis_terminate 1; # tests - make test-all || travis_terminate 1; after_script: - curl -d "repo=" # only push images if the branch is master after_success: - | if [ $TRAVIS_PULL_REQUEST == 'false' ] then docker login -u $DOCKER_USER -p $DOCKER_PASSWORD make docker-publish-initContainer make docker-publish-kyverno fi