# This is a test-policy with patch, configMapGenerator with and without "copyFrom" option, # secretGenerator with and without "copyFrom" option. # To apply this policy you need to create secret and configMap in "default" namespace # and then create a namespace apiVersion : kyverno.io/v1alpha1 kind : ClusterPolicy metadata : name : "policy-ns-patch-cmg-sg" spec : rules: - name: "patchNamespace2" match: resources: kinds : - Namespace selector: matchLabels: LabelForSelector : "namespace2" mutate: patches: - path: "/metadata/labels/isMutatedByPolicy" op: add value: "true" - name: "copyCM" match: resources: kinds : - Namespace selector: matchLabels: LabelForSelector : "namespace2" generate : kind: ConfigMap name : copied-cm clone: namespace : default name : game-config - name: "generateCM" match: resources: kinds : - Namespace selector: matchLabels: LabelForSelector : "namespace2" generate : kind: ConfigMap name : generated-cm data : data: secretData: "very sensitive data from cmg" database: mongodb database_uri: mongodb://localhost:27017 keys: | image.public.key=771 rsa.public.key=42 - name: "generateSecret" match: resources: kinds : - Namespace name: ns2 generate : kind: Secret name : generated-secrets data : foo : bar app.properties : / foo1=bar1 foo2=bar2 ui.properties : / foo1=bar1 foo2=bar2 - name: "copySecret" match: resources: kinds : - Namespace name: ns2 generate : kind: Secret name : copied-secrets copyFrom : namespace : default name : mysecret data : foo : bar secretData: "data from sg"