package event import ( "fmt" "strings" kyvernov1 "" kyvernov2 "" engineapi "" corev1 "" "" "" ) func NewPolicyFailEvent(source Source, reason Reason, engineResponse engineapi.EngineResponse, ruleResp engineapi.RuleResponse, blocked bool) Info { action := ResourcePassed if blocked { action = ResourceBlocked } pol := engineResponse.Policy() regarding := corev1.ObjectReference{ APIVersion: pol.GetAPIVersion(), Kind: pol.GetKind(), Name: pol.GetName(), Namespace: pol.GetNamespace(), UID: pol.MetaObject().GetUID(), } related := engineResponse.GetResourceSpec() return Info{ Regarding: regarding, Related: &corev1.ObjectReference{ APIVersion: related.APIVersion, Kind: related.Kind, Name: related.Name, Namespace: related.Namespace, UID: types.UID(related.UID), }, Reason: reason, Source: source, Message: buildPolicyEventMessage(ruleResp, engineResponse.GetResourceSpec(), blocked), Action: action, } } func buildPolicyEventMessage(resp engineapi.RuleResponse, resource engineapi.ResourceSpec, blocked bool) string { var b strings.Builder if resource.Namespace != "" { fmt.Fprintf(&b, "%s %s/%s", resource.Kind, resource.Namespace, resource.Name) } else { fmt.Fprintf(&b, "%s %s", resource.Kind, resource.Name) } fmt.Fprintf(&b, ": [%s] %s", resp.Name(), resp.Status()) if blocked { fmt.Fprintf(&b, " (blocked)") } if resp.Message() != "" { fmt.Fprintf(&b, "; %s", resp.Message()) } return b.String() } func NewPolicyAppliedEvent(source Source, engineResponse engineapi.EngineResponse) Info { resource := engineResponse.Resource var bldr strings.Builder defer bldr.Reset() var res string if resource.GetNamespace() != "" { res = fmt.Sprintf("%s %s/%s", resource.GetKind(), resource.GetNamespace(), resource.GetName()) } else { res = fmt.Sprintf("%s %s", resource.GetKind(), resource.GetName()) } var action Action policy := engineResponse.Policy() if policy.GetType() == engineapi.KyvernoPolicyType { pol := engineResponse.Policy().AsKyvernoPolicy() hasValidate := pol.GetSpec().HasValidate() hasVerifyImages := pol.GetSpec().HasVerifyImages() hasMutate := pol.GetSpec().HasMutate() if hasValidate || hasVerifyImages { fmt.Fprintf(&bldr, "%s: pass", res) action = ResourcePassed } else if hasMutate { fmt.Fprintf(&bldr, "%s is successfully mutated", res) action = ResourceMutated } } else { fmt.Fprintf(&bldr, "%s: pass", res) action = ResourcePassed } regarding := corev1.ObjectReference{ APIVersion: policy.GetAPIVersion(), Kind: policy.GetKind(), Name: policy.GetName(), Namespace: policy.GetNamespace(), UID: policy.MetaObject().GetUID(), } related := engineResponse.GetResourceSpec() return Info{ Regarding: regarding, Related: &corev1.ObjectReference{ APIVersion: related.APIVersion, Kind: related.Kind, Name: related.Name, Namespace: related.Namespace, UID: types.UID(related.UID), }, Reason: PolicyApplied, Source: source, Message: bldr.String(), Action: action, } } func NewResourceViolationEvent(source Source, reason Reason, engineResponse engineapi.EngineResponse, ruleResp engineapi.RuleResponse) Info { var bldr strings.Builder defer bldr.Reset() pol := engineResponse.Policy() fmt.Fprintf(&bldr, "policy %s/%s %s: %s", pol.GetName(), ruleResp.Name(), ruleResp.Status(), ruleResp.Message()) resource := engineResponse.GetResourceSpec() regarding := corev1.ObjectReference{ APIVersion: resource.APIVersion, Kind: resource.Kind, Name: resource.Name, Namespace: resource.Namespace, UID: types.UID(resource.UID), } return Info{ Regarding: regarding, Reason: reason, Source: source, Message: bldr.String(), Action: ResourcePassed, } } func NewResourceGenerationEvent(policy, rule string, source Source, resource kyvernov1.ResourceSpec) Info { msg := fmt.Sprintf("Created %s %s as a result of applying policy %s/%s", resource.GetKind(), resource.GetName(), policy, rule) regarding := corev1.ObjectReference{ APIVersion: resource.APIVersion, Kind: resource.Kind, Name: resource.Name, Namespace: resource.Namespace, UID: resource.UID, } return Info{ Regarding: regarding, Source: source, Reason: PolicyApplied, Message: msg, Action: None, } } func NewBackgroundFailedEvent(err error, policy kyvernov1.PolicyInterface, rule string, source Source, resource kyvernov1.ResourceSpec) []Info { var events []Info regarding := corev1.ObjectReference{ // TODO: iirc it's not safe to assume api version is set APIVersion: "", Kind: policy.GetKind(), Name: policy.GetName(), Namespace: policy.GetNamespace(), UID: policy.GetUID(), } var msg string if rule == "" { msg = fmt.Sprintf("policy %s error: %v", policy.GetName(), err) } else { msg = fmt.Sprintf("policy %s/%s error: %v", policy.GetName(), rule, err) } events = append(events, Info{ Regarding: regarding, Related: &corev1.ObjectReference{ APIVersion: resource.APIVersion, Kind: resource.Kind, Name: resource.Name, Namespace: resource.Namespace, UID: resource.UID, }, Source: source, Reason: PolicyError, Message: msg, Action: None, }) return events } func NewBackgroundSuccessEvent(source Source, policy kyvernov1.PolicyInterface, resources []kyvernov1.ResourceSpec) []Info { events := make([]Info, 0, len(resources)) msg := "resource generated" action := ResourceGenerated if source == MutateExistingController { msg = "resource mutated" action = ResourceMutated } regarding := corev1.ObjectReference{ // TODO: iirc it's not safe to assume api version is set APIVersion: "", Kind: policy.GetKind(), Name: policy.GetName(), Namespace: policy.GetNamespace(), UID: policy.GetUID(), } for _, res := range resources { events = append(events, Info{ Regarding: regarding, Related: &corev1.ObjectReference{ APIVersion: res.APIVersion, Kind: res.Kind, Name: res.Name, Namespace: res.Namespace, UID: res.UID, }, Source: source, Reason: PolicyApplied, Message: msg, Action: action, }) } return events } func NewPolicyExceptionEvents(engineResponse engineapi.EngineResponse, ruleResp engineapi.RuleResponse, source Source) []Info { var exceptionMessage string exceptions := ruleResp.Exceptions() exceptionNames := make([]string, 0, len(exceptions)) events := make([]Info, 0, len(exceptions)) // build the events of the policy exceptions pol := engineResponse.Policy().AsKyvernoPolicy() if pol.GetNamespace() == "" { exceptionMessage = fmt.Sprintf("resource %s was skipped from policy rule %s/%s", resourceKey(engineResponse.PatchedResource), pol.GetName(), ruleResp.Name()) } else { exceptionMessage = fmt.Sprintf("resource %s was skipped from policy rule %s/%s/%s", resourceKey(engineResponse.PatchedResource), pol.GetNamespace(), pol.GetName(), ruleResp.Name()) } related := engineResponse.GetResourceSpec() for _, exception := range exceptions { ns := exception.GetNamespace() name := exception.GetName() exceptionNames = append(exceptionNames, ns+"/"+name) exceptionEvent := Info{ Regarding: corev1.ObjectReference{ // TODO: iirc it's not safe to assume api version is set APIVersion: "", Kind: "PolicyException", Name: name, Namespace: ns, UID: exception.GetUID(), }, Related: &corev1.ObjectReference{ APIVersion: related.APIVersion, Kind: related.Kind, Name: related.Name, Namespace: related.Namespace, UID: types.UID(related.UID), }, Reason: PolicySkipped, Message: exceptionMessage, Source: source, Action: ResourcePassed, } events = append(events, exceptionEvent) } // build the policy events policyMessage := fmt.Sprintf("resource %s was skipped from rule %s due to policy exceptions %s", resourceKey(engineResponse.PatchedResource), ruleResp.Name(), strings.Join(exceptionNames, ", ")) regarding := corev1.ObjectReference{ // TODO: iirc it's not safe to assume api version is set APIVersion: "", Kind: pol.GetKind(), Name: pol.GetName(), Namespace: pol.GetNamespace(), UID: pol.GetUID(), } policyEvent := Info{ Regarding: regarding, Related: &corev1.ObjectReference{ APIVersion: related.APIVersion, Kind: related.Kind, Name: related.Name, Namespace: related.Namespace, UID: types.UID(related.UID), }, Reason: PolicySkipped, Message: policyMessage, Source: source, Action: ResourcePassed, } events = append(events, policyEvent) return events } func NewCleanupPolicyEvent(policy kyvernov2.CleanupPolicyInterface, resource unstructured.Unstructured, err error) Info { regarding := corev1.ObjectReference{ // TODO: iirc it's not safe to assume api version is set APIVersion: "", Kind: policy.GetKind(), Name: policy.GetName(), Namespace: policy.GetNamespace(), UID: policy.GetUID(), } related := &corev1.ObjectReference{ APIVersion: resource.GetAPIVersion(), Kind: resource.GetKind(), Namespace: resource.GetNamespace(), Name: resource.GetName(), } if err == nil { return Info{ Regarding: regarding, Related: related, Source: CleanupController, Action: ResourceCleanedUp, Reason: PolicyApplied, Message: fmt.Sprintf("successfully cleaned up the target resource %v/%v/%v", resource.GetKind(), resource.GetNamespace(), resource.GetName()), } } else { return Info{ Regarding: regarding, Related: related, Source: CleanupController, Action: None, Reason: PolicyError, Message: fmt.Sprintf("failed to clean up the target resource %v/%v/%v: %v", resource.GetKind(), resource.GetNamespace(), resource.GetName(), err.Error()), } } } func NewValidatingAdmissionPolicyEvent(policy kyvernov1.PolicyInterface, vapName, vapBindingName string) []Info { regarding := corev1.ObjectReference{ // TODO: iirc it's not safe to assume api version is set APIVersion: "", Kind: policy.GetKind(), Name: policy.GetName(), Namespace: policy.GetNamespace(), UID: policy.GetUID(), } vapEvent := Info{ Regarding: regarding, Related: &corev1.ObjectReference{ APIVersion: "", Kind: "ValidatingAdmissionPolicy", Name: vapName, }, Source: GeneratePolicyController, Action: ResourceGenerated, Reason: PolicyApplied, Message: fmt.Sprintf("successfully generated validating admission policy %s from policy %s", vapName, policy.GetName()), } vapBindingEvent := Info{ Regarding: regarding, Related: &corev1.ObjectReference{ APIVersion: "", Kind: "ValidatingAdmissionPolicyBinding", Name: vapBindingName, }, Source: GeneratePolicyController, Action: ResourceGenerated, Reason: PolicyApplied, Message: fmt.Sprintf("successfully generated validating admission policy binding %s from policy %s", vapBindingName, policy.GetName()), } return []Info{vapEvent, vapBindingEvent} } func NewFailedEvent(err error, policy, rule string, source Source, resource kyvernov1.ResourceSpec) Info { var msg string if rule == "" { msg = fmt.Sprintf("policy %s error: %v", policy, err) } else { msg = fmt.Sprintf("policy %s/%s error: %v", policy, rule, err) } return Info{ Regarding: corev1.ObjectReference{ APIVersion: resource.APIVersion, Kind: resource.Kind, Name: resource.Name, Namespace: resource.Namespace, UID: resource.UID, }, Source: source, Reason: PolicyError, Message: msg, Action: None, } } func resourceKey(resource unstructured.Unstructured) string { if resource.GetNamespace() != "" { return strings.Join([]string{resource.GetKind(), resource.GetNamespace(), resource.GetName()}, "/") } return strings.Join([]string{resource.GetKind(), resource.GetName()}, "/") }