package variables import ( "encoding/json" "errors" "fmt" "path" "regexp" "strings" "" gojmespath "" kyverno "" "" "" jsonUtils "" "" ) var RegexVariables = regexp.MustCompile(`\{\{[^{}]*\}\}`) // Regex for '$(...)' at the beginning of the string, and 'x$(...)' where 'x' is not '\' var RegexReferences = regexp.MustCompile(`^\$\(.[^\ ]*\)|[^\\]\$\(.[^\ ]*\)`) // Regex for '\$(...)' var RegexEscpReferences = regexp.MustCompile(`\\\$\(.[^\ ]*\)`) // IsVariable returns true if the element contains a 'valid' variable {{}} func IsVariable(value string) bool { groups := RegexVariables.FindAllStringSubmatch(value, -1) return len(groups) != 0 } // IsReference returns true if the element contains a 'valid' reference $() func IsReference(value string) bool { groups := RegexReferences.FindAllStringSubmatch(value, -1) return len(groups) != 0 } // ReplaceAllVars replaces all variables with the value defined in the replacement function // This is used to avoid validation errors func ReplaceAllVars(src string, repl func(string) string) string { return RegexVariables.ReplaceAllStringFunc(src, repl) } func newPreconditionsVariableResolver(log logr.Logger) VariableResolver { // PreconditionsVariableResolver is used to substitute vars in preconditions. // It returns an empty string if an error occurs during the substitution. return func(ctx context.EvalInterface, variable string) (interface{}, error) { value, err := DefaultVariableResolver(ctx, variable) if err != nil { log.V(4).Info(fmt.Sprintf("using empty string for unresolved variable \"%s\" in preconditions", variable)) return "", nil } return value, nil } } // SubstituteAll substitutes variables and references in the document. The document must be JSON data // i.e. string, []interface{}, map[string]interface{} func SubstituteAll(log logr.Logger, ctx context.EvalInterface, document interface{}) (_ interface{}, err error) { return substituteAll(log, ctx, document, DefaultVariableResolver) } func SubstituteAllInPreconditions(log logr.Logger, ctx context.EvalInterface, document interface{}) (_ interface{}, err error) { return substituteAll(log, ctx, document, newPreconditionsVariableResolver(log)) } func SubstituteAllInRule(log logr.Logger, ctx context.EvalInterface, typedRule kyverno.Rule) (_ kyverno.Rule, err error) { var rule interface{} rule, err = RuleToUntyped(typedRule) if err != nil { return typedRule, err } rule, err = SubstituteAll(log, ctx, rule) if err != nil { return typedRule, err } return UntypedToRule(rule) } func RuleToUntyped(rule kyverno.Rule) (interface{}, error) { jsonRule, err := json.Marshal(rule) if err != nil { return nil, err } var untyped interface{} err = json.Unmarshal(jsonRule, &untyped) if err != nil { return nil, err } return untyped, nil } func UntypedToRule(untyped interface{}) (kyverno.Rule, error) { jsonRule, err := json.Marshal(untyped) if err != nil { return kyverno.Rule{}, err } var rule kyverno.Rule err = json.Unmarshal(jsonRule, &rule) if err != nil { return kyverno.Rule{}, err } return rule, nil } func SubstituteAllInConditions(log logr.Logger, ctx context.EvalInterface, conditions []*kyverno.AnyAllConditions) ([]*kyverno.AnyAllConditions, error) { c, err := ConditionsToJSONObject(conditions) if err != nil { return nil, err } i, err := SubstituteAll(log, ctx, c) if err != nil { return nil, err } return JSONObjectToConditions(i) } func ConditionsToJSONObject(conditions []*kyverno.AnyAllConditions) ([]map[string]interface{}, error){ bytes, err := json.Marshal(conditions) if err != nil { return nil, err } var m = []map[string]interface{}{} if err := json.Unmarshal(bytes, &m); err != nil { return nil, err } return m, nil } func JSONObjectToConditions(data interface{}) ([]*kyverno.AnyAllConditions, error) { bytes, err := json.Marshal(data) if err != nil { return nil, err } var c []*kyverno.AnyAllConditions if err := json.Unmarshal(bytes, &c); err != nil { return nil, err } return c, nil } func substituteAll(log logr.Logger, ctx context.EvalInterface, document interface{}, resolver VariableResolver) (_ interface{}, err error) { document, err = substituteReferences(log, document) if err != nil { return document, err } return substituteVars(log, ctx, document, resolver) } func SubstituteAllForceMutate(log logr.Logger, ctx context.EvalInterface, typedRule kyverno.Rule) (_ kyverno.Rule, err error) { var rule interface{} rule, err = RuleToUntyped(typedRule) if err != nil { return kyverno.Rule{}, err } rule, err = substituteReferences(log, rule) if err != nil { return kyverno.Rule{}, err } if ctx == nil { rule = replaceSubstituteVariables(rule) } else { rule, err = substituteVars(log, ctx, rule, DefaultVariableResolver) if err != nil { return kyverno.Rule{}, err } } return UntypedToRule(rule) } func substituteVars(log logr.Logger, ctx context.EvalInterface, rule interface{}, vr VariableResolver) (interface{}, error) { return jsonUtils.NewTraversal(rule, substituteVariablesIfAny(log, ctx, vr)).TraverseJSON() } func substituteReferences(log logr.Logger, rule interface{}) (interface{}, error) { return jsonUtils.NewTraversal(rule, substituteReferencesIfAny(log)).TraverseJSON() } // ValidateBackgroundModeVars validates variables against the specified context, // which contains a list of allowed JMESPath queries in background processing, // and throws an error if the variable is not allowed. func ValidateBackgroundModeVars(log logr.Logger, ctx context.EvalInterface, rule interface{}) (interface{}, error) { return jsonUtils.NewTraversal(rule, validateBackgroundModeVars(log, ctx)).TraverseJSON() } func validateBackgroundModeVars(log logr.Logger, ctx context.EvalInterface) jsonUtils.Action { return jsonUtils.OnlyForLeafsAndKeys(func(data *jsonUtils.ActionData) (interface{}, error) { value, ok := data.Element.(string) if !ok { return data.Element, nil } vars := RegexVariables.FindAllString(value, -1) for _, v := range vars { variable := replaceBracesAndTrimSpaces(v) _, err := ctx.Query(variable) if err != nil { switch err.(type) { case gojmespath.NotFoundError: return nil, nil case context.InvalidVariableErr: return nil, err default: return nil, fmt.Errorf("failed to resolve %v at path %s: %v", variable, data.Path, err) } } } return nil, nil }) } // NotResolvedReferenceErr is returned when it is impossible to resolve the variable type NotResolvedReferenceErr struct { reference string path string } func (n NotResolvedReferenceErr) Error() string { return fmt.Sprintf("NotResolvedReferenceErr,reference %s not resolved at path %s", n.reference, n.path) } func substituteReferencesIfAny(log logr.Logger) jsonUtils.Action { return jsonUtils.OnlyForLeafsAndKeys(func(data *jsonUtils.ActionData) (interface{}, error) { value, ok := data.Element.(string) if !ok { return data.Element, nil } for _, v := range RegexReferences.FindAllString(value, -1) { initial := v[:2] == `$(` v_old := v if !initial { v = v[1:] } resolvedReference, err := resolveReference(log, data.Document, v, data.Path) if err != nil { switch err.(type) { case context.InvalidVariableErr: return nil, err default: return nil, fmt.Errorf("failed to resolve %v at path %s: %v", v, data.Path, err) } } if resolvedReference == nil { return data.Element, fmt.Errorf("failed to resolve %v at path %s: %v", v, data.Path, err) } log.V(3).Info("reference resolved", "reference", v, "value", resolvedReference, "path", data.Path) if val, ok := resolvedReference.(string); ok { replace_with := "" if !initial { replace_with = string(v_old[0]) } replace_with += val value = strings.Replace(value, v_old, replace_with, 1) continue } return data.Element, NotResolvedReferenceErr{ reference: v, path: data.Path, } } for _, v := range RegexEscpReferences.FindAllString(value, -1) { value = strings.Replace(value, v, v[1:], -1) } return value, nil }) } //VariableResolver defines the handler function for variable substitution type VariableResolver = func(ctx context.EvalInterface, variable string) (interface{}, error) // DefaultVariableResolver is used in all variable substitutions except preconditions func DefaultVariableResolver(ctx context.EvalInterface, variable string) (interface{}, error) { return ctx.Query(variable) } func substituteVariablesIfAny(log logr.Logger, ctx context.EvalInterface, vr VariableResolver) jsonUtils.Action { return jsonUtils.OnlyForLeafsAndKeys(func(data *jsonUtils.ActionData) (interface{}, error) { value, ok := data.Element.(string) if !ok { return data.Element, nil } vars := RegexVariables.FindAllString(value, -1) for len(vars) > 0 { originalPattern := value for _, v := range vars { variable := replaceBracesAndTrimSpaces(v) if variable == "@" { variable = strings.Replace(variable, "@", fmt.Sprintf("request.object.%s", getJMESPath(data.Path)), -1) } operation, err := ctx.Query("request.operation") if err == nil && operation == "DELETE" { variable = strings.ReplaceAll(variable, "request.object", "request.oldObject") } substitutedVar, err := vr(ctx, variable) if err != nil { switch err.(type) { case context.InvalidVariableErr, gojmespath.NotFoundError: return nil, err default: return nil, fmt.Errorf("failed to resolve %v at path %s: %v", variable, data.Path, err) } } log.V(3).Info("variable substituted", "variable", v, "value", substitutedVar, "path", data.Path) if originalPattern == v { return substitutedVar, nil } if value, err = substituteVarInPattern(originalPattern, v, substitutedVar); err != nil { return nil, fmt.Errorf("failed to resolve %v at path %s: %s", variable, data.Path, err.Error()) } continue } // check for nested variables in strings vars = RegexVariables.FindAllString(value, -1) } return value, nil }) } // getJMESPath converts path to JMES format func getJMESPath(rawPath string) string { tokens := strings.Split(rawPath, "/")[3:] // skip empty element and two non-resource (like mutate.overlay) path := strings.Join(tokens, ".") regex := regexp.MustCompile(`\.([\d])\.`) return string(regex.ReplaceAll([]byte(path), []byte("[$1]."))) } func substituteVarInPattern(pattern, variable string, value interface{}) (string, error) { var stringToSubstitute string if s, ok := value.(string); ok { stringToSubstitute = s } else { buffer, err := json.Marshal(value) if err != nil { return "", fmt.Errorf("failed to marshal %T: %v", value, value) } stringToSubstitute = string(buffer) } return strings.Replace(pattern, variable, stringToSubstitute, -1), nil } func replaceBracesAndTrimSpaces(v string) string { variable := strings.ReplaceAll(v, "{{", "") variable = strings.ReplaceAll(variable, "}}", "") variable = strings.TrimSpace(variable) return variable } func resolveReference(log logr.Logger, fullDocument interface{}, reference, absolutePath string) (interface{}, error) { var foundValue interface{} path := strings.Trim(reference, "$()") operation := operator.GetOperatorFromStringPattern(path) path = path[len(operation):] if len(path) == 0 { return nil, errors.New("Expected path. Found empty reference") } path = formAbsolutePath(path, absolutePath) valFromReference, err := getValueFromReference(fullDocument, path) if err != nil { return err, nil } if operation == operator.Equal { //if operator does not exist return raw value return valFromReference, nil } foundValue, err = valFromReferenceToString(valFromReference, string(operation)) if err != nil { return "", err } return string(operation) + foundValue.(string), nil } //Parse value to string func valFromReferenceToString(value interface{}, operator string) (string, error) { switch typed := value.(type) { case string: return typed, nil case int, int64: return fmt.Sprintf("%d", value), nil case float64: return fmt.Sprintf("%f", value), nil default: return "", fmt.Errorf("Incorrect expression. Operator %s does not match with value: %v", operator, value) } } func FindAndShiftReferences(log logr.Logger, value, shift, pivot string) string { for _, reference := range RegexReferences.FindAllString(value, -1) { initial := reference[:2] == `$(` reference_old := reference if !initial { reference = reference[1:] } index := strings.Index(reference, pivot) if index == -1 { log.Error(fmt.Errorf(`Failed to shit reference. Pivot value "%s" was not found`, pivot), "pivot search failed") } // try to get rule index from the reference if pivot == "anyPattern" { ruleIndex := strings.Split(reference[index+len(pivot)+1:], "/")[0] pivot = pivot + "/" + ruleIndex } shiftedReference := strings.Replace(reference, pivot, pivot+"/"+shift, -1) replace_with := "" if !initial { replace_with = string(reference_old[0]) } replace_with += shiftedReference value = strings.Replace(value, reference_old, replace_with, 1) } return value } func formAbsolutePath(referencePath, absolutePath string) string { if path.IsAbs(referencePath) { return referencePath } return path.Join(absolutePath, referencePath) } func getValueFromReference(fullDocument interface{}, path string) (interface{}, error) { var element interface{} if _, err := jsonUtils.NewTraversal(fullDocument, jsonUtils.OnlyForLeafsAndKeys( func(data *jsonUtils.ActionData) (interface{}, error) { if common.RemoveAnchorsFromPath(data.Path) == path { element = data.Element } return data.Element, nil })).TraverseJSON(); err != nil { return nil, err } return element, nil } func replaceSubstituteVariables(document interface{}) interface{} { rawDocument, err := json.Marshal(document) if err != nil { return document } regex := regexp.MustCompile(`\{\{([^{}]*)\}\}`) for { if len(regex.FindAllStringSubmatch(string(rawDocument), -1)) > 0 { rawDocument = regex.ReplaceAll(rawDocument, []byte(`placeholderValue`)) } else { break } } var output interface{} err = json.Unmarshal(rawDocument, &output) if err != nil { return document } return output }