apiVersion: chainsaw.kyverno.io/v1alpha1 kind: Test metadata: name: apicall-failed spec: steps: - name: setup try: - apply: file: namespace.yaml - apply: file: main-deployment.yaml - apply: file: gctxentry.yaml - sleep: duration: 3s - name: create policy use: template: ../../_step-templates/create-policy.yaml with: bindings: - name: file value: clusterpolicy.yaml - name: wait policy ready use: template: ../../_step-templates/cluster-policy-ready.yaml with: bindings: - name: name value: cpol-apicall-failed - name: create new deployment try: - script: content: kubectl apply -f new-deployment.yaml check: ($error != null): true # This check ensures the contents of stderr are exactly as shown. (trim_space($stderr)): |- Error from server: error when creating "new-deployment.yaml": admission webhook "validate.kyverno.svc-fail" denied the request: resource Deployment/test-globalcontext-apicall-failed/new-deployment was blocked due to the following policies cpol-apicall-failed: autogen-main-deployment-exists: |- failed to check deny conditions: failed to substitute variables in condition key: failed to resolve deploymentCount at path : failed to marshal APICall data for context entry deploymentCount: failed to GET resource with raw url : /apis/apps/v1/namespaces/default/unknown: unknown