baseURL = "" themesDir = "themes" theme = "github-project-landing-page" title = "Kyverno" canonifyURLs=true relativeURLs=true [params] description = "Kubernetes Native Policy Management" long_description = ''' Manage policies as Kuberneres resources using YAML or JSON. Easily validate, mutate, or generate Kubernetes resources. Match resources based on label selectors and wildcards. View policy results as events, and policy violations as events or in policy status.''' author_name = "Nirmata" author_url = "" project_url = "" project_documentation = "" github_project_name = "kyverno" github_user_name = "nirmata" logo = "img/kyverno.png" first_color="#f8f8f8" first_border_color="#e7e7e7" first_text_color="#333" second_color="white" second_text_color="#333" header_color="#f8f8f8" header_text_color="rgb(51, 51, 51)" header_link_color="#777" header_link_hover_color="rgb(51, 51, 51)"