package webhooks import ( types "" "" metav1 "" ) var supportedKinds = [...]string{ "ConfigMap", "CronJob", "DaemonSet", "Deployment", "Endpoint", "HorizontalPodAutoscaler", "Ingress", "Job", "LimitRange", "Namespace", "NetworkPolicy", "PersistentVolumeClaim", "PodDisruptionBudget", "PodTemplate", "ResourceQuota", "Secret", "Service", "StatefulSet", } func kindIsSupported(kind string) bool { for _, k := range supportedKinds { if k == kind { return true } } return false } // Checks for admission if kind is supported func AdmissionIsRequired(request *v1beta1.AdmissionRequest) bool { // Here you can make additional hardcoded checks return kindIsSupported(request.Kind.Kind) } // Checks requests kind, name and labels to fit the policy func IsRuleApplicableToRequest(policyResource types.PolicyResource, request *v1beta1.AdmissionRequest) bool { if policyResource.Kind != request.Kind.Kind { return false } if request.Object.Raw != nil { meta := parseMetadataFromObject(request.Object.Raw) name := parseNameFromMetadata(meta) if policyResource.Name != nil && *policyResource.Name != name { return false } if policyResource.Selector != nil { selector, err := metav1.LabelSelectorAsSelector(policyResource.Selector) if err != nil { return false } labelMap := parseLabelsFromMetadata(meta) if !selector.Matches(labelMap) { return false } } } return true }