name: Load Tests permissions: {} on: release: types: [published] pull_request: branches: - "main" - "release*" schedule: - cron: "27 0 * * 0" concurrency: group: ${{ github.workflow }}-${{ github.ref }} cancel-in-progress: true jobs: define-matrix: runs-on: ubuntu-latest outputs: tests: ${{ steps.set-tests.outputs.tests }} steps: - name: Checkout uses: actions/checkout@d632683dd7b4114ad314bca15554477dd762a938 # v4.2.0 - name: Set Tests id: set-tests run: echo "tests=$(jq -c . < ./test/load/k6/${{ github.event_name }}-matrix.json)" >> $GITHUB_OUTPUT prepare-images: runs-on: ubuntu-latest steps: - name: Checkout uses: actions/checkout@eef61447b9ff4aafe5dcd4e0bbf5d482be7e7871 # v4.2.1 - name: Setup caches uses: ./.github/actions/setup-caches timeout-minutes: 5 continue-on-error: true with: build-cache-key: build-images - name: Setup build env uses: ./.github/actions/setup-build-env timeout-minutes: 10 with: free-disk-space: false - name: ko build shell: bash run: | set -e VERSION=${{ github.ref_name }} make docker-save-image-all - name: upload images archive uses: actions/upload-artifact@b4b15b8c7c6ac21ea08fcf65892d2ee8f75cf882 # v4.4.3 with: name: kyverno.tar path: kyverno.tar retention-days: 1 if-no-files-found: error old-load-test: if: github.event_name == 'pull_request' needs: - prepare-images outputs: p95: ${{ steps.extract-p95.outputs.p95 }} runs-on: ubuntu-latest permissions: packages: read strategy: fail-fast: false matrix: k8s-version: [v1.31.0] steps: - name: Checkout kyverno/kyverno uses: actions/checkout@eef61447b9ff4aafe5dcd4e0bbf5d482be7e7871 # v4.2.1 - name: Checkout kyverno/load-testing uses: actions/checkout@eef61447b9ff4aafe5dcd4e0bbf5d482be7e7871 # v4.2.1 with: repository: kyverno/load-testing path: load-testing - name: Install Helm id: helm uses: azure/setup-helm@fe7b79cd5ee1e45176fcad797de68ecaf3ca4814 # v4.2.0 - name: Create Kind cluster uses: helm/kind-action@0025e74a8c7512023d06dc019c617aa3cf561fde # v1.10.0 with: node_image: kindest/node:${{ matrix.k8s-version }} cluster_name: kind config: ./scripts/config/kind/default.yaml - name: Download kyverno images archive uses: actions/download-artifact@fa0a91b85d4f404e444e00e005971372dc801d16 # v4.1.8 with: name: kyverno.tar - name: Load Kyverno images archive in Kind cluster shell: bash run: | set -e kind load image-archive kyverno.tar --name kind - name: Install Kyverno shell: bash run: | set -e export HELM=${{ steps.helm.outputs.helm-path }} export USE_CONFIG=default-with-profiling $HELM repo add kyverno $HELM repo update export INSTALL_VERSION=$($HELM search repo kyverno/kyverno -o json | jq -r '.[0].version') export EXPLICIT_INSTALL_SETTINGS='--set admissionController.replicas=1 --set admissionController.resources.requests.cpu=100m --set admissionController.resources.limits.cpu=1500m --set admissionController.resources.requests.memory=128Mi --set admissionController.resources.limits.memory=384Mi' make kind-install-kyverno-from-repo - name: Wait for kyverno ready uses: ./.github/actions/kyverno-wait-ready - name: Install K6 shell: bash run: | set -e go install $(go env GOPATH)/bin/xk6 build --with mkdir -p $HOME/.local/bin && mv ./k6 $HOME/.local/bin echo "$HOME/.local/bin" >> $GITHUB_PATH - name: Run load tests using K6 shell: bash run: | set -e mkdir -p report KYVERNO_NODE_IP=$(kubectl get nodes -o jsonpath='{.items[?(@.metadata.labels.kubernetes\.io/hostname=="kind-control-plane")].status.addresses[?(@.type=="InternalIP")].address}') curl -s "http://$KYVERNO_NODE_IP:30950/debug/pprof/profile?seconds=90" > report/cpu.pprof & cd load-testing ./k6/ k6/tests/kyverno-pss.js -e SCENARIO=average --out dashboard=export=load-report.html wait %1 || true mv load-report.html ../report - name: Extract P(95) id: extract-p95 shell: bash run: | set -e echo "p95=$(grep http_req_duration load-testing/test-output.log | awk -F 'p\\(95\\)=' '{split($2,a,\"ms\"); print a[1]}')" >> $GITHUB_OUTPUT echo $GITHUB_OUTPUT - name: Debug failure if: failure() uses: ./.github/actions/kyverno-logs load-test: if: github.event_name == 'pull_request' needs: - prepare-images - old-load-test runs-on: ubuntu-latest permissions: packages: read strategy: fail-fast: false matrix: k8s-version: [v1.31.0] steps: - name: Checkout kyverno/kyverno uses: actions/checkout@d632683dd7b4114ad314bca15554477dd762a938 # v4.2.0 - name: Checkout kyverno/load-testing uses: actions/checkout@d632683dd7b4114ad314bca15554477dd762a938 # v4.2.0 with: repository: kyverno/load-testing path: load-testing - name: Install Helm id: helm uses: azure/setup-helm@fe7b79cd5ee1e45176fcad797de68ecaf3ca4814 # v4.2.0 - name: Create Kind cluster uses: helm/kind-action@0025e74a8c7512023d06dc019c617aa3cf561fde # v1.10.0 with: node_image: kindest/node:${{ matrix.k8s-version }} cluster_name: kind config: ./scripts/config/kind/default.yaml - name: Download kyverno images archive uses: actions/download-artifact@fa0a91b85d4f404e444e00e005971372dc801d16 # v4.1.8 with: name: kyverno.tar - name: Load Kyverno images archive in Kind cluster shell: bash run: | set -e kind load image-archive kyverno.tar --name kind - name: Install Kyverno shell: bash run: | set -e export HELM=${{ steps.helm.outputs.helm-path }} export USE_CONFIG=default-with-profiling export EXPLICIT_INSTALL_SETTINGS='--set admissionController.replicas=1 --set admissionController.resources.requests.cpu=100m --set admissionController.resources.limits.cpu=1500m --set admissionController.resources.requests.memory=128Mi --set admissionController.resources.limits.memory=384Mi' make kind-install-kyverno - name: Wait for kyverno ready uses: ./.github/actions/kyverno-wait-ready - name: Install K6 shell: bash run: | set -e go install $(go env GOPATH)/bin/xk6 build --with mkdir -p $HOME/.local/bin && mv ./k6 $HOME/.local/bin echo "$HOME/.local/bin" >> $GITHUB_PATH - name: Run load tests using K6 shell: bash run: | set -e mkdir -p report KYVERNO_NODE_IP=$(kubectl get nodes -o jsonpath='{.items[?(@.metadata.labels.kubernetes\.io/hostname=="kind-control-plane")].status.addresses[?(@.type=="InternalIP")].address}') curl -s "http://$KYVERNO_NODE_IP:30950/debug/pprof/profile?seconds=90" > report/cpu.pprof & cd load-testing ./k6/ k6/tests/kyverno-pss.js -e SCENARIO=average --out dashboard=export=load-report.html wait %1 || true mv load-report.html ../report - name: Compare P(95) shell: bash run: | set -e echo "Old P(95): ${{ needs.old-load-test.outputs.p95 }}" OLD_NUM=${{ needs.old-load-test.outputs.p95 }} NEW_NUM=$(grep http_req_duration load-testing/test-output.log | awk -F 'p\\(95\\)=' '{split($2,a,"ms"); print a[1]}') echo "$OLD_NUM to $NEW_NUM" if [ $(echo "$OLD_NUM < $NEW_NUM" | bc) -eq 1 ]; then echo "P(95) increased from $OLD_NUM to $NEW_NUM" exit 1 fi - name: Archive Report uses: actions/upload-artifact@b4b15b8c7c6ac21ea08fcf65892d2ee8f75cf882 # v4.4.3 with: name: load-test-report.html path: report - name: Debug failure if: failure() uses: ./.github/actions/kyverno-logs scale-test: if: github.event_name == 'pull_request' needs: - define-matrix - prepare-images runs-on: ubuntu-latest permissions: packages: read strategy: fail-fast: false matrix: k8s-version: [v1.31.0] test: ${{ fromJson(needs.define-matrix.outputs.tests) }} steps: - name: Checkout kyverno/kyverno uses: actions/checkout@d632683dd7b4114ad314bca15554477dd762a938 # v4.2.0 - name: Checkout kyverno/load-testing uses: actions/checkout@d632683dd7b4114ad314bca15554477dd762a938 # v4.2.0 with: repository: kyverno/load-testing path: load-testing - name: Install Helm id: helm uses: azure/setup-helm@fe7b79cd5ee1e45176fcad797de68ecaf3ca4814 # v4.2.0 - name: Create Kind cluster uses: helm/kind-action@0025e74a8c7512023d06dc019c617aa3cf561fde # v1.10.0 with: node_image: kindest/node:${{ matrix.k8s-version }} cluster_name: kind config: ./scripts/config/kind/default.yaml - name: Download kyverno images archive uses: actions/download-artifact@fa0a91b85d4f404e444e00e005971372dc801d16 # v4.1.8 with: name: kyverno.tar - name: Load Kyverno images archive in Kind cluster shell: bash run: | set -e kind load image-archive kyverno.tar --name kind - name: Install Metrics Server and Prometheus shell: bash run: | set -e export HELM=${{ steps.helm.outputs.helm-path }} make dev-lab-metrics-server dev-lab-prometheus - name: Install Kyverno shell: bash run: | set -e export HELM=${{ steps.helm.outputs.helm-path }} export USE_CONFIG=default-with-profiling export EXPLICIT_INSTALL_SETTINGS='--set admissionController.replicas=${{ matrix.test.replicas }} --set admissionController.serviceMonitor.enabled=true --set reportsController.serviceMonitor.enabled=true --set admissionController.container.resources.requests.cpu=${{ matrix.test.cpu_request }} --set admissionController.container.resources.requests.memory=${{ matrix.test.memory_request }} --set admissionController.container.resources.limits.memory=${{ matrix.test.memory_limit }} --set reportsController.resources.limits.memory=10Gi' make kind-install-kyverno - name: Wait for kyverno ready uses: ./.github/actions/kyverno-wait-ready - name: Install K6 shell: bash run: | set -e go install $(go env GOPATH)/bin/xk6 build --with mkdir -p $HOME/.local/bin && mv ./k6 $HOME/.local/bin echo "$HOME/.local/bin" >> $GITHUB_PATH - name: Run load tests using K6 shell: bash run: | set -e mkdir -p report KYVERNO_NODE_IP=$(kubectl get nodes -o jsonpath='{.items[?(@.metadata.labels.kubernetes\.io/hostname=="kind-control-plane")].status.addresses[?(@.type=="InternalIP")].address}') curl -s "http://$KYVERNO_NODE_IP:30950/debug/pprof/profile?seconds=30" > report/cpu.pprof & cd load-testing ./k6/ k6/tests/${{ }}.js -e SCENARIO=${{ matrix.test.scenario }} --vus ${{ matrix.test.concurrent_connections }} --iterations ${{ matrix.test.total_iterations }} ${{ matrix.test.extra_options }} --out dashboard=export=load-report.html wait %1 || true mv load-report.html ../report - name: Collect Resource Metrics shell: bash run: | set -e kubectl port-forward --address svc/kube-prometheus-stack-prometheus 9090:9090 -n monitoring & sleep 3 curl -s "$(echo -n "rate(container_cpu_usage_seconds_total{image=\"$(make kind-admission-controller-image-name)\"}[1m])" | jq -sRr @uri)" > report/cpu-usage.json curl -s "$(echo -n "max_over_time(container_memory_working_set_bytes{image=\"$(make kind-admission-controller-image-name)\"}[1m])/(2^20)" | jq -sRr @uri)" > report/memory-usage.json kill %1 || true - name: Collect Report Metrics shell: bash run: | set -e sleep 60 ./test/load/k6/ > report/reports-size-in-etcd.txt - name: Archive Report uses: actions/upload-artifact@b4b15b8c7c6ac21ea08fcf65892d2ee8f75cf882 # v4.4.3 with: name: report-${{ matrix.k8s-version }}-${{ }}-${{ matrix.test.scenario }}-${{ matrix.test.replicas }}-${{ matrix.test.cpu_request }}-${{ matrix.test.memory_request }}-${{ matrix.test.memory_limit }}-${{ matrix.test.concurrent_connections }} path: report - name: Debug failure # if: failure() uses: ./.github/actions/kyverno-logs