* Chart changes merged,not deployed,iterate version
kyverno#2073 - Updates chart version to v1.4.2 - merged 13 days ago but not deployed
kyverno#2081 - Fix Helm release during tag - merged 9 days ago
kyverno#2037 - updated chart contents but not chart version - not released - merged 7 days ago
kyverno#2103 - updated chart contents but not chart version - not released - merged 3 hours ago
Status - main branch shows chart version is v1.4.2, git tag is v1.4.1 and latest helm chart on artifacthub.io/packages/helm/kyverno/kyverno is v1.4.1
This PR just iterates the chart version so that it's built, but I think chart versions should be incremented as part of the normal PR/merge process if chart elements are changed
Signed-off-by: George Kaz <egeorgekaz@gmail.com>
* break the helm release out into it's own workflows
Signed-off-by: George Kaz <egeorgekaz@gmail.com>
* workflow fixes
Signed-off-by: George Kaz <egeorgekaz@gmail.com>
* don't run helm-release on PR. Remove git config bit
Signed-off-by: George Kaz <egeorgekaz@gmail.com>