diff --git a/cmd/kyverno/main.go b/cmd/kyverno/main.go index e2096ebd0d..a2c382f357 100755 --- a/cmd/kyverno/main.go +++ b/cmd/kyverno/main.go @@ -71,7 +71,6 @@ func main() { flag.StringVar(&filterK8sResources, "filterK8sResources", "", "Resource in format [kind,namespace,name] where policy is not evaluated by the admission webhook. For example, --filterK8sResources \"[Deployment, kyverno, kyverno],[Events, *, *]\"") flag.StringVar(&excludeGroupRole, "excludeGroupRole", "", "") flag.StringVar(&excludeUsername, "excludeUsername", "", "") - // deprecated flag.IntVar(&webhookTimeout, "webhooktimeout", int(webhookconfig.DefaultWebhookTimeout), "Timeout for webhook configurations. Deprecated and will be removed in 1.6.0.") flag.IntVar(&webhookTimeout, "webhookTimeout", int(webhookconfig.DefaultWebhookTimeout), "Timeout for webhook configurations.") // deprecated @@ -90,8 +89,6 @@ func main() { flag.DurationVar(&policyControllerResyncPeriod, "backgroundScan", time.Hour, "Perform background scan every given interval, e.g., 30s, 15m, 1h.") flag.StringVar(&imagePullSecrets, "imagePullSecrets", "", "Secret resource names for image registry access credentials.") flag.StringVar(&imageSignatureRepository, "imageSignatureRepository", "", "Alternate repository for image signatures. Can be overridden per rule via `verifyImages.Repository`.") - // deprecated - flag.BoolVar(&autoUpdateWebhooks, "auto-update-webhooks", true, "Set this flag to 'false' to disable auto-configuration of the webhook. Deprecated and will be removed in 1.6.0.") flag.BoolVar(&autoUpdateWebhooks, "autoUpdateWebhooks", true, "Set this flag to 'false' to disable auto-configuration of the webhook.") if err := flag.Set("v", "2"); err != nil {