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chore: refactor helm targets in makefile (#4498)

Signed-off-by: Charles-Edouard Brétéché <charled.breteche@gmail.com>

Signed-off-by: Charles-Edouard Brétéché <charled.breteche@gmail.com>
This commit is contained in:
Charles-Edouard Brétéché 2022-09-02 17:14:04 +02:00 committed by GitHub
parent 98a272efd6
commit 7c9792d03f
No known key found for this signature in database
GPG key ID: 4AEE18F83AFDEB23

View file

@ -121,6 +121,13 @@ vet: ## Run go vet
@echo Go vet...
@go vet ./...
.PHONY: unused-package-check
@tidy=$$(go mod tidy); \
if [ -n "$${tidy}" ]; then \
echo "go mod tidy checking failed!"; echo "$${tidy}"; echo; \
$(KYVERNOPRE_BIN): fmt vet
@echo Build kyvernopre binary...
@ -402,8 +409,21 @@ codegen-api-docs: $(PACKAGE_SHIM) $(GEN_CRD_API_REFERENCE_DOCS) ## Generate API
@GOPATH=$(GOPATH_SHIM) $(GEN_CRD_API_REFERENCE_DOCS) -v 6 -api-dir ./api/kyverno/v1beta1 -config docs/config.json -template-dir docs/template -out-file docs/crd/v1beta1/index.html
@GOPATH=$(GOPATH_SHIM) $(GEN_CRD_API_REFERENCE_DOCS) -v 6 -api-dir ./api/kyverno/v1 -config docs/config.json -template-dir docs/template -out-file docs/crd/v1/index.html
.PHONY: codegen-helm-docs
codegen-helm-docs: ## Generate helm docs
@echo Generate helm docs...
@docker run -v ${PWD}:/work -w /work jnorwood/helm-docs:v1.11.0 -s file
.PHONY: codegen-helm-crds
codegen-helm-crds: $(KUSTOMIZE) codegen-crds-all ## Generate helm CRDs
@echo Generate helm crds...
@$(KUSTOMIZE) build ./config/release | $(KUSTOMIZE) cfg grep kind=CustomResourceDefinition | $(SED) -e "1i{{- if .Values.installCRDs }}" -e '$$a{{- end }}' > ./charts/kyverno/templates/crds.yaml
.PHONY: codegen-helm-all
codegen-helm-all: codegen-helm-crds codegen-helm-docs ## Generate helm docs and CRDs
.PHONY: codegen-all
codegen-all: codegen-deepcopy-all codegen-crds-all codegen-client-all codegen-api-docs ## Generate clientset, listers, informers, all CRDs, deep copy functions and API docs
codegen-all: codegen-deepcopy-all codegen-crds-all codegen-client-all codegen-api-docs codegen-helm-all ## Generate all generated code
@ -433,27 +453,20 @@ verify-deepcopy: codegen-deepcopy-all ## Check deepcopy functions are up to date
.PHONY: verify-api-docs
verify-api-docs: codegen-api-docs ## Check api reference docs are up to date
@git --no-pager diff docs
@echo 'If this test fails, it is because the git diff is non-empty after running "make generate-api-docs".'
@echo 'To correct this, locally run "make generate-api-docs", commit the changes, and re-run tests.'
@echo 'If this test fails, it is because the git diff is non-empty after running "make codegen-api-docs".'
@echo 'To correct this, locally run "make codegen-api-docs", commit the changes, and re-run tests.'
@git diff --quiet --exit-code docs
.PHONY: verify-helm
verify-helm: codegen-helm-all ## Check Helm charts are up to date
@git --no-pager diff charts
@echo 'If this test fails, it is because the git diff is non-empty after running "make codegen-helm-all".'
@echo 'To correct this, locally run "make codegen-helm", commit the changes, and re-run tests.'
@git diff --quiet --exit-code charts
.PHONY: verify-codegen
verify-codegen: verify-crds verify-client verify-deepcopy verify-api-docs verify-helm ## Verify all generated code and docs are up to date
.PHONY: unused-package-check
@echo "------------------"
@echo "--> Check unused packages for the all kyverno components"
@echo "------------------"
@tidy=$$(go mod tidy); \
if [ -n "$${tidy}" ]; then \
echo "go mod tidy checking failed!"; echo "$${tidy}"; echo; \
# Create e2e Infrastructure
@ -558,8 +571,6 @@ helm-test-values:
.PHONY: kustomize-crd
kustomize-crd: $(KUSTOMIZE) ## Create install.yaml
# Create CRD for helm deployment Helm
$(KUSTOMIZE) build ./config/release | $(KUSTOMIZE) cfg grep kind=CustomResourceDefinition | $(SED) -e "1i{{- if .Values.installCRDs }}" -e '$$a{{- end }}' > ./charts/kyverno/templates/crds.yaml
# Generate install.yaml that have all resources for kyverno
$(KUSTOMIZE) build ./config > ./config/install.yaml
# Generate install_debug.yaml that for developer testing
@ -574,25 +585,6 @@ release-notes:
@bash -c 'while IFS= read -r line ; do if [[ "$$line" == "## "* && "$$line" != "## $(VERSION)" ]]; then break ; fi; echo "$$line"; done < "CHANGELOG.md"' \
# .PHONY: gen-helm-docs
.PHONY: gen-helm-docs
gen-helm-docs: ## Generate Helm docs
@docker run -v ${PWD}:/work -w /work jnorwood/helm-docs:v1.11.0 -s file
.PHONY: gen-helm
gen-helm: gen-helm-docs kustomize-crd ## Generate Helm charts stuff
.PHONY: verify-helm
verify-helm: gen-helm ## Check Helm charts are up to date
@git --no-pager diff charts
@echo 'If this test fails, it is because the git diff is non-empty after running "make gen-helm".'
@echo 'To correct this, locally run "make gen-helm", commit the changes, and re-run tests.'
@git diff --quiet --exit-code charts
# KIND #