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mirror of https://github.com/kyverno/kyverno.git synced 2025-03-28 18:38:40 +00:00

fix: output make messages to stderr (#4727)

Signed-off-by: Charles-Edouard Brétéché <charled.breteche@gmail.com>

Signed-off-by: Charles-Edouard Brétéché <charled.breteche@gmail.com>
This commit is contained in:
Charles-Edouard Brétéché 2022-09-28 14:39:03 +02:00 committed by GitHub
parent e0ab72bb9a
commit 7302578623
No known key found for this signature in database
GPG key ID: 4AEE18F83AFDEB23

View file

@ -63,51 +63,51 @@ SED := sed
@echo Install kind...
@echo Install kind... >&2
@GOBIN=$(TOOLS_DIR) go install sigs.k8s.io/kind@$(KIND_VERSION)
@echo Install controller-gen...
@echo Install controller-gen... >&2
@GOBIN=$(TOOLS_DIR) go install sigs.k8s.io/controller-tools/cmd/controller-gen@$(CONTROLLER_GEN_VERSION)
@echo Install client-gen...
@echo Install client-gen... >&2
@GOBIN=$(TOOLS_DIR) go install k8s.io/code-generator/cmd/client-gen@$(CODE_GEN_VERSION)
@echo Install lister-gen...
@echo Install lister-gen... >&2
@GOBIN=$(TOOLS_DIR) go install k8s.io/code-generator/cmd/lister-gen@$(CODE_GEN_VERSION)
@echo Install informer-gen...
@echo Install informer-gen... >&2
@GOBIN=$(TOOLS_DIR) go install k8s.io/code-generator/cmd/informer-gen@$(CODE_GEN_VERSION)
@echo Install openapi-gen...
@echo Install openapi-gen... >&2
@GOBIN=$(TOOLS_DIR) go install k8s.io/code-generator/cmd/openapi-gen@$(CODE_GEN_VERSION)
@echo Install gen-crd-api-reference-docs...
@echo Install gen-crd-api-reference-docs... >&2
@GOBIN=$(TOOLS_DIR) go install github.com/ahmetb/gen-crd-api-reference-docs@$(GEN_CRD_API_REFERENCE_DOCS_VERSION)
@echo Install go-acc...
@echo Install go-acc... >&2
@GOBIN=$(TOOLS_DIR) go install github.com/ory/go-acc@$(GO_ACC_VERSION)
@echo Install kustomize...
@echo Install kustomize... >&2
@GOBIN=$(TOOLS_DIR) go install sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/kustomize/v4@$(KUSTOMIZE_VERSION)
@echo Install goimports...
@echo Install goimports... >&2
@GOBIN=$(TOOLS_DIR) go install golang.org/x/tools/cmd/goimports@$(GOIMPORTS_VERSION)
@echo Install helm-docs...
@echo Install helm-docs... >&2
@GOBIN=$(TOOLS_DIR) go install github.com/norwoodj/helm-docs/cmd/helm-docs@$(HELM_DOCS_VERSION)
@echo Install ko...
@echo Install ko... >&2
@GOBIN=$(TOOLS_DIR) go install github.com/google/ko@$(KO_VERSION)
.PHONY: install-tools
@ -115,6 +115,7 @@ install-tools: $(TOOLS) ## Install tools
.PHONY: clean-tools
clean-tools: ## Remove installed tools
@echo Clean tools... >&2
@rm -rf $(TOOLS_DIR)
@ -135,12 +136,12 @@ LD_FLAGS_DEV = "-s -w -X $(PACKAGE)/pkg/version.BuildVersion=$(GIT_VERSION_DE
.PHONY: fmt
fmt: ## Run go fmt
@echo Go fmt...
@echo Go fmt... >&2
@go fmt ./...
.PHONY: vet
vet: ## Run go vet
@echo Go vet...
@echo Go vet... >&2
@go vet ./...
.PHONY: unused-package-check
@ -151,15 +152,15 @@ unused-package-check:
$(KYVERNOPRE_BIN): fmt vet
@echo Build kyvernopre binary...
@echo Build kyvernopre binary... >&2
$(KYVERNO_BIN): fmt vet
@echo Build kyverno binary...
@echo Build kyverno binary... >&2
$(CLI_BIN): fmt vet
@echo Build cli binary...
@echo Build cli binary... >&2
@CGO_ENABLED=$(CGO_ENABLED) GOOS=$(GOOS) go build -o $(CLI_BIN) -ldflags=$(LD_FLAGS) $(CLI_DIR)
.PHONY: build-kyvernopre
@ -184,17 +185,17 @@ KO_TAGS_DEV := latest,$(IMAGE_TAG_DEV)
.PHONY: ko-build-kyvernopre
ko-build-kyvernopre: $(KO) ## Build kyvernopre local image (with ko)
@echo Build kyvernopre local image with ko...
@echo Build kyvernopre local image with ko... >&2
@LD_FLAGS=$(LD_FLAGS_DEV) KOCACHE=$(KOCACHE) KO_DOCKER_REPO=ko.local $(KO) build $(KYVERNOPRE_DIR) --preserve-import-paths --tags=$(KO_TAGS_DEV) --platform=$(LOCAL_PLATFORM)
.PHONY: ko-build-kyverno
ko-build-kyverno: $(KO) ## Build kyverno local image (with ko)
@echo Build kyverno local image with ko...
@echo Build kyverno local image with ko... >&2
@LD_FLAGS=$(LD_FLAGS_DEV) KOCACHE=$(KOCACHE) KO_DOCKER_REPO=ko.local $(KO) build $(KYVERNO_DIR) --preserve-import-paths --tags=$(KO_TAGS_DEV) --platform=$(LOCAL_PLATFORM)
.PHONY: ko-build-cli
ko-build-cli: $(KO) ## Build cli local image (with ko)
@echo Build cli local image with ko...
@echo Build cli local image with ko... >&2
@LD_FLAGS=$(LD_FLAGS_DEV) KOCACHE=$(KOCACHE) KO_DOCKER_REPO=ko.local $(KO) build $(CLI_DIR) --preserve-import-paths --tags=$(KO_TAGS_DEV) --platform=$(LOCAL_PLATFORM)
.PHONY: ko-build-all
@ -277,17 +278,17 @@ DOCKER_KYVERNO_IMAGE := $(REPO_KYVERNO)
.PHONY: docker-build-kyvernopre
docker-build-kyvernopre: docker-buildx-builder ## Build kyvernopre local image (with docker)
@echo Build kyvernopre local image with docker...
@echo Build kyvernopre local image with docker... >&2
@docker buildx build --file $(KYVERNOPRE_DIR)/Dockerfile --progress plain --load --platform $(LOCAL_PLATFORM) --tag $(REPO_KYVERNOPRE):$(IMAGE_TAG_DEV) . --build-arg LD_FLAGS=$(LD_FLAGS_DEV)
.PHONY: docker-build-kyverno
docker-build-kyverno: docker-buildx-builder ## Build kyverno local image (with docker)
@echo Build kyverno local image with docker...
@echo Build kyverno local image with docker... >&2
@docker buildx build --file $(KYVERNO_DIR)/Dockerfile --progress plain --load --platform $(LOCAL_PLATFORM) --tag $(REPO_KYVERNO):$(IMAGE_TAG_DEV) . --build-arg LD_FLAGS=$(LD_FLAGS_DEV)
.PHONY: docker-build-cli
docker-build-cli: docker-buildx-builder ## Build cli local image (with docker)
@echo Build cli local image with docker...
@echo Build cli local image with docker... >&2
@docker buildx build --file $(CLI_DIR)/Dockerfile --progress plain --load --platform $(LOCAL_PLATFORM) --tag $(REPO_CLI):$(IMAGE_TAG_DEV) . --build-arg LD_FLAGS=$(LD_FLAGS_DEV)
.PHONY: docker-build-all
@ -365,27 +366,27 @@ LISTERS_PACKAGE := $(OUT_PACKAGE)/listers
@echo Create gopath shim...
@echo Create gopath shim... >&2
@mkdir -p $(GOPATH_SHIM)
@echo Create package shim...
@echo Create package shim... >&2
@mkdir -p $(GOPATH_SHIM)/src/github.com/kyverno && ln -s -f ${PWD} $(PACKAGE_SHIM)
.PHONY: codegen-client-clientset
codegen-client-clientset: $(PACKAGE_SHIM) $(CLIENT_GEN) ## Generate clientset
@echo Generate clientset...
@echo Generate clientset... >&2
@GOPATH=$(GOPATH_SHIM) $(CLIENT_GEN) --go-header-file ./scripts/boilerplate.go.txt --clientset-name versioned --output-package $(CLIENTSET_PACKAGE) --input-base "" --input $(INPUT_DIRS)
.PHONY: codegen-client-listers
codegen-client-listers: $(PACKAGE_SHIM) $(LISTER_GEN) ## Generate listers
@echo Generate listers...
@echo Generate listers... >&2
@GOPATH=$(GOPATH_SHIM) $(LISTER_GEN) --go-header-file ./scripts/boilerplate.go.txt --output-package $(LISTERS_PACKAGE) --input-dirs $(INPUT_DIRS)
.PHONY: codegen-client-informers
codegen-client-informers: $(PACKAGE_SHIM) $(INFORMER_GEN) ## Generate informers
@echo Generate informers...
@echo Generate informers... >&2
@GOPATH=$(GOPATH_SHIM) $(INFORMER_GEN) --go-header-file ./scripts/boilerplate.go.txt --output-package $(INFORMERS_PACKAGE) --input-dirs $(INPUT_DIRS) --versioned-clientset-package $(CLIENTSET_PACKAGE)/versioned --listers-package $(LISTERS_PACKAGE)
.PHONY: codegen-client-all
@ -393,12 +394,12 @@ codegen-client-all: codegen-client-clientset codegen-client-listers codegen-clie
.PHONY: codegen-crds-kyverno
codegen-crds-kyverno: $(CONTROLLER_GEN) ## Generate kyverno CRDs
@echo Generate kyverno crds...
@echo Generate kyverno crds... >&2
@$(CONTROLLER_GEN) crd paths=./api/kyverno/... crd:crdVersions=v1 output:dir=./config/crds
.PHONY: codegen-crds-report
codegen-crds-report: $(CONTROLLER_GEN) ## Generate policy reports CRDs
@echo Generate policy reports crds...
@echo Generate policy reports crds... >&2
@$(CONTROLLER_GEN) crd paths=./api/policyreport/... crd:crdVersions=v1 output:dir=./config/crds
.PHONY: codegen-crds-all
@ -406,12 +407,12 @@ codegen-crds-all: codegen-crds-kyverno codegen-crds-report ## Generate all CRDs
.PHONY: codegen-deepcopy-kyverno
codegen-deepcopy-kyverno: $(CONTROLLER_GEN) $(GOIMPORTS) ## Generate kyverno deep copy functions
@echo Generate kyverno deep copy functions...
@echo Generate kyverno deep copy functions... >&2
@$(CONTROLLER_GEN) object:headerFile="scripts/boilerplate.go.txt" paths="./api/kyverno/..." && $(GOIMPORTS) -w ./api/kyverno
.PHONY: codegen-deepcopy-report
codegen-deepcopy-report: $(CONTROLLER_GEN) $(GOIMPORTS) ## Generate policy reports deep copy functions
@echo Generate policy reports deep copy functions...
@echo Generate policy reports deep copy functions... >&2
@$(CONTROLLER_GEN) object:headerFile="scripts/boilerplate.go.txt" paths="./api/policyreport/..." && $(GOIMPORTS) -w ./api/policyreport
.PHONY: codegen-deepcopy-all
@ -419,7 +420,7 @@ codegen-deepcopy-all: codegen-deepcopy-kyverno codegen-deepcopy-report ## Genera
.PHONY: codegen-api-docs
codegen-api-docs: $(PACKAGE_SHIM) $(GEN_CRD_API_REFERENCE_DOCS) ## Generate API docs
@echo Generate api docs...
@echo Generate api docs... >&2
@rm -rf docs/crd && mkdir -p docs/crd
@GOPATH=$(GOPATH_SHIM) $(GEN_CRD_API_REFERENCE_DOCS) -v 6 -api-dir ./api/kyverno/v1alpha2 -config docs/config.json -template-dir docs/template -out-file docs/crd/v1alpha2/index.html
@GOPATH=$(GOPATH_SHIM) $(GEN_CRD_API_REFERENCE_DOCS) -v 6 -api-dir ./api/kyverno/v1beta1 -config docs/config.json -template-dir docs/template -out-file docs/crd/v1beta1/index.html
@ -428,12 +429,12 @@ codegen-api-docs: $(PACKAGE_SHIM) $(GEN_CRD_API_REFERENCE_DOCS) ## Generate API
.PHONY: codegen-helm-docs
codegen-helm-docs: ## Generate helm docs
@echo Generate helm docs...
@echo Generate helm docs... >&2
@docker run -v ${PWD}:/work -w /work jnorwood/helm-docs:v1.11.0 -s file
.PHONY: codegen-helm-crds
codegen-helm-crds: $(KUSTOMIZE) codegen-crds-all ## Generate helm CRDs
@echo Generate helm crds...
@echo Generate helm crds... >&2
@$(KUSTOMIZE) build ./config/release | $(KUSTOMIZE) cfg grep kind=CustomResourceDefinition | $(SED) -e "1i{{- if .Values.installCRDs }}" -e '$$a{{- end }}' > ./charts/kyverno/templates/crds.yaml
.PHONY: codegen-helm-all
@ -441,9 +442,9 @@ codegen-helm-all: codegen-helm-crds codegen-helm-docs ## Generate helm docs and
.PHONY: codegen-install
codegen-install: $(KUSTOMIZE) ## Create install maifests
@echo Generate install.yaml...
@echo Generate install.yaml... >&2
@$(KUSTOMIZE) build ./config > ./config/install.yaml
@echo Generate install_debug.yaml...
@echo Generate install_debug.yaml... >&2
@$(KUSTOMIZE) build ./config/debug > ./config/install_debug.yaml
# guidance https://github.com/kyverno/kyverno/wiki/Generate-a-Release
@ -525,17 +526,17 @@ test: test-clean test-unit test-e2e ## Clean tests cache then run unit and e2e t
.PHONY: test-clean
test-clean: ## Clean tests cache
@echo Clean test cache...
@echo Clean test cache... >&2
@go clean -testcache ./...
.PHONY: test-unit
test-unit: test-clean $(GO_ACC) ## Run unit tests
@echo Running unit tests...
@echo Running unit tests... >&2
.PHONY: code-cov-report
code-cov-report: test-clean ## Generate code coverage report
@echo Generating code coverage report...
@echo Generating code coverage report... >&2
@GO111MODULE=on go test -v -coverprofile=coverage.out ./...
@go tool cover -func=coverage.out -o $(CODE_COVERAGE_FILE_TXT)
@go tool cover -html=coverage.out -o $(CODE_COVERAGE_FILE_HTML)
@ -638,22 +639,22 @@ release-notes:
.PHONY: kind-create-cluster
kind-create-cluster: $(KIND) ## Create kind cluster
@echo Create kind cluster...
@echo Create kind cluster... >&2
@$(KIND) create cluster --name $(KIND_NAME) --image $(KIND_IMAGE)
.PHONY: kind-delete-cluster
kind-delete-cluster: $(KIND) ## Delete kind cluster
@echo Delete kind cluster...
@echo Delete kind cluster... >&2
@$(KIND) delete cluster --name $(KIND_NAME)
.PHONY: kind-load-kyvernopre
kind-load-kyvernopre: $(KIND) image-build-kyvernopre ## Build kyvernopre image and load it in kind cluster
@echo Load kyvernopre image...
@echo Load kyvernopre image... >&2
@$(KIND) load docker-image --name $(KIND_NAME) $(LOCAL_KYVERNOPRE_IMAGE):$(IMAGE_TAG_DEV)
.PHONY: kind-load-kyverno
kind-load-kyverno: $(KIND) image-build-kyverno ## Build kyverno image and load it in kind cluster
@echo Load kyverno image...
@echo Load kyverno image... >&2
@$(KIND) load docker-image --name $(KIND_NAME) $(LOCAL_KYVERNO_IMAGE):$(IMAGE_TAG_DEV)
.PHONY: kind-load-all
@ -661,24 +662,24 @@ kind-load-all: kind-load-kyvernopre kind-load-kyverno ## Build images and load t
.PHONY: kind-deploy-kyverno
kind-deploy-kyverno: kind-load-all ## Build images, load them in kind cluster and deploy kyverno helm chart
@echo Install kyverno chart...
@echo Install kyverno chart... >&2
@helm upgrade --install kyverno --namespace kyverno --wait --create-namespace ./charts/kyverno \
--set image.repository=$(LOCAL_KYVERNO_IMAGE) \
--set image.tag=$(IMAGE_TAG_DEV) \
--set initImage.repository=$(LOCAL_KYVERNOPRE_IMAGE) \
--set initImage.tag=$(IMAGE_TAG_DEV) \
--set extraArgs={--autogenInternals=true}
@echo Restart kyverno pods...
@echo Restart kyverno pods... >&2
@kubectl rollout restart deployment -n kyverno kyverno
.PHONY: kind-deploy-kyverno-policies
kind-deploy-kyverno-policies: ## Deploy kyverno-policies helm chart
@echo Install kyverno-policies chart...
@echo Install kyverno-policies chart... >&2
@helm upgrade --install kyverno-policies --namespace kyverno --create-namespace ./charts/kyverno-policies
.PHONY: kind-deploy-metrics-server
kind-deploy-metrics-server: ## Deploy metrics-server helm chart
@echo Install metrics-server chart...
@echo Install metrics-server chart... >&2
@helm upgrade --install metrics-server --repo https://charts.bitnami.com/bitnami metrics-server -n kube-system \
--set extraArgs={--kubelet-insecure-tls=true} \
--set apiService.create=true
@ -688,7 +689,7 @@ kind-deploy-all: kind-deploy-metrics-server | kind-deploy-kyverno kind-deploy-ky
.PHONY: kind-deploy-reporter
kind-deploy-reporter: ## Deploy policy-reporter helm chart
@echo Install policy-reporter chart...
@echo Install policy-reporter chart... >&2
@helm upgrade --install policy-reporter --repo https://kyverno.github.io/policy-reporter policy-reporter -n policy-reporter \
--set ui.enabled=true \
--set kyvernoPlugin.enabled=true \