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synced 2024-12-14 11:57:48 +00:00
Exclude Kyverno namespace by default (#4079)
* Exclude Kyverno namespace by default Fixes #4075 Signed-off-by: Trey Dockendorf <tdockendorf@osc.edu>
This commit is contained in:
6 changed files with 40 additions and 14 deletions
@ -26,11 +26,5 @@ annotations:
url: https://kyverno.io/docs
# valid kinds are: added, changed, deprecated, removed, fixed and security
artifacthub.io/changes: |
- kind: added
description: Support for artifacthub.io/changes annotation
- kind: added
description: Allow defining imagePullSecrets
- kind: fixed
description: Replica count handling
- kind: changed
description: Use cluster role aggregation
description: Exclude Kyverno namespace by default
@ -105,11 +105,12 @@ The command removes all the Kubernetes components associated with the chart and
| livenessProbe | object | See [values.yaml](values.yaml) | Liveness probe. The block is directly forwarded into the deployment, so you can use whatever livenessProbe configuration you want. ref: https://kubernetes.io/docs/tasks/configure-pod-container/configure-liveness-readiness-probes/ |
| readinessProbe | object | See [values.yaml](values.yaml) | Readiness Probe. The block is directly forwarded into the deployment, so you can use whatever readinessProbe configuration you want. ref: https://kubernetes.io/docs/tasks/configure-pod-container/configure-liveness-readiness-probes/ |
| generatecontrollerExtraResources | string | `nil` | |
| excludeKyvernoNamespace | bool | `true` | Exclude Kyverno namespace Determines if default Kyverno namespace exclusion is enabled for webhooks and resourceFilters |
| config.resourceFilters | list | See [values.yaml](values.yaml) | Resource types to be skipped by the Kyverno policy engine. Make sure to surround each entry in quotes so that it doesn't get parsed as a nested YAML list. These are joined together without spaces, run through `tpl`, and the result is set in the config map. |
| config.existingConfig | string | `""` | Name of an existing config map (ignores default/provided resourceFilters) |
| config.excludeGroupRole | string | `nil` | Exclude group role |
| config.excludeUsername | string | `nil` | Exclude username |
| config.webhooks | string | `nil` | Defines the `namespaceSelector` in the webhook configurations. Note that it takes a list of `namespaceSelector` and/or `objectSelector` in the JSON format, and only the first element will be forwarded to the webhook configurations. |
| config.webhooks | string | `nil` | Defines the `namespaceSelector` in the webhook configurations. Note that it takes a list of `namespaceSelector` and/or `objectSelector` in the JSON format, and only the first element will be forwarded to the webhook configurations. The Kyverno namespace is excluded if `excludeKyvernoNamespace` is `true` (default) |
| config.generateSuccessEvents | bool | `false` | Generate success events. |
| config.metricsConfig | object | `{"namespaces":{"exclude":[],"include":[]}}` | Metrics config. |
| updateStrategy | object | See [values.yaml](values.yaml) | Deployment update strategy. Ref: https://kubernetes.io/docs/concepts/workloads/controllers/deployment/#strategy |
@ -116,3 +116,24 @@ maxUnavailable: {{ .Values.podDisruptionBudget.maxUnavailable }}
{{- define "kyverno.imagePullSecret" }}
{{- printf "{\"auths\":{\"%s\":{\"auth\":\"%s\"}}}" .registry (printf "%s:%s" .username .password | b64enc) | b64enc }}
{{- end }}
{{- define "kyverno.resourceFilters" -}}
{{- $resourceFilters := .Values.config.resourceFilters }}
{{- if .Values.excludeKyvernoNamespace }}
{{- $resourceFilters = prepend .Values.config.resourceFilters (printf "[*,%s,*]" (include "kyverno.namespace" .)) }}
{{- end }}
{{- tpl (join "" $resourceFilters) . }}
{{- end }}
{{- define "kyverno.webhooks" -}}
{{- $excludeDefault := dict "key" "kubernetes.io/metadata.name" "operator" "NotIn" "values" (list (include "kyverno.namespace" .)) }}
{{- $newWebhook := list }}
{{- range $webhook := .Values.config.webhooks }}
{{- $namespaceSelector := default dict $webhook.namespaceSelector }}
{{- $matchExpressions := default list $namespaceSelector.matchExpressions }}
{{- $newNamespaceSelector := dict "matchLabels" $namespaceSelector.matchLabels "matchExpressions" (append $matchExpressions $excludeDefault) }}
{{- $newWebhook = append $newWebhook (merge (omit $webhook "namespaceSelector") (dict "namespaceSelector" $newNamespaceSelector)) }}
{{- end }}
{{- $newWebhook | toJson }}
{{- end }}
@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ metadata:
# resource types to be skipped by kyverno policy engine
{{- if .Values.config.resourceFilters }}
resourceFilters: {{ tpl (join "" .Values.config.resourceFilters) . | quote }}
resourceFilters: {{ include "kyverno.resourceFilters" . | quote }}
{{- end -}}
{{- if .Values.config.excludeGroupRole }}
excludeGroupRole: {{ join "," .Values.config.excludeGroupRole | quote }}
@ -17,8 +17,12 @@ data:
{{- if .Values.config.excludeUsername }}
excludeUsername: {{ join "," .Values.config.excludeUsername | quote }}
{{- end -}}
{{- if .Values.config.webhooks }}
webhooks: {{ .Values.config.webhooks | toJson | quote }}
{{- if and .Values.config.webhooks .Values.excludeKyvernoNamespace }}
webhooks: {{ include "kyverno.webhooks" . | quote }}
{{- else if .Values.config.webhooks }}
webhooks: {{ .Values.config.webhooks | toJson | quote }}
{{- else if .Values.excludeKyvernoNamespace }}
webhooks: '[{"namespaceSelector": {"matchExpressions": [{"key":"kubernetes.io/metadata.name","operator":"NotIn","values":["{{ include "kyverno.namespace" . }}"]}]}}]'
{{- end -}}
{{- if .Values.config.generateSuccessEvents }}
generateSuccessEvents: {{ .Values.config.generateSuccessEvents | quote }}
@ -212,6 +212,10 @@ generatecontrollerExtraResources:
# - ResourceA
# - ResourceB
# -- Exclude Kyverno namespace
# Determines if default Kyverno namespace exclusion is enabled for webhooks and resourceFilters
excludeKyvernoNamespace: true
# -- Resource types to be skipped by the Kyverno policy engine.
# Make sure to surround each entry in quotes so that it doesn't get parsed as a nested YAML list.
@ -260,15 +264,16 @@ config:
# -- Defines the `namespaceSelector` in the webhook configurations.
# Note that it takes a list of `namespaceSelector` and/or `objectSelector` in the JSON format, and only the first element
# will be forwarded to the webhook configurations.
# The Kyverno namespace is excluded if `excludeKyvernoNamespace` is `true` (default)
# Exclude namespaces
# - namespaceSelector:
# matchExpressions:
# - key: kubernetes.io/metadata.name
# operator: In
# operator: NotIn
# values:
# - kube-system
# - kyverno
# - kyverno
# Exclude objects
# - objectSelector:
# matchExpressions:
@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
apiVersion: v1
resourceFilters: '[Event,*,*][*,kube-system,*][*,kube-public,*][*,kube-node-lease,*][Node,*,*][APIService,*,*][TokenReview,*,*][SubjectAccessReview,*,*][SelfSubjectAccessReview,*,*][*,kyverno,kyverno*][Binding,*,*][ReplicaSet,*,*][ReportChangeRequest,*,*][ClusterReportChangeRequest,*,*][PolicyReport,*,*][ClusterPolicyReport,*,*]'
resourceFilters: '[Event,*,*][*,kube-system,*][*,kube-public,*][*,kube-node-lease,*][*,kyverno,*][Node,*,*][APIService,*,*][TokenReview,*,*][SubjectAccessReview,*,*][SelfSubjectAccessReview,*,*][*,kyverno,kyverno*][Binding,*,*][ReplicaSet,*,*][ReportChangeRequest,*,*][ClusterReportChangeRequest,*,*][PolicyReport,*,*][ClusterPolicyReport,*,*]'
webhooks: '[{"namespaceSelector": {"matchExpressions": [{"key":"kubernetes.io/metadata.name","operator":"NotIn","values":["kyverno"]}]}}]'
excludeGroupRole: 'system:serviceaccounts:kube-system,system:nodes,system:kube-scheduler'
generateSuccessEvents: 'false'
kind: ConfigMap
Reference in a new issue