diff --git a/README.md b/README.md index c9223a5d6c..73eb439f67 100644 --- a/README.md +++ b/README.md @@ -4,176 +4,22 @@  -Kyverno is a policy engine built for Kubernetes: -* policies as Kubernetes resources (no new language to learn!) -* validate, mutate, or generate any resource -* match resources using label selectors and wildcards -* validate and mutate using overlays (like Kustomize!) -* generate and synchronize defaults across namespaces -* block or report violations -* test using kubectl -Watch a 3 minute video review of Kyverno on Coffee and Cloud Native with Adrian Goins: +
ClusterPolicy …
- -Field | -Description | -||||||
-string |
- |
- |
-ClusterPolicy |
-Kubernetes meta/v1.ObjectMeta
- |
-Refer to the Kubernetes API documentation for the fields of the
-metadata field.
- |
- |
- Spec is the information to identify the policy -- -
- |
- Status contains statistics related to policy - |
ClusterPolicyViolation represents cluster-wide violations
- -Field | -Description | -||||||
-string |
- |
- |
-ClusterPolicyViolation |
-Kubernetes meta/v1.ObjectMeta
- |
-Refer to the Kubernetes API documentation for the fields of the
-metadata field.
- |
- |
- - -
- |
-- | -
GenerateRequest is a request to process generate rule
- -Field | -Description | -||||||
-string |
- |
- |
-GenerateRequest |
-Kubernetes meta/v1.ObjectMeta
- |
-Refer to the Kubernetes API documentation for the fields of the
-metadata field.
- |
- |
- Spec is the information to identify the generate request -- -
- |
- Status contains statistics related to generate request - |
PolicyViolation represents namespaced violations
- -Field | -Description | -||||||
-string |
- |
- |
-PolicyViolation |
-Kubernetes meta/v1.ObjectMeta
- |
-Refer to the Kubernetes API documentation for the fields of the
-metadata field.
- |
- |
- - -
- |
-- | -
-(Appears on: -Generation) -
CloneFrom - location of the resource -which will be used as source when applying ‘generate’
- -Field | -Description | -
- |
- Specifies resource namespace - |
- |
- Specifies name of the resource - |
Condition defines the evaluation condition
- -Field | -Description | -
- |
- Key contains key to compare - |
- |
- Operator to compare against value - |
- |
- Value to be compared - |
alias)-(Appears on: -Condition) -
ConditionOperator defines the type for condition operator
- --(Appears on: -Validation) -
-Field | -Description | -
- |
- Specifies set of condition to deny validation - |
-(Appears on: -Rule) -
ExcludeResources container resource description of the resources that are to be excluded from the applying the policy rule
- -Field | -Description | -
- |
- Specifies user information - |
- |
- Specifies resources to which rule is excluded - |
-(Appears on: -GenerateRequestSpec) -
GenerateRequestContext stores the context to be shared
- -Field | -Description | -
- |
- UserRequestInfo … - |
-(Appears on: -GenerateRequest) -
GenerateRequestSpec stores the request specification
- -Field | -Description | -
- |
- Specifies the name of the policy - |
- |
- ResourceSpec is the information to identify the generate request - |
- |
- Context … - |
alias)-(Appears on: -GenerateRequestStatus) -
GenerateRequestState defines the state of
- --(Appears on: -GenerateRequest) -
GenerateRequestStatus stores the status of generated request
- -Field | -Description | -
- |
- State represents state of the generate request - |
- |
- Specifies request status message - |
- |
- This will track the resources that are generated by the generate Policy -Will be used during clean up resources - |
-(Appears on: -Rule) -
Generation describes which resources will be created when other resource is created
- -Field | -Description | -
- |
-- | -
- |
- To keep resources synchronized with source resource - |
- |
- Data … - |
- |
- To clone resource from other resource - |
-(Appears on: -Rule) -
MatchResources contains resource description of the resources that the rule is to apply on
- -Field | -Description | -
- |
- Specifies user information - |
- |
- Specifies resources to which rule is applied - |
-(Appears on: -Rule) -
Mutation describes the way how Mutating Webhook will react on resource creation
- -Field | -Description | -
- |
- Specifies overlay patterns - |
- |
- Specifies JSON Patch - |
-(Appears on: -Mutation) -
Patch declares patch operation for created object according to RFC 6902
- -Field | -Description | -
- |
- Specifies path of the resource - |
- |
- Specifies operations supported by JSON Patch. -i.e:- add, replace and delete - |
- |
- Specifies the value to be applied - |
Policy contains rules to be applied to created resources
- -Field | -Description | -||||||
-Kubernetes meta/v1.ObjectMeta
- |
-Refer to the Kubernetes API documentation for the fields of the
-metadata field.
- |
- |
- Spec is the information to identify the policy -- -
- |
- Status contains statistics related to policy - |
-(Appears on: -ClusterPolicy, -Policy) -
PolicyStatus mostly contains statistics related to policy
- -Field | -Description | -
- |
- average time required to process the policy rules on a resource - |
- |
- number of violations created by this policy - |
- |
- Count of rules that failed - |
- |
- Count of rules that were applied - |
- |
- Count of resources that were blocked for failing a validate, across all rules - |
- |
- Count of resources that were successfully mutated, across all rules - |
- |
- Count of resources that were successfully generated, across all rules - |
- |
-- | -
-(Appears on: -ClusterPolicyViolation, -PolicyViolation, -PolicyViolationTemplate) -
PolicyViolationSpec describes policy behavior by its rules
- -Field | -Description | -
- |
- Specifies name of the policy - |
- |
-- | -
- |
- Specifies list of violated rule - |
-(Appears on: -ClusterPolicyViolation, -PolicyViolation, -PolicyViolationTemplate) -
PolicyViolationStatus provides information regarding policyviolation status -status: -LastUpdateTime : the time the policy violation was updated
- -Field | -Description | -
-Kubernetes meta/v1.Time
- |
- LastUpdateTime : the time the policy violation was updated - |
PolicyViolationTemplate stores the information regarinding the resources for which a policy failed to apply
- -Field | -Description | -||||||
-Kubernetes meta/v1.ObjectMeta
- |
-Refer to the Kubernetes API documentation for the fields of the
-metadata field.
- |
- |
- - -
- |
-- | -
-(Appears on: -GenerateRequestContext) -
RequestInfo contains permission info carried in an admission request
- -Field | -Description | -
- |
- Roles is a list of possible role send the request - |
- |
- ClusterRoles is a list of possible clusterRoles send the request - |
-Kubernetes authentication/v1.UserInfo
- |
- UserInfo is the userInfo carried in the admission request - |
-(Appears on: -ExcludeResources, -MatchResources) -
ResourceDescription describes the resource to which the PolicyRule will be applied.
- -Field | -Description | -
- |
- Specifies list of resource kind - |
- |
- Specifies name of the resource - |
- |
- Specifies list of namespaces - |
-Kubernetes meta/v1.LabelSelector
- |
- Specifies the set of selectors - |
-(Appears on: -GenerateRequestSpec, -GenerateRequestStatus, -Generation, -PolicyViolationSpec) -
ResourceSpec information to identify the resource
- -Field | -Description | -
- |
- Specifies resource kind - |
- |
- Specifies resource namespace - |
- |
- Specifies resource name - |
-(Appears on: -Spec) -
Rule is set of mutation, validation and generation actions -for the single resource description
- -Field | -Description | -
- |
- Specifies rule name - |
- |
- Specifies resources for which the rule has to be applied. -If it’s defined, “kind” inside MatchResources block is required. - |
- |
- Specifies resources for which rule can be excluded - |
- |
- Allows controlling policy rule execution - |
- |
- Specifies patterns to mutate resources - |
- |
- Specifies patterns to validate resources - |
- |
- Specifies patterns to create additional resources - |
-(Appears on: -PolicyStatus) -
RuleStats provides status per rule
- -Field | -Description | -
- |
- Rule name - |
- |
- average time require to process the rule - |
- |
- number of violations created by this rule - |
- |
- Count of rules that failed - |
- |
- Count of rules that were applied - |
- |
- Count of resources for whom update/create api requests were blocked as the resource did not satisfy the policy rules - |
- |
- Count of resources that were successfully mutated - |
- |
- Count of resources that were successfully generated - |
-(Appears on: -ClusterPolicy, -Policy) -
Spec describes policy behavior by its rules
- -Field | -Description | -
- |
- Rules contains the list of rules to be applied to resources - |
- |
- ValidationFailureAction provides choice to enforce rules to resources during policy violations. -Default value is “audit”. - |
- |
- Background provides choice for applying rules to existing resources. -Default value is “true”. - |
-(Appears on: -ExcludeResources, -MatchResources) -
UserInfo filter based on users
- -Field | -Description | -
- |
- Specifies list of namespaced role names - |
- |
- Specifies list of cluster wide role names - |
-[]Kubernetes rbac/v1.Subject
- |
- Specifies list of subject names like users, user groups, and service accounts - |
-(Appears on: -Rule) -
Validation describes the way how Validating Webhook will check the resource on creation
- -Field | -Description | -
- |
- Specifies message to be displayed on validation policy violation - |
- |
- Specifies validation pattern - |
- |
- Specifies list of validation patterns - |
- |
- Specifies conditions to deny validation - |
-(Appears on: -PolicyViolationSpec) -
ViolatedRule stores the information regarding the rule
- -Field | -Description | -
- |
- Specifies violated rule name - |
- |
- Specifies violated rule type - |
- |
- Specifies violation message - |