*`--service` identifies the service for in-cluster webhook server. Do not specify it if you plan to run webhook server outside the cluster, or cpecify 'localhost' if you want to run controller locally.
*`--namespace` identifies the namespace for in-cluster webhook server. Do not specify it if you plan to run controller locally.
*`--serverIp` is the IP of master node, it can be found in `~/.kube/config`: clusters.cluster[0].server. You should explicitly specify it.
Prepares controller for free (local) or in-cluster use. Uses `generate-server-cert.sh` inside and has the same parameters with almost same meaning:
*`--service` - the name of the service which will be created for the controller. Use 'localhost' value to deploy controller locally. The default is 'kube-policu-svc'
*`--namespace` - the target namespace to deploy the controller. Do not specify it if you want to depoloy controller locally.
*`--serverIp` means the same as for `generate-server-cert.sh`
`scripts/deploy-controller.sh --service=my-kyverno --namespace=my_namespace --serverIp=` - deploy controller to the cluster with master node '' to the namespace 'my_namespace' as a service 'my-kyverno'
`scripts/deploy-controller.sh --service=localhost --serverIp=` - deploy controller locally for usage in cluster with master node at ''