2021-07-02 08:56:50 +03:00
package validate
2021-09-08 22:33:41 +03:00
import "fmt"
2021-07-02 08:56:50 +03:00
// Namespace Description
var namespaceYaml = [ ] byte ( `
apiVersion : v1
kind : Namespace
metadata :
name : test - validate
` )
2021-09-08 22:33:41 +03:00
func newNamespaceYaml ( name string ) [ ] byte {
ns := fmt . Sprintf ( `
apiVersion : v1
kind : Namespace
metadata :
name : % s
` , name )
return [ ] byte ( ns )
2021-07-02 08:56:50 +03:00
// Regression: https://github.com/kyverno/kyverno/issues/2043
// Policy: https://github.com/fluxcd/flux2-multi-tenancy/blob/main/infrastructure/kyverno-policies/flux-multi-tenancy.yaml
var kyverno_2043_policy = [ ] byte ( `
apiVersion : kyverno . io / v1
kind : ClusterPolicy
metadata :
name : flux - multi - tenancy
spec :
validationFailureAction : enforce
rules :
- name : serviceAccountName
exclude :
resources :
namespaces :
- flux - system
match :
resources :
kinds :
- Kustomization
- HelmRelease
validate :
message : ".spec.serviceAccountName is required"
pattern :
spec :
serviceAccountName : "?*"
- name : sourceRefNamespace
exclude :
resources :
namespaces :
- flux - system
match :
resources :
kinds :
- Kustomization
- HelmRelease
validate :
message : "spec.sourceRef.namespace must be the same as metadata.namespace"
deny :
conditions :
- key : "{{request.object.spec.sourceRef.namespace}}"
operator : NotEquals
value : "{{request.object.metadata.namespace}}"
` )
2021-08-21 00:44:19 +03:00
var kyverno_2241_policy = [ ] byte ( `
apiVersion : kyverno . io / v1
kind : ClusterPolicy
metadata :
name : flux - multi - tenancy
spec :
validationFailureAction : enforce
rules :
- name : serviceAccountName
exclude :
resources :
namespaces :
- flux - system
match :
resources :
kinds :
- Kustomization
- HelmRelease
validate :
message : ".spec.serviceAccountName is required"
pattern :
spec :
serviceAccountName : "?*"
- name : sourceRefNamespace
exclude :
resources :
namespaces :
- flux - system
match :
resources :
kinds :
- Kustomization
- HelmRelease
preconditions :
any :
- key : "{{request.object.spec.sourceRef.namespace}}"
operator : NotEquals
value : ""
validate :
message : "spec.sourceRef.namespace must be the same as metadata.namespace"
deny :
conditions :
- key : "{{request.object.spec.sourceRef.namespace}}"
operator : NotEquals
value : "{{request.object.metadata.namespace}}"
` )
2021-07-02 08:56:50 +03:00
var kyverno_2043_FluxCRD = [ ] byte ( `
apiVersion : apiextensions . k8s . io / v1
kind : CustomResourceDefinition
metadata :
annotations :
controller - gen . kubebuilder . io / version : v0 .5 .0
creationTimestamp : null
name : kustomizations . kustomize . toolkit . fluxcd . io
spec :
group : kustomize . toolkit . fluxcd . io
names :
kind : Kustomization
listKind : KustomizationList
plural : kustomizations
shortNames :
- ks
singular : kustomization
scope : Namespaced
versions :
- additionalPrinterColumns :
- jsonPath : . status . conditions [ ? ( @ . type == "Ready" ) ] . status
name : Ready
type : string
- jsonPath : . status . conditions [ ? ( @ . type == "Ready" ) ] . message
name : Status
type : string
- jsonPath : . metadata . creationTimestamp
name : Age
type : date
name : v1beta1
schema :
openAPIV3Schema :
description : Kustomization is the Schema for the kustomizations API .
properties :
apiVersion :
description : ' APIVersion defines the versioned schema of this representation of an object . Servers should convert recognized schemas to the latest internal value , and may reject unrecognized values . More info : https : //git.k8s.io/community/contributors/devel/sig-architecture/api-conventions.md#resources'
type : string
kind :
description : ' Kind is a string value representing the REST resource this object represents . Servers may infer this from the endpoint the client submits requests to . Cannot be updated . In CamelCase . More info : https : //git.k8s.io/community/contributors/devel/sig-architecture/api-conventions.md#types-kinds'
type : string
metadata :
type : object
spec :
description : KustomizationSpec defines the desired state of a kustomization .
properties :
decryption :
description : Decrypt Kubernetes secrets before applying them on the cluster .
properties :
provider :
description : Provider is the name of the decryption engine .
enum :
- sops
type : string
secretRef :
description : The secret name containing the private OpenPGP keys used for decryption .
properties :
name :
description : Name of the referent
type : string
required :
- name
type : object
required :
- provider
type : object
dependsOn :
description : DependsOn may contain a dependency . CrossNamespaceDependencyReference slice with references to Kustomization resources that must be ready before this Kustomization can be reconciled .
items :
description : CrossNamespaceDependencyReference holds the reference to a dependency .
properties :
name :
description : Name holds the name reference of a dependency .
type : string
namespace :
description : Namespace holds the namespace reference of a dependency .
type : string
required :
- name
type : object
type : array
force :
default : false
description : Force instructs the controller to recreate resources when patching fails due to an immutable field change .
type : boolean
healthChecks :
description : A list of resources to be included in the health assessment .
items :
description : NamespacedObjectKindReference contains enough information to let you locate the typed referenced object in any namespace
properties :
apiVersion :
description : API version of the referent , if not specified the Kubernetes preferred version will be used
type : string
kind :
description : Kind of the referent
type : string
name :
description : Name of the referent
type : string
namespace :
description : Namespace of the referent , when not specified it acts as LocalObjectReference
type : string
required :
- kind
- name
type : object
type : array
images :
description : Images is a list of ( image name , new name , new tag or digest ) for changing image names , tags or digests . This can also be achieved with a patch , but this operator is simpler to specify .
items :
description : Image contains an image name , a new name , a new tag or digest , which will replace the original name and tag .
properties :
digest :
description : Digest is the value used to replace the original image tag . If digest is present NewTag value is ignored .
type : string
name :
description : Name is a tag - less image name .
type : string
newName :
description : NewName is the value used to replace the original name .
type : string
newTag :
description : NewTag is the value used to replace the original tag .
type : string
required :
- name
type : object
type : array
interval :
description : The interval at which to reconcile the Kustomization .
type : string
kubeConfig :
description : The KubeConfig for reconciling the Kustomization on a remote cluster . When specified , KubeConfig takes precedence over ServiceAccountName .
properties :
secretRef :
description : SecretRef holds the name to a secret that contains a ' value ' key with the kubeconfig file as the value . It must be in the same namespace as the Kustomization . It is recommended that the kubeconfig is self - contained , and the secret is regularly updated if credentials such as a cloud - access - token expire .
properties :
name :
description : Name of the referent
type : string
required :
- name
type : object
type : object
patches :
description : Patches ( also called overlays ) , defined as inline YAML objects .
items :
description : Patch contains either a StrategicMerge or a JSON6902 patch , either a file or inline , and the target the patch should be applied to .
properties :
patch :
description : Patch contains the JSON6902 patch document with an array of operation objects .
type : string
target :
description : Target points to the resources that the patch document should be applied to .
properties :
annotationSelector :
description : AnnotationSelector is a string that follows the label selection expression https : //kubernetes.io/docs/concepts/overview/working-with-objects/labels/#api It matches with the resource annotations.
type : string
group :
description : Group is the API group to select resources from . Together with Version and Kind it is capable of unambiguously identifying and / or selecting resources . https : //github.com/kubernetes/community/blob/master/contributors/design-proposals/api-machinery/api-group.md
type : string
kind :
description : Kind of the API Group to select resources from . Together with Group and Version it is capable of unambiguously identifying and / or selecting resources . https : //github.com/kubernetes/community/blob/master/contributors/design-proposals/api-machinery/api-group.md
type : string
labelSelector :
description : LabelSelector is a string that follows the label selection expression https : //kubernetes.io/docs/concepts/overview/working-with-objects/labels/#api It matches with the resource labels.
type : string
name :
description : Name to match resources with .
type : string
namespace :
description : Namespace to select resources from .
type : string
version :
description : Version of the API Group to select resources from . Together with Group and Kind it is capable of unambiguously identifying and / or selecting resources . https : //github.com/kubernetes/community/blob/master/contributors/design-proposals/api-machinery/api-group.md
type : string
type : object
type : object
type : array
patchesJson6902 :
description : JSON 6902 patches , defined as inline YAML objects .
items :
description : JSON6902Patch contains a JSON6902 patch and the target the patch should be applied to .
properties :
patch :
description : Patch contains the JSON6902 patch document with an array of operation objects .
items :
description : JSON6902 is a JSON6902 operation object . https : //tools.ietf.org/html/rfc6902#section-4
properties :
from :
type : string
op :
enum :
- test
- remove
- add
- replace
- move
- copy
type : string
path :
type : string
value :
x - kubernetes - preserve - unknown - fields : true
required :
- op
- path
type : object
type : array
target :
description : Target points to the resources that the patch document should be applied to .
properties :
annotationSelector :
description : AnnotationSelector is a string that follows the label selection expression https : //kubernetes.io/docs/concepts/overview/working-with-objects/labels/#api It matches with the resource annotations.
type : string
group :
description : Group is the API group to select resources from . Together with Version and Kind it is capable of unambiguously identifying and / or selecting resources . https : //github.com/kubernetes/community/blob/master/contributors/design-proposals/api-machinery/api-group.md
type : string
kind :
description : Kind of the API Group to select resources from . Together with Group and Version it is capable of unambiguously identifying and / or selecting resources . https : //github.com/kubernetes/community/blob/master/contributors/design-proposals/api-machinery/api-group.md
type : string
labelSelector :
description : LabelSelector is a string that follows the label selection expression https : //kubernetes.io/docs/concepts/overview/working-with-objects/labels/#api It matches with the resource labels.
type : string
name :
description : Name to match resources with .
type : string
namespace :
description : Namespace to select resources from .
type : string
version :
description : Version of the API Group to select resources from . Together with Group and Kind it is capable of unambiguously identifying and / or selecting resources . https : //github.com/kubernetes/community/blob/master/contributors/design-proposals/api-machinery/api-group.md
type : string
type : object
required :
- patch
- target
type : object
type : array
patchesStrategicMerge :
description : Strategic merge patches , defined as inline YAML objects .
items :
x - kubernetes - preserve - unknown - fields : true
type : array
path :
description : Path to the directory containing the kustomization . yaml file , or the set of plain YAMLs a kustomization . yaml should be generated for . Defaults to ' None ' , which translates to the root path of the SourceRef .
type : string
postBuild :
description : PostBuild describes which actions to perform on the YAML manifest generated by building the kustomize overlay .
properties :
substitute :
additionalProperties :
type : string
description : Substitute holds a map of key / value pairs . The variables defined in your YAML manifests that match any of the keys defined in the map will be substituted with the set value . Includes support for bash string replacement functions e . g . $ { var := default } , $ { var : position } and $ { var / substring / replacement } .
type : object
substituteFrom :
description : SubstituteFrom holds references to ConfigMaps and Secrets containing the variables and their values to be substituted in the YAML manifests . The ConfigMap and the Secret data keys represent the var names and they must match the vars declared in the manifests for the substitution to happen .
items :
description : SubstituteReference contains a reference to a resource containing the variables name and value .
properties :
kind :
description : Kind of the values referent , valid values are ( ' Secret ' , ' ConfigMap ' ) .
enum :
- Secret
- ConfigMap
type : string
name :
description : Name of the values referent . Should reside in the same namespace as the referring resource .
maxLength : 253
minLength : 1
type : string
required :
- kind
- name
type : object
type : array
type : object
prune :
description : Prune enables garbage collection .
type : boolean
retryInterval :
description : The interval at which to retry a previously failed reconciliation . When not specified , the controller uses the KustomizationSpec . Interval value to retry failures .
type : string
serviceAccountName :
description : The name of the Kubernetes service account to impersonate when reconciling this Kustomization .
type : string
sourceRef :
description : Reference of the source where the kustomization file is .
properties :
apiVersion :
description : API version of the referent
type : string
kind :
description : Kind of the referent
enum :
- GitRepository
- Bucket
type : string
name :
description : Name of the referent
type : string
namespace :
description : Namespace of the referent , defaults to the Kustomization namespace
type : string
required :
- kind
- name
type : object
suspend :
description : This flag tells the controller to suspend subsequent kustomize executions , it does not apply to already started executions . Defaults to false .
type : boolean
targetNamespace :
description : TargetNamespace sets or overrides the namespace in the kustomization . yaml file .
maxLength : 63
minLength : 1
type : string
timeout :
description : Timeout for validation , apply and health checking operations . Defaults to ' Interval ' duration .
type : string
validation :
description : Validate the Kubernetes objects before applying them on the cluster . The validation strategy can be ' client ' ( local dry - run ) , ' server ' ( APIServer dry - run ) or ' none ' . When ' Force ' is ' true ' , validation will fallback to ' client ' if set to ' server ' because server - side validation is not supported in this scenario .
enum :
- none
- client
- server
type : string
required :
- interval
- prune
- sourceRef
type : object
status :
description : KustomizationStatus defines the observed state of a kustomization .
properties :
conditions :
items :
description : "Condition contains details for one aspect of the current state of this API Resource. --- This struct is intended for direct use as an array at the field path .status.conditions."
properties :
lastTransitionTime :
description : lastTransitionTime is the last time the condition transitioned from one status to another . This should be when the underlying condition changed . If that is not known , then using the time when the API field changed is acceptable .
format : date - time
type : string
message :
description : message is a human readable message indicating details about the transition . This may be an empty string .
maxLength : 32768
type : string
observedGeneration :
description : observedGeneration represents the . metadata . generation that the condition was set based upon . For instance , if . metadata . generation is currently 12 , but the . status . conditions [ x ] . observedGeneration is 9 , the condition is out of date with respect to the current state of the instance .
format : int64
minimum : 0
type : integer
reason :
description : reason contains a programmatic identifier indicating the reason for the condition ' s last transition . Producers of specific condition types may define expected values and meanings for this field , and whether the values are considered a guaranteed API . The value should be a CamelCase string . This field may not be empty .
maxLength : 1024
minLength : 1
pattern : ^ [ A - Za - z ] ( [ A - Za - z0 - 9_ , : ] * [ A - Za - z0 - 9_ ] ) ? $
type : string
status :
description : status of the condition , one of True , False , Unknown .
enum :
- "True"
- "False"
- Unknown
type : string
type :
description : type of condition in CamelCase or in foo . example . com / CamelCase . -- - Many . condition . type values are consistent across resources like Available , but because arbitrary conditions can be useful ( see . node . status . conditions ) , the ability to deconflict is important . The regex it matches is ( dns1123SubdomainFmt / ) ? ( qualifiedNameFmt )
maxLength : 316
pattern : ^ ( [ a - z0 - 9 ] ( [ - a - z0 - 9 ] * [ a - z0 - 9 ] ) ? ( \ . [ a - z0 - 9 ] ( [ - a - z0 - 9 ] * [ a - z0 - 9 ] ) ? ) * / ) ? ( ( [ A - Za - z0 - 9 ] [ - A - Za - z0 - 9_ . ] * ) ? [ A - Za - z0 - 9 ] ) $
type : string
required :
- lastTransitionTime
- message
- reason
- status
- type
type : object
type : array
lastAppliedRevision :
description : The last successfully applied revision . The revision format for Git sources is < branch | tag > / < commit - sha > .
type : string
lastAttemptedRevision :
description : LastAttemptedRevision is the revision of the last reconciliation attempt .
type : string
lastHandledReconcileAt :
description : LastHandledReconcileAt holds the value of the most recent reconcile request value , so a change can be detected .
type : string
observedGeneration :
description : ObservedGeneration is the last reconciled generation .
format : int64
type : integer
snapshot :
description : The last successfully applied revision metadata .
properties :
checksum :
description : The manifests sha1 checksum .
type : string
entries :
description : A list of Kubernetes kinds grouped by namespace .
items :
description : Snapshot holds the metadata of namespaced Kubernetes objects
properties :
kinds :
additionalProperties :
type : string
description : The list of Kubernetes kinds .
type : object
namespace :
description : The namespace of this entry .
type : string
required :
- kinds
type : object
type : array
required :
- checksum
- entries
type : object
type : object
type : object
served : true
storage : true
subresources :
status : { }
status :
acceptedNames :
kind : ""
plural : ""
conditions : [ ]
storedVersions : [ ]
` )
var kyverno_2043_FluxKustomization = [ ] byte ( `
apiVersion : kustomize . toolkit . fluxcd . io / v1beta1
kind : Kustomization
metadata :
name : dev - team
namespace : test - validate
spec :
serviceAccountName : dev - team
interval : 5 m
sourceRef :
kind : GitRepository
name : dev - team
prune : true
validation : client
` )
2021-08-21 00:44:19 +03:00
var kyverno_2241_FluxKustomization = [ ] byte ( `
apiVersion : kustomize . toolkit . fluxcd . io / v1beta1
kind : Kustomization
metadata :
name : tenants
namespace : test - validate
spec :
serviceAccountName : dev - team
interval : 5 m
sourceRef :
kind : GitRepository
name : flux - system
path : . / tenants / production
prune : true
validation : client
` )
2021-09-08 22:33:41 +03:00
var kyverno_2345_policy = [ ] byte ( `
apiVersion : kyverno . io / v1
kind : ClusterPolicy
metadata :
name : drop - cap - net - raw
spec :
validationFailureAction : enforce
background : false
rules :
- name : drop - cap - net - raw
match :
resources :
kinds :
- Pod
validate :
deny :
conditions :
any :
- key : "{{ request.object.spec.containers[].securityContext.capabilities.drop[] | contains(@, 'NET_RAW') }}"
operator : Equals
value : false
` )
var kyverno_2345_resource = [ ] byte ( `
apiVersion : v1
kind : Pod
metadata :
name : test
namespace : test - validate1
spec :
initContainers :
- name : jimmy
image : defdasdabian : 923
command : [ "/bin/sh" , "-c" , "sleep infinity" ]
securityContext :
capabilities :
drop :
containers :
- name : test
image : defdasdabian : 923
command : [ "/bin/sh" , "-c" , "sleep infinity" ]
securityContext :
capabilities :
drop :
- name : asdf
image : defdasdabian : 923
command : [ "/bin/sh" , "-c" , "sleep infinity" ]
securityContext :
capabilities :
drop :
` )