Fork 0
mirror of https://github.com/kyverno/kyverno.git synced 2025-03-28 18:38:40 +00:00

623 lines
28 KiB
Raw Normal View History

.DEFAULT_GOAL: build-all
2019-05-29 14:44:21 -07:00
GIT_VERSION := $(shell git describe --match "v[0-9]*" --tags $(git rev-list --tags --max-count=1))
GIT_VERSION_DEV := $(shell git describe --match "[0-9].[0-9]-dev*")
GIT_BRANCH := $(shell git branch | grep \* | cut -d ' ' -f2)
GIT_HASH := $(GIT_BRANCH)/$(shell git log -1 --pretty=format:"%H")
TIMESTAMP := $(shell date '+%Y-%m-%d_%I:%M:%S%p')
VERSION ?= $(shell git describe --match "v[0-9]*")
REGISTRY ?= ghcr.io
REPO = $(REGISTRY)/kyverno
IMAGE_TAG_LATEST_DEV = $(shell git describe --match "[0-9].[0-9]-dev*" | cut -d '-' -f-2)
K8S_VERSION ?= $(shell kubectl version --short | grep -i server | cut -d" " -f3 | cut -c2-)
KIND_IMAGE ?= kindest/node:v1.24.0
KIND_NAME ?= kind
GOOS ?= $(shell go env GOOS)
GOARCH ?= $(shell go env GOARCH)
TOOLS_DIR := $(PWD)/.tools
KIND := $(TOOLS_DIR)/kind
KIND_VERSION := v0.14.0
CONTROLLER_GEN := $(TOOLS_DIR)/controller-gen
CONTROLLER_GEN_VERSION := v0.9.1-0.20220629131006-1878064c4cdf
CLIENT_GEN := $(TOOLS_DIR)/client-gen
LISTER_GEN := $(TOOLS_DIR)/lister-gen
INFORMER_GEN := $(TOOLS_DIR)/informer-gen
GEN_CRD_API_REFERENCE_DOCS := $(TOOLS_DIR)/gen-crd-api-reference-docs
GO_ACC := $(TOOLS_DIR)/go-acc
GO_ACC_VERSION := latest
KUSTOMIZE := $(TOOLS_DIR)/kustomize
GOIMPORTS := $(TOOLS_DIR)/goimports
HELM_DOCS := $(TOOLS_DIR)/helm-docs
KO := $(TOOLS_DIR)/ko
KO_VERSION := v0.12.0
ifeq ($(GOOS), darwin)
SED := gsed
SED := sed
@GOBIN=$(TOOLS_DIR) go install sigs.k8s.io/kind@$(KIND_VERSION)
@GOBIN=$(TOOLS_DIR) go install sigs.k8s.io/controller-tools/cmd/controller-gen@$(CONTROLLER_GEN_VERSION)
@GOBIN=$(TOOLS_DIR) go install k8s.io/code-generator/cmd/client-gen@$(CODE_GEN_VERSION)
@GOBIN=$(TOOLS_DIR) go install k8s.io/code-generator/cmd/lister-gen@$(CODE_GEN_VERSION)
@GOBIN=$(TOOLS_DIR) go install k8s.io/code-generator/cmd/informer-gen@$(CODE_GEN_VERSION)
@GOBIN=$(TOOLS_DIR) go install github.com/ahmetb/gen-crd-api-reference-docs@$(GEN_CRD_API_REFERENCE_DOCS_VERSION)
@GOBIN=$(TOOLS_DIR) go install github.com/ory/go-acc@$(GO_ACC_VERSION)
@GOBIN=$(TOOLS_DIR) go install sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/kustomize/v4@$(KUSTOMIZE_VERSION)
@GOBIN=$(TOOLS_DIR) go install golang.org/x/tools/cmd/goimports@$(GOIMPORTS_VERSION)
@GOBIN=$(TOOLS_DIR) go install github.com/norwoodj/helm-docs/cmd/helm-docs@$(HELM_DOCS_VERSION)
@GOBIN=$(TOOLS_DIR) go install github.com/google/ko@$(KO_VERSION)
.PHONY: install-tools
install-tools: $(TOOLS) ## Install tools
.PHONY: clean-tools
clean-tools: ## Remove installed tools
@rm -rf $(TOOLS_DIR)
CMD_DIR := ./cmd
KYVERNO_DIR := $(CMD_DIR)/kyverno
KYVERNOPRE_DIR := $(CMD_DIR)/initContainer
CLI_DIR := $(CMD_DIR)/cli/kubectl-kyverno
CLI_BIN := $(CLI_DIR)/kubectl-kyverno
PACKAGE ?= github.com/kyverno/kyverno
LD_FLAGS = "-s -w -X $(PACKAGE)/pkg/version.BuildVersion=$(GIT_VERSION) -X $(PACKAGE)/pkg/version.BuildHash=$(GIT_HASH) -X $(PACKAGE)/pkg/version.BuildTime=$(TIMESTAMP)"
LD_FLAGS_DEV = "-s -w -X $(PACKAGE)/pkg/version.BuildVersion=$(GIT_VERSION_DEV) -X $(PACKAGE)/pkg/version.BuildHash=$(GIT_HASH) -X $(PACKAGE)/pkg/version.BuildTime=$(TIMESTAMP)"
.PHONY: fmt
fmt: ## Run go fmt
@go fmt ./...
.PHONY: vet
vet: ## Run go vet
@go vet ./...
$(KYVERNO_BIN): fmt vet
$(KYVERNOPRE_BIN): fmt vet
$(CLI_BIN): fmt vet
@CGO_ENABLED=$(CGO_ENABLED) GOOS=$(GOOS) go build -o $(CLI_BIN) -ldflags=$(LD_FLAGS) $(CLI_DIR)
.PHONY: build-kyvernopre
build-kyvernopre: $(KYVERNOPRE_BIN) ## Build kyvernopre binary
.PHONY: build-kyverno
build-kyverno: $(KYVERNO_BIN) ## Build kyverno binary
.PHONY: build-cli
build-cli: $(CLI_BIN) ## Build cli binary
build-all: build-kyvernopre build-kyverno build-cli ## Build all binaries
# BUILD (KO) #
PLATFORMS := linux/amd64,linux/arm64,linux/s390x
KO_TAGS := latest,$(IMAGE_TAG)
KYVERNOPRE_IMAGE := kyvernopre
KYVERNO_IMAGE := kyverno
CLI_IMAGE := kyverno-cli
.PHONY: ko-build-kyvernopre
ko-build-kyvernopre: $(KO) ## Build kyvernopre local image (with ko)
@LD_FLAGS=$(LD_FLAGS_DEV) KO_DOCKER_REPO=ko.local $(KO) build $(KYVERNOPRE_DIR) --preserve-import-paths --tags=$(KO_TAGS_DEV) --platform=$(LOCAL_PLATFORM)
.PHONY: ko-build-kyverno
ko-build-kyverno: $(KO) ## Build kyverno local image (with ko)
@LD_FLAGS=$(LD_FLAGS_DEV) KO_DOCKER_REPO=ko.local $(KO) build $(KYVERNO_DIR) --preserve-import-paths --tags=$(KO_TAGS_DEV) --platform=$(LOCAL_PLATFORM)
.PHONY: ko-build-cli
ko-build-cli: $(KO) ## Build cli local image (with ko)
@LD_FLAGS=$(LD_FLAGS_DEV) KO_DOCKER_REPO=ko.local $(KO) build $(CLI_DIR) --preserve-import-paths --tags=$(KO_TAGS_DEV) --platform=$(LOCAL_PLATFORM)
.PHONY: ko-build-all
ko-build-all: ko-build-kyvernopre ko-build-kyverno ko-build-cli ## Build all local images (with ko)
INITC_KIND_IMAGE := ko.local/github.com/kyverno/kyverno/cmd/initcontainer
KYVERNO_KIND_IMAGE := ko.local/github.com/kyverno/kyverno/cmd/kyverno
.PHONY: ko-login
ko-login: $(KO)
@$(KO) login $(REGISTRY) --username $(REGISTRY_USERNAME) --password $(REGISTRY_PASSWORD)
.PHONY: ko-publish-kyvernopre
ko-publish-kyvernopre: ko-login ## Build and publish kyvernopre image (with ko)
.PHONY: ko-publish-kyverno
ko-publish-kyverno: ko-login ## Build and publish kyverno image (with ko)
@LD_FLAGS=$(LD_FLAGS) KO_DOCKER_REPO=$(REPO_KYVERNO) $(KO) build $(KYVERNO_DIR) --bare --tags=$(KO_TAGS) --platform=$(PLATFORMS)
.PHONY: ko-publish-cli
ko-publish-cli: ko-login ## Build and publish cli image (with ko)
@LD_FLAGS=$(LD_FLAGS) KO_DOCKER_REPO=$(REPO_CLI) $(KO) build $(CLI_DIR) --bare --tags=$(KO_TAGS) --platform=$(PLATFORMS)
.PHONY: ko-publish-kyvernopre-dev
ko-publish-kyvernopre-dev: ko-login ## Build and publish kyvernopre dev image (with ko)
.PHONY: ko-publish-kyverno-dev
ko-publish-kyverno-dev: ko-login ## Build and publish kyverno dev image (with ko)
.PHONY: ko-publish-cli-dev
ko-publish-cli-dev: ko-login ## Build and publish cli dev image (with ko)
@LD_FLAGS=$(LD_FLAGS_DEV) KO_DOCKER_REPO=$(REPO_CLI) $(KO) build $(CLI_DIR) --bare --tags=$(KO_TAGS_DEV) --platform=$(PLATFORMS)
.PHONY: ko-publish-all
ko-publish-all: ko-publish-kyvernopre ko-publish-kyverno ko-publish-cli ## Build and publish all images (with ko)
.PHONY: ko-publish-all-dev
ko-publish-all-dev: ko-publish-kyvernopre-dev ko-publish-kyverno-dev ko-publish-cli-dev ## Build and publish all dev images (with ko)
.PHONY: docker-get-kyvernopre-digest
docker-get-kyvernopre-digest: ## Get kyvernopre image digest (with docker)
@docker buildx imagetools inspect --raw $(REPO)/$(KYVERNOPRE_IMAGE):$(IMAGE_TAG) | perl -pe 'chomp if eof' | openssl dgst -sha256 | sed 's/^.* //'
.PHONY: docker-get-kyvernopre-digest-dev
docker-get-kyvernopre-digest-dev: ## Get kyvernopre dev image digest (with docker)
@docker buildx imagetools inspect --raw $(REPO)/$(KYVERNOPRE_IMAGE):$(IMAGE_TAG_DEV) | perl -pe 'chomp if eof' | openssl dgst -sha256 | sed 's/^.* //'
.PHONY: docker-get-kyverno-digest
docker-get-kyverno-digest: ## Get kyverno image digest (with docker)
@docker buildx imagetools inspect --raw $(REPO)/$(KYVERNO_IMAGE):$(IMAGE_TAG) | perl -pe 'chomp if eof' | openssl dgst -sha256 | sed 's/^.* //'
.PHONY: docker-get-kyverno-digest-dev
docker-get-kyverno-digest-dev: ## Get kyverno dev image digest (with docker)
@docker buildx imagetools inspect --raw $(REPO)/$(KYVERNO_IMAGE):$(IMAGE_TAG_DEV) | perl -pe 'chomp if eof' | openssl dgst -sha256 | sed 's/^.* //'
.PHONY: docker-buildx-builder
if ! docker buildx ls | grep -q kyverno; then\
docker buildx create --name kyverno --use;\
.PHONY: docker-build-kyvernopre
docker-build-kyvernopre: docker-buildx-builder ## Build kyvernopre local image (with docker)
@docker buildx build --file $(KYVERNOPRE_DIR)/Dockerfile --progress plain --load --platform $(LOCAL_PLATFORM) --tag $(REPO)/$(KYVERNOPRE_IMAGE):$(IMAGE_TAG) . --build-arg LD_FLAGS=$(LD_FLAGS)
.PHONY: docker-build-kyverno
docker-build-kyverno: docker-buildx-builder ## Build kyverno local image (with docker)
@docker buildx build --file $(KYVERNO_DIR)/Dockerfile --progress plain --load --platform $(LOCAL_PLATFORM) --tag $(REPO)/$(KYVERNO_IMAGE):$(IMAGE_TAG) . --build-arg LD_FLAGS=$(LD_FLAGS)
.PHONY: docker-build-cli
docker-build-cli: docker-buildx-builder ## Build cli local image (with docker)
@docker buildx build --file $(CLI_DIR)/Dockerfile --progress plain --load --platform $(LOCAL_PLATFORM) --tag $(REPO)/$(CLI_IMAGE):$(IMAGE_TAG) . --build-arg LD_FLAGS=$(LD_FLAGS)
.PHONY: docker-build-all
docker-build-all: docker-build-kyvernopre docker-build-kyverno docker-build-cli ## Build all local images (with docker)
.PHONY: docker-publish-kyvernopre
docker-publish-kyvernopre: docker-buildx-builder ## Build and publish kyvernopre image (with docker)
@docker buildx build --file $(KYVERNOPRE_DIR)/Dockerfile --progress plain --push --platform $(PLATFORMS) --tag $(REPO)/$(KYVERNOPRE_IMAGE):$(IMAGE_TAG) . --build-arg LD_FLAGS=$(LD_FLAGS)
.PHONY: docker-publish-kyvernopre-dev
docker-publish-kyvernopre-dev: docker-buildx-builder ## Build and publish kyvernopre dev image (with docker)
@docker buildx build --file $(KYVERNOPRE_DIR)/Dockerfile --progress plain --push --platform $(PLATFORMS) \
. --build-arg LD_FLAGS=$(LD_FLAGS_DEV)
.PHONY: docker-publish-kyverno
docker-publish-kyverno: docker-buildx-builder ## Build and publish kyverno image (with docker)
@docker buildx build --file $(KYVERNO_DIR)/Dockerfile --progress plain --push --platform $(PLATFORMS) --tag $(REPO)/$(KYVERNO_IMAGE):$(IMAGE_TAG) . --build-arg LD_FLAGS=$(LD_FLAGS)
.PHONY: docker-publish-kyverno-dev
docker-publish-kyverno-dev: docker-buildx-builder ## Build and publish kyverno dev image (with docker)
@docker buildx build --file $(KYVERNO_DIR)/Dockerfile --progress plain --push --platform $(PLATFORMS) \
. --build-arg LD_FLAGS=$(LD_FLAGS_DEV)
.PHONY: docker-publish-cli
docker-publish-cli: docker-buildx-builder ## Build and publish cli image (with docker)
@docker buildx build --file $(CLI_DIR)/Dockerfile --progress plain --push --platform $(PLATFORMS) --tag $(REPO)/$(CLI_IMAGE):$(IMAGE_TAG) . --build-arg LD_FLAGS=$(LD_FLAGS)
.PHONY: docker-publish-cli-dev
docker-publish-cli-dev: docker-buildx-builder ## Build and publish cli dev image (with docker)
@docker buildx build --file $(CLI_DIR)/Dockerfile --progress plain --push --platform $(PLATFORMS) \
--tag $(REPO)/$(CLI_IMAGE):$(IMAGE_TAG_DEV) --tag $(REPO)/$(CLI_IMAGE):$(IMAGE_TAG_LATEST_DEV)-latest --tag $(REPO)/$(CLI_IMAGE):latest \
. --build-arg LD_FLAGS=$(LD_FLAGS_DEV)
.PHONY: docker-publish-all
docker-publish-all: docker-publish-kyvernopre docker-publish-kyverno docker-publish-cli ## Build and publish all images (with docker)
.PHONY: docker-publish-all-dev
docker-publish-all-dev: docker-publish-kyvernopre-dev docker-publish-kyverno-dev docker-publish-cli-dev ## Build and publish all dev images (with docker)
GOPATH_SHIM := ${PWD}/.gopath
OUT_PACKAGE := $(PACKAGE)/pkg/client
INPUT_DIRS := $(PACKAGE)/api/kyverno/v1,$(PACKAGE)/api/kyverno/v1beta1,$(PACKAGE)/api/kyverno/v1alpha2,$(PACKAGE)/api/policyreport/v1alpha2
@echo Create gopath shim...
@mkdir -p $(GOPATH_SHIM)
@echo Create package shim...
@mkdir -p $(GOPATH_SHIM)/src/github.com/kyverno && ln -s -f ${PWD} $(PACKAGE_SHIM)
.PHONY: codegen-client-clientset
codegen-client-clientset: $(PACKAGE_SHIM) $(CLIENT_GEN) ## Generate clientset
@echo Generate clientset...
@GOPATH=$(GOPATH_SHIM) $(CLIENT_GEN) --go-header-file ./scripts/boilerplate.go.txt --clientset-name versioned --output-package $(CLIENTSET_PACKAGE) --input-base "" --input $(INPUT_DIRS)
.PHONY: codegen-client-listers
codegen-client-listers: $(PACKAGE_SHIM) $(LISTER_GEN) ## Generate listers
@echo Generate listers...
@GOPATH=$(GOPATH_SHIM) $(LISTER_GEN) --go-header-file ./scripts/boilerplate.go.txt --output-package $(LISTERS_PACKAGE) --input-dirs $(INPUT_DIRS)
.PHONY: codegen-client-informers
codegen-client-informers: $(PACKAGE_SHIM) $(INFORMER_GEN) ## Generate informers
@echo Generate informers...
@GOPATH=$(GOPATH_SHIM) $(INFORMER_GEN) --go-header-file ./scripts/boilerplate.go.txt --output-package $(INFORMERS_PACKAGE) --input-dirs $(INPUT_DIRS) --versioned-clientset-package $(CLIENTSET_PACKAGE)/versioned --listers-package $(LISTERS_PACKAGE)
.PHONY: codegen-client-all
codegen-client-all: codegen-client-clientset codegen-client-listers codegen-client-informers ## Generate clientset, listers and informers
.PHONY: codegen-crds-kyverno
codegen-crds-kyverno: $(CONTROLLER_GEN) ## Generate kyverno CRDs
@echo Generate kyverno crds...
@$(CONTROLLER_GEN) crd paths=./api/kyverno/... crd:crdVersions=v1 output:dir=./config/crds
.PHONY: codegen-crds-report
codegen-crds-report: $(CONTROLLER_GEN) ## Generate policy reports CRDs
@echo Generate policy reports crds...
@$(CONTROLLER_GEN) crd paths=./api/policyreport/... crd:crdVersions=v1 output:dir=./config/crds
.PHONY: codegen-crds-all
codegen-crds-all: codegen-crds-kyverno codegen-crds-report ## Generate all CRDs
.PHONY: codegen-deepcopy-kyverno
codegen-deepcopy-kyverno: $(CONTROLLER_GEN) $(GOIMPORTS) ## Generate kyverno deep copy functions
@echo Generate kyverno deep copy functions...
@$(CONTROLLER_GEN) object:headerFile="scripts/boilerplate.go.txt" paths="./api/kyverno/..." && $(GOIMPORTS) -w ./api/kyverno
.PHONY: codegen-deepcopy-report
codegen-deepcopy-report: $(CONTROLLER_GEN) $(GOIMPORTS) ## Generate policy reports deep copy functions
@echo Generate policy reports deep copy functions...
@$(CONTROLLER_GEN) object:headerFile="scripts/boilerplate.go.txt" paths="./api/policyreport/..." && $(GOIMPORTS) -w ./api/policyreport
.PHONY: codegen-deepcopy-all
codegen-deepcopy-all: codegen-deepcopy-kyverno codegen-deepcopy-report ## Generate all deep copy functions
.PHONY: codegen-api-docs
codegen-api-docs: $(PACKAGE_SHIM) $(GEN_CRD_API_REFERENCE_DOCS) ## Generate API docs
@echo Generate api docs...
@rm -rf docs/crd && mkdir -p docs/crd
@GOPATH=$(GOPATH_SHIM) $(GEN_CRD_API_REFERENCE_DOCS) -v 6 -api-dir ./api/kyverno/v1alpha2 -config docs/config.json -template-dir docs/template -out-file docs/crd/v1alpha2/index.html
@GOPATH=$(GOPATH_SHIM) $(GEN_CRD_API_REFERENCE_DOCS) -v 6 -api-dir ./api/kyverno/v1beta1 -config docs/config.json -template-dir docs/template -out-file docs/crd/v1beta1/index.html
@GOPATH=$(GOPATH_SHIM) $(GEN_CRD_API_REFERENCE_DOCS) -v 6 -api-dir ./api/kyverno/v1 -config docs/config.json -template-dir docs/template -out-file docs/crd/v1/index.html
.PHONY: codegen-all
codegen-all: codegen-deepcopy-all codegen-crds-all codegen-client-all codegen-api-docs ## Generate clientset, listers, informers, all CRDs, deep copy functions and API docs
.PHONY: unused-package-check
@echo "------------------"
@echo "--> Check unused packages for the all kyverno components"
@echo "------------------"
@tidy=$$(go mod tidy); \
if [ -n "$${tidy}" ]; then \
echo "go mod tidy checking failed!"; echo "$${tidy}"; echo; \
2020-07-20 20:05:06 +05:30
# Generate Docs for types.go
.PHONY: verify-api-docs
verify-api-docs: codegen-api-docs ## Check api reference docs are up to date
git --no-pager diff docs
@echo 'If this test fails, it is because the git diff is non-empty after running "make generate-api-docs".'
@echo 'To correct this, locally run "make generate-api-docs", commit the changes, and re-run tests.'
git diff --quiet --exit-code docs
# Create e2e Infrastructure
.PHONY: kind-e2e-cluster
kind-e2e-cluster: $(KIND) ## Create kind cluster for e2e tests
$(KIND) create cluster --image=$(KIND_IMAGE)
# TODO(eddycharly): $(REPO) is wrong, it is always ghcr.io/kyverno in the source
.PHONY: e2e-kustomize
e2e-kustomize: $(KUSTOMIZE) ## Build kustomize manifests for e2e tests
cd config && \
$(KUSTOMIZE) build config/ -o config/install.yaml
.PHONY: e2e-init-container
e2e-init-container: kind-e2e-cluster | ko-build-kyvernopre
$(KIND) load docker-image $(INITC_KIND_IMAGE):$(IMAGE_TAG_DEV)
.PHONY: e2e-kyverno-container
e2e-kyverno-container: kind-e2e-cluster | ko-build-kyverno
$(KIND) load docker-image $(KYVERNO_KIND_IMAGE):$(IMAGE_TAG_DEV)
.PHONY: create-e2e-infrastructure
create-e2e-infrastructure: e2e-init-container e2e-kyverno-container e2e-kustomize | ## Setup infrastructure for e2e tests
# Testing & Code-Coverage
test: test-clean test-unit test-e2e ## Clean tests cache then run unit and e2e tests
test-clean: ## Clean tests cache
@echo " cleaning test cache"
go clean -testcache ./...
Feature/cosign (#2078) * add image verification * inline policy list Signed-off-by: Jim Bugwadia <jim@nirmata.com> * cosign version and dependencies updates Signed-off-by: Jim Bugwadia <jim@nirmata.com> * add registry initialization Signed-off-by: Jim Bugwadia <jim@nirmata.com> * add build tag to exclude k8schain for cloud providers Signed-off-by: Jim Bugwadia <jim@nirmata.com> * add build tag to exclude k8schain for cloud providers Signed-off-by: Jim Bugwadia <jim@nirmata.com> * generate deep copy and other fixtures Signed-off-by: Jim Bugwadia <jim@nirmata.com> * fix deep copy issues Signed-off-by: Jim Bugwadia <jim@nirmata.com> * mutate images to add digest Signed-off-by: Jim Bugwadia <jim@nirmata.com> * add certificates to Kyverno container for HTTPS lookups Signed-off-by: Jim Bugwadia <jim@nirmata.com> * align flag syntax Signed-off-by: Jim Bugwadia <jim@nirmata.com> * update docs Signed-off-by: Jim Bugwadia <jim@nirmata.com> * update dependencies Signed-off-by: Jim Bugwadia <jim@nirmata.com> * update dependencies Signed-off-by: Jim Bugwadia <jim@nirmata.com> * patch image with digest and fix checks Signed-off-by: Jim Bugwadia <jim@nirmata.com> * hardcode image for demos Signed-off-by: Jim Bugwadia <jim@nirmata.com> * add default registry (docker.io) before calling reference.Parse Signed-off-by: Jim Bugwadia <jim@nirmata.com> * fix definition Signed-off-by: Jim Bugwadia <jim@nirmata.com> * increase webhook timeout Signed-off-by: Jim Bugwadia <jim@nirmata.com> * fix args Signed-off-by: Jim Bugwadia <jim@nirmata.com> * run gofmt Signed-off-by: Jim Bugwadia <jim@nirmata.com> * rename for clarity Signed-off-by: Jim Bugwadia <jim@nirmata.com> * fix HasImageVerify check Signed-off-by: Jim Bugwadia <jim@nirmata.com> * align make test commands Signed-off-by: Jim Bugwadia <jim@nirmata.com> * align make test commands Signed-off-by: Jim Bugwadia <jim@nirmata.com> * align make test commands Signed-off-by: Jim Bugwadia <jim@nirmata.com> * fix linter error Signed-off-by: Jim Bugwadia <jim@nirmata.com> * format Signed-off-by: Jim Bugwadia <jim@nirmata.com> * handle API conflict and retry Signed-off-by: Jim Bugwadia <jim@nirmata.com> * format Signed-off-by: Jim Bugwadia <jim@nirmata.com> * fix reviewdog issues Signed-off-by: Jim Bugwadia <jim@nirmata.com> * fix make for unit tests Signed-off-by: Jim Bugwadia <jim@nirmata.com> * improve error message Signed-off-by: Jim Bugwadia <jim@nirmata.com> * fix durations Signed-off-by: Jim Bugwadia <jim@nirmata.com> * handle errors in tests Signed-off-by: Jim Bugwadia <jim@nirmata.com> * print policy name Signed-off-by: Jim Bugwadia <jim@nirmata.com> * update tests Signed-off-by: Jim Bugwadia <jim@nirmata.com> * add retries and duration to error log Signed-off-by: Jim Bugwadia <jim@nirmata.com> * fix time check in tests Signed-off-by: Jim Bugwadia <jim@nirmata.com> * round creation times in test Signed-off-by: Jim Bugwadia <jim@nirmata.com> * fix retry loop Signed-off-by: Jim Bugwadia <jim@nirmata.com> * remove timing check for policy creation Signed-off-by: Jim Bugwadia <jim@nirmata.com> * fix e2e error - policy not found Signed-off-by: Shuting Zhao <shutting06@gmail.com> * update string comparison method Signed-off-by: Shuting Zhao <shutting06@gmail.com> * fix test Generate_Namespace_Label_Actions Signed-off-by: Shuting Zhao <shutting06@gmail.com> * add debug info for e2e tests Signed-off-by: Jim Bugwadia <jim@nirmata.com> * fix error Signed-off-by: Jim Bugwadia <jim@nirmata.com> * fix generate bug Signed-off-by: Jim Bugwadia <jim@nirmata.com> * fix format Signed-off-by: Jim Bugwadia <jim@nirmata.com> * add check for update operations Signed-off-by: Jim Bugwadia <jim@nirmata.com> * increase time for deleteing a resource Signed-off-by: Jim Bugwadia <jim@nirmata.com> * fix check Signed-off-by: Jim Bugwadia <jim@nirmata.com> Co-authored-by: Shuting Zhao <shutting06@gmail.com>
2021-07-09 18:01:46 -07:00
.PHONY: test-cli
test-cli: test-cli-policies test-cli-local test-cli-local-mutate test-cli-local-generate test-cli-test-case-selector-flag test-cli-registry
.PHONY: test-cli-policies
test-cli-policies: $(CLI_BIN)
@$(CLI_BIN) test https://github.com/kyverno/policies/$(TEST_GIT_BRANCH)
.PHONY: test-cli-local
test-cli-local: $(CLI_BIN)
@$(CLI_BIN) test ./test/cli/test
.PHONY: test-cli-local-mutate
test-cli-local-mutate: $(CLI_BIN)
@$(CLI_BIN) test ./test/cli/test-mutate
.PHONY: test-cli-local-generate
test-cli-local-generate: $(CLI_BIN)
@$(CLI_BIN) test ./test/cli/test-generate
.PHONY: test-cli-test-case-selector-flag
test-cli-test-case-selector-flag: $(CLI_BIN)
@$(CLI_BIN) test ./test/cli/test --test-case-selector "policy=disallow-latest-tag, rule=require-image-tag, resource=test-require-image-tag-pass"
Feature/cosign (#2078) * add image verification * inline policy list Signed-off-by: Jim Bugwadia <jim@nirmata.com> * cosign version and dependencies updates Signed-off-by: Jim Bugwadia <jim@nirmata.com> * add registry initialization Signed-off-by: Jim Bugwadia <jim@nirmata.com> * add build tag to exclude k8schain for cloud providers Signed-off-by: Jim Bugwadia <jim@nirmata.com> * add build tag to exclude k8schain for cloud providers Signed-off-by: Jim Bugwadia <jim@nirmata.com> * generate deep copy and other fixtures Signed-off-by: Jim Bugwadia <jim@nirmata.com> * fix deep copy issues Signed-off-by: Jim Bugwadia <jim@nirmata.com> * mutate images to add digest Signed-off-by: Jim Bugwadia <jim@nirmata.com> * add certificates to Kyverno container for HTTPS lookups Signed-off-by: Jim Bugwadia <jim@nirmata.com> * align flag syntax Signed-off-by: Jim Bugwadia <jim@nirmata.com> * update docs Signed-off-by: Jim Bugwadia <jim@nirmata.com> * update dependencies Signed-off-by: Jim Bugwadia <jim@nirmata.com> * update dependencies Signed-off-by: Jim Bugwadia <jim@nirmata.com> * patch image with digest and fix checks Signed-off-by: Jim Bugwadia <jim@nirmata.com> * hardcode image for demos Signed-off-by: Jim Bugwadia <jim@nirmata.com> * add default registry (docker.io) before calling reference.Parse Signed-off-by: Jim Bugwadia <jim@nirmata.com> * fix definition Signed-off-by: Jim Bugwadia <jim@nirmata.com> * increase webhook timeout Signed-off-by: Jim Bugwadia <jim@nirmata.com> * fix args Signed-off-by: Jim Bugwadia <jim@nirmata.com> * run gofmt Signed-off-by: Jim Bugwadia <jim@nirmata.com> * rename for clarity Signed-off-by: Jim Bugwadia <jim@nirmata.com> * fix HasImageVerify check Signed-off-by: Jim Bugwadia <jim@nirmata.com> * align make test commands Signed-off-by: Jim Bugwadia <jim@nirmata.com> * align make test commands Signed-off-by: Jim Bugwadia <jim@nirmata.com> * align make test commands Signed-off-by: Jim Bugwadia <jim@nirmata.com> * fix linter error Signed-off-by: Jim Bugwadia <jim@nirmata.com> * format Signed-off-by: Jim Bugwadia <jim@nirmata.com> * handle API conflict and retry Signed-off-by: Jim Bugwadia <jim@nirmata.com> * format Signed-off-by: Jim Bugwadia <jim@nirmata.com> * fix reviewdog issues Signed-off-by: Jim Bugwadia <jim@nirmata.com> * fix make for unit tests Signed-off-by: Jim Bugwadia <jim@nirmata.com> * improve error message Signed-off-by: Jim Bugwadia <jim@nirmata.com> * fix durations Signed-off-by: Jim Bugwadia <jim@nirmata.com> * handle errors in tests Signed-off-by: Jim Bugwadia <jim@nirmata.com> * print policy name Signed-off-by: Jim Bugwadia <jim@nirmata.com> * update tests Signed-off-by: Jim Bugwadia <jim@nirmata.com> * add retries and duration to error log Signed-off-by: Jim Bugwadia <jim@nirmata.com> * fix time check in tests Signed-off-by: Jim Bugwadia <jim@nirmata.com> * round creation times in test Signed-off-by: Jim Bugwadia <jim@nirmata.com> * fix retry loop Signed-off-by: Jim Bugwadia <jim@nirmata.com> * remove timing check for policy creation Signed-off-by: Jim Bugwadia <jim@nirmata.com> * fix e2e error - policy not found Signed-off-by: Shuting Zhao <shutting06@gmail.com> * update string comparison method Signed-off-by: Shuting Zhao <shutting06@gmail.com> * fix test Generate_Namespace_Label_Actions Signed-off-by: Shuting Zhao <shutting06@gmail.com> * add debug info for e2e tests Signed-off-by: Jim Bugwadia <jim@nirmata.com> * fix error Signed-off-by: Jim Bugwadia <jim@nirmata.com> * fix generate bug Signed-off-by: Jim Bugwadia <jim@nirmata.com> * fix format Signed-off-by: Jim Bugwadia <jim@nirmata.com> * add check for update operations Signed-off-by: Jim Bugwadia <jim@nirmata.com> * increase time for deleteing a resource Signed-off-by: Jim Bugwadia <jim@nirmata.com> * fix check Signed-off-by: Jim Bugwadia <jim@nirmata.com> Co-authored-by: Shuting Zhao <shutting06@gmail.com>
2021-07-09 18:01:46 -07:00
.PHONY: test-cli-registry
test-cli-registry: $(CLI_BIN)
@$(CLI_BIN) test ./test/cli/registry --registry
test-unit: $(GO_ACC) ## Run unit tests
@echo " running unit tests"
code-cov-report: ## Generate code coverage report
@echo " generating code coverage report"
GO111MODULE=on go test -v -coverprofile=coverage.out ./...
go tool cover -func=coverage.out -o $(CODE_COVERAGE_FILE_TXT)
go tool cover -html=coverage.out -o $(CODE_COVERAGE_FILE_HTML)
# Test E2E
E2E=ok K8S_VERSION=$(K8S_VERSION) go test ./test/e2e/verifyimages -v
E2E=ok K8S_VERSION=$(K8S_VERSION) go test ./test/e2e/metrics -v
E2E=ok K8S_VERSION=$(K8S_VERSION) go test ./test/e2e/mutate -v
E2E=ok K8S_VERSION=$(K8S_VERSION) go test ./test/e2e/generate -v
kubectl apply -f https://raw.githubusercontent.com/kyverno/kyverno/main/config/github/rbac.yaml
kubectl port-forward -n kyverno service/kyverno-svc-metrics 8000:8000 &
E2E=ok K8S_VERSION=$(K8S_VERSION) go test ./test/e2e/verifyimages -v
E2E=ok K8S_VERSION=$(K8S_VERSION) go test ./test/e2e/metrics -v
E2E=ok K8S_VERSION=$(K8S_VERSION) go test ./test/e2e/mutate -v
E2E=ok K8S_VERSION=$(K8S_VERSION) go test ./test/e2e/generate -v
kill $!
Update kyverno-policies chart with latest pod-security policies (#3126) * Update kyverno-policies chart with latest pod-security policies Fixes #3063 Fixes #2277 Signed-off-by: Trey Dockendorf <tdockendorf@osc.edu> * Update README to have better example Signed-off-by: Trey Dockendorf <tdockendorf@osc.edu> * Use chart testing during e2e to test against ci values Signed-off-by: Trey Dockendorf <tdockendorf@osc.edu> * Fix e2e tests for Helm chart Signed-off-by: Trey Dockendorf <tdockendorf@osc.edu> * Fix Kyverno chart testing to actually test values, and fix networkpolicy template Signed-off-by: Trey Dockendorf <tdockendorf@osc.edu> * Update README for exclusion Signed-off-by: Trey Dockendorf <tdockendorf@osc.edu> * Allow adding 'other' policies via Helm Signed-off-by: Trey Dockendorf <tdockendorf@osc.edu> * Update Chart.yaml for kyverno-policies Signed-off-by: Trey Dockendorf <tdockendorf@osc.edu> * Bump minimum Kubernetes version in charts Signed-off-by: Trey Dockendorf <tdockendorf@osc.edu> * Update kyverno-policies chart readme Signed-off-by: Trey Dockendorf <tdockendorf@osc.edu> * Use version that should catch all pre-releases Signed-off-by: Trey Dockendorf <tdockendorf@osc.edu> * Use version that should catch all pre-releases (part 2) Signed-off-by: Trey Dockendorf <tdockendorf@osc.edu> * Use same logic to get git tag by using Makefile target for updating Helm values Signed-off-by: Trey Dockendorf <tdockendorf@osc.edu> Co-authored-by: shuting <shuting@nirmata.com> Co-authored-by: Prateek Pandey <prateekpandey14@gmail.com>
2022-02-04 01:47:36 -05:00
sed -i -e "s|nameOverride:.*|nameOverride: kyverno|g" charts/kyverno/values.yaml
sed -i -e "s|fullnameOverride:.*|fullnameOverride: kyverno|g" charts/kyverno/values.yaml
sed -i -e "s|namespace:.*|namespace: kyverno|g" charts/kyverno/values.yaml
sed -i -e "s|tag: # replaced in e2e tests.*|tag: $(IMAGE_TAG_DEV)|" charts/kyverno/values.yaml
sed -i -e "s|repository: ghcr.io/kyverno/kyvernopre # init: replaced in e2e tests|repository: $(INITC_KIND_IMAGE)|" charts/kyverno/values.yaml
sed -i -e "s|repository: ghcr.io/kyverno/kyverno # kyverno: replaced in e2e tests|repository: $(KYVERNO_KIND_IMAGE)|" charts/kyverno/values.yaml
Update kyverno-policies chart with latest pod-security policies (#3126) * Update kyverno-policies chart with latest pod-security policies Fixes #3063 Fixes #2277 Signed-off-by: Trey Dockendorf <tdockendorf@osc.edu> * Update README to have better example Signed-off-by: Trey Dockendorf <tdockendorf@osc.edu> * Use chart testing during e2e to test against ci values Signed-off-by: Trey Dockendorf <tdockendorf@osc.edu> * Fix e2e tests for Helm chart Signed-off-by: Trey Dockendorf <tdockendorf@osc.edu> * Fix Kyverno chart testing to actually test values, and fix networkpolicy template Signed-off-by: Trey Dockendorf <tdockendorf@osc.edu> * Update README for exclusion Signed-off-by: Trey Dockendorf <tdockendorf@osc.edu> * Allow adding 'other' policies via Helm Signed-off-by: Trey Dockendorf <tdockendorf@osc.edu> * Update Chart.yaml for kyverno-policies Signed-off-by: Trey Dockendorf <tdockendorf@osc.edu> * Bump minimum Kubernetes version in charts Signed-off-by: Trey Dockendorf <tdockendorf@osc.edu> * Update kyverno-policies chart readme Signed-off-by: Trey Dockendorf <tdockendorf@osc.edu> * Use version that should catch all pre-releases Signed-off-by: Trey Dockendorf <tdockendorf@osc.edu> * Use version that should catch all pre-releases (part 2) Signed-off-by: Trey Dockendorf <tdockendorf@osc.edu> * Use same logic to get git tag by using Makefile target for updating Helm values Signed-off-by: Trey Dockendorf <tdockendorf@osc.edu> Co-authored-by: shuting <shuting@nirmata.com> Co-authored-by: Prateek Pandey <prateekpandey14@gmail.com>
2022-02-04 01:47:36 -05:00
.PHONY: kustomize-crd
kustomize-crd: $(KUSTOMIZE) ## Create install.yaml
# Create CRD for helm deployment Helm
$(KUSTOMIZE) build ./config/release | kustomize cfg grep kind=CustomResourceDefinition | $(SED) -e "1i{{- if .Values.installCRDs }}" -e '$$a{{- end }}' > ./charts/kyverno/templates/crds.yaml
2020-06-05 13:44:47 -07:00
# Generate install.yaml that have all resources for kyverno
$(KUSTOMIZE) build ./config > ./config/install.yaml
2020-06-05 13:44:47 -07:00
# Generate install_debug.yaml that for developer testing
$(KUSTOMIZE) build ./config/debug > ./config/install_debug.yaml
# guidance https://github.com/kyverno/kyverno/wiki/Generate-a-Release
2020-11-29 00:37:36 -08:00
$(KUSTOMIZE) build ./config > ./config/install.yaml
$(KUSTOMIZE) build ./config/release > ./config/release/install.yaml
@bash -c 'while IFS= read -r line ; do if [[ "$$line" == "## "* && "$$line" != "## $(VERSION)" ]]; then break ; fi; echo "$$line"; done < "CHANGELOG.md"' \
.PHONY: kyverno-crd
kyverno-crd: $(CONTROLLER_GEN) ## Generate kyverno CRDs
$(CONTROLLER_GEN) crd paths=./api/kyverno/... crd:crdVersions=v1 output:dir=./config/crds
2020-11-12 19:48:39 -08:00
.PHONY: report-crd
report-crd: $(CONTROLLER_GEN) ## Generate policy reports CRDs
$(CONTROLLER_GEN) crd paths=./api/policyreport/... crd:crdVersions=v1 output:dir=./config/crds
Add Policy Report (#1229) * add report in cli * policy report crd added * policy report added * configmap added * added jobs * added jobs * bug fixed * added logic for cli * common function added * sub command added for policy report * subcommand added for report * common package changed * configmap added * added logic for kyverno cli * added logic for jobs * added logic for jobs * added logic for jobs * added logic for cli * buf fix * cli changes * count bug fix * docs added for command * go fmt * refactor codebase * remove policy controller for policyreport * policy report removed * bug fixes * bug fixes * added job trigger if needed * job deletation logic added * build failed fix * fixed e2e test * remove hard coded variables * packages adde * improvment added in jobs sheduler * policy report yaml added * cronjob added * small fixes * remove background sync * documentation added for report command * remove extra log * small improvement * tested policy report * revert hardcoded changes * changes for demo * demo changes * resource aggrigation added * More changes * More changes * - resolve PR comments; - refactor jobs controller * set rbac for jobs * add clean up in job controller * add short names * remove application scope for policyreport * move job controller to policyreport * add report logic in command apply * - update policy report types; - upgrade k8s library; - update code gen * temporarily comment out code to pass CI build * generate / update policyreport to cluster * add unit test for CLI report * add test for apply - generate policy report * fix unit test * - remove job controller; - remove in-memory configmap; - clean up kustomize manifest * remove dependency * add reportRequest / clusterReportRequest * clean up policy report * generate report request * update crd clusterReportRequest * - update json tag of report summary; - update definition manifests; - fix dclient creation * aggregate reportRequest into policy report * fix unit tests * - update report summary to optional; - generate clusterPolicyReport; - remove reportRequests after merged to report * remove * generate reportRequest in kyverno namespace * update resource filter in helm chart * - rename reportRequest to reportChangeRequest; -rename clusterReportRequest to clusterReportChangeRequest * generate policy report in background scan * skip generating report change request if there's entry results * fix results entry removal when policy / rule gets deleted * rename apiversion from policy.kubernetes.io to policy.k8s.io * update summary.* to lower case * move reportChangeRequest to kyverno.io/v1alpha1 * remove policy report flag * fix report update * clean up policy violation CRD * remove violation CRD from manifest * clean up policy violation code - remove pvGenerator * change severity fields to lower case * update import library * set report category Co-authored-by: Yuvraj <yuvraj.yad001@gmail.com> Co-authored-by: Yuvraj <10830562+evalsocket@users.noreply.github.com> Co-authored-by: Jim Bugwadia <jim@nirmata.com>
2020-11-09 11:26:12 -08:00
.PHONY: deepcopy-autogen
deepcopy-autogen: $(CONTROLLER_GEN) $(GOIMPORTS) ## Generate deep copy code
$(CONTROLLER_GEN) object:headerFile="scripts/boilerplate.go.txt" paths="./..." && $(GOIMPORTS) -w ./api/
.PHONY: codegen
codegen: kyverno-crd report-crd deepcopy-autogen generate-api-docs gen-helm ## Update all generated code and docs
.PHONY: verify-api
verify-api: kyverno-crd report-crd deepcopy-autogen ## Check api is up to date
git --no-pager diff api
@echo 'If this test fails, it is because the git diff is non-empty after running "make codegen".'
@echo 'To correct this, locally run "make codegen", commit the changes, and re-run tests.'
git diff --quiet --exit-code api
.PHONY: verify-config
verify-config: kyverno-crd report-crd ## Check config is up to date
git --no-pager diff config
@echo 'If this test fails, it is because the git diff is non-empty after running "make codegen".'
@echo 'To correct this, locally run "make codegen", commit the changes, and re-run tests.'
git diff --quiet --exit-code config
.PHONY: verify-codegen
verify-codegen: verify-api verify-config verify-api-docs verify-helm ## Verify all generated code and docs are up to date
Extend Pod Security Admission (#4364) * init commit for pss Signed-off-by: ShutingZhao <shuting@nirmata.com> * add test for Volume Type control * add test for App Armor control except ExemptProfile. Fix PSS profile check in EvaluatePSS() * remove unused code, still a JMESPATH problem with app armor ExemptProfile() * test for Host Process / Host Namespaces controls * test for Privileged containers controls * test for HostPathVolume control * test for HostPorts control * test for HostPorts control * test for SELinux control * test for Proc mount type control * Set to baseline * test for Seccomp control * test for Sysctl control * test for Privilege escalation control * test for Run as non root control * test for Restricted Seccomp control * Add problems to address * add solutions to problems * Add validate rule for PSA * api.Version --> string. latest by default * Exclude all values for a restrictedField * add tests for kyverno engine * code to be used to match kyverno rule's namespace * Refacto pkg/pss * fix multiple problems: not matching containers, add contains methods, select the right container when we have the same exclude.RestrictedField for multiple containers: * EvaluatePod * Use EvaluatePod in kyverno engine * Set pod instead of container in context to use full Jmespath. e.g.: securityContext.capabilities.add --> spec.containers[*].securityContext.capabilities.add * Check if PSSCheckResult matched at least one exclude value * add tests for engine * fix engine validation test * config * update go.mod and go.sum * crds * Check validate value: add PodSecurity * exclude all restrictedFields when we only specify the controlName * ExemptProfile(): check if exclud.RestrictedField matches at least one restrictedField.path * handle containers, initContainers, ephemeralContainers when we only specify the controlName (all restrictedFields are excluded) * refacto pks/pss/evaluate.go and add pkg/engine/validation_test.go * add all controls with containers in restrictedFields as comments * add tests for capabilities and privileged containers and fix some errors * add tests for host ports control * add tests for proc mount control * add tests for privilege escalation control * add tests for capabilities control * remove comments * new algo * refacto algo, working. Add test for hostProcess control * remove unused code * fix getPodWithNotMatchingContainers(), add tests for host namespaces control * refacto ExemptProfile() * get values for a specific container. add test for SELinuxOptions control * fix allowedValues for SELinuxOptions * add tests for seccompProfile_baseline control * refacto checkContainers(), add test for seccomp control * add test for running as non root control * add some tests for runAsUser control, have to update current PSA version * add sysctls control * add allowed values for restrictedVolumes control * add some tests for appArmor, volume types controls * add tests for volume types control * add tests for hostPath volume control * finish merge conflicts and add tests for runAsUser * update charts and crds * exclude.images optional * change volume types control exclude values * add appAmor control * fix: did not match any exclude value for pod-level restrictedFields * create autogen for validate.PodSecurity * clean code, remove logs * fix sonatype lift errors * fix sonatype lift errors: duplication * fix crash in pkg/policy/validate/ tests and unmarshall errors for pkg/engine tests * beginning of autogen implement for validate.exclude * Autogen for validation.PodSecurity * working autogen with simple tests * change validate.PodSecurity failure response format * make codegen * fix lint errors, remove debug prints * fix tags * fix tags * fix crash when deleting pods matching validate.podSecurity rule. Only check validatePodSecurity() when it's not a delete request * Changes requested * Changes requested 2 * Changes requested 3 * Changes requested 4 * Changes requested and make codegen * fix host namespaces control * fix lint * fix codegen error * update docs/crd/v1/index.html Signed-off-by: ShutingZhao <shuting@nirmata.com> * fix path Signed-off-by: ShutingZhao <shuting@nirmata.com> * update crd schema Signed-off-by: ShutingZhao <shuting@nirmata.com> * update charts/kyverno/templates/crds.yaml Signed-off-by: ShutingZhao <shuting@nirmata.com> Signed-off-by: ShutingZhao <shuting@nirmata.com> Co-authored-by: ShutingZhao <shuting@nirmata.com>
2022-08-31 11:16:31 +02:00
# .PHONY: gen-helm-docs
.PHONY: gen-helm-docs
gen-helm-docs: ## Generate Helm docs
@docker run -v ${PWD}:/work -w /work jnorwood/helm-docs:v1.11.0 -s file
Extend Pod Security Admission (#4364) * init commit for pss Signed-off-by: ShutingZhao <shuting@nirmata.com> * add test for Volume Type control * add test for App Armor control except ExemptProfile. Fix PSS profile check in EvaluatePSS() * remove unused code, still a JMESPATH problem with app armor ExemptProfile() * test for Host Process / Host Namespaces controls * test for Privileged containers controls * test for HostPathVolume control * test for HostPorts control * test for HostPorts control * test for SELinux control * test for Proc mount type control * Set to baseline * test for Seccomp control * test for Sysctl control * test for Privilege escalation control * test for Run as non root control * test for Restricted Seccomp control * Add problems to address * add solutions to problems * Add validate rule for PSA * api.Version --> string. latest by default * Exclude all values for a restrictedField * add tests for kyverno engine * code to be used to match kyverno rule's namespace * Refacto pkg/pss * fix multiple problems: not matching containers, add contains methods, select the right container when we have the same exclude.RestrictedField for multiple containers: * EvaluatePod * Use EvaluatePod in kyverno engine * Set pod instead of container in context to use full Jmespath. e.g.: securityContext.capabilities.add --> spec.containers[*].securityContext.capabilities.add * Check if PSSCheckResult matched at least one exclude value * add tests for engine * fix engine validation test * config * update go.mod and go.sum * crds * Check validate value: add PodSecurity * exclude all restrictedFields when we only specify the controlName * ExemptProfile(): check if exclud.RestrictedField matches at least one restrictedField.path * handle containers, initContainers, ephemeralContainers when we only specify the controlName (all restrictedFields are excluded) * refacto pks/pss/evaluate.go and add pkg/engine/validation_test.go * add all controls with containers in restrictedFields as comments * add tests for capabilities and privileged containers and fix some errors * add tests for host ports control * add tests for proc mount control * add tests for privilege escalation control * add tests for capabilities control * remove comments * new algo * refacto algo, working. Add test for hostProcess control * remove unused code * fix getPodWithNotMatchingContainers(), add tests for host namespaces control * refacto ExemptProfile() * get values for a specific container. add test for SELinuxOptions control * fix allowedValues for SELinuxOptions * add tests for seccompProfile_baseline control * refacto checkContainers(), add test for seccomp control * add test for running as non root control * add some tests for runAsUser control, have to update current PSA version * add sysctls control * add allowed values for restrictedVolumes control * add some tests for appArmor, volume types controls * add tests for volume types control * add tests for hostPath volume control * finish merge conflicts and add tests for runAsUser * update charts and crds * exclude.images optional * change volume types control exclude values * add appAmor control * fix: did not match any exclude value for pod-level restrictedFields * create autogen for validate.PodSecurity * clean code, remove logs * fix sonatype lift errors * fix sonatype lift errors: duplication * fix crash in pkg/policy/validate/ tests and unmarshall errors for pkg/engine tests * beginning of autogen implement for validate.exclude * Autogen for validation.PodSecurity * working autogen with simple tests * change validate.PodSecurity failure response format * make codegen * fix lint errors, remove debug prints * fix tags * fix tags * fix crash when deleting pods matching validate.podSecurity rule. Only check validatePodSecurity() when it's not a delete request * Changes requested * Changes requested 2 * Changes requested 3 * Changes requested 4 * Changes requested and make codegen * fix host namespaces control * fix lint * fix codegen error * update docs/crd/v1/index.html Signed-off-by: ShutingZhao <shuting@nirmata.com> * fix path Signed-off-by: ShutingZhao <shuting@nirmata.com> * update crd schema Signed-off-by: ShutingZhao <shuting@nirmata.com> * update charts/kyverno/templates/crds.yaml Signed-off-by: ShutingZhao <shuting@nirmata.com> Signed-off-by: ShutingZhao <shuting@nirmata.com> Co-authored-by: ShutingZhao <shuting@nirmata.com>
2022-08-31 11:16:31 +02:00
# gen-helm-docs: $(HELM_DOCS) ## Generate Helm docs
# # @$(HELM_DOCS) -s file
# @docker run -v ${PWD}:/work -w /work jnorwood/helm-docs:v1.6.0 -s file
.PHONY: gen-helm
gen-helm: gen-helm-docs kustomize-crd ## Generate Helm charts stuff
.PHONY: verify-helm
verify-helm: gen-helm ## Check Helm charts are up to date
git --no-pager diff charts
@echo 'If this test fails, it is because the git diff is non-empty after running "make gen-helm".'
@echo 'To correct this, locally run "make gen-helm", commit the changes, and re-run tests.'
git diff --quiet --exit-code charts
# KIND #
.PHONY: kind-create-cluster
kind-create-cluster: $(KIND) ## Create kind cluster
@$(KIND) create cluster --name $(KIND_NAME) --image $(KIND_IMAGE)
.PHONY: kind-delete-cluster
kind-delete-cluster: $(KIND) ## Delete kind cluster
@$(KIND) delete cluster --name $(KIND_NAME)
.PHONY: kind-load-kyvernopre
kind-load-kyvernopre: $(KIND) ko-build-kyvernopre ## Build kyvernopre image and load it in kind cluster
@$(KIND) load docker-image --name $(KIND_NAME) $(INITC_KIND_IMAGE):$(IMAGE_TAG_DEV)
.PHONY: kind-load-kyverno
kind-load-kyverno: $(KIND) ko-build-kyverno ## Build kyverno image and load it in kind cluster
@$(KIND) load docker-image --name $(KIND_NAME) $(KYVERNO_KIND_IMAGE):$(IMAGE_TAG_DEV)
.PHONY: kind-load-all
kind-load-all: kind-load-kyvernopre kind-load-kyverno ## Build images and load them in kind cluster
.PHONY: kind-deploy-kyverno
kind-deploy-kyverno: kind-load-all ## Build images, load them in kind cluster and deploy kyverno helm chart
@helm upgrade --install kyverno --namespace kyverno --wait --create-namespace ./charts/kyverno \
--set image.repository=$(KYVERNO_KIND_IMAGE) \
--set image.tag=$(IMAGE_TAG_DEV) \
--set initImage.repository=$(INITC_KIND_IMAGE) \
--set initImage.tag=$(IMAGE_TAG_DEV) \
--set extraArgs={--autogenInternals=true}
.PHONY: kind-deploy-kyverno-policies
kind-deploy-kyverno-policies: ## Deploy kyverno-policies helm chart
@helm upgrade --install kyverno-policies --namespace kyverno --create-namespace ./charts/kyverno-policies
.PHONY: kind-deploy-all
kind-deploy-all: | kind-deploy-kyverno kind-deploy-kyverno-policies ## Build images, load them in kind cluster and deploy helm charts
# HELP #
.PHONY: help
help: ## Shows the available commands
@grep -E '^[a-zA-Z_-]+:.*?## .*$$' $(MAKEFILE_LIST) | awk 'BEGIN {FS = ":.*?## "}; {printf "\033[36m%-40s\033[0m %s\n", $$1, $$2}'