Describe the big picture of your changes here to communicate to the maintainers why we should accept this pull request.
***NOTE***: If this PR results in new or altered behavior which is user facing, you **MUST** read and follow the steps outlined in the [PR documentation guide]( and add Proof Manifests as defined below.
Read and follow the [PR documentation guide]( for more details first. This section is for pasting your YAML manifests (Kubernetes resources and Kyverno policies) and Kyverno CLI test manifests which allow maintainers to prove the intended functionality is achieved by your PR. Please use proper fenced code block formatting, for example:
# Kyverno CLI test manifest (please see docs for latest manifest format at See kyverno/policies for complete examples of all related test files.
- [ ] I have read the [PR documentation guide]( and followed the process including adding proof manifests to this PR.