checkErr(flag.Set("v","2"),"failed to init flags")
flag.BoolVar(&profilingEnabled,"profile",false,"Set this flag to 'true', to enable profiling.")
flag.StringVar(&profilingPort,"profilePort","6060","Profiling server port, defaults to '6060'.")
flag.StringVar(&profilingAddress,"profileAddress","","Profiling server address, defaults to ''.")
flag.BoolVar(&tracingEnabled,"enableTracing",false,"Set this flag to 'true', to enable tracing.")
flag.StringVar(&tracingPort,"tracingPort","4317","Tracing receiver port, defaults to '4317'.")
flag.StringVar(&tracingAddress,"tracingAddress","","Tracing receiver address, defaults to ''.")
flag.StringVar(&tracingCreds,"tracingCreds","","Set this flag to the CA secret containing the certificate which is used by our Opentelemetry Tracing Client. If empty string is set, means an insecure connection will be used")
flag.StringVar(&otel,"otelConfig","prometheus","Set this flag to 'grpc', to enable exporting metrics to an Opentelemetry Collector. The default collector is set to \"prometheus\"")
flag.StringVar(&otelCollector,"otelCollector","opentelemetrycollector.kyverno.svc.cluster.local","Set this flag to the OpenTelemetry Collector Service Address. Kyverno will try to connect to this on the metrics port.")
flag.StringVar(&transportCreds,"transportCreds","","Set this flag to the CA secret containing the certificate which is used by our Opentelemetry Metrics Client. If empty string is set, means an insecure connection will be used")
flag.StringVar(&metricsPort,"metricsPort","8000","Expose prometheus metrics at the given port, default to 8000.")
flag.BoolVar(&disableMetricsExport,"disableMetrics",false,"Set this flag to 'true' to disable metrics.")
flag.Float64Var(&clientRateLimitQPS,"clientRateLimitQPS",qps,"Configure the maximum QPS to the Kubernetes API server from Kyverno. Uses the client default if zero.")
flag.IntVar(&clientRateLimitBurst,"clientRateLimitBurst",burst,"Configure the maximum burst for throttle. Uses the client default if zero.")
flag.Float64Var(&eventsRateLimitQPS,"eventsRateLimitQPS",eventsQPS,"Configure the maximum QPS to the Kubernetes API server from Kyverno for events. Uses the client default if zero.")
flag.IntVar(&eventsRateLimitBurst,"eventsRateLimitBurst",eventsBurst,"Configure the maximum burst for throttle for events. Uses the client default if zero.")
flag.BoolVar(&enableTUF,"enableTuf",false,"enable tuf for private sigstore deployments")
flag.StringVar(&tufMirror,"tufMirror",tuf.DefaultRemoteRoot,"Alternate TUF mirror for sigstore. If left blank, public sigstore one is used for cosign verification.")
flag.StringVar(&tufRoot,"tufRoot","","Path to alternate TUF root.json for sigstore (url or env). If left blank, public sigstore one is used for cosign verification.")
flag.StringVar(&tufRootRaw,"tufRootRaw","","The raw body of alternate TUF root.json for sigstore. If left blank, public sigstore one is used for cosign verification.")
flag.BoolVar(&allowInsecureRegistry,"allowInsecureRegistry",false,"Whether to allow insecure connections to registries. Don't use this for anything but testing.")
flag.StringVar(&imagePullSecrets,"imagePullSecrets","","Secret resource names for image registry access credentials.")
flag.StringVar(®istryCredentialHelpers,"registryCredentialHelpers","","Credential helpers to enable (default,google,amazon,azure,github). No helpers are added when this flag is empty.")
flag.BoolVar(&imageVerifyCacheEnabled,"imageVerifyCacheEnabled",true,"Enable a TTL cache for verified images.")
flag.Int64Var(&imageVerifyCacheMaxSize,"imageVerifyCacheMaxSize",1000,"Maximum number of keys that can be stored in the TTL cache. Keys are a combination of policy elements along with the image reference. Default is 1000. 0 sets the value to default.")
flag.DurationVar(&imageVerifyCacheTTLDuration,"imageVerifyCacheTTLDuration",60*time.Minute,"Maximum TTL value for a cache expressed as duration. Default is 60m. 0 sets the value to default.")
flag.StringVar(&enableReporting,"enableReporting","validate,mutate,mutateExisting,generate,imageVerify","Comma separated list to enables reporting for different rule types. (validate,mutate,mutateExisting,generate,imageVerify)")