Sometimes it is necessary to vary the contents of a mutated or generated resource based on request data. To achieve this, variables can be used to reference attributes that are loaded in the rule processing context using a [JMESPATH]( notation.
The policy engine will substitute any values with the format `{{<JMESPATH>}}` with the variable value before processing the rule.
The following data is available for use in context:
- Resource: `{{request.object}}`
- UserInfo: `{{request.userInfo}}`
## Pre-defined Variables
Kyverno automatically creates a few useful variables:
-`serviceAccountName` : the "userName" which is last part of a service account i.e. without the prefix `system:serviceaccount:<namespace>:`. For example, when processing a request from `system:serviceaccount:nirmata:user1` Kyverno will store the value `user1` in the variable `serviceAccountName`.
-`serviceAccountNamespace` : the "namespace" part of the serviceAccount. For example, when processing a request from `system:serviceaccount:nirmata:user1` Kyverno will store `nirmata` in the variable `serviceAccountNamespace`.