A validation rule is expressed as an overlay pattern that expresses the desired configuration. Resource configurations must match fields and expressions defined in the pattern to pass the validation rule. The following rules are followed when processing the overlay pattern:
3. A validation pattern field with the wildcard value '*' will match zero or more alphanumeric characters. Empty values are matched. Missing fields are not matched.
5. A validation pattern field with the wildcard value '?*' will match any alphanumeric characters and requires the field to be present with non-empty values.
6. A validation pattern field with the value `null` or "" (empty string) requires that the field not be defined or has no value.
7. The validation of siblings is performed only when one of the field values matches the value defined in the pattern. You can use the parenthesis operator to explictly specify a field value that must be matched. This allows writing rules like 'if fieldA equals X, then fieldB must equal Y'.
8. Validation of child values is only performed if the parent matches the pattern.
| Conditional | () | If tag with the given value is specified, then following resource elements must satisfy the conditions.<br/>e.g. <br/><code> (image):"*:latest" <br/> imagePullPolicy: "!IfNotPresent"</code><br/> If image has tag latest then, imagePullPolicy cannot be IfNotPresent. |
| Equality | =() | if tag is specified, then it should have the provided value.<br/>e.g.<br/><code> =(hostPath):<br/> path: "!/var/lib" </code><br/> If hostPath is defined then the path cannot be /var/lib |
| Existance | ^() | It can be specified on the list/array type only. If there exists at least one resource in the list that satisfies the pattern.<br/>e.g. <br/><code> ^(containers):<br/> - image: nginx:latest </code><br/> There must exist at least one container with image nginx:latest. |
In some cases one content can be defined at a different level. For example, a security context can be defined at the Pod or Container level. The validation rule should pass if one of the conditions is met.
`anyPattern` can be used to check on at least one of condition, it is the array of pattern, and the rule will be passed if at least one pattern is true.
<small>*Note: either `pattern` or `anyPattern` is allowed in each rule, they can't be decalred in the same rule.*</small>