2019-10-23 23:19:53 -07:00
/ *
Copyright 2018 The Kubernetes Authors .
Licensed under the Apache License , Version 2.0 ( the "License" ) ;
you may not use this file except in compliance with the License .
You may obtain a copy of the License at
http : //www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing , software
distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS ,
See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
limitations under the License .
* /
package nodestatus
import (
goruntime "runtime"
cadvisorapiv1 "github.com/google/cadvisor/info/v1"
metav1 "k8s.io/apimachinery/pkg/apis/meta/v1"
utilnet "k8s.io/apimachinery/pkg/util/net"
utilfeature "k8s.io/apiserver/pkg/util/feature"
cloudprovider "k8s.io/cloud-provider"
v1helper "k8s.io/kubernetes/pkg/apis/core/v1/helper"
kubeletapis "k8s.io/kubernetes/pkg/kubelet/apis"
kubecontainer "k8s.io/kubernetes/pkg/kubelet/container"
const (
// MaxNamesPerImageInNodeStatus is max number of names
// per image stored in the node status.
MaxNamesPerImageInNodeStatus = 5
// Setter modifies the node in-place, and returns an error if the modification failed.
// Setters may partially mutate the node before returning an error.
type Setter func ( node * v1 . Node ) error
// NodeAddress returns a Setter that updates address-related information on the node.
func NodeAddress ( nodeIP net . IP , // typically Kubelet.nodeIP
validateNodeIPFunc func ( net . IP ) error , // typically Kubelet.nodeIPValidator
hostname string , // typically Kubelet.hostname
hostnameOverridden bool , // was the hostname force set?
externalCloudProvider bool , // typically Kubelet.externalCloudProvider
cloud cloudprovider . Interface , // typically Kubelet.cloud
nodeAddressesFunc func ( ) ( [ ] v1 . NodeAddress , error ) , // typically Kubelet.cloudResourceSyncManager.NodeAddresses
) Setter {
return func ( node * v1 . Node ) error {
if nodeIP != nil {
if err := validateNodeIPFunc ( nodeIP ) ; err != nil {
return fmt . Errorf ( "failed to validate nodeIP: %v" , err )
klog . V ( 2 ) . Infof ( "Using node IP: %q" , nodeIP . String ( ) )
if externalCloudProvider {
if nodeIP != nil {
if node . ObjectMeta . Annotations == nil {
node . ObjectMeta . Annotations = make ( map [ string ] string )
node . ObjectMeta . Annotations [ kubeletapis . AnnotationProvidedIPAddr ] = nodeIP . String ( )
// We rely on the external cloud provider to supply the addresses.
return nil
if cloud != nil {
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cloudNodeAddresses , err := nodeAddressesFunc ( )
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if err != nil {
return err
2019-11-12 19:02:12 -08:00
var nodeAddresses [ ] v1 . NodeAddress
// For every address supplied by the cloud provider that matches nodeIP, nodeIP is the enforced node address for
// that address Type (like InternalIP and ExternalIP), meaning other addresses of the same Type are discarded.
// See #61921 for more information: some cloud providers may supply secondary IPs, so nodeIP serves as a way to
// ensure that the correct IPs show up on a Node object.
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if nodeIP != nil {
enforcedNodeAddresses := [ ] v1 . NodeAddress { }
nodeIPTypes := make ( map [ v1 . NodeAddressType ] bool )
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for _ , nodeAddress := range cloudNodeAddresses {
2019-10-23 23:19:53 -07:00
if nodeAddress . Address == nodeIP . String ( ) {
enforcedNodeAddresses = append ( enforcedNodeAddresses , v1 . NodeAddress { Type : nodeAddress . Type , Address : nodeAddress . Address } )
nodeIPTypes [ nodeAddress . Type ] = true
2019-11-12 19:02:12 -08:00
// nodeIP must be among the addresses supplied by the cloud provider
if len ( enforcedNodeAddresses ) == 0 {
return fmt . Errorf ( "failed to get node address from cloud provider that matches ip: %v" , nodeIP )
// nodeIP was found, now use all other addresses supplied by the cloud provider NOT of the same Type as nodeIP.
for _ , nodeAddress := range cloudNodeAddresses {
if ! nodeIPTypes [ nodeAddress . Type ] {
enforcedNodeAddresses = append ( enforcedNodeAddresses , v1 . NodeAddress { Type : nodeAddress . Type , Address : nodeAddress . Address } )
2019-10-23 23:19:53 -07:00
2019-11-12 19:02:12 -08:00
nodeAddresses = enforcedNodeAddresses
} else {
// If nodeIP is unset, just use the addresses provided by the cloud provider as-is
nodeAddresses = cloudNodeAddresses
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switch {
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case len ( cloudNodeAddresses ) == 0 :
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// the cloud provider didn't specify any addresses
nodeAddresses = append ( nodeAddresses , v1 . NodeAddress { Type : v1 . NodeHostName , Address : hostname } )
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case ! hasAddressType ( cloudNodeAddresses , v1 . NodeHostName ) && hasAddressValue ( cloudNodeAddresses , hostname ) :
2019-10-23 23:19:53 -07:00
// the cloud provider didn't specify an address of type Hostname,
// but the auto-detected hostname matched an address reported by the cloud provider,
// so we can add it and count on the value being verifiable via cloud provider metadata
nodeAddresses = append ( nodeAddresses , v1 . NodeAddress { Type : v1 . NodeHostName , Address : hostname } )
case hostnameOverridden :
// the hostname was force-set via flag/config.
// this means the hostname might not be able to be validated via cloud provider metadata,
// but was a choice by the kubelet deployer we should honor
var existingHostnameAddress * v1 . NodeAddress
for i := range nodeAddresses {
if nodeAddresses [ i ] . Type == v1 . NodeHostName {
existingHostnameAddress = & nodeAddresses [ i ]
if existingHostnameAddress == nil {
// no existing Hostname address found, add it
klog . Warningf ( "adding overridden hostname of %v to cloudprovider-reported addresses" , hostname )
nodeAddresses = append ( nodeAddresses , v1 . NodeAddress { Type : v1 . NodeHostName , Address : hostname } )
} else if existingHostnameAddress . Address != hostname {
// override the Hostname address reported by the cloud provider
klog . Warningf ( "replacing cloudprovider-reported hostname of %v with overridden hostname of %v" , existingHostnameAddress . Address , hostname )
existingHostnameAddress . Address = hostname
node . Status . Addresses = nodeAddresses
} else {
var ipAddr net . IP
var err error
// 1) Use nodeIP if set
// 2) If the user has specified an IP to HostnameOverride, use it
// 3) Lookup the IP from node name by DNS and use the first valid IPv4 address.
// If the node does not have a valid IPv4 address, use the first valid IPv6 address.
// 4) Try to get the IP from the network interface used as default gateway
if nodeIP != nil {
ipAddr = nodeIP
} else if addr := net . ParseIP ( hostname ) ; addr != nil {
ipAddr = addr
} else {
var addrs [ ] net . IP
addrs , _ = net . LookupIP ( node . Name )
for _ , addr := range addrs {
if err = validateNodeIPFunc ( addr ) ; err == nil {
if addr . To4 ( ) != nil {
ipAddr = addr
if addr . To16 ( ) != nil && ipAddr == nil {
ipAddr = addr
if ipAddr == nil {
ipAddr , err = utilnet . ChooseHostInterface ( )
if ipAddr == nil {
// We tried everything we could, but the IP address wasn't fetchable; error out
return fmt . Errorf ( "can't get ip address of node %s. error: %v" , node . Name , err )
node . Status . Addresses = [ ] v1 . NodeAddress {
{ Type : v1 . NodeInternalIP , Address : ipAddr . String ( ) } ,
{ Type : v1 . NodeHostName , Address : hostname } ,
return nil
func hasAddressType ( addresses [ ] v1 . NodeAddress , addressType v1 . NodeAddressType ) bool {
for _ , address := range addresses {
if address . Type == addressType {
return true
return false
func hasAddressValue ( addresses [ ] v1 . NodeAddress , addressValue string ) bool {
for _ , address := range addresses {
if address . Address == addressValue {
return true
return false
// MachineInfo returns a Setter that updates machine-related information on the node.
func MachineInfo ( nodeName string ,
maxPods int ,
podsPerCore int ,
machineInfoFunc func ( ) ( * cadvisorapiv1 . MachineInfo , error ) , // typically Kubelet.GetCachedMachineInfo
capacityFunc func ( ) v1 . ResourceList , // typically Kubelet.containerManager.GetCapacity
devicePluginResourceCapacityFunc func ( ) ( v1 . ResourceList , v1 . ResourceList , [ ] string ) , // typically Kubelet.containerManager.GetDevicePluginResourceCapacity
nodeAllocatableReservationFunc func ( ) v1 . ResourceList , // typically Kubelet.containerManager.GetNodeAllocatableReservation
recordEventFunc func ( eventType , event , message string ) , // typically Kubelet.recordEvent
) Setter {
return func ( node * v1 . Node ) error {
// Note: avoid blindly overwriting the capacity in case opaque
// resources are being advertised.
if node . Status . Capacity == nil {
node . Status . Capacity = v1 . ResourceList { }
var devicePluginAllocatable v1 . ResourceList
var devicePluginCapacity v1 . ResourceList
var removedDevicePlugins [ ] string
// TODO: Post NotReady if we cannot get MachineInfo from cAdvisor. This needs to start
// cAdvisor locally, e.g. for test-cmd.sh, and in integration test.
info , err := machineInfoFunc ( )
if err != nil {
// TODO(roberthbailey): This is required for test-cmd.sh to pass.
// See if the test should be updated instead.
node . Status . Capacity [ v1 . ResourceCPU ] = * resource . NewMilliQuantity ( 0 , resource . DecimalSI )
node . Status . Capacity [ v1 . ResourceMemory ] = resource . MustParse ( "0Gi" )
node . Status . Capacity [ v1 . ResourcePods ] = * resource . NewQuantity ( int64 ( maxPods ) , resource . DecimalSI )
klog . Errorf ( "Error getting machine info: %v" , err )
} else {
node . Status . NodeInfo . MachineID = info . MachineID
node . Status . NodeInfo . SystemUUID = info . SystemUUID
for rName , rCap := range cadvisor . CapacityFromMachineInfo ( info ) {
node . Status . Capacity [ rName ] = rCap
if podsPerCore > 0 {
node . Status . Capacity [ v1 . ResourcePods ] = * resource . NewQuantity (
int64 ( math . Min ( float64 ( info . NumCores * podsPerCore ) , float64 ( maxPods ) ) ) , resource . DecimalSI )
} else {
node . Status . Capacity [ v1 . ResourcePods ] = * resource . NewQuantity (
int64 ( maxPods ) , resource . DecimalSI )
if node . Status . NodeInfo . BootID != "" &&
node . Status . NodeInfo . BootID != info . BootID {
// TODO: This requires a transaction, either both node status is updated
// and event is recorded or neither should happen, see issue #6055.
recordEventFunc ( v1 . EventTypeWarning , events . NodeRebooted ,
fmt . Sprintf ( "Node %s has been rebooted, boot id: %s" , nodeName , info . BootID ) )
node . Status . NodeInfo . BootID = info . BootID
if utilfeature . DefaultFeatureGate . Enabled ( features . LocalStorageCapacityIsolation ) {
// TODO: all the node resources should use ContainerManager.GetCapacity instead of deriving the
// capacity for every node status request
initialCapacity := capacityFunc ( )
if initialCapacity != nil {
if v , exists := initialCapacity [ v1 . ResourceEphemeralStorage ] ; exists {
node . Status . Capacity [ v1 . ResourceEphemeralStorage ] = v
devicePluginCapacity , devicePluginAllocatable , removedDevicePlugins = devicePluginResourceCapacityFunc ( )
if devicePluginCapacity != nil {
for k , v := range devicePluginCapacity {
if old , ok := node . Status . Capacity [ k ] ; ! ok || old . Value ( ) != v . Value ( ) {
klog . V ( 2 ) . Infof ( "Update capacity for %s to %d" , k , v . Value ( ) )
node . Status . Capacity [ k ] = v
for _ , removedResource := range removedDevicePlugins {
klog . V ( 2 ) . Infof ( "Set capacity for %s to 0 on device removal" , removedResource )
// Set the capacity of the removed resource to 0 instead of
// removing the resource from the node status. This is to indicate
// that the resource is managed by device plugin and had been
// registered before.
// This is required to differentiate the device plugin managed
// resources and the cluster-level resources, which are absent in
// node status.
node . Status . Capacity [ v1 . ResourceName ( removedResource ) ] = * resource . NewQuantity ( int64 ( 0 ) , resource . DecimalSI )
// Set Allocatable.
if node . Status . Allocatable == nil {
node . Status . Allocatable = make ( v1 . ResourceList )
// Remove extended resources from allocatable that are no longer
// present in capacity.
for k := range node . Status . Allocatable {
_ , found := node . Status . Capacity [ k ]
if ! found && v1helper . IsExtendedResourceName ( k ) {
delete ( node . Status . Allocatable , k )
allocatableReservation := nodeAllocatableReservationFunc ( )
for k , v := range node . Status . Capacity {
value := * ( v . Copy ( ) )
if res , exists := allocatableReservation [ k ] ; exists {
value . Sub ( res )
if value . Sign ( ) < 0 {
// Negative Allocatable resources don't make sense.
value . Set ( 0 )
node . Status . Allocatable [ k ] = value
if devicePluginAllocatable != nil {
for k , v := range devicePluginAllocatable {
if old , ok := node . Status . Allocatable [ k ] ; ! ok || old . Value ( ) != v . Value ( ) {
klog . V ( 2 ) . Infof ( "Update allocatable for %s to %d" , k , v . Value ( ) )
node . Status . Allocatable [ k ] = v
// for every huge page reservation, we need to remove it from allocatable memory
for k , v := range node . Status . Capacity {
if v1helper . IsHugePageResourceName ( k ) {
allocatableMemory := node . Status . Allocatable [ v1 . ResourceMemory ]
value := * ( v . Copy ( ) )
allocatableMemory . Sub ( value )
if allocatableMemory . Sign ( ) < 0 {
// Negative Allocatable resources don't make sense.
allocatableMemory . Set ( 0 )
node . Status . Allocatable [ v1 . ResourceMemory ] = allocatableMemory
return nil
// VersionInfo returns a Setter that updates version-related information on the node.
func VersionInfo ( versionInfoFunc func ( ) ( * cadvisorapiv1 . VersionInfo , error ) , // typically Kubelet.cadvisor.VersionInfo
runtimeTypeFunc func ( ) string , // typically Kubelet.containerRuntime.Type
runtimeVersionFunc func ( ) ( kubecontainer . Version , error ) , // typically Kubelet.containerRuntime.Version
) Setter {
return func ( node * v1 . Node ) error {
verinfo , err := versionInfoFunc ( )
if err != nil {
// TODO(mtaufen): consider removing this log line, since returned error will be logged
klog . Errorf ( "Error getting version info: %v" , err )
return fmt . Errorf ( "error getting version info: %v" , err )
node . Status . NodeInfo . KernelVersion = verinfo . KernelVersion
node . Status . NodeInfo . OSImage = verinfo . ContainerOsVersion
runtimeVersion := "Unknown"
if runtimeVer , err := runtimeVersionFunc ( ) ; err == nil {
runtimeVersion = runtimeVer . String ( )
node . Status . NodeInfo . ContainerRuntimeVersion = fmt . Sprintf ( "%s://%s" , runtimeTypeFunc ( ) , runtimeVersion )
node . Status . NodeInfo . KubeletVersion = version . Get ( ) . String ( )
// TODO: kube-proxy might be different version from kubelet in the future
node . Status . NodeInfo . KubeProxyVersion = version . Get ( ) . String ( )
return nil
// DaemonEndpoints returns a Setter that updates the daemon endpoints on the node.
func DaemonEndpoints ( daemonEndpoints * v1 . NodeDaemonEndpoints ) Setter {
return func ( node * v1 . Node ) error {
node . Status . DaemonEndpoints = * daemonEndpoints
return nil
// Images returns a Setter that updates the images on the node.
// imageListFunc is expected to return a list of images sorted in descending order by image size.
// nodeStatusMaxImages is ignored if set to -1.
func Images ( nodeStatusMaxImages int32 ,
imageListFunc func ( ) ( [ ] kubecontainer . Image , error ) , // typically Kubelet.imageManager.GetImageList
) Setter {
return func ( node * v1 . Node ) error {
// Update image list of this node
var imagesOnNode [ ] v1 . ContainerImage
containerImages , err := imageListFunc ( )
if err != nil {
// TODO(mtaufen): consider removing this log line, since returned error will be logged
klog . Errorf ( "Error getting image list: %v" , err )
node . Status . Images = imagesOnNode
return fmt . Errorf ( "error getting image list: %v" , err )
// we expect imageListFunc to return a sorted list, so we just need to truncate
if int ( nodeStatusMaxImages ) > - 1 &&
int ( nodeStatusMaxImages ) < len ( containerImages ) {
containerImages = containerImages [ 0 : nodeStatusMaxImages ]
for _ , image := range containerImages {
names := append ( image . RepoDigests , image . RepoTags ... )
// Report up to MaxNamesPerImageInNodeStatus names per image.
if len ( names ) > MaxNamesPerImageInNodeStatus {
names = names [ 0 : MaxNamesPerImageInNodeStatus ]
imagesOnNode = append ( imagesOnNode , v1 . ContainerImage {
Names : names ,
SizeBytes : image . Size ,
} )
node . Status . Images = imagesOnNode
return nil
// GoRuntime returns a Setter that sets GOOS and GOARCH on the node.
func GoRuntime ( ) Setter {
return func ( node * v1 . Node ) error {
node . Status . NodeInfo . OperatingSystem = goruntime . GOOS
node . Status . NodeInfo . Architecture = goruntime . GOARCH
return nil
// ReadyCondition returns a Setter that updates the v1.NodeReady condition on the node.
func ReadyCondition (
nowFunc func ( ) time . Time , // typically Kubelet.clock.Now
runtimeErrorsFunc func ( ) error , // typically Kubelet.runtimeState.runtimeErrors
networkErrorsFunc func ( ) error , // typically Kubelet.runtimeState.networkErrors
storageErrorsFunc func ( ) error , // typically Kubelet.runtimeState.storageErrors
appArmorValidateHostFunc func ( ) error , // typically Kubelet.appArmorValidator.ValidateHost, might be nil depending on whether there was an appArmorValidator
cmStatusFunc func ( ) cm . Status , // typically Kubelet.containerManager.Status
recordEventFunc func ( eventType , event string ) , // typically Kubelet.recordNodeStatusEvent
) Setter {
return func ( node * v1 . Node ) error {
// NOTE(aaronlevy): NodeReady condition needs to be the last in the list of node conditions.
// This is due to an issue with version skewed kubelet and master components.
// ref: https://github.com/kubernetes/kubernetes/issues/16961
currentTime := metav1 . NewTime ( nowFunc ( ) )
newNodeReadyCondition := v1 . NodeCondition {
Type : v1 . NodeReady ,
Status : v1 . ConditionTrue ,
Reason : "KubeletReady" ,
Message : "kubelet is posting ready status" ,
LastHeartbeatTime : currentTime ,
errs := [ ] error { runtimeErrorsFunc ( ) , networkErrorsFunc ( ) , storageErrorsFunc ( ) }
requiredCapacities := [ ] v1 . ResourceName { v1 . ResourceCPU , v1 . ResourceMemory , v1 . ResourcePods }
if utilfeature . DefaultFeatureGate . Enabled ( features . LocalStorageCapacityIsolation ) {
requiredCapacities = append ( requiredCapacities , v1 . ResourceEphemeralStorage )
missingCapacities := [ ] string { }
for _ , resource := range requiredCapacities {
if _ , found := node . Status . Capacity [ resource ] ; ! found {
missingCapacities = append ( missingCapacities , string ( resource ) )
if len ( missingCapacities ) > 0 {
errs = append ( errs , fmt . Errorf ( "Missing node capacity for resources: %s" , strings . Join ( missingCapacities , ", " ) ) )
if aggregatedErr := errors . NewAggregate ( errs ) ; aggregatedErr != nil {
newNodeReadyCondition = v1 . NodeCondition {
Type : v1 . NodeReady ,
Status : v1 . ConditionFalse ,
Reason : "KubeletNotReady" ,
Message : aggregatedErr . Error ( ) ,
LastHeartbeatTime : currentTime ,
// Append AppArmor status if it's enabled.
// TODO(tallclair): This is a temporary message until node feature reporting is added.
if appArmorValidateHostFunc != nil && newNodeReadyCondition . Status == v1 . ConditionTrue {
if err := appArmorValidateHostFunc ( ) ; err == nil {
newNodeReadyCondition . Message = fmt . Sprintf ( "%s. AppArmor enabled" , newNodeReadyCondition . Message )
// Record any soft requirements that were not met in the container manager.
status := cmStatusFunc ( )
if status . SoftRequirements != nil {
newNodeReadyCondition . Message = fmt . Sprintf ( "%s. WARNING: %s" , newNodeReadyCondition . Message , status . SoftRequirements . Error ( ) )
readyConditionUpdated := false
needToRecordEvent := false
for i := range node . Status . Conditions {
if node . Status . Conditions [ i ] . Type == v1 . NodeReady {
if node . Status . Conditions [ i ] . Status == newNodeReadyCondition . Status {
newNodeReadyCondition . LastTransitionTime = node . Status . Conditions [ i ] . LastTransitionTime
} else {
newNodeReadyCondition . LastTransitionTime = currentTime
needToRecordEvent = true
node . Status . Conditions [ i ] = newNodeReadyCondition
readyConditionUpdated = true
if ! readyConditionUpdated {
newNodeReadyCondition . LastTransitionTime = currentTime
node . Status . Conditions = append ( node . Status . Conditions , newNodeReadyCondition )
if needToRecordEvent {
if newNodeReadyCondition . Status == v1 . ConditionTrue {
recordEventFunc ( v1 . EventTypeNormal , events . NodeReady )
} else {
recordEventFunc ( v1 . EventTypeNormal , events . NodeNotReady )
klog . Infof ( "Node became not ready: %+v" , newNodeReadyCondition )
return nil
// MemoryPressureCondition returns a Setter that updates the v1.NodeMemoryPressure condition on the node.
func MemoryPressureCondition ( nowFunc func ( ) time . Time , // typically Kubelet.clock.Now
pressureFunc func ( ) bool , // typically Kubelet.evictionManager.IsUnderMemoryPressure
recordEventFunc func ( eventType , event string ) , // typically Kubelet.recordNodeStatusEvent
) Setter {
return func ( node * v1 . Node ) error {
currentTime := metav1 . NewTime ( nowFunc ( ) )
var condition * v1 . NodeCondition
// Check if NodeMemoryPressure condition already exists and if it does, just pick it up for update.
for i := range node . Status . Conditions {
if node . Status . Conditions [ i ] . Type == v1 . NodeMemoryPressure {
condition = & node . Status . Conditions [ i ]
newCondition := false
// If the NodeMemoryPressure condition doesn't exist, create one
if condition == nil {
condition = & v1 . NodeCondition {
Type : v1 . NodeMemoryPressure ,
Status : v1 . ConditionUnknown ,
// cannot be appended to node.Status.Conditions here because it gets
// copied to the slice. So if we append to the slice here none of the
// updates we make below are reflected in the slice.
newCondition = true
// Update the heartbeat time
condition . LastHeartbeatTime = currentTime
// Note: The conditions below take care of the case when a new NodeMemoryPressure condition is
// created and as well as the case when the condition already exists. When a new condition
// is created its status is set to v1.ConditionUnknown which matches either
// condition.Status != v1.ConditionTrue or
// condition.Status != v1.ConditionFalse in the conditions below depending on whether
// the kubelet is under memory pressure or not.
if pressureFunc ( ) {
if condition . Status != v1 . ConditionTrue {
condition . Status = v1 . ConditionTrue
condition . Reason = "KubeletHasInsufficientMemory"
condition . Message = "kubelet has insufficient memory available"
condition . LastTransitionTime = currentTime
recordEventFunc ( v1 . EventTypeNormal , "NodeHasInsufficientMemory" )
} else if condition . Status != v1 . ConditionFalse {
condition . Status = v1 . ConditionFalse
condition . Reason = "KubeletHasSufficientMemory"
condition . Message = "kubelet has sufficient memory available"
condition . LastTransitionTime = currentTime
recordEventFunc ( v1 . EventTypeNormal , "NodeHasSufficientMemory" )
if newCondition {
node . Status . Conditions = append ( node . Status . Conditions , * condition )
return nil
// PIDPressureCondition returns a Setter that updates the v1.NodePIDPressure condition on the node.
func PIDPressureCondition ( nowFunc func ( ) time . Time , // typically Kubelet.clock.Now
pressureFunc func ( ) bool , // typically Kubelet.evictionManager.IsUnderPIDPressure
recordEventFunc func ( eventType , event string ) , // typically Kubelet.recordNodeStatusEvent
) Setter {
return func ( node * v1 . Node ) error {
currentTime := metav1 . NewTime ( nowFunc ( ) )
var condition * v1 . NodeCondition
// Check if NodePIDPressure condition already exists and if it does, just pick it up for update.
for i := range node . Status . Conditions {
if node . Status . Conditions [ i ] . Type == v1 . NodePIDPressure {
condition = & node . Status . Conditions [ i ]
newCondition := false
// If the NodePIDPressure condition doesn't exist, create one
if condition == nil {
condition = & v1 . NodeCondition {
Type : v1 . NodePIDPressure ,
Status : v1 . ConditionUnknown ,
// cannot be appended to node.Status.Conditions here because it gets
// copied to the slice. So if we append to the slice here none of the
// updates we make below are reflected in the slice.
newCondition = true
// Update the heartbeat time
condition . LastHeartbeatTime = currentTime
// Note: The conditions below take care of the case when a new NodePIDPressure condition is
// created and as well as the case when the condition already exists. When a new condition
// is created its status is set to v1.ConditionUnknown which matches either
// condition.Status != v1.ConditionTrue or
// condition.Status != v1.ConditionFalse in the conditions below depending on whether
// the kubelet is under PID pressure or not.
if pressureFunc ( ) {
if condition . Status != v1 . ConditionTrue {
condition . Status = v1 . ConditionTrue
condition . Reason = "KubeletHasInsufficientPID"
condition . Message = "kubelet has insufficient PID available"
condition . LastTransitionTime = currentTime
recordEventFunc ( v1 . EventTypeNormal , "NodeHasInsufficientPID" )
} else if condition . Status != v1 . ConditionFalse {
condition . Status = v1 . ConditionFalse
condition . Reason = "KubeletHasSufficientPID"
condition . Message = "kubelet has sufficient PID available"
condition . LastTransitionTime = currentTime
recordEventFunc ( v1 . EventTypeNormal , "NodeHasSufficientPID" )
if newCondition {
node . Status . Conditions = append ( node . Status . Conditions , * condition )
return nil
// DiskPressureCondition returns a Setter that updates the v1.NodeDiskPressure condition on the node.
func DiskPressureCondition ( nowFunc func ( ) time . Time , // typically Kubelet.clock.Now
pressureFunc func ( ) bool , // typically Kubelet.evictionManager.IsUnderDiskPressure
recordEventFunc func ( eventType , event string ) , // typically Kubelet.recordNodeStatusEvent
) Setter {
return func ( node * v1 . Node ) error {
currentTime := metav1 . NewTime ( nowFunc ( ) )
var condition * v1 . NodeCondition
// Check if NodeDiskPressure condition already exists and if it does, just pick it up for update.
for i := range node . Status . Conditions {
if node . Status . Conditions [ i ] . Type == v1 . NodeDiskPressure {
condition = & node . Status . Conditions [ i ]
newCondition := false
// If the NodeDiskPressure condition doesn't exist, create one
if condition == nil {
condition = & v1 . NodeCondition {
Type : v1 . NodeDiskPressure ,
Status : v1 . ConditionUnknown ,
// cannot be appended to node.Status.Conditions here because it gets
// copied to the slice. So if we append to the slice here none of the
// updates we make below are reflected in the slice.
newCondition = true
// Update the heartbeat time
condition . LastHeartbeatTime = currentTime
// Note: The conditions below take care of the case when a new NodeDiskPressure condition is
// created and as well as the case when the condition already exists. When a new condition
// is created its status is set to v1.ConditionUnknown which matches either
// condition.Status != v1.ConditionTrue or
// condition.Status != v1.ConditionFalse in the conditions below depending on whether
// the kubelet is under disk pressure or not.
if pressureFunc ( ) {
if condition . Status != v1 . ConditionTrue {
condition . Status = v1 . ConditionTrue
condition . Reason = "KubeletHasDiskPressure"
condition . Message = "kubelet has disk pressure"
condition . LastTransitionTime = currentTime
recordEventFunc ( v1 . EventTypeNormal , "NodeHasDiskPressure" )
} else if condition . Status != v1 . ConditionFalse {
condition . Status = v1 . ConditionFalse
condition . Reason = "KubeletHasNoDiskPressure"
condition . Message = "kubelet has no disk pressure"
condition . LastTransitionTime = currentTime
recordEventFunc ( v1 . EventTypeNormal , "NodeHasNoDiskPressure" )
if newCondition {
node . Status . Conditions = append ( node . Status . Conditions , * condition )
return nil
// VolumesInUse returns a Setter that updates the volumes in use on the node.
func VolumesInUse ( syncedFunc func ( ) bool , // typically Kubelet.volumeManager.ReconcilerStatesHasBeenSynced
volumesInUseFunc func ( ) [ ] v1 . UniqueVolumeName , // typically Kubelet.volumeManager.GetVolumesInUse
) Setter {
return func ( node * v1 . Node ) error {
// Make sure to only update node status after reconciler starts syncing up states
if syncedFunc ( ) {
node . Status . VolumesInUse = volumesInUseFunc ( )
return nil
// VolumeLimits returns a Setter that updates the volume limits on the node.
func VolumeLimits ( volumePluginListFunc func ( ) [ ] volume . VolumePluginWithAttachLimits , // typically Kubelet.volumePluginMgr.ListVolumePluginWithLimits
) Setter {
return func ( node * v1 . Node ) error {
if node . Status . Capacity == nil {
node . Status . Capacity = v1 . ResourceList { }
if node . Status . Allocatable == nil {
node . Status . Allocatable = v1 . ResourceList { }
pluginWithLimits := volumePluginListFunc ( )
for _ , volumePlugin := range pluginWithLimits {
attachLimits , err := volumePlugin . GetVolumeLimits ( )
if err != nil {
klog . V ( 4 ) . Infof ( "Error getting volume limit for plugin %s" , volumePlugin . GetPluginName ( ) )
for limitKey , value := range attachLimits {
node . Status . Capacity [ v1 . ResourceName ( limitKey ) ] = * resource . NewQuantity ( value , resource . DecimalSI )
node . Status . Allocatable [ v1 . ResourceName ( limitKey ) ] = * resource . NewQuantity ( value , resource . DecimalSI )
return nil
// RemoveOutOfDiskCondition removes stale OutOfDisk condition
// OutOfDisk condition has been removed from kubelet in 1.12
func RemoveOutOfDiskCondition ( ) Setter {
return func ( node * v1 . Node ) error {
var conditions [ ] v1 . NodeCondition
for i := range node . Status . Conditions {
if node . Status . Conditions [ i ] . Type != v1 . NodeOutOfDisk {
conditions = append ( conditions , node . Status . Conditions [ i ] )
node . Status . Conditions = conditions
return nil