This chart contains Kyverno's implementation of the Kubernetes Pod Security Standards (PSS) as documented at and are a Helm packaged version of those found at The goal of the PSS controls is to provide a good starting point for general Kubernetes cluster operational security. These controls are broken down into two categories, Baseline and Restricted. Baseline policies implement the most basic of Pod security controls while Restricted implements more strict controls. Restricted is cumulative and encompasses those listed in Baseline.
The following policies are included in each profile.
* disallow-capabilities
* disallow-host-namespaces
* disallow-host-path
* disallow-host-ports
* disallow-host-process
* disallow-privileged-containers
* disallow-proc-mount
* disallow-selinux
* restrict-apparmor-profiles
* restrict-seccomp
* restrict-sysctls
* disallow-capabilities-strict
* disallow-privilege-escalation
* require-run-as-non-root-user
* require-run-as-nonroot
* restrict-seccomp-strict
* restrict-volume-types
An additional policy "require-non-root-groups" is included in an `other` group as this was previously included in the official PSS controls but since removed.
For the latest version of these PSS policies, always refer to the kyverno/policies repo at
## TL;DR Instructions
These PSS policies presently have a minimum requirement of Kyverno 1.6.0.
| `podSecurityStandard` | set desired pod security level `privileged`, `baseline`, `restricted`, `custom`. Set to `restricted` for maximum security for your cluster. See: | `baseline` |
| `podSecuritySeverity` | set desired pod security severity `low`, `medium`, `high`. Used severity level in PolicyReportResults for the selected pod security policies. | `medium` |
| `podSecurityPolicies` | Policies to include when `podSecurityStandard` is set to `custom` | `[]` |
| `validationFailureAction` | set to get response in failed validation check. Supported values are `audit` and `enforce`. See: | `audit` |
| `validationFailureActionOverrides` | Set validate failure action overrides to either all policies or select policies. See: | `{}` |