2019-05-22 20:33:19 -07:00
/ *
Copyright 2016 The Kubernetes Authors .
Licensed under the Apache License , Version 2.0 ( the "License" ) ;
you may not use this file except in compliance with the License .
You may obtain a copy of the License at
http : //www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing , software
distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS ,
See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
limitations under the License .
* /
package builder
import (
restful "github.com/emicklei/go-restful"
const (
OpenAPIVersion = "2.0"
type openAPI struct {
config * common . Config
swagger * spec . Swagger
protocolList [ ] string
definitions map [ string ] common . OpenAPIDefinition
// BuildOpenAPISpec builds OpenAPI spec given a list of webservices (containing routes) and common.Config to customize it.
func BuildOpenAPISpec ( webServices [ ] * restful . WebService , config * common . Config ) ( * spec . Swagger , error ) {
o := newOpenAPI ( config )
err := o . buildPaths ( webServices )
if err != nil {
return nil , err
return o . finalizeSwagger ( )
// BuildOpenAPIDefinitionsForResource builds a partial OpenAPI spec given a sample object and common.Config to customize it.
func BuildOpenAPIDefinitionsForResource ( model interface { } , config * common . Config ) ( * spec . Definitions , error ) {
o := newOpenAPI ( config )
// We can discard the return value of toSchema because all we care about is the side effect of calling it.
// All the models created for this resource get added to o.swagger.Definitions
_ , err := o . toSchema ( util . GetCanonicalTypeName ( model ) )
if err != nil {
return nil , err
swagger , err := o . finalizeSwagger ( )
if err != nil {
return nil , err
return & swagger . Definitions , nil
// BuildOpenAPIDefinitionsForResources returns the OpenAPI spec which includes the definitions for the
// passed type names.
func BuildOpenAPIDefinitionsForResources ( config * common . Config , names ... string ) ( * spec . Swagger , error ) {
o := newOpenAPI ( config )
// We can discard the return value of toSchema because all we care about is the side effect of calling it.
// All the models created for this resource get added to o.swagger.Definitions
for _ , name := range names {
_ , err := o . toSchema ( name )
if err != nil {
return nil , err
return o . finalizeSwagger ( )
// newOpenAPI sets up the openAPI object so we can build the spec.
func newOpenAPI ( config * common . Config ) openAPI {
o := openAPI {
config : config ,
swagger : & spec . Swagger {
SwaggerProps : spec . SwaggerProps {
Swagger : OpenAPIVersion ,
Definitions : spec . Definitions { } ,
Responses : config . ResponseDefinitions ,
Paths : & spec . Paths { Paths : map [ string ] spec . PathItem { } } ,
Info : config . Info ,
} ,
} ,
if o . config . GetOperationIDAndTags == nil {
o . config . GetOperationIDAndTags = func ( r * restful . Route ) ( string , [ ] string , error ) {
return r . Operation , nil , nil
if o . config . GetDefinitionName == nil {
o . config . GetDefinitionName = func ( name string ) ( string , spec . Extensions ) {
return name [ strings . LastIndex ( name , "/" ) + 1 : ] , nil
o . definitions = o . config . GetDefinitions ( func ( name string ) spec . Ref {
defName , _ := o . config . GetDefinitionName ( name )
return spec . MustCreateRef ( "#/definitions/" + common . EscapeJsonPointer ( defName ) )
} )
if o . config . CommonResponses == nil {
o . config . CommonResponses = map [ int ] spec . Response { }
return o
// finalizeSwagger is called after the spec is built and returns the final spec.
// NOTE: finalizeSwagger also make changes to the final spec, as specified in the config.
func ( o * openAPI ) finalizeSwagger ( ) ( * spec . Swagger , error ) {
if o . config . SecurityDefinitions != nil {
o . swagger . SecurityDefinitions = * o . config . SecurityDefinitions
o . swagger . Security = o . config . DefaultSecurity
if o . config . PostProcessSpec != nil {
var err error
o . swagger , err = o . config . PostProcessSpec ( o . swagger )
if err != nil {
return nil , err
return o . swagger , nil
func ( o * openAPI ) buildDefinitionRecursively ( name string ) error {
uniqueName , extensions := o . config . GetDefinitionName ( name )
if _ , ok := o . swagger . Definitions [ uniqueName ] ; ok {
return nil
if item , ok := o . definitions [ name ] ; ok {
schema := spec . Schema {
VendorExtensible : item . Schema . VendorExtensible ,
SchemaProps : item . Schema . SchemaProps ,
SwaggerSchemaProps : item . Schema . SwaggerSchemaProps ,
if extensions != nil {
if schema . Extensions == nil {
schema . Extensions = spec . Extensions { }
for k , v := range extensions {
schema . Extensions [ k ] = v
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if v , ok := item . Schema . Extensions [ common . ExtensionV2Schema ] ; ok {
if v2Schema , isOpenAPISchema := v . ( spec . Schema ) ; isOpenAPISchema {
schema = v2Schema
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o . swagger . Definitions [ uniqueName ] = schema
for _ , v := range item . Dependencies {
if err := o . buildDefinitionRecursively ( v ) ; err != nil {
return err
} else {
return fmt . Errorf ( "cannot find model definition for %v. If you added a new type, you may need to add +k8s:openapi-gen=true to the package or type and run code-gen again" , name )
return nil
// buildDefinitionForType build a definition for a given type and return a referable name to its definition.
// This is the main function that keep track of definitions used in this spec and is depend on code generated
// by k8s.io/kubernetes/cmd/libs/go2idl/openapi-gen.
func ( o * openAPI ) buildDefinitionForType ( name string ) ( string , error ) {
if err := o . buildDefinitionRecursively ( name ) ; err != nil {
return "" , err
defName , _ := o . config . GetDefinitionName ( name )
return "#/definitions/" + common . EscapeJsonPointer ( defName ) , nil
// buildPaths builds OpenAPI paths using go-restful's web services.
func ( o * openAPI ) buildPaths ( webServices [ ] * restful . WebService ) error {
pathsToIgnore := util . NewTrie ( o . config . IgnorePrefixes )
duplicateOpId := make ( map [ string ] string )
for _ , w := range webServices {
rootPath := w . RootPath ( )
if pathsToIgnore . HasPrefix ( rootPath ) {
commonParams , err := o . buildParameters ( w . PathParameters ( ) )
if err != nil {
return err
for path , routes := range groupRoutesByPath ( w . Routes ( ) ) {
// go-swagger has special variable definition {$NAME:*} that can only be
// used at the end of the path and it is not recognized by OpenAPI.
if strings . HasSuffix ( path , ":*}" ) {
path = path [ : len ( path ) - 3 ] + "}"
if pathsToIgnore . HasPrefix ( path ) {
// Aggregating common parameters make API spec (and generated clients) simpler
inPathCommonParamsMap , err := o . findCommonParameters ( routes )
if err != nil {
return err
pathItem , exists := o . swagger . Paths . Paths [ path ]
if exists {
return fmt . Errorf ( "duplicate webservice route has been found for path: %v" , path )
pathItem = spec . PathItem {
PathItemProps : spec . PathItemProps {
Parameters : make ( [ ] spec . Parameter , 0 ) ,
} ,
// add web services's parameters as well as any parameters appears in all ops, as common parameters
pathItem . Parameters = append ( pathItem . Parameters , commonParams ... )
for _ , p := range inPathCommonParamsMap {
pathItem . Parameters = append ( pathItem . Parameters , p )
sortParameters ( pathItem . Parameters )
for _ , route := range routes {
op , err := o . buildOperations ( route , inPathCommonParamsMap )
sortParameters ( op . Parameters )
if err != nil {
return err
dpath , exists := duplicateOpId [ op . ID ]
if exists {
return fmt . Errorf ( "duplicate Operation ID %v for path %v and %v" , op . ID , dpath , path )
} else {
duplicateOpId [ op . ID ] = path
switch strings . ToUpper ( route . Method ) {
case "GET" :
pathItem . Get = op
case "POST" :
pathItem . Post = op
case "HEAD" :
pathItem . Head = op
case "PUT" :
pathItem . Put = op
case "DELETE" :
pathItem . Delete = op
case "OPTIONS" :
pathItem . Options = op
case "PATCH" :
pathItem . Patch = op
o . swagger . Paths . Paths [ path ] = pathItem
return nil
// buildOperations builds operations for each webservice path
func ( o * openAPI ) buildOperations ( route restful . Route , inPathCommonParamsMap map [ interface { } ] spec . Parameter ) ( ret * spec . Operation , err error ) {
ret = & spec . Operation {
OperationProps : spec . OperationProps {
Description : route . Doc ,
Consumes : route . Consumes ,
Produces : route . Produces ,
Schemes : o . config . ProtocolList ,
Responses : & spec . Responses {
ResponsesProps : spec . ResponsesProps {
StatusCodeResponses : make ( map [ int ] spec . Response ) ,
} ,
} ,
} ,
for k , v := range route . Metadata {
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if strings . HasPrefix ( k , common . ExtensionPrefix ) {
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if ret . Extensions == nil {
ret . Extensions = spec . Extensions { }
ret . Extensions . Add ( k , v )
if ret . ID , ret . Tags , err = o . config . GetOperationIDAndTags ( & route ) ; err != nil {
return ret , err
// Build responses
for _ , resp := range route . ResponseErrors {
ret . Responses . StatusCodeResponses [ resp . Code ] , err = o . buildResponse ( resp . Model , resp . Message )
if err != nil {
return ret , err
// If there is no response but a write sample, assume that write sample is an http.StatusOK response.
if len ( ret . Responses . StatusCodeResponses ) == 0 && route . WriteSample != nil {
ret . Responses . StatusCodeResponses [ http . StatusOK ] , err = o . buildResponse ( route . WriteSample , "OK" )
if err != nil {
return ret , err
for code , resp := range o . config . CommonResponses {
if _ , exists := ret . Responses . StatusCodeResponses [ code ] ; ! exists {
ret . Responses . StatusCodeResponses [ code ] = resp
// If there is still no response, use default response provided.
if len ( ret . Responses . StatusCodeResponses ) == 0 {
ret . Responses . Default = o . config . DefaultResponse
// Build non-common Parameters
ret . Parameters = make ( [ ] spec . Parameter , 0 )
for _ , param := range route . ParameterDocs {
if _ , isCommon := inPathCommonParamsMap [ mapKeyFromParam ( param ) ] ; ! isCommon {
openAPIParam , err := o . buildParameter ( param . Data ( ) , route . ReadSample )
if err != nil {
return ret , err
ret . Parameters = append ( ret . Parameters , openAPIParam )
return ret , nil
func ( o * openAPI ) buildResponse ( model interface { } , description string ) ( spec . Response , error ) {
schema , err := o . toSchema ( util . GetCanonicalTypeName ( model ) )
if err != nil {
return spec . Response { } , err
return spec . Response {
ResponseProps : spec . ResponseProps {
Description : description ,
Schema : schema ,
} ,
} , nil
func ( o * openAPI ) findCommonParameters ( routes [ ] restful . Route ) ( map [ interface { } ] spec . Parameter , error ) {
commonParamsMap := make ( map [ interface { } ] spec . Parameter , 0 )
paramOpsCountByName := make ( map [ interface { } ] int , 0 )
paramNameKindToDataMap := make ( map [ interface { } ] restful . ParameterData , 0 )
for _ , route := range routes {
routeParamDuplicateMap := make ( map [ interface { } ] bool )
s := ""
for _ , param := range route . ParameterDocs {
m , _ := json . Marshal ( param . Data ( ) )
s += string ( m ) + "\n"
key := mapKeyFromParam ( param )
if routeParamDuplicateMap [ key ] {
msg , _ := json . Marshal ( route . ParameterDocs )
return commonParamsMap , fmt . Errorf ( "duplicate parameter %v for route %v, %v" , param . Data ( ) . Name , string ( msg ) , s )
routeParamDuplicateMap [ key ] = true
paramOpsCountByName [ key ] ++
paramNameKindToDataMap [ key ] = param . Data ( )
for key , count := range paramOpsCountByName {
paramData := paramNameKindToDataMap [ key ]
if count == len ( routes ) && paramData . Kind != restful . BodyParameterKind {
openAPIParam , err := o . buildParameter ( paramData , nil )
if err != nil {
return commonParamsMap , err
commonParamsMap [ key ] = openAPIParam
return commonParamsMap , nil
func ( o * openAPI ) toSchema ( name string ) ( _ * spec . Schema , err error ) {
if openAPIType , openAPIFormat := common . GetOpenAPITypeFormat ( name ) ; openAPIType != "" {
return & spec . Schema {
SchemaProps : spec . SchemaProps {
Type : [ ] string { openAPIType } ,
Format : openAPIFormat ,
} ,
} , nil
} else {
ref , err := o . buildDefinitionForType ( name )
if err != nil {
return nil , err
return & spec . Schema {
SchemaProps : spec . SchemaProps {
Ref : spec . MustCreateRef ( ref ) ,
} ,
} , nil
func ( o * openAPI ) buildParameter ( restParam restful . ParameterData , bodySample interface { } ) ( ret spec . Parameter , err error ) {
ret = spec . Parameter {
ParamProps : spec . ParamProps {
Name : restParam . Name ,
Description : restParam . Description ,
Required : restParam . Required ,
} ,
switch restParam . Kind {
case restful . BodyParameterKind :
if bodySample != nil {
ret . In = "body"
ret . Schema , err = o . toSchema ( util . GetCanonicalTypeName ( bodySample ) )
return ret , err
} else {
// There is not enough information in the body parameter to build the definition.
// Body parameter has a data type that is a short name but we need full package name
// of the type to create a definition.
return ret , fmt . Errorf ( "restful body parameters are not supported: %v" , restParam . DataType )
case restful . PathParameterKind :
ret . In = "path"
if ! restParam . Required {
return ret , fmt . Errorf ( "path parameters should be marked at required for parameter %v" , restParam )
case restful . QueryParameterKind :
ret . In = "query"
case restful . HeaderParameterKind :
ret . In = "header"
case restful . FormParameterKind :
ret . In = "formData"
default :
return ret , fmt . Errorf ( "unknown restful operation kind : %v" , restParam . Kind )
openAPIType , openAPIFormat := common . GetOpenAPITypeFormat ( restParam . DataType )
if openAPIType == "" {
return ret , fmt . Errorf ( "non-body Restful parameter type should be a simple type, but got : %v" , restParam . DataType )
ret . Type = openAPIType
ret . Format = openAPIFormat
ret . UniqueItems = ! restParam . AllowMultiple
return ret , nil
func ( o * openAPI ) buildParameters ( restParam [ ] * restful . Parameter ) ( ret [ ] spec . Parameter , err error ) {
ret = make ( [ ] spec . Parameter , len ( restParam ) )
for i , v := range restParam {
ret [ i ] , err = o . buildParameter ( v . Data ( ) , nil )
if err != nil {
return ret , err
return ret , nil