2021-06-24 03:16:49 +06:00
package e2e
import (
. "github.com/onsi/ginkgo"
. "github.com/onsi/gomega"
2023-04-03 17:10:47 +05:30
2021-06-24 03:16:49 +06:00
var (
// Namespace GVR
2022-12-22 00:12:08 +08:00
nsGVR = GetGVR("", "v1", "namespaces")
2021-06-24 03:16:49 +06:00
// Chaos service account GVR
2022-12-22 00:12:08 +08:00
saGVR = GetGVR("", "v1", "serviceaccounts")
2021-06-24 03:16:49 +06:00
// Role GVR
2022-12-22 00:12:08 +08:00
rGVR = GetGVR("rbac.authorization.k8s.io", "v1", "roles")
2021-06-24 03:16:49 +06:00
// RoleBinding GVR
2022-12-22 00:12:08 +08:00
rbGVR = GetGVR("rbac.authorization.k8s.io", "v1", "rolebindings")
2021-06-24 03:16:49 +06:00
// PodCPUHogExperiment GVR
2022-12-22 00:12:08 +08:00
cpuGVR = GetGVR("litmuschaos.io", "v1alpha1", "chaosexperiments")
2021-06-24 03:16:49 +06:00
// ChaosEngine GVR
2022-12-22 00:12:08 +08:00
ceGVR = GetGVR("litmuschaos.io", "v1alpha1", "chaosengines")
2021-06-24 03:16:49 +06:00
// Chaos Result GVR
2022-12-22 00:12:08 +08:00
crGVR = GetGVR("litmuschaos.io", "v1alpha1", "chaosresults")
2021-06-24 03:16:49 +06:00
// Cluster Policy GVR
2022-12-22 00:12:08 +08:00
clPolGVR = GetGVR("kyverno.io", "v1", "clusterpolicies")
2021-06-24 03:16:49 +06:00
// Kyverno disallow_cri_sock_mount Policy GVR
2022-12-22 00:12:08 +08:00
dcsmPolGVR = GetGVR("", "v1", "pods")
2021-06-24 03:16:49 +06:00
// ClusterPolicy Namespace
clPolNS = ""
// Namespace Name
// Hardcoded in YAML Definition
nspace = "test-litmus"
func Test_Pod_CPU_Hog(t *testing.T) {
if os.Getenv("E2E") == "" {
t.Skip("Skipping E2E Test")
// Generate E2E Client
2022-12-22 00:12:08 +08:00
e2eClient, err := NewE2EClient()
2021-06-24 03:16:49 +06:00
for _, resource := range PodCPUHogTest.TestData {
// CleanUp Resources
By(fmt.Sprintf("Cleaning Cluster Policies in %s", nspace))
e2eClient.CleanClusterPolicies(clPolGVR) //Clean Cluster Policy
By(fmt.Sprintf("Deleting Namespace : %s", nspace))
e2eClient.DeleteClusteredResource(nsGVR, nspace) // Clear Namespace
e2eClient.DeleteNamespacedResource(dcsmPolGVR, nspace, resource.testResourceName)
2022-12-22 00:12:08 +08:00
GetWithRetry(1*time.Second, 15, func() error { // Wait Till Deletion of Namespace
2021-06-24 03:16:49 +06:00
_, err := e2eClient.GetClusteredResource(nsGVR, nspace)
if err != nil {
return nil
return errors.New("Deleting Namespace")
// Create Namespace
By(fmt.Sprintf("Creating Namespace %s", saGVR))
_, err = e2eClient.CreateClusteredResourceYaml(nsGVR, LitmusChaosnamespaceYaml)
2022-12-22 00:12:08 +08:00
GetWithRetry(1*time.Second, 15, func() error { // Wait Till Creation of Namespace
2021-06-24 03:16:49 +06:00
_, err := e2eClient.GetClusteredResource(nsGVR, resource.namespace)
if err != nil {
return err
return nil
// ================== Litmus Chaos Experiment ==================
// Prepare chaosServiceAccount
By(fmt.Sprintf("\nPrepareing Chaos Service Account in %s", nspace))
2022-04-27 03:18:24 +08:00
_, err = e2eClient.CreateNamespacedResourceYaml(saGVR, nspace, "", ChaosServiceAccountYaml)
2021-06-24 03:16:49 +06:00
2022-04-27 03:18:24 +08:00
_, err = e2eClient.CreateNamespacedResourceYaml(rGVR, nspace, "", ChaosRoleYaml)
2021-06-24 03:16:49 +06:00
2022-04-27 03:18:24 +08:00
_, err = e2eClient.CreateNamespacedResourceYaml(rbGVR, nspace, "", ChaosRoleBindingYaml)
2021-06-24 03:16:49 +06:00
// Deploy Pod CPU Hog Experiment
By(fmt.Sprintf("\nInstalling Litmus Chaos Experiment in %s", nspace))
2022-04-27 03:18:24 +08:00
_, err = e2eClient.CreateNamespacedResourceYaml(cpuGVR, nspace, "", PodCPUHogExperimentYaml)
2021-06-24 03:16:49 +06:00
// Prepare Chaos Engine
By(fmt.Sprintf("\nCreating ChaosEngine Resource in %s", nspace))
2022-04-27 03:18:24 +08:00
_, err = e2eClient.CreateNamespacedResourceYaml(ceGVR, nspace, "", ChaosEngineYaml)
2021-06-24 03:16:49 +06:00
By(fmt.Sprintf("\nMonitoring status from ChaosResult in %s", nspace))
2022-12-22 00:12:08 +08:00
GetWithRetry(1*time.Second, 120, func() error { // Wait Till preparing Chaos engine
2021-06-24 03:16:49 +06:00
chaosresult, err := e2eClient.GetNamespacedResource(crGVR, nspace, "kind-chaos-pod-cpu-hog")
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("Unable to fatch ChaosResult: %v", err)
chaosVerdict, _, err := unstructured.NestedString(chaosresult.UnstructuredContent(), "status", "experimentStatus", "verdict")
if err != nil {
By(fmt.Sprintf("\nUnable to fatch the status.verdict from ChaosResult: %v", err))
By(fmt.Sprintf("\nChaos verdict %s", chaosVerdict))
if chaosVerdict == "Pass" {
return nil
return errors.New("Chaos result is not passed")
// Create disallow_cri_sock_mount policy
By(fmt.Sprintf("\nCreating Enforce Policy in %s", clPolNS))
2022-04-27 03:18:24 +08:00
_, err = e2eClient.CreateNamespacedResourceYaml(clPolGVR, clPolNS, "", DisallowAddingCapabilitiesYaml)
2021-06-24 03:16:49 +06:00
// Deploy disallow_cri_sock_mount policy
By(fmt.Sprintf("\nDeploying Enforce Policy in %s", nspace))
2022-04-27 03:18:24 +08:00
_, err = e2eClient.CreateNamespacedResourceYaml(dcsmPolGVR, nspace, "", resource.manifest)
2021-06-24 03:16:49 +06:00
//CleanUp Resources
e2eClient.CleanClusterPolicies(clPolGVR) //Clean Cluster Policy
2022-12-22 00:12:08 +08:00
e2eClient.DeleteClusteredResource(nsGVR, nspace) // Clear Namespace
GetWithRetry(1*time.Second, 15, func() error { // Wait Till Deletion of Namespace
2021-06-24 03:16:49 +06:00
_, err := e2eClient.GetClusteredResource(nsGVR, nspace)
if err != nil {
return nil
return errors.New("Deleting Namespace")
By(fmt.Sprintf("Test %s Completed. \n\n\n", PodCPUHogTest.TestName))