*`--service` identifies the service for in-cluster webhook server. Do not specify it if you plan to run webhook server outside the cluster, or cpecify 'localhost' if you want to run controller locally.
*`--namespace` identifies the namespace for in-cluster webhook server. Do not specify it if you plan to run controller locally.
*`--serverIp` is the IP of master node, it can be found in `~/.kube/config`: clusters.cluster[0].server. You should explicitly specify it.
Prepares controller for free (local) or in-cluster use. Uses `generate-server-cert.sh` inside and has the same parameters with almost same meaning:
*`--service` - the name of the service which will be created for the controller. Use 'localhost' value to deploy controller locally. The default is 'kube-policu-svc'
*`--namespace` - the target namespace to deploy the controller. Do not specify it if you want to depoloy controller locally.
*`--serverIp` means the same as for `generate-server-cert.sh`
`scripts/deploy-controller.sh --service=my-kube-policy --namespace=my_namespace --serverIp=` - deploy controller to the cluster with master node '' to the namespace 'my_namespace' as a service 'my-kube-policy'
`scripts/deploy-controller.sh --service=localhost --serverIp=` - deploy controller locally for usage in cluster with mnaster node at ''
Quickly creates and deletes test config map. If your webhook server is running, you should see the corresponding output from it. Use this script after `deploy-controller.sh`.
### update-codegen.sh ###
Generates additional code for controller object. You should resolve all dependencies before using it, see main Readme for details.