The ```mutate``` rule contains actions that will be applied to matching resources. A mutate rule can be written as a JSON Patch or as an overlay.
By using a ```patch``` in the (JSONPatch - RFC 6902)[] format, you can make precise changes to the resource being created. Using an ```overlay``` is convenient for describing the desired state of the resource.
A mutation overlay describes the desired form of resource. The existing resource values are replaced with the values specified in the overlay. If a value is specified in the overlay but not present in the target resource, then it will be added to the resource.
The overlay cannot be used to delete values in a resource: use **patches** for this purpose.
Applying overlays to a list type is fairly straightforward: new items will be added to the list, unless they already exist. For example, the next overlay will add IP "" to all addresses in all Endpoints:
| Conditional | () | Use the tag and value as an "if" condition |
| Add if not present | +() | Add the tag value, if the tag is not already present |
The **anchors** values support **wildcards**:
1.`*` - matches zero or more alphanumeric characters
2.`?` - matches a single alphanumeric character
#### Conditional anchor
A `conditional anchor` evaluates to `true` if the anchor tag exists and if the value matches the specified value. Processing stops if a tag does not exist or when the value does not match. Once processing stops, any child elements or any remaining siblings in a list, will not be processed.
If the anchor tag value is an object or array, the entire object or array must match. In other words, the entire object or array becomes part of the "if" clause. Nested `conditional anchor` tags are not supported.
A variation of an anchor, is to add a field value if it is not already defined. This is done by using the `add anchor` (short for `add if not present anchor`) with the notation ````+(...)```` for the tag.
An `add anchor` is processed as part of applying the mutation. Typically, every non-anchor tag-value is applied as part of the mutation. If the `add anchor` is set on a tag, the tag and value are only applied if they do not exist in the resource.
The anchor processing behavior for mutate conditions is as follows:
1. First, all conditional anchors are processed. Processing stops when the first conditional anchor return a `false`. Mutation proceeds only of all conditional anchors return a `true`. Note that for `conditional anchor` tags with complex (object or array) values the entire value (child) object is treated as part of the condition, as explained above.
2. Next, all tag-values without anchors and all `add anchor` tags are processed to apply the mutation.
Additional details on mutation overlay behaviors are available on the wiki: [Mutation Overlay](