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// Copyright 2016-2023 ArangoDB GmbH, Cologne, Germany
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
// Copyright holder is ArangoDB GmbH, Cologne, Germany
package rotation
import (
core "k8s.io/api/core/v1"
api "github.com/arangodb/kube-arangodb/pkg/apis/deployment/v1"
arangoStrings "github.com/arangodb/kube-arangodb/pkg/util/strings"
const (
ContainerName = "name"
ContainerImage = "image"
func containersCompare(ds api.DeploymentSpec, g api.ServerGroup, spec, status *core.PodTemplateSpec) compare.Func {
return compare.SubElementsP2(func(in *core.PodTemplateSpec) *[]core.Container {
return &in.Spec.Containers
}, func(ds api.DeploymentSpec, g api.ServerGroup, specContainers, statusContainers *[]core.Container) compare.Func {
return compare.ArrayExtractorP2(func(ds api.DeploymentSpec, g api.ServerGroup, specContainer, statusContainer *core.Container) compare.Func {
return func(builder api.ActionBuilder) (mode compare.Mode, plan api.Plan, err error) {
if specContainer.Name != statusContainer.Name {
return compare.SkippedRotation, nil, nil
if specContainer.Name == api.ServerGroupReservedContainerNameServer {
// Lets check if server contains new args
specCommand := cleanServerContainerArgs(specContainer.Command)
statusCommand := cleanServerContainerArgs(statusContainer.Command)
if areArgsEqual(specCommand, statusCommand) {
statusContainer.Command = specContainer.Command
mode = mode.And(compare.SilentRotation)
} else if isOnlyLogLevelChanged(specCommand, statusCommand) {
plan = append(plan, builder.NewAction(api.ActionTypeRuntimeContainerArgsLogLevelUpdate).
AddParam(ContainerName, specContainer.Name))
statusContainer.Command = specContainer.Command
mode = mode.And(compare.InPlaceRotation)
g := compare.NewFuncGenP2(ds, g, specContainer, statusContainer)
if m, p, err := compare.Evaluate(builder, g(compareServerContainerVolumeMounts), g(compareServerContainerProbes), g(compareServerContainerEnvs)); err != nil {
log.Err(err).Msg("Error while getting pod diff")
return compare.SkippedRotation, nil, err
} else {
mode = mode.And(m)
plan = append(plan, p...)
if !equality.Semantic.DeepEqual(specContainer.EnvFrom, statusContainer.EnvFrom) {
// Check EnvFromSource differences.
filter := func(a, b map[string]core.EnvFromSource) (map[string]core.EnvFromSource, map[string]core.EnvFromSource) {
delete(a, features.ConfigMapName())
delete(b, features.ConfigMapName())
return a, b
if areEnvsFromEqual(specContainer.EnvFrom, statusContainer.EnvFrom, filter) {
// Envs are the same after filtering, but it were different before filtering, so it can be replaced.
statusContainer.EnvFrom = specContainer.EnvFrom
mode = mode.And(compare.SilentRotation)
if !equality.Semantic.DeepEqual(specContainer.Ports, statusContainer.Ports) {
statusContainer.Ports = specContainer.Ports
mode = mode.And(compare.SilentRotation)
} else {
if specContainer.Image != statusContainer.Image {
// Image changed
plan = append(plan, builder.NewAction(api.ActionTypeRuntimeContainerImageUpdate).AddParam(ContainerName, specContainer.Name).AddParam(ContainerImage, specContainer.Image))
statusContainer.Image = specContainer.Image
mode = mode.And(compare.InPlaceRotation)
g := compare.NewFuncGenP2(ds, g, specContainer, statusContainer)
if m, p, err := compare.Evaluate(builder, g(compareAnyContainerVolumeMounts), g(compareAnyContainerEnvs)); err != nil {
log.Err(err).Msg("Error while getting pod diff")
return compare.SkippedRotation, nil, err
} else {
mode = mode.And(m)
plan = append(plan, p...)
if api.IsReservedServerGroupContainerName(specContainer.Name) {
mode = mode.And(internalContainerLifecycleCompare(specContainer, statusContainer))
})(ds, g, specContainers, statusContainers)
})(ds, g, spec, status)
func areArgsEqual(a, b []string) bool {
if len(a) != len(b) {
return false
for id := range a {
if a[id] != b[id] {
return false
return true
func cleanServerContainerArgs(args []string) []string {
ret := make([]string, 0, len(args))
for _, arg := range args {
// Remove --server.early-connections from args (to calculate)
if arg == "--server.early-connections" || strings.HasPrefix(arg, "--server.early-connections=") {
ret = append(ret, arg)
return ret
func initContainersCompare(deploymentSpec api.DeploymentSpec, group api.ServerGroup, spec, status *core.PodTemplateSpec) compare.Func {
return func(builder api.ActionBuilder) (compare.Mode, api.Plan, error) {
gs := deploymentSpec.GetServerGroupSpec(group)
equal, err := util.CompareJSON(spec.Spec.InitContainers, status.Spec.InitContainers)
if err != nil {
return compare.SkippedRotation, nil, err
// if equal nothing to do
if equal {
return compare.SkippedRotation, nil, nil
switch gs.InitContainers.GetMode().Get() {
case api.ServerGroupInitContainerIgnoreMode:
// Just copy spec to status if different
if !equal {
status.Spec.InitContainers = spec.Spec.InitContainers
return compare.SilentRotation, nil, err
} else {
return compare.SkippedRotation, nil, err
statusInitContainers, specInitContainers := filterReservedInitContainers(status.Spec.InitContainers), filterReservedInitContainers(spec.Spec.InitContainers)
if equal, err := util.CompareJSON(specInitContainers, statusInitContainers); err != nil {
return compare.SkippedRotation, nil, err
} else if equal {
status.Spec.InitContainers = spec.Spec.InitContainers
return compare.SilentRotation, nil, nil
return compare.SkippedRotation, nil, nil
// filterReservedInitContainers filters out reserved container names (which does not enforce restarts)
func filterReservedInitContainers(c []core.Container) []core.Container {
r := make([]core.Container, 0, len(c))
for id := range c {
if api.IsReservedServerGroupInitContainerName(c[id].Name) {
r = append(r, c[id])
return r
// isOnlyLogLevelChanged returns true when status and spec log level arguments are different.
// If any other argument than --log.level is different false is returned.
func isOnlyLogLevelChanged(specArgs, statusArgs []string) bool {
diff := arangoStrings.DiffStrings(specArgs, statusArgs)
if len(diff) == 0 {
return false
for _, arg := range diff {
if !strings.HasPrefix(strings.TrimLeft(arg, " "), "--log.level") {
return false
return true
func internalContainerLifecycleCompare(spec, status *core.Container) compare.Mode {
if spec.Lifecycle == nil && status.Lifecycle == nil {
return compare.SkippedRotation
if spec.Lifecycle == nil {
status.Lifecycle = nil
return compare.SilentRotation
if status.Lifecycle == nil {
status.Lifecycle = spec.Lifecycle
return compare.SilentRotation
if !equality.Semantic.DeepEqual(spec.Lifecycle, status.Lifecycle) {
status.Lifecycle = spec.Lifecycle.DeepCopy()
return compare.SilentRotation
return compare.SkippedRotation
func areProbesEqual(a, b *core.Probe) bool {
if a == nil && b == nil {
return true
if a == nil || b == nil {
return false
return equality.Semantic.DeepEqual(a, b)
func isManagedProbe(a, b *core.Probe) bool {
if a == nil || b == nil {
return false
if a.Exec == nil || b.Exec == nil {
return false
if len(a.Exec.Command) == 0 || len(b.Exec.Command) == 0 {
return false
return a.Exec.Command[0] == k8sutil.LifecycleBinary() && b.Exec.Command[0] == k8sutil.LifecycleBinary()
// areEnvsFromEqual returns true when environment variables from source are the same after filtering.
func areEnvsFromEqual(a, b []core.EnvFromSource, rules ...func(a, b map[string]core.EnvFromSource) (map[string]core.EnvFromSource, map[string]core.EnvFromSource)) bool {
am := createEnvsFromMap(a)
bm := createEnvsFromMap(b)
for _, r := range rules {
am, bm = r(am, bm)
return equality.Semantic.DeepEqual(am, bm)
// createEnvsFromMap returns map from list.
func createEnvsFromMap(e []core.EnvFromSource) map[string]core.EnvFromSource {
m := map[string]core.EnvFromSource{}
for _, q := range e {
if q.ConfigMapRef != nil {
m[q.ConfigMapRef.Name] = q
} else if q.SecretRef != nil {
m[q.SecretRef.Name] = q
return m