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// Copyright 2016-2024 ArangoDB GmbH, Cologne, Germany
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
// Copyright holder is ArangoDB GmbH, Cologne, Germany
package k8sutil
import (
core "k8s.io/api/core/v1"
meta "k8s.io/apimachinery/pkg/apis/meta/v1"
api "github.com/arangodb/kube-arangodb/pkg/apis/deployment/v1"
shared "github.com/arangodb/kube-arangodb/pkg/apis/shared"
servicev1 "github.com/arangodb/kube-arangodb/pkg/util/k8sutil/inspector/service/v1"
// CreateHeadlessServiceName returns the name of the headless service for the given
// deployment name.
func CreateHeadlessServiceName(deploymentName string) string {
return deploymentName + "-int"
// CreateDatabaseClientServiceName returns the name of the service used by database clients for the given
// deployment name.
func CreateDatabaseClientServiceName(deploymentName string) string {
return deploymentName
// CreateDatabaseExternalAccessServiceName returns the name of the service used to access the database from
// output the kubernetes cluster.
func CreateDatabaseExternalAccessServiceName(deploymentName string) string {
return deploymentName + "-ea"
// CreateSyncMasterClientServiceName returns the name of the service used by syncmaster clients for the given
// deployment name.
func CreateSyncMasterClientServiceName(deploymentName string) string {
return deploymentName + "-sync"
// CreateExporterClientServiceName returns the name of the service used by arangodb-exporter clients for the given
// deployment name.
func CreateExporterClientServiceName(deploymentName string) string {
return deploymentName + "-exporter"
// CreateAgentLeaderServiceName returns the name of the service used to access a leader agent.
func CreateAgentLeaderServiceName(deploymentName string) string {
return deploymentName + "-agent"
// CreateExporterService
func CreateExporterService(ctx context.Context, cachedStatus inspector.Inspector,
deployment meta.Object, ports []core.ServicePort, selectors map[string]string, owner meta.OwnerReference) (string, bool, error) {
deploymentName := deployment.GetName()
svcName := CreateExporterClientServiceName(deploymentName)
if svc, exists := cachedStatus.Service().V1().GetSimple(svcName); exists {
if changed, err := patcher.ServicePatcher(ctx, cachedStatus.ServicesModInterface().V1(), svc, meta.PatchOptions{}, patcher.PatchServiceSelector(selectors), patcher.PatchServicePorts(ports)); err != nil {
return "", false, err
} else {
return svcName, changed, nil
svc := &core.Service{
ObjectMeta: meta.ObjectMeta{
Name: svcName,
Labels: selectors,
Spec: core.ServiceSpec{
ClusterIP: core.ClusterIPNone,
Ports: ports,
Selector: selectors,
AddOwnerRefToObject(svc.GetObjectMeta(), &owner)
if _, err := cachedStatus.ServicesModInterface().V1().Create(ctx, svc, meta.CreateOptions{}); kerrors.IsAlreadyExists(err) {
return svcName, false, nil
} else if err != nil {
return svcName, false, errors.WithStack(err)
return svcName, true, nil
func ExporterServiceDetails(deploymentName string) ([]core.ServicePort, map[string]string) {
return []core.ServicePort{
Name: shared.ExporterPortName,
Protocol: core.ProtocolTCP,
Port: shared.ArangoExporterPort,
TargetPort: intstr.FromString(shared.ExporterPortName),
}, LabelsForExporterServiceSelector(deploymentName)
// CreateHeadlessService prepares and creates a headless service in k8s, used to provide a stable
// DNS name for all pods.
// If the service already exists, nil is returned.
// If another error occurs, that error is returned.
// The returned bool is true if the service is created, or false when the service already existed.
func CreateHeadlessService(ctx context.Context, svcs servicev1.ModInterface, deployment meta.Object,
ports []core.ServicePort, selectors map[string]string,
owner meta.OwnerReference) (string, bool, error) {
deploymentName := deployment.GetName()
svcName := CreateHeadlessServiceName(deploymentName)
newlyCreated, err := createService(ctx, svcs, svcName, shared.ClusterIPNone, core.ServiceTypeClusterIP, ports,
selectors, "", nil, true, owner)
if err != nil {
return "", false, errors.WithStack(err)
return svcName, newlyCreated, nil
func HeadlessServiceDetails(deploymentName string) ([]core.ServicePort, map[string]string) {
ports := []core.ServicePort{
Name: shared.ServerPortName,
Protocol: core.ProtocolTCP,
Port: shared.ArangoPort,
TargetPort: intstr.FromString(shared.ServerPortName),
labels := LabelsForDeployment(deploymentName, "")
return ports, labels
// CreateDatabaseClientService prepares and creates a service in k8s, used by database clients within the k8s cluster.
// If the service already exists, nil is returned.
// If another error occurs, that error is returned.
// The returned bool is true if the service is created, or false when the service already existed.
func CreateDatabaseClientService(ctx context.Context, svcs servicev1.ModInterface, deployment meta.Object,
ports []core.ServicePort, selectors map[string]string, owner meta.OwnerReference) (string, bool, error) {
deploymentName := deployment.GetName()
svcName := CreateDatabaseClientServiceName(deploymentName)
newlyCreated, err := createService(ctx, svcs, svcName, "", core.ServiceTypeClusterIP, ports, selectors, "", nil,
false, owner)
if err != nil {
return "", false, errors.WithStack(err)
return svcName, newlyCreated, nil
func DatabaseClientDetails(deploymentName string, role string, withLeader bool) ([]core.ServicePort, map[string]string) {
ports := []core.ServicePort{
Name: shared.ServerPortName,
Protocol: core.ProtocolTCP,
Port: shared.ArangoPort,
TargetPort: intstr.FromString(shared.ServerPortName),
labels := LabelsForDeployment(deploymentName, role)
if withLeader {
labels[LabelKeyArangoLeader] = "true"
return ports, labels
// CreateExternalAccessService prepares and creates a service in k8s, used to access the database/sync from outside k8s cluster.
// If the service already exists, nil is returned.
// If another error occurs, that error is returned.
// The returned bool is true if the service is created, or false when the service already existed.
func CreateExternalAccessService(ctx context.Context, svcs servicev1.ModInterface, svcName string, serviceType core.ServiceType,
ports []core.ServicePort, selectors map[string]string, loadBalancerIP string,
loadBalancerSourceRanges []string, owner meta.OwnerReference) (string, bool, error) {
newlyCreated, err := createService(ctx, svcs, svcName, "", serviceType, ports, selectors, loadBalancerIP,
loadBalancerSourceRanges, false, owner)
if err != nil {
return "", false, errors.WithStack(err)
return svcName, newlyCreated, nil
func ExternalAccessDetails(port, nodePort int, deploymentName, role string, withLeader bool) ([]core.ServicePort, map[string]string) {
ports := []core.ServicePort{
Name: shared.ServerPortName,
Protocol: core.ProtocolTCP,
Port: int32(port),
NodePort: int32(nodePort),
TargetPort: intstr.FromString(shared.ServerPortName),
labels := LabelsForDeployment(deploymentName, role)
if withLeader {
labels[LabelKeyArangoLeader] = "true"
return ports, labels
// createService prepares and creates a service in k8s.
// If the service already exists, nil is returned.
// If another error occurs, that error is returned.
// The returned bool is true if the service is created, or false when the service already existed.
func createService(ctx context.Context, svcs servicev1.ModInterface, svcName, clusterIP string,
serviceType core.ServiceType, ports []core.ServicePort, selectors map[string]string, loadBalancerIP string, loadBalancerSourceRanges []string,
publishNotReadyAddresses bool, owner meta.OwnerReference) (bool, error) {
svc := &core.Service{
ObjectMeta: meta.ObjectMeta{
Name: svcName,
Labels: selectors,
Annotations: map[string]string{},
Spec: core.ServiceSpec{
Type: serviceType,
Ports: ports,
Selector: selectors,
ClusterIP: clusterIP,
PublishNotReadyAddresses: publishNotReadyAddresses,
LoadBalancerIP: loadBalancerIP,
LoadBalancerSourceRanges: loadBalancerSourceRanges,
AddOwnerRefToObject(svc.GetObjectMeta(), &owner)
if _, err := svcs.Create(ctx, svc, meta.CreateOptions{}); kerrors.IsAlreadyExists(err) {
return false, nil
} else if err != nil {
return false, errors.WithStack(err)
return true, nil
// CreateServiceURL creates a URL used to reach the given service.
func CreateServiceURL(svc core.Service, scheme string, portPredicate func(core.ServicePort) bool, nodeFetcher func() ([]*core.Node, error)) (string, error) {
var port int32
var nodePort int32
portFound := false
for _, p := range svc.Spec.Ports {
if portPredicate == nil || portPredicate(p) {
port = p.Port
nodePort = p.NodePort
portFound = true
if !portFound {
return "", errors.WithStack(errors.Errorf("Cannot find port in service '%s.%s'", svc.GetName(), svc.GetNamespace()))
var host string
switch svc.Spec.Type {
case core.ServiceTypeLoadBalancer:
for _, x := range svc.Status.LoadBalancer.Ingress {
if x.IP != "" {
host = x.IP
} else if x.Hostname != "" {
host = x.Hostname
if host == "" {
host = svc.Spec.LoadBalancerIP
case core.ServiceTypeNodePort:
if nodePort > 0 {
port = nodePort
nodeList, err := nodeFetcher()
if err != nil {
return "", errors.WithStack(err)
if len(nodeList) == 0 {
return "", errors.WithStack(errors.Errorf("No nodes found"))
node := nodeList[util.Rand().Intn(len(nodeList))]
if len(node.Status.Addresses) > 0 {
host = node.Status.Addresses[0].Address
case core.ServiceTypeClusterIP:
if svc.Spec.ClusterIP != "None" {
host = svc.Spec.ClusterIP
return "", errors.WithStack(errors.Errorf("Unknown service type '%s' in service '%s.%s'", svc.Spec.Type, svc.GetName(), svc.GetNamespace()))
if host == "" {
return "", errors.WithStack(errors.Errorf("Cannot find host for service '%s.%s'", svc.GetName(), svc.GetNamespace()))
if !strings.HasSuffix(scheme, "://") {
scheme = scheme + "://"
return scheme + net.JoinHostPort(host, strconv.Itoa(int(port))), nil
func IsServiceRotationRequired(spec api.DeploymentSpec, svc *core.Service) bool {
if svc == nil {
return false
if svc.Spec.ClusterIP == "" {
return false
if p := spec.CommunicationMethod.ServiceClusterIP(); p == core.ClusterIPNone {
if svc.Spec.ClusterIP != core.ClusterIPNone {
return true
} else {
if svc.Spec.ClusterIP == core.ClusterIPNone {
return true
return false