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synced 2024-12-14 11:57:37 +00:00
Co-authored-by: Adam Janikowski <12255597+ajanikow@users.noreply.github.com>
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// Copyright 2016-2024 ArangoDB GmbH, Cologne, Germany
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
// Copyright holder is ArangoDB GmbH, Cologne, Germany
package deployment
import (
api "github.com/arangodb/kube-arangodb/pkg/apis/deployment/v1"
var (
inspectDeploymentDurationGauges = metrics.MustRegisterGaugeVec(metricsComponent, "inspect_deployment_duration", "Amount of time taken by a single inspection of a deployment (in sec)", metrics.DeploymentName)
// inspectDeployment inspects the entire deployment, creates
// a plan to update if needed and inspects underlying resources.
// This function should be called when:
// - the deployment has changed
// - any of the underlying resources has changed
// - once in a while
// Returns the delay until this function should be called again.
func (d *Deployment) inspectDeployment(lastInterval util.Interval) util.Interval {
start := time.Now()
if delay := d.delayer.Wait(); delay > 0 {
log.Debug().Dur("delay", delay).Msgf("Reconciliation loop execution was delayed")
defer d.delayer.Delay(d.config.ReconciliationDelay)
ctxReconciliation, cancelReconciliation := globals.GetGlobalTimeouts().Reconciliation().WithTimeout(context.Background())
defer cancelReconciliation()
defer func() {
d.log.Trace("Inspect loop took %s", time.Since(start))
nextInterval := lastInterval
hasError := false
deploymentName := d.GetName()
defer metrics.SetDuration(inspectDeploymentDurationGauges.WithLabelValues(deploymentName), start)
err := d.acs.CurrentClusterCache().Refresh(ctxReconciliation)
if err != nil {
d.log.Err(err).Error("Unable to get resources")
return minInspectionInterval // Retry ASAP
// Check deployment still exists
updated, err := d.acs.CurrentClusterCache().GetCurrentArangoDeployment()
if kerrors.IsNotFound(err) {
// Deployment is gone
d.log.Info("Deployment is gone")
return nextInterval
} else if err != nil {
d.log.Err(err).Error("Deployment fetch error")
return nextInterval
} else if d.uid != updated.GetUID() {
d.log.Error("Deployment UID Changed!")
return nextInterval
} else if updated != nil && updated.GetDeletionTimestamp() != nil {
// Deployment is marked for deletion
if err := d.runDeploymentFinalizers(ctxReconciliation, d.GetCachedStatus()); err != nil {
hasError = true
d.CreateEvent(k8sutil.NewErrorEvent("ArangoDeployment finalizer inspection failed", err, d.currentObject))
} else {
// Check if maintenance annotation is set
if updated != nil && updated.Annotations != nil {
if v, ok := updated.Annotations[deployment.ArangoDeploymentPodMaintenanceAnnotation]; ok && v == "true" {
// Disable checks if we will enter maintenance mode
d.log.Str("deployment", deploymentName).Info("Deployment in maintenance mode")
return nextInterval
if ensureFinalizers(updated) {
if err := d.ApplyPatch(ctxReconciliation, patch.ItemReplace(patch.NewPath("metadata", "finalizers"), updated.Finalizers)); err != nil {
d.log.Err(err).Debug("Unable to set finalizers")
if canProceed, changed, err := d.acceptNewSpec(ctxReconciliation, updated); err != nil {
d.log.Err(err).Debug("Verification of deployment failed")
if !canProceed {
return minInspectionInterval // Retry ASAP
} else if changed {
d.log.Info("Accepted new spec")
return minInspectionInterval // Retry ASAP
} else if !canProceed {
d.log.Err(err).Error("Cannot proceed with reconciliation")
return minInspectionInterval // Retry ASAP
// Ensure that status is up to date
if !d.currentObjectStatus.Equal(updated.Status) {
if err := d.updateCRStatus(ctxReconciliation, *d.currentObjectStatus); err != nil {
d.log.Err(err).Error("Unable to refresh status")
return minInspectionInterval // Retry ASAP
// Ensure that fields are recovered
currentStatus := d.GetStatus()
if updated, err := RecoverStatus(¤tStatus, RecoverPodDetails); err != nil {
d.log.Err(err).Error("Unable to recover status")
return minInspectionInterval // Retry ASAP
} else if updated {
if err := d.updateCRStatus(ctxReconciliation, currentStatus); err != nil {
d.log.Err(err).Error("Unable to refresh status")
return minInspectionInterval // Retry ASAP
d.currentObject = updated
d.metrics.Deployment.Accepted = updated.Status.Conditions.IsTrue(api.ConditionTypeSpecAccepted)
d.metrics.Deployment.Propagated = updated.Status.Conditions.IsTrue(api.ConditionTypeSpecPropagated)
d.metrics.Deployment.UpToDate = updated.Status.Conditions.IsTrue(api.ConditionTypeUpToDate)
// Is the deployment in failed state, if so, give up.
if d.GetPhase() == api.DeploymentPhaseFailed {
d.log.Debug("Deployment is in Failed state.")
return nextInterval
d.GetMembersState().RefreshState(ctxReconciliation, updated.Status.Members.AsList())
if err := d.WithStatusUpdateErr(ctxReconciliation, func(s *api.DeploymentStatus) (bool, error) {
if changed, err := upgrade.RunUpgrade(*updated, s, d.GetCachedStatus()); err != nil {
return false, err
} else {
return changed, nil
}); err != nil {
d.CreateEvent(k8sutil.NewErrorEvent("Upgrade failed", err, d.currentObject))
nextInterval = minInspectionInterval
return nextInterval.ReduceTo(maxInspectionInterval)
inspectNextInterval, err := d.inspectDeploymentWithError(ctxReconciliation, nextInterval)
if err != nil {
if !errors.IsReconcile(err) {
nextInterval = inspectNextInterval
hasError = true
d.CreateEvent(k8sutil.NewErrorEvent("Reconciliation failed", err, d.currentObject))
} else {
nextInterval = minInspectionInterval
// Update next interval (on errors)
if hasError {
if d.recentInspectionErrors == 0 {
nextInterval = minInspectionInterval
} else {
d.recentInspectionErrors = 0
return nextInterval.ReduceTo(maxInspectionInterval)
// inspectDeploymentWithError ensures that the deployment is in a valid state
func (d *Deployment) inspectDeploymentWithError(ctx context.Context, lastInterval util.Interval) (nextInterval util.Interval, inspectError error) {
t := time.Now()
defer func() {
d.log.Trace("Reconciliation loop took %s", time.Since(t))
// Ensure that spec and status checksum are same
currentSpec := d.currentObject.Spec
status := d.GetStatus()
nextInterval = lastInterval
inspectError = nil
currentChecksum, err := currentSpec.Checksum()
if err != nil {
return minInspectionInterval, errors.Wrapf(err, "Calculation of spec failed")
} else {
condition, exists := status.Conditions.Get(api.ConditionTypeSpecAccepted)
if v := status.AcceptedSpecVersion; (v == nil || currentChecksum != *v) && (!exists || condition.IsTrue()) {
if err = d.updateConditionWithHash(ctx, api.ConditionTypeSpecAccepted, false, "Spec Changed", "Spec Object changed. Waiting to be accepted", currentChecksum); err != nil {
return minInspectionInterval, errors.Wrapf(err, "Unable to update SpecAccepted condition")
return minInspectionInterval, nil // Retry ASAP
} else if v != nil {
if *v == currentChecksum && !condition.IsTrue() {
if err = d.updateConditionWithHash(ctx, api.ConditionTypeSpecAccepted, true, "Spec Accepted", "Spec Object accepted", currentChecksum); err != nil {
return minInspectionInterval, errors.Wrapf(err, "Unable to update SpecAccepted condition")
return minInspectionInterval, nil // Retry ASAP
if !status.Conditions.IsTrue(api.ConditionTypeSpecAccepted) {
condition, exists := status.Conditions.Get(api.ConditionTypeUpToDate)
if !exists || condition.IsTrue() {
propagatedCondition, propagatedExists := status.Conditions.Get(api.ConditionTypeSpecPropagated)
if !propagatedExists || propagatedCondition.IsTrue() {
if err = d.updateConditionWithHash(ctx, api.ConditionTypeSpecPropagated, false, "Spec Changed", "Spec Object changed. Waiting until spec will be applied", ""); err != nil {
return minInspectionInterval, errors.Wrapf(err, "Unable to update SpecPropagated condition")
return minInspectionInterval, nil // Retry ASAP
if err = d.updateConditionWithHash(ctx, api.ConditionTypeUpToDate, false, "Spec Changed", "Spec Object changed. Waiting until plan will be applied", currentChecksum); err != nil {
return minInspectionInterval, errors.Wrapf(err, "Unable to update UpToDate condition")
return minInspectionInterval, nil // Retry ASAP
if err := d.acs.Inspect(ctx, d.currentObject, d.deps.Client, d.GetCachedStatus()); err != nil {
d.log.Err(err).Warn("Unable to handle ACS objects")
// Cleanup terminated pods on the beginning of loop
if x, err := d.resources.CleanupTerminatedPods(ctx); err != nil {
return minInspectionInterval, errors.Wrapf(err, "Pod cleanup failed")
} else {
nextInterval = nextInterval.ReduceTo(x)
if err := d.resources.EnsureCoreResources(ctx, d.GetCachedStatus()); err != nil {
d.log.Err(err).Error("Unable to ensure core resources")
// Inspect secret hashes
if err := d.resources.ValidateSecretHashes(ctx, d.GetCachedStatus()); err != nil {
return minInspectionInterval, errors.Wrapf(err, "Secret hash validation failed")
// Is the deployment in a good state?
if status.Conditions.IsTrue(api.ConditionTypeSecretsChanged) {
return minInspectionInterval, errors.Newf("Secrets changed")
// Ensure we have image info
if retrySoon, exists, err := d.ensureImages(ctx, d.currentObject, d.GetCachedStatus()); err != nil {
return minInspectionInterval, errors.Wrapf(err, "Image detection failed")
} else if retrySoon || !exists {
return minInspectionInterval, nil
// Inspection of generated resources needed
if x, err := d.resources.InspectPods(ctx, d.GetCachedStatus()); err != nil {
return minInspectionInterval, errors.Wrapf(err, "Pod inspection failed")
} else {
nextInterval = nextInterval.ReduceTo(x)
if x, err := d.resources.InspectPVCs(ctx, d.GetCachedStatus()); err != nil {
return minInspectionInterval, errors.Wrapf(err, "PVC inspection failed")
} else {
nextInterval = nextInterval.ReduceTo(x)
// Check members for resilience
if err := d.resilience.CheckMemberFailure(ctx); err != nil {
return minInspectionInterval, errors.Wrapf(err, "Member failure detection failed")
// Immediate actions
if err := d.reconciler.CheckDeployment(ctx); err != nil {
return minInspectionInterval, errors.Wrapf(err, "Reconciler immediate actions failed")
if err := d.resources.EnsureResources(ctx, d.haveServiceMonitorCRD, d.GetCachedStatus()); err != nil {
d.log.Err(err).Error("Unable to ensure resources")
if offset, err := d.RefreshAgencyCache(ctx); err != nil {
d.log.Err(err).Error("Unable to refresh agency")
} else {
d.metrics.Agency.Index = offset
// Refresh maintenance lock
// Create scale/update plan
if _, ok := d.currentObject.Annotations[deployment.ArangoDeploymentPlanCleanAnnotation]; ok {
if err := d.ApplyPatch(ctx, patch.ItemRemove(patch.NewPath("metadata", "annotations", deployment.ArangoDeploymentPlanCleanAnnotation))); err != nil {
return minInspectionInterval, errors.Wrapf(err, "Unable to create remove annotation patch")
if err := d.WithStatusUpdate(ctx, func(s *api.DeploymentStatus) bool {
s.Plan = nil
return true
}); err != nil {
return minInspectionInterval, errors.Wrapf(err, "Unable clean plan")
} else if err, updated := d.reconciler.CreatePlan(ctx); err != nil {
return minInspectionInterval, errors.Wrapf(err, "Plan creation failed")
} else if updated {
d.log.Debug("Plan generated, reconciling")
return minInspectionInterval, nil
// Reachable state ensurer
reachableConditionState := status.Conditions.Check(api.ConditionTypeReachable).Exists().IsTrue().Evaluate()
if d.GetMembersState().State().IsReachable() {
if !reachableConditionState {
if err = d.updateConditionWithHash(ctx, api.ConditionTypeReachable, true, "ArangoDB is reachable", "", ""); err != nil {
return minInspectionInterval, errors.Wrapf(err, "Unable to update Reachable condition")
} else {
if reachableConditionState {
if err = d.updateConditionWithHash(ctx, api.ConditionTypeReachable, false, "ArangoDB is not reachable", "", ""); err != nil {
return minInspectionInterval, errors.Wrapf(err, "Unable to update Reachable condition")
if v := status.AcceptedSpecVersion; v != nil && d.currentObject.Status.IsPlanEmpty() && status.AppliedVersion != *v {
if err := d.WithStatusUpdate(ctx, func(s *api.DeploymentStatus) bool {
s.AppliedVersion = *v
return true
}); err != nil {
return minInspectionInterval, errors.Wrapf(err, "Unable to update UpToDate condition")
return minInspectionInterval, nil
} else {
isUpToDate, reason := d.isUpToDateStatus(status)
if !isUpToDate && status.Conditions.IsTrue(api.ConditionTypeUpToDate) {
if err = d.updateConditionWithHash(ctx, api.ConditionTypeUpToDate, false, reason, "There are pending operations in plan or members are in restart process", *v); err != nil {
return minInspectionInterval, errors.Wrapf(err, "Unable to update UpToDate condition")
return minInspectionInterval, nil
if isUpToDate && !status.Conditions.IsTrue(api.ConditionTypeUpToDate) {
if err = d.updateConditionWithHash(ctx, api.ConditionTypeUpToDate, true, "Spec is Up To Date", "Spec is Up To Date", *v); err != nil {
return minInspectionInterval, errors.Wrapf(err, "Unable to update UpToDate condition")
return minInspectionInterval, nil
if status.Conditions.IsTrue(api.ConditionTypeUpToDate) && !status.Conditions.IsTrue(api.ConditionTypeSpecPropagated) {
if err = d.updateConditionWithHash(ctx, api.ConditionTypeSpecPropagated, true, "Spec is Propagated", "Spec is Propagated", ""); err != nil {
return minInspectionInterval, errors.Wrapf(err, "Unable to update SpecPropagated condition")
// Execute current step of scale/update plan
retrySoon, err := d.reconciler.ExecutePlan(ctx)
if err != nil {
return minInspectionInterval, errors.Wrapf(err, "Plan execution failed")
if retrySoon {
nextInterval = minInspectionInterval
// Create access packages
if err := d.createAccessPackages(ctx); err != nil {
return minInspectionInterval, errors.Wrapf(err, "AccessPackage creation failed")
// Inspect deployment for synced members
if health, ok := d.GetMembersState().Health(); ok {
if err := d.resources.SyncMembersInCluster(ctx, health); err != nil {
return minInspectionInterval, errors.Wrapf(err, "Removed member cleanup failed")
// At the end of the inspect, we cleanup terminated pods.
if x, err := d.resources.CleanupTerminatedPods(ctx); err != nil {
return minInspectionInterval, errors.Wrapf(err, "Pod cleanup failed")
} else {
nextInterval = nextInterval.ReduceTo(x)
func (d *Deployment) sendCIUpdate() {
if ci := d.clusterScalingIntegration; ci != nil {
if c := d.currentObjectStatus; c != nil {
if a := c.AcceptedSpec; a != nil {
func (d *Deployment) isUpToDateStatus(status api.DeploymentStatus) (upToDate bool, reason string) {
if status.NonInternalActions() > 0 {
return false, "Plan is not empty"
upToDate = true
if v := status.AcceptedSpecVersion; v == nil || status.AppliedVersion != *v {
upToDate = false
reason = "Spec is not accepted"
if !status.Conditions.Check(api.ConditionTypeSpecAccepted).Exists().IsTrue().Evaluate() {
upToDate = false
reason = "Spec is not accepted"
if !status.Conditions.Check(api.ConditionTypeBootstrapCompleted).Exists().IsTrue().Evaluate() {
reason = "ArangoDB is not bootstrapped"
upToDate = false
if !status.Conditions.Check(api.ConditionTypeReachable).Exists().IsTrue().Evaluate() {
reason = "ArangoDB is not reachable"
upToDate = false
for _, m := range status.Members.AsList() {
member := m.Member
if member.Conditions.IsTrue(api.ConditionTypeRestart) || member.Conditions.IsTrue(api.ConditionTypePendingRestart) {
upToDate = false
reason = "Pending restarts on members"
if member.Conditions.IsTrue(api.ConditionTypePVCResizePending) {
upToDate = false
reason = "PVC is resizing"
func (d *Deployment) refreshMaintenanceTTL(ctx context.Context) {
if d.GetSpec().Mode.Get() == api.DeploymentModeSingle {
if !features.Maintenance().Enabled() {
// Maintenance feature is not enabled
agencyState, agencyOK := d.GetAgencyCache()
if !agencyOK {
status := d.GetStatus()
condition, ok := status.Conditions.Get(api.ConditionTypeMaintenance)
maintenance := agencyState.Supervision.Maintenance
hotBackup := agencyState.Target.HotBackup.Create.Exists()
if !ok || !condition.IsTrue() || hotBackup {
// Check GracePeriod
if t, ok := maintenance.Time(); ok {
if time.Until(t) < time.Hour-d.GetSpec().Timeouts.GetMaintenanceGracePeriod() {
if err := d.SetAgencyMaintenanceMode(ctx, true); err != nil {
d.log.Info("Refreshed maintenance lock")
} else {
if condition.LastUpdateTime.Add(d.GetSpec().Timeouts.GetMaintenanceGracePeriod()).Before(time.Now()) {
if err := d.SetAgencyMaintenanceMode(ctx, true); err != nil {
d.log.Info("Refreshed maintenance lock")
// triggerInspection ensures that an inspection is run soon.
func (d *Deployment) triggerInspection() {
func (d *Deployment) updateConditionWithHash(ctx context.Context, conditionType api.ConditionType, status bool, reason, message, hash string) error {
d.log.Str("condition", string(conditionType)).Bool("status", status).Str("reason", reason).Str("message", message).Str("hash", hash).Info("Updated condition")
if err := d.WithStatusUpdate(ctx, func(s *api.DeploymentStatus) bool {
return s.Conditions.UpdateWithHash(conditionType, status, reason, message, hash)
}); err != nil {
return errors.Wrapf(err, "Unable to update condition")
return nil