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// Copyright 2016-2023 ArangoDB GmbH, Cologne, Germany
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
// Copyright holder is ArangoDB GmbH, Cologne, Germany
package k8sutil
import (
core "k8s.io/api/core/v1"
meta "k8s.io/apimachinery/pkg/apis/meta/v1"
api "github.com/arangodb/kube-arangodb/pkg/apis/deployment/v1"
podv1 "github.com/arangodb/kube-arangodb/pkg/util/k8sutil/inspector/pod/v1"
const (
ServerContainerConditionContainersNotReady = "ContainersNotReady"
ServerContainerConditionPrefix = "containers with unready status: "
// GetAnyVolumeByName returns the volume in the given volumes with the given name.
// Returns false if not found.
func GetAnyVolumeByName(volumes []core.Volume, name string) (core.Volume, bool) {
for _, c := range volumes {
if c.Name == name {
return c, true
return core.Volume{}, false
// GetAnyVolumeMountByName returns the volumemount in the given volumemountss with the given name.
// Returns false if not found.
func GetAnyVolumeMountByName(volumes []core.VolumeMount, name string) (core.VolumeMount, bool) {
for _, c := range volumes {
if c.Name == name {
return c, true
return core.VolumeMount{}, false
// IsPodReady returns true if the PodReady condition on
// the given pod is set to true.
func IsPodReady(pod *core.Pod) bool {
condition := getPodCondition(&pod.Status, core.PodReady)
return condition != nil && condition.Status == core.ConditionTrue
func IsContainerStarted(pod *core.Pod, container string) bool {
for _, c := range pod.Status.ContainerStatuses {
if c.Name != container {
return c.State.Terminated != nil || c.State.Running != nil
return false
// AreContainersReady checks whether Pod is considered as ready.
// Returns true if the PodReady condition on the given pod is set to true,
// or all provided containers' names are running and are not in the list of failed containers.
func AreContainersReady(pod *core.Pod, coreContainers utils.StringList) bool {
condition := getPodCondition(&pod.Status, core.PodReady)
if condition == nil {
return false
if condition.Status == core.ConditionTrue {
return true
// Check if all required containers are running.
for _, c := range coreContainers {
if !IsContainerRunning(pod, c) {
return false
// From here on all required containers are running, but unready condition must be checked additionally.
switch condition.Reason {
case ServerContainerConditionContainersNotReady:
unreadyContainers, ok := extractContainerNamesFromConditionMessage(condition.Message)
if !ok {
return false
for _, c := range coreContainers {
if unreadyContainers.Has(c) {
// The container is on the list with unready containers.
return false
return true
return false
func extractContainerNamesFromConditionMessage(msg string) (utils.StringList, bool) {
if !strings.HasPrefix(msg, ServerContainerConditionPrefix) {
return nil, false
unreadyContainers := strings.TrimPrefix(msg, ServerContainerConditionPrefix)
if !strings.HasPrefix(unreadyContainers, "[") {
return nil, false
if !strings.HasSuffix(unreadyContainers, "]") {
return nil, false
unreadyContainers = strings.TrimPrefix(strings.TrimSuffix(unreadyContainers, "]"), "[")
unreadyContainersList := utils.StringList(strings.Split(unreadyContainers, " "))
return unreadyContainersList, true
// GetPodByName returns pod if it exists among the pods' list
// Returns false if not found.
func GetPodByName(pods []core.Pod, podName string) (core.Pod, bool) {
for _, pod := range pods {
if pod.GetName() == podName {
return pod, true
return core.Pod{}, false
// IsPodServerContainerRunning returns true if the arangodb container of the pod is still running
func IsPodServerContainerRunning(pod *core.Pod) bool {
return IsContainerRunning(pod, shared.ServerContainerName)
// IsContainerRunning returns true if the container of the pod is still running
func IsContainerRunning(pod *core.Pod, name string) bool {
for _, c := range pod.Status.ContainerStatuses {
if c.Name != name {
if c.State.Running == nil {
return false
return true
return false
// IsPodSucceeded returns true when all core containers are terminated wih a zero exit code,
// or the whole pod has been succeeded.
func IsPodSucceeded(pod *core.Pod, coreContainers utils.StringList) bool {
if pod.Status.Phase == core.PodSucceeded {
return true
core, succeeded := 0, 0
for _, c := range pod.Status.ContainerStatuses {
if !coreContainers.Has(c.Name) {
// It is not core container, so check next one status.
if t := c.State.Terminated; t != nil && t.ExitCode == 0 {
if core > 0 && core == succeeded {
// If there are some core containers and all of them succeeded then return that the whole pod succeeded.
return true
return false
// IsPodFailed returns true when one of the core containers is terminated wih a non-zero exit code,
// or the whole pod has been failed.
func IsPodFailed(pod *core.Pod, coreContainers utils.StringList) bool {
if pod.Status.Phase == core.PodFailed {
return true
allCore, succeeded, failed := 0, 0, 0
for _, c := range pod.Status.ContainerStatuses {
if !coreContainers.Has(c.Name) {
// It is not core container, so check next one status.
if t := c.State.Terminated; t != nil {
// A core container is terminated.
if t.ExitCode != 0 {
} else {
if failed == 0 && succeeded == 0 {
// All core containers are not terminated.
return false
if failed > 0 {
// Some (or all) core containers have been terminated.
// Some other core containers can be still running or succeeded,
// but the whole pod is considered as failed.
return true
} else if allCore == succeeded {
// All core containers are succeeded, so the pod is not failed.
// The function `IsPodSucceeded` should recognize it in next iteration.
return false
// Some core containers are succeeded, but not all of them.
return true
// IsContainerFailed returns true if the arangodb container
// has terminated wih a non-zero exit code.
func IsContainerFailed(container *core.ContainerStatus) bool {
if c := container.State.Terminated; c != nil {
if c.ExitCode != 0 {
return true
return false
// IsPodScheduled returns true if the pod has been scheduled.
func IsPodScheduled(pod *core.Pod) bool {
condition := getPodCondition(&pod.Status, core.PodScheduled)
return condition != nil && condition.Status == core.ConditionTrue
// IsPodNotScheduledFor returns true if the pod has not been scheduled
// for longer than the given duration.
func IsPodNotScheduledFor(pod *core.Pod, timeout time.Duration) bool {
condition := getPodCondition(&pod.Status, core.PodScheduled)
return condition != nil &&
condition.Status == core.ConditionFalse &&
// IsPodMarkedForDeletion returns true if the pod has been marked for deletion.
func IsPodMarkedForDeletion(pod *core.Pod) bool {
return pod.DeletionTimestamp != nil
// IsPodTerminating returns true if the pod has been marked for deletion.
func IsPodTerminating(pod *core.Pod) bool {
return IsPodMarkedForDeletion(pod)
// getPodCondition returns the condition of given type in the given status.
// If not found, nil is returned.
func getPodCondition(status *core.PodStatus, condType core.PodConditionType) *core.PodCondition {
for i := range status.Conditions {
if status.Conditions[i].Type == condType {
return &status.Conditions[i]
return nil
// CreatePodName returns the name of the pod for a member with
// a given id in a deployment with a given name.
func CreatePodName(deploymentName, role, id, suffix string) string {
if len(suffix) > 0 && suffix[0] != '-' {
suffix = "-" + suffix
return shared.CreatePodHostName(deploymentName, role, id) + suffix
// CreateTLSKeyfileSecretName returns the name of the Secret that holds the TLS keyfile for a member with
// a given id in a deployment with a given name.
func CreateTLSKeyfileSecretName(deploymentName, role, id string) string {
return AppendTLSKeyfileSecretPostfix(CreatePodName(deploymentName, role, id, ""))
// AppendTLSKeyfileSecretPostfix returns the name of the Secret extended with TLS keyfile postfix.
func AppendTLSKeyfileSecretPostfix(name string) string {
return fmt.Sprintf("%s-tls-keyfile", name)
// ArangodVolumeMount creates a volume mount structure for arangod.
func ArangodVolumeMount() core.VolumeMount {
return core.VolumeMount{
Name: shared.ArangodVolumeName,
MountPath: shared.ArangodVolumeMountDir,
// TlsKeyfileVolumeMount creates a volume mount structure for a TLS keyfile.
func TlsKeyfileVolumeMount() core.VolumeMount {
return core.VolumeMount{
Name: shared.TlsKeyfileVolumeName,
MountPath: shared.TLSKeyfileVolumeMountDir,
ReadOnly: true,
// ClientAuthCACertificateVolumeMount creates a volume mount structure for a client-auth CA certificate (ca.crt).
func ClientAuthCACertificateVolumeMount() core.VolumeMount {
return core.VolumeMount{
Name: shared.ClientAuthCAVolumeName,
MountPath: shared.ClientAuthCAVolumeMountDir,
// MasterJWTVolumeMount creates a volume mount structure for a master JWT secret (token).
func MasterJWTVolumeMount() core.VolumeMount {
return core.VolumeMount{
Name: shared.MasterJWTSecretVolumeName,
MountPath: shared.MasterJWTSecretVolumeMountDir,
// IsPodAlive returns true if any of the containers within pod is running
func IsPodAlive(pod *core.Pod) bool {
return IsAnyContainerAlive(pod.Status.ContainerStatuses) ||
IsAnyContainerAlive(pod.Status.InitContainerStatuses) ||
// IsAnyContainerAlive returns true if any of the containers is running
func IsAnyContainerAlive(containers []core.ContainerStatus) bool {
for _, c := range containers {
if IsContainerAlive(c) {
return true
return false
// IsContainerAlive returns true if container is running
func IsContainerAlive(container core.ContainerStatus) bool {
return container.State.Running != nil
// PodStopTime returns time when pod has been stopped
func PodStopTime(pod *core.Pod) time.Time {
var t time.Time
if q := ContainersRecentStopTime(pod.Status.ContainerStatuses); q.After(t) {
t = q
if q := ContainersRecentStopTime(pod.Status.InitContainerStatuses); q.After(t) {
t = q
if q := ContainersRecentStopTime(pod.Status.EphemeralContainerStatuses); q.After(t) {
t = q
return t
// ContainersRecentStopTime returns most recent termination time of pods
func ContainersRecentStopTime(containers []core.ContainerStatus) time.Time {
var t time.Time
for _, c := range containers {
if v := ContainerStopTime(c); v.After(t) {
t = v
return t
// ContainerStopTime returns time of the Container stop. If container is running, time.Zero is returned
func ContainerStopTime(container core.ContainerStatus) time.Time {
if p := container.State.Terminated; p != nil {
return p.FinishedAt.Time
return time.Time{}
// ClusterJWTVolumeMount creates a volume mount structure for a cluster JWT secret (token).
func ClusterJWTVolumeMount() core.VolumeMount {
return core.VolumeMount{
Name: shared.ClusterJWTSecretVolumeName,
MountPath: shared.ClusterJWTSecretVolumeMountDir,
func ExporterJWTVolumeMount() core.VolumeMount {
return core.VolumeMount{
Name: shared.ExporterJWTVolumeName,
MountPath: shared.ExporterJWTVolumeMountDir,
ReadOnly: true,
// RocksdbEncryptionVolumeMount creates a volume mount structure for a RocksDB encryption key.
func RocksdbEncryptionVolumeMount() core.VolumeMount {
return core.VolumeMount{
Name: shared.RocksdbEncryptionVolumeName,
MountPath: shared.RocksDBEncryptionVolumeMountDir,
// RocksdbEncryptionReadOnlyVolumeMount creates a volume mount structure for a RocksDB encryption key.
func RocksdbEncryptionReadOnlyVolumeMount() core.VolumeMount {
return core.VolumeMount{
Name: shared.RocksdbEncryptionVolumeName,
MountPath: shared.RocksDBEncryptionVolumeMountDir,
ReadOnly: true,
// ArangodInitContainer creates a container configured to initialize a UUID file.
func ArangodInitContainer(name, id, engine, executable, operatorImage string, requireUUID bool, securityContext *core.SecurityContext) core.Container {
uuidFile := filepath.Join(shared.ArangodVolumeMountDir, "UUID")
engineFile := filepath.Join(shared.ArangodVolumeMountDir, "ENGINE")
var command = []string{
if requireUUID {
command = append(command, "--require")
volumes := []core.VolumeMount{
return operatorInitContainer(name, operatorImage, command, securityContext, volumes)
// ArangodWaiterInitContainer creates a container configured to wait for specific ArangoDeployment to be ready
func ArangodWaiterInitContainer(name, deploymentName, executable, operatorImage string, isSecured bool, securityContext *core.SecurityContext) core.Container {
var command = []string{
var volumes []core.VolumeMount
if isSecured {
volumes = append(volumes, TlsKeyfileVolumeMount())
return operatorInitContainer(name, operatorImage, command, securityContext, volumes)
// createInitContainer creates operator-specific init container
func operatorInitContainer(name, operatorImage string, command []string, securityContext *core.SecurityContext, volumes []core.VolumeMount) core.Container {
c := core.Container{
Name: name,
Image: operatorImage,
Command: command,
Resources: core.ResourceRequirements{
Requests: core.ResourceList{
core.ResourceCPU: resource.MustParse("100m"),
core.ResourceMemory: resource.MustParse("10Mi"),
Limits: core.ResourceList{
core.ResourceCPU: resource.MustParse("100m"),
core.ResourceMemory: resource.MustParse("50Mi"),
Env: []core.EnvVar{
Value: os.Getenv(constants.EnvOperatorPodNamespace),
VolumeMounts: volumes,
SecurityContext: securityContext,
return c
// NewContainer creates a container for specified creator
func NewContainer(containerCreator interfaces.ContainerCreator) (core.Container, error) {
liveness, readiness, startup, err := containerCreator.GetProbes()
if err != nil {
return core.Container{}, err
lifecycle, err := containerCreator.GetLifecycle()
if err != nil {
return core.Container{}, err
cmd, err := containerCreator.GetCommand()
if err != nil {
return core.Container{}, err
env, envFrom := containerCreator.GetEnvs()
return core.Container{
Name: containerCreator.GetName(),
Image: containerCreator.GetImage(),
Command: cmd,
Ports: containerCreator.GetPorts(),
Env: env,
EnvFrom: envFrom,
Resources: containerCreator.GetResourceRequirements(),
LivenessProbe: liveness,
ReadinessProbe: readiness,
StartupProbe: startup,
Lifecycle: lifecycle,
ImagePullPolicy: containerCreator.GetImagePullPolicy(),
SecurityContext: containerCreator.GetSecurityContext(),
VolumeMounts: containerCreator.GetVolumeMounts(),
}, nil
// NewPod creates a basic Pod for given settings.
func NewPod(deploymentName, role, id, podName string, podCreator interfaces.PodCreator) core.Pod {
hostname := shared.CreatePodHostName(deploymentName, role, id)
p := core.Pod{
ObjectMeta: meta.ObjectMeta{
Name: podName,
Labels: LabelsForMember(deploymentName, role, id),
Finalizers: podCreator.GetFinalizers(),
Spec: core.PodSpec{
Hostname: hostname,
Subdomain: CreateHeadlessServiceName(deploymentName),
RestartPolicy: podCreator.GetRestartPolicy(),
Tolerations: podCreator.GetTolerations(),
ServiceAccountName: podCreator.GetServiceAccountName(),
NodeSelector: podCreator.GetNodeSelector(),
// Add ImagePullSecrets
imagePullSecrets := podCreator.GetImagePullSecrets()
if imagePullSecrets != nil {
imagePullSecretsReference := make([]core.LocalObjectReference, len(imagePullSecrets))
for id := range imagePullSecrets {
imagePullSecretsReference[id] = core.LocalObjectReference{
Name: imagePullSecrets[id],
p.Spec.ImagePullSecrets = imagePullSecretsReference
return p
// GetPodSpecChecksum return checksum of requested pod spec based on deployment and group spec
func GetPodSpecChecksum(podSpec core.PodSpec) (string, error) {
data, err := json.Marshal(podSpec)
if err != nil {
return "", err
return util.SHA256(data), nil
// CreatePod adds an owner to the given pod and calls the k8s api-server to created it.
// If the pod already exists, nil is returned.
// If another error occurs, that error is returned.
func CreatePod(ctx context.Context, c podv1.ModInterface, pod *core.Pod, ns string,
owner meta.OwnerReference) (string, types.UID, error) {
AddOwnerRefToObject(pod.GetObjectMeta(), &owner)
if createdPod, err := c.Create(ctx, pod, meta.CreateOptions{}); err != nil {
if kerrors.IsAlreadyExists(err) {
return pod.GetName(), "", nil // If pod exists do not return any error but do not record UID (enforced rotation)
return "", "", errors.WithStack(err)
} else {
return createdPod.GetName(), createdPod.GetUID(), nil
func CreateVolumeEmptyDir(name string) core.Volume {
return core.Volume{
Name: name,
VolumeSource: core.VolumeSource{
EmptyDir: &core.EmptyDirVolumeSource{},
func CreateVolumeWithSecret(name, secretName string) core.Volume {
return core.Volume{
Name: name,
VolumeSource: core.VolumeSource{
Secret: &core.SecretVolumeSource{
SecretName: secretName,
func CreateVolumeWithPersitantVolumeClaim(name, claimName string) core.Volume {
return core.Volume{
Name: name,
VolumeSource: core.VolumeSource{
PersistentVolumeClaim: &core.PersistentVolumeClaimVolumeSource{
ClaimName: claimName,
func CreateEnvFieldPath(name, fieldPath string) core.EnvVar {
return core.EnvVar{
Name: name,
ValueFrom: &core.EnvVarSource{
FieldRef: &core.ObjectFieldSelector{
FieldPath: fieldPath,
func CreateEnvSecretKeySelector(name, SecretKeyName, secretKey string) core.EnvVar {
return core.EnvVar{
Name: name,
Value: "",
ValueFrom: &core.EnvVarSource{
SecretKeyRef: &core.SecretKeySelector{
LocalObjectReference: core.LocalObjectReference{
Name: SecretKeyName,
Key: secretKey,
func EnsureFinalizerAbsent(ctx context.Context, pods podv1.Interface, pod *core.Pod, finalizers ...string) error {
var newFinalizers []string
c := utils.StringList(finalizers)
for _, fn := range pod.Finalizers {
if !c.Has(fn) {
newFinalizers = append(newFinalizers, fn)
if len(newFinalizers) == len(pod.Finalizers) {
return nil
return SetFinalizers(ctx, pods, pod, newFinalizers...)
func EnsureFinalizerPresent(ctx context.Context, pods podv1.Interface, pod *core.Pod, finalizers ...string) error {
var newFinalizers []string
newFinalizers = append(newFinalizers, pod.Finalizers...)
for _, fn := range finalizers {
if utils.StringList(newFinalizers).Has(fn) {
newFinalizers = append(newFinalizers, fn)
if len(newFinalizers) == len(pod.Finalizers) {
return nil
return SetFinalizers(ctx, pods, pod, newFinalizers...)
func SetFinalizers(ctx context.Context, pods podv1.Interface, pod *core.Pod, finalizers ...string) error {
d, err := patch.NewPatch(patch.ItemReplace(patch.NewPath("metadata", "finalizers"), finalizers)).Marshal()
if err != nil {
return err
nctx, c := globals.GetGlobalTimeouts().Kubernetes().WithTimeout(ctx)
defer c()
if _, err := pods.Patch(nctx, pod.GetName(), types.JSONPatchType, d, meta.PatchOptions{}); err != nil {
return err
return nil
func GetFinalizers(spec api.ServerGroupSpec, group api.ServerGroup) []string {
var finalizers []string
if d := spec.GetShutdownDelay(group); d != 0 {
finalizers = append(finalizers, constants.FinalizerDelayPodTermination)
if features.GracefulShutdown().Enabled() {
finalizers = append(finalizers, constants.FinalizerPodGracefulShutdown) // No need for other finalizers, quorum will be managed
} else {
switch group {
case api.ServerGroupAgents:
finalizers = append(finalizers, constants.FinalizerPodAgencyServing)
case api.ServerGroupDBServers:
finalizers = append(finalizers, constants.FinalizerPodDrainDBServer)
return finalizers