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// Copyright 2016-2022 ArangoDB GmbH, Cologne, Germany
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
// Copyright holder is ArangoDB GmbH, Cologne, Germany
package deployment
import (
meta "k8s.io/apimachinery/pkg/apis/meta/v1"
agencydriver "github.com/arangodb/go-driver/agency"
api "github.com/arangodb/kube-arangodb/pkg/apis/deployment/v1"
deploymentClient "github.com/arangodb/kube-arangodb/pkg/deployment/client"
memberState "github.com/arangodb/kube-arangodb/pkg/deployment/member"
arangoInformer "github.com/arangodb/kube-arangodb/pkg/generated/informers/externalversions"
// Config holds configuration settings for a Deployment
type Config struct {
ServiceAccount string
AllowChaos bool
ScalingIntegrationEnabled bool
OperatorImage string
ArangoImage string
Scope scope.Scope
// Dependencies holds dependent services for a Deployment
type Dependencies struct {
EventRecorder record.EventRecorder
Client kclient.Client
// deploymentEventType strongly typed type of event
type deploymentEventType string
const (
eventArangoDeploymentUpdated deploymentEventType = "ArangoDeploymentUpdated"
// deploymentEvent holds an event passed from the controller to the deployment.
type deploymentEvent struct {
Type deploymentEventType
Deployment *api.ArangoDeployment
const (
deploymentEventQueueSize = 256
minInspectionInterval = 250 * util.Interval(time.Millisecond) // Ensure we inspect the generated resources no less than with this interval
maxInspectionInterval = 10 * util.Interval(time.Second) // Ensure we inspect the generated resources no less than with this interval
// Deployment is the in process state of an ArangoDeployment.
type Deployment struct {
log logging.Logger
name string
uid types.UID
namespace string
currentObject *api.ArangoDeployment
currentObjectStatus *api.DeploymentStatus
currentObjectLock sync.RWMutex
config Config
deps Dependencies
eventCh chan *deploymentEvent
stopCh chan struct{}
stopped int32
inspectTrigger trigger.Trigger
updateDeploymentTrigger trigger.Trigger
clientCache deploymentClient.Cache
agencyCache agency.Cache
recentInspectionErrors int
clusterScalingIntegration *clusterScalingIntegration
reconciler *reconcile.Reconciler
resilience *resilience.Resilience
resources *resources.Resources
chaosMonkey *chaos.Monkey
acs sutil.ACS
syncClientCache client.ClientCache
haveServiceMonitorCRD bool
memberState memberState.StateInspector
metrics Metrics
func (d *Deployment) GetMembersState() memberState.StateInspector {
return d.memberState
func (d *Deployment) GetAgencyCache() (agency.State, bool) {
return d.agencyCache.Data()
func (d *Deployment) GetAgencyHealth() (agency.Health, bool) {
return d.agencyCache.Health()
func (d *Deployment) RefreshAgencyCache(ctx context.Context) (uint64, error) {
if d.GetSpec().Mode.Get() == api.DeploymentModeSingle {
return 0, nil
if info := d.currentObject.Status.Agency; info != nil {
if size := info.Size; size != nil {
lCtx, c := globals.GetGlobalTimeouts().Agency().WithTimeout(ctx)
defer c()
rsize := int(*size)
clients := make(map[string]agencydriver.Agency)
for _, m := range d.GetStatus().Members.Agents {
a, err := d.GetAgency(lCtx, m.ID)
if err != nil {
return 0, err
clients[m.ID] = a
return d.agencyCache.Reload(lCtx, rsize, clients)
return 0, errors.Newf("Agency not yet established")
func (d *Deployment) SetAgencyMaintenanceMode(ctx context.Context, enabled bool) error {
if !d.GetMode().HasAgents() {
return nil
client, err := d.GetMembersState().State().GetDatabaseClient()
if err != nil {
return err
data := "on"
if !enabled {
data = "off"
conn := client.Connection()
r, err := conn.NewRequest(http.MethodPut, "/_admin/cluster/maintenance")
if err != nil {
return err
if _, err := r.SetBody(data); err != nil {
return err
resp, err := conn.Do(ctx, r)
if err != nil {
return err
if err := resp.CheckStatus(http.StatusOK); err != nil {
return err
return nil
// New creates a new Deployment from the given API object.
func New(config Config, deps Dependencies, apiObject *api.ArangoDeployment) (*Deployment, error) {
if err := apiObject.Spec.Validate(); err != nil {
return nil, errors.WithStack(err)
i := inspector.NewInspector(inspector.NewDefaultThrottle(), deps.Client, apiObject.GetNamespace(), apiObject.GetName())
d := &Deployment{
currentObject: apiObject,
currentObjectStatus: apiObject.Status.DeepCopy(),
name: apiObject.GetName(),
uid: apiObject.GetUID(),
namespace: apiObject.GetNamespace(),
config: config,
deps: deps,
eventCh: make(chan *deploymentEvent, deploymentEventQueueSize),
stopCh: make(chan struct{}),
agencyCache: agency.NewCache(apiObject.GetNamespace(), apiObject.GetName(), apiObject.GetAcceptedSpec().Mode),
acs: acs.NewACS(apiObject.GetUID(), i),
d.log = logger.WrapObj(d)
d.memberState = memberState.NewStateInspector(d)
d.clientCache = deploymentClient.NewClientCache(d, conn.NewFactory(d.getAuth, d.getConnConfig))
d.reconciler = reconcile.NewReconciler(apiObject.GetNamespace(), apiObject.GetName(), d)
d.resilience = resilience.NewResilience(apiObject.GetNamespace(), apiObject.GetName(), d)
d.resources = resources.NewResources(apiObject.GetNamespace(), apiObject.GetName(), d)
for !d.acs.CurrentClusterCache().Initialised() {
d.log.Warn("ACS cache not yet initialised")
err := d.acs.CurrentClusterCache().Refresh(context.Background())
if err != nil {
d.log.Err(err).Error("Unable to get resources from ACS")
aInformer := arangoInformer.NewSharedInformerFactoryWithOptions(deps.Client.Arango(), 0, arangoInformer.WithNamespace(apiObject.GetNamespace()))
kInformer := informers.NewSharedInformerFactoryWithOptions(deps.Client.Kubernetes(), 0, informers.WithNamespace(apiObject.GetNamespace()))
i.RegisterInformers(kInformer, aInformer)
k8sutil.WaitForInformers(d.stopCh, 5*time.Second, kInformer, aInformer)
go d.run()
if apiObject.GetAcceptedSpec().GetMode() == api.DeploymentModeCluster {
ci := newClusterScalingIntegration(d)
d.clusterScalingIntegration = ci
go ci.ListenForClusterEvents(d.stopCh)
if config.AllowChaos {
d.chaosMonkey = chaos.NewMonkey(apiObject.GetNamespace(), apiObject.GetName(), d)
go d.chaosMonkey.Run(d.stopCh)
return d, nil
// Update the deployment.
// This sends an update event in the deployment event queue.
func (d *Deployment) Update(apiObject *api.ArangoDeployment) {
Type: eventArangoDeploymentUpdated,
Deployment: apiObject,
// Stop the deployment.
// Called when the deployment was deleted by the user.
func (d *Deployment) Stop() {
d.log.Info("deployment is deleted by user")
if atomic.CompareAndSwapInt32(&d.stopped, 0, 1) {
// send given event into the deployment event queue.
func (d *Deployment) send(ev *deploymentEvent) {
select {
case d.eventCh <- ev:
l, ecap := len(d.eventCh), cap(d.eventCh)
if l > int(float64(ecap)*0.8) {
Int("used", l).
Int("capacity", ecap).
Warn("event queue buffer is almost full")
case <-d.stopCh:
// run is the core the core worker.
// It processes the event queue and polls the state of generated
// resource on a regular basis.
func (d *Deployment) run() {
log := d.log
// Create agency mapping
if err := d.createAgencyMapping(context.TODO()); err != nil {
d.CreateEvent(k8sutil.NewErrorEvent("Failed to create agency mapping members", err, d.GetAPIObject()))
if d.GetPhase() == api.DeploymentPhaseNone {
// Create service monitor
if d.haveServiceMonitorCRD {
if err := d.resources.EnsureServiceMonitor(context.TODO()); err != nil {
d.CreateEvent(k8sutil.NewErrorEvent("Failed to create service monitor", err, d.GetAPIObject()))
// Create initial topology
if err := d.createInitialTopology(context.TODO()); err != nil {
d.CreateEvent(k8sutil.NewErrorEvent("Failed to create initial topology", err, d.GetAPIObject()))
status := d.GetStatus()
status.Phase = api.DeploymentPhaseRunning
if err := d.UpdateStatus(context.TODO(), status); err != nil {
log.Err(err).Warn("update initial CR status failed")
log.Info("start running...")
// Execute inspection for first time without delay of 10s
log.Debug("Initially inspect deployment...")
inspectionInterval := d.inspectDeployment(minInspectionInterval)
log.Str("interval", inspectionInterval.String()).Debug("...deployment inspect started")
for {
select {
case <-d.stopCh:
// We're being stopped.
case event := <-d.eventCh:
// Got event from event queue
switch event.Type {
case eventArangoDeploymentUpdated:
panic("unknown event type" + event.Type)
case <-d.inspectTrigger.Done():
log.Trace("Inspect deployment...")
inspectionInterval = d.inspectDeployment(inspectionInterval)
log.Str("interval", inspectionInterval.String()).Trace("...inspected deployment")
case <-d.updateDeploymentTrigger.Done():
inspectionInterval = minInspectionInterval
case <-inspectionInterval.After():
// Trigger inspection
// Backoff with next interval
inspectionInterval = inspectionInterval.Backoff(1.5, maxInspectionInterval)
// validateNewSpec returns (canProceed, changed, error)
func (d *Deployment) acceptNewSpec(ctx context.Context, depl *api.ArangoDeployment) (bool, bool, error) {
spec := depl.Spec.DeepCopy()
origChecksum, err := spec.Checksum()
if err != nil {
return false, false, err
// Set defaults to the spec
if features.DeploymentSpecDefaultsRestore().Enabled() {
if accepted := depl.Status.AcceptedSpec; accepted != nil {
checksum, err := spec.Checksum()
if err != nil {
return false, false, err
if features.DeploymentSpecDefaultsRestore().Enabled() {
if origChecksum != checksum {
// Set defaults in deployment
if err := d.updateCRSpec(ctx, *spec); err != nil {
return false, false, err
return false, true, nil
if accepted := depl.Status.AcceptedSpec; accepted == nil {
// There is no last status, it is fresh one
if err := spec.Validate(); err != nil {
return false, false, err
// Update accepted spec
if err := d.patchAcceptedSpec(ctx, spec, origChecksum); err != nil {
return false, false, err
// Reconcile with new accepted spec
return false, true, nil
} else {
// If we are equal then proceed
acceptedChecksum, err := accepted.Checksum()
if err != nil {
return false, false, err
if v := depl.Status.AcceptedSpecVersion; acceptedChecksum == checksum && (v != nil && *v == origChecksum) {
return true, false, nil
// We have already accepted spec, verify immutable part
if fields := accepted.ResetImmutableFields(spec); len(fields) > 0 {
d.metrics.Errors.DeploymentImmutableErrors += uint64(len(fields))
if features.DeploymentSpecDefaultsRestore().Enabled() {
d.log.Error("Restoring immutable fields: %s", strings.Join(fields, ", "))
// In case of enabled, do restore
if err := d.updateCRSpec(ctx, *spec); err != nil {
return false, false, err
return false, true, nil
// We have immutable fields, throw an error and proceed
return true, false, errors.Newf("Immutable fields cannot be changed: %s", strings.Join(fields, ", "))
// Update accepted spec
if err := d.patchAcceptedSpec(ctx, spec, origChecksum); err != nil {
return false, false, err
// Reconcile with new accepted spec
return false, true, nil
func (d *Deployment) patchAcceptedSpec(ctx context.Context, spec *api.DeploymentSpec, checksum string) error {
return d.ApplyPatch(ctx, patch.ItemReplace(patch.NewPath("status", "accepted-spec"), spec),
patch.ItemReplace(patch.NewPath("status", "acceptedSpecVersion"), checksum))
// handleArangoDeploymentUpdatedEvent is called when the deployment is updated by the user.
func (d *Deployment) handleArangoDeploymentUpdatedEvent() {
// Trigger inspect
// CreateEvent creates a given event.
// On error, the error is logged.
func (d *Deployment) CreateEvent(evt *k8sutil.Event) {
d.deps.EventRecorder.Event(evt.InvolvedObject, evt.Type, evt.Reason, evt.Message)
func (d *Deployment) updateCRStatus(ctx context.Context, status api.DeploymentStatus) error {
return d.ApplyPatch(ctx, patch.ItemReplace(patch.NewPath("status"), status))
func (d *Deployment) updateCRSpec(ctx context.Context, spec api.DeploymentSpec) error {
return d.ApplyPatch(ctx, patch.ItemReplace(patch.NewPath("spec"), spec))
// isOwnerOf returns true if the given object belong to this deployment.
func (d *Deployment) isOwnerOf(obj meta.Object) bool {
ownerRefs := obj.GetOwnerReferences()
if len(ownerRefs) < 1 {
return false
return ownerRefs[0].UID == d.currentObject.UID
// lookForServiceMonitorCRD checks if there is a CRD for the ServiceMonitor
// CR and sets the flag haveServiceMonitorCRD accordingly. This is called
// once at creation time of the deployment.
func (d *Deployment) lookForServiceMonitorCRD() {
if d.haveServiceMonitorCRD {
var err error
if d.GetScope().IsNamespaced() {
_, err = d.acs.CurrentClusterCache().ServiceMonitor().V1()
if kerrors.IsForbiddenOrNotFound(err) {
} else {
_, err = d.deps.Client.KubernetesExtensions().ApiextensionsV1().CustomResourceDefinitions().Get(context.Background(), "servicemonitors.monitoring.coreos.com", meta.GetOptions{})
log := d.log
log.Debug("Looking for ServiceMonitor CRD...")
if err == nil {
if !d.haveServiceMonitorCRD {
log.Info("...have discovered ServiceMonitor CRD")
d.haveServiceMonitorCRD = true
} else if kerrors.IsNotFound(err) {
if d.haveServiceMonitorCRD {
log.Info("...ServiceMonitor CRD no longer there")
d.haveServiceMonitorCRD = false
log.Err(err).Warn("Error when looking for ServiceMonitor CRD")
// SetNumberOfServers adjust number of DBservers and coordinators in arangod
func (d *Deployment) SetNumberOfServers(ctx context.Context, noCoordinators, noDBServers *int) error {
ctxChild, cancel := globals.GetGlobalTimeouts().ArangoD().WithTimeout(ctx)
defer cancel()
c, err := d.clientCache.GetDatabase(ctxChild)
if err != nil {
return errors.WithStack(err)
err = globals.GetGlobalTimeouts().ArangoD().RunWithTimeout(ctx, func(ctxChild context.Context) error {
return arangod.SetNumberOfServers(ctxChild, c.Connection(), noCoordinators, noDBServers)
if err != nil {
return errors.WithStack(err)
return nil
func (d *Deployment) ApplyPatch(ctx context.Context, p ...patch.Item) error {
if len(p) == 0 {
return nil
defer d.currentObjectLock.Unlock()
return d.applyPatch(ctx, p...)
func (d *Deployment) applyPatch(ctx context.Context, p ...patch.Item) error {
depls := d.deps.Client.Arango().DatabaseV1().ArangoDeployments(d.GetNamespace())
if len(p) == 0 {
return nil
pd, err := patch.NewPatch(p...).Marshal()
if err != nil {
return err
attempt := 0
for {
var newAPIObject *api.ArangoDeployment
err := globals.GetGlobalTimeouts().Kubernetes().RunWithTimeout(ctx, func(ctxChild context.Context) error {
newAPIObject, err = depls.Patch(ctxChild, d.GetName(), types.JSONPatchType, pd, meta.PatchOptions{})
return err
if err == nil {
// Update internal object
d.currentObject = newAPIObject.DeepCopy()
d.currentObjectStatus = newAPIObject.Status.DeepCopy()
return nil
if attempt < 10 {
if err != nil {
d.log.Err(err).Debug("failed to patch ArangoDeployment")
return errors.WithStack(errors.Newf("failed to patch ArangoDeployment: %v", err))