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// Copyright 2016-2023 ArangoDB GmbH, Cologne, Germany
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
// Copyright holder is ArangoDB GmbH, Cologne, Germany
package deployment
import (
core "k8s.io/api/core/v1"
meta "k8s.io/apimachinery/pkg/apis/meta/v1"
api "github.com/arangodb/kube-arangodb/pkg/apis/deployment/v1"
inspectorInterface "github.com/arangodb/kube-arangodb/pkg/util/k8sutil/inspector"
var _ interfaces.PodCreator = &ImageUpdatePod{}
var _ interfaces.ContainerCreator = &ContainerIdentity{}
// ImageUpdatePod describes how to launch the ID ArangoD POD.
type ImageUpdatePod struct {
spec api.DeploymentSpec
status api.DeploymentStatus
apiObject k8sutil.APIObject
containerCreator *ArangoDIdentity
// ContainerIdentity helps to resolve the container identity, e.g.: image ID, version of the entrypoint.
type ContainerIdentity struct {
ID *api.ServerIDGroupSpec
image string
imagePullPolicy core.PullPolicy
// ArangoDIdentity helps to resolve the ArangoD identity, e.g.: image ID, version of the entrypoint.
type ArangoDIdentity struct {
input pod.Input
License *string
ipAddress string
// ArangoSyncIdentity helps to resolve the ArangoSync identity, e.g.: image ID, version of the entrypoint.
type ArangoSyncIdentity struct {
type imagesBuilder struct {
Log logging.Logger
Context resources.Context
APIObject k8sutil.APIObject
Spec api.DeploymentSpec
Status api.DeploymentStatus
UpdateCRStatus func(status api.DeploymentStatus) error
// ensureImages creates pods needed to detect ImageID for specified images.
// Returns: retrySoon, error
func (d *Deployment) ensureImages(ctx context.Context, apiObject *api.ArangoDeployment, cachedStatus inspectorInterface.Inspector) (bool, bool, error) {
status := d.GetStatus()
ib := imagesBuilder{
Context: d,
APIObject: apiObject,
Spec: apiObject.GetAcceptedSpec(),
Status: status,
Log: d.log,
UpdateCRStatus: func(status api.DeploymentStatus) error {
if err := d.UpdateStatus(ctx, status); err != nil {
return errors.WithStack(err)
return nil
retrySoon, exists, err := ib.Run(ctx, cachedStatus)
if err != nil {
return retrySoon, exists, errors.WithStack(err)
return retrySoon, exists, nil
// Run creates pods needed to detect ImageID for specified images and puts the found
// image ID's into the status.Images list.
// Returns: retrySoon, error
func (ib *imagesBuilder) Run(ctx context.Context, cachedStatus inspectorInterface.Inspector) (bool, bool, error) {
// Check ArangoDB image
if _, found := ib.Status.Images.GetByImage(ib.Spec.GetImage()); !found {
// We need to find the image ID for the ArangoDB image
retrySoon, err := ib.fetchArangoDBImageIDAndVersion(ctx, cachedStatus, ib.Spec.GetImage())
if err != nil {
return retrySoon, false, errors.WithStack(err)
return retrySoon, false, nil
return false, true, nil
// fetchArangoDBImageIDAndVersion checks a running pod for fetching the ID of the given image.
// When no pod exists, it is created, otherwise the ID is fetched & version detected.
// Returns: retrySoon, error
func (ib *imagesBuilder) fetchArangoDBImageIDAndVersion(ctx context.Context, cachedStatus inspectorInterface.Inspector, image string) (bool, error) {
role := api.ServerGroupImageDiscovery.AsRole()
id := fmt.Sprintf("%0x", sha1.Sum([]byte(image)))[:6]
podName := k8sutil.CreatePodName(ib.APIObject.GetName(), role, id, "")
log := ib.Log.
Str("pod", podName).
Str("image", image)
// Check if pod exists
ctxChild, cancel := globals.GetGlobalTimeouts().Kubernetes().WithTimeout(ctx)
defer cancel()
pod, err := ib.Context.ACS().CurrentClusterCache().Pod().V1().Read().Get(ctxChild, podName, meta.GetOptions{})
if err == nil {
// Pod found
if k8sutil.IsPodFailed(pod, utils.StringList{shared.ServerContainerName}) {
// Wait some time before deleting the pod
if time.Now().After(pod.GetCreationTimestamp().Add(30 * time.Second)) {
err := globals.GetGlobalTimeouts().Kubernetes().RunWithTimeout(ctx, func(ctxChild context.Context) error {
return ib.Context.ACS().CurrentClusterCache().PodsModInterface().V1().Delete(ctxChild, podName, meta.DeleteOptions{})
if err != nil && !kerrors.IsNotFound(err) {
log.Err(err).Warn("Failed to delete Image ID Pod")
return false, nil
return false, nil
if !k8sutil.IsPodReady(pod) {
log.Debug("Image ID Pod is not yet ready")
return true, nil
imageID, err := k8sutil.GetArangoDBImageIDFromPod(pod)
if err != nil {
log.Err(err).Warn("failed to get image ID from pod")
return true, nil
if imageID == "" {
// Fall back to specified image
imageID = image
// Try fetching the ArangoDB version
client, err := arangod.CreateArangodImageIDClient(ctx, ib.APIObject, pod.Status.PodIP)
if err != nil {
log.Err(err).Warn("Failed to create Image ID Pod client")
return true, nil
ctxChild, cancel = globals.GetGlobalTimeouts().ArangoD().WithTimeout(ctx)
defer cancel()
v, err := client.Version(ctxChild)
if err != nil {
log.Err(err).Debug("Failed to fetch version from Image ID Pod")
return true, nil
version := v.Version
enterprise := strings.ToLower(v.License) == "enterprise"
// We have all the info we need now, kill the pod and store the image info.
err = globals.GetGlobalTimeouts().Kubernetes().RunWithTimeout(ctx, func(ctxChild context.Context) error {
return ib.Context.ACS().CurrentClusterCache().PodsModInterface().V1().Delete(ctxChild, podName, meta.DeleteOptions{})
if err != nil && !kerrors.IsNotFound(err) {
log.Err(err).Warn("Failed to delete Image ID Pod")
return true, nil
info := api.ImageInfo{
Image: image,
ImageID: imageID,
ArangoDBVersion: version,
Enterprise: enterprise,
if err := ib.UpdateCRStatus(ib.Status); err != nil {
log.Err(err).Warn("Failed to save Image Info in CR status")
return true, errors.WithStack(err)
// We're done
Str("image-id", imageID).
Str("arangodb-version", string(version)).
Debug("Found image ID and ArangoDB version")
return false, nil
// Find license
var license *string
if s := ib.Spec.License; s.HasSecretName() {
if secret, ok := cachedStatus.Secret().V1().GetSimple(s.GetSecretName()); ok {
if _, ok := secret.Data[constants.SecretKeyToken]; ok {
license = util.NewType[string](s.GetSecretName())
imagePod := ImageUpdatePod{
spec: ib.Spec,
status: ib.Status,
apiObject: ib.APIObject,
containerCreator: &ArangoDIdentity{
ContainerCreator: &ContainerIdentity{
ID: ib.Spec.ID,
image: image,
imagePullPolicy: ib.Spec.GetImagePullPolicy(),
License: license,
ipAddress: ib.Spec.GetListenAddr(),
imagePod.containerCreator.input = imagePod.AsInput()
pod, err = resources.RenderArangoPod(ctx, cachedStatus, ib.APIObject, role, id, podName, &imagePod)
if err != nil {
log.Err(err).Debug("Failed to render image ID pod")
return true, errors.WithStack(err)
// here we need a pod with selector
err = globals.GetGlobalTimeouts().Kubernetes().RunWithTimeout(ctx, func(ctxChild context.Context) error {
_, _, err := resources.CreateArangoPod(ctxChild, ib.Context.ACS().CurrentClusterCache().PodsModInterface().V1(), ib.APIObject, ib.Spec, api.ServerGroupImageDiscovery, pod)
return err
if err != nil {
log.Err(err).Debug("Failed to create image ID pod")
return true, errors.WithStack(err)
// Come back soon to inspect the pod
return true, nil
func (i *ImageUpdatePod) Annotations() map[string]string {
return nil
func (i *ImageUpdatePod) Labels() map[string]string {
return nil
func (i *ImageUpdatePod) GetName() string {
return i.apiObject.GetName()
func (i *ImageUpdatePod) GetRole() string {
return "id"
func (i *ImageUpdatePod) Init(_ context.Context, _ interfaces.Inspector, pod *core.Pod) error {
terminationGracePeriodSeconds := int64((time.Second * 30).Seconds())
pod.Spec.TerminationGracePeriodSeconds = &terminationGracePeriodSeconds
pod.Spec.PriorityClassName = i.spec.ID.Get().PriorityClassName
return nil
func (i *ImageUpdatePod) GetImagePullSecrets() []string {
return i.spec.ImagePullSecrets
func (i *ImageUpdatePod) GetContainerCreator() interfaces.ContainerCreator {
return i.containerCreator
func (i *ImageUpdatePod) GetRestartPolicy() core.RestartPolicy {
return core.RestartPolicyNever
func (i *ImageUpdatePod) GetAffinityRole() string {
return ""
func (i *ImageUpdatePod) GetVolumes() []core.Volume {
return getVolumes(i.AsInput()).Volumes()
func (i *ImageUpdatePod) GetSidecars(*core.Pod) error {
return nil
func (i *ImageUpdatePod) GetInitContainers(cachedStatus interfaces.Inspector) ([]core.Container, error) {
return nil, nil
func (i *ImageUpdatePod) GetFinalizers() []string {
return nil
func (i *ImageUpdatePod) GetTolerations() []core.Toleration {
shortDur := tolerations.TolerationDuration{
Forever: false,
TimeSpan: time.Second * 5,
ts := make([]core.Toleration, 0, 3+len(i.spec.ID.Get().Tolerations))
if idTolerations := i.spec.ID.Get().Tolerations; len(idTolerations) > 0 {
for _, toleration := range idTolerations {
ts = tolerations.AddTolerationIfNotFound(ts, toleration)
ts = tolerations.AddTolerationIfNotFound(ts,
tolerations.NewNoExecuteToleration(tolerations.TolerationKeyNodeNotReady, shortDur))
ts = tolerations.AddTolerationIfNotFound(ts,
tolerations.NewNoExecuteToleration(tolerations.TolerationKeyNodeUnreachable, shortDur))
ts = tolerations.AddTolerationIfNotFound(ts,
tolerations.NewNoExecuteToleration(tolerations.TolerationKeyNodeAlphaUnreachable, shortDur))
return ts
func (i *ImageUpdatePod) IsDeploymentMode() bool {
return true
func (i *ImageUpdatePod) GetNodeSelector() map[string]string {
return i.spec.ID.Get().NodeSelector
func (i *ImageUpdatePod) GetServiceAccountName() string {
return i.spec.ID.GetServiceAccountName()
func (i *ImageUpdatePod) GetPodAntiAffinity() *core.PodAntiAffinity {
a := core.PodAntiAffinity{}
pod.AppendPodAntiAffinityDefault(i, &a)
pod.MergePodAntiAffinity(&a, i.spec.ID.Get().AntiAffinity)
return pod.ReturnPodAntiAffinityOrNil(a)
func (i *ImageUpdatePod) GetPodAffinity() *core.PodAffinity {
a := core.PodAffinity{}
pod.MergePodAffinity(&a, i.spec.ID.Get().Affinity)
return pod.ReturnPodAffinityOrNil(a)
func (i *ImageUpdatePod) GetNodeAffinity() *core.NodeAffinity {
a := core.NodeAffinity{}
pod.AppendArchSelector(&a, i.spec.Architecture.AsNodeSelectorRequirement())
pod.MergeNodeAffinity(&a, i.spec.ID.Get().NodeAffinity)
return pod.ReturnNodeAffinityOrNil(a)
func (i *ImageUpdatePod) Validate(_ interfaces.Inspector) error {
return nil
func (i *ImageUpdatePod) ApplyPodSpec(p *core.PodSpec) error {
if id := i.spec.ID; id != nil {
p.SecurityContext = k8sutil.CreatePodSecurityContext(i.spec.ID.SecurityContext)
return nil
func (a *ContainerIdentity) GetArgs() ([]string, error) {
return nil, nil
// GetEnvs returns environment variables for identity containers.
func (a *ContainerIdentity) GetEnvs() ([]core.EnvVar, []core.EnvFromSource) {
return nil, nil
func (a *ContainerIdentity) GetExecutor() string {
return a.ID.GetEntrypoint(resources.ArangoDExecutor)
func (a *ContainerIdentity) GetImage() string {
return a.image
func (a *ContainerIdentity) GetImagePullPolicy() core.PullPolicy {
return a.imagePullPolicy
func (a *ContainerIdentity) GetLifecycle() (*core.Lifecycle, error) {
return nil, nil
func (a *ContainerIdentity) GetName() string {
return shared.ServerContainerName
func (a *ContainerIdentity) GetPorts() []core.ContainerPort {
return []core.ContainerPort{
Name: shared.ServerContainerName,
ContainerPort: int32(shared.ArangoPort),
Protocol: core.ProtocolTCP,
func (a *ContainerIdentity) GetProbes() (*core.Probe, *core.Probe, *core.Probe, error) {
return nil, nil, nil, nil
func (a *ContainerIdentity) GetResourceRequirements() core.ResourceRequirements {
return a.ID.GetResources()
func (a *ContainerIdentity) GetSecurityContext() *core.SecurityContext {
return k8sutil.CreateSecurityContext(a.ID.Get().SecurityContext)
// GetVolumeMounts returns nil for the basic container identity.
func (a *ContainerIdentity) GetVolumeMounts() []core.VolumeMount {
return nil
// GetArgs returns the list of arguments for the ArangoD container identification.
func (a *ArangoDIdentity) GetArgs() ([]string, error) {
options := k8sutil.CreateOptionPairs(64)
options.Add("--server.authentication", "false")
options.Addf("--server.endpoint", "tcp://%s:%d", a.ipAddress, shared.ArangoPort)
options.Add("--database.directory", shared.ArangodVolumeMountDir)
options.Add("--log.output", "+")
// Security
return options.Copy().Sort().AsArgs(), nil
// GetEnvs returns environment variables for Arango identity containers.
func (a *ArangoDIdentity) GetEnvs() ([]core.EnvVar, []core.EnvFromSource) {
env := make([]core.EnvVar, 0)
// Add advanced check for license
if l := a.License; l != nil {
env = append(env, k8sutil.CreateEnvSecretKeySelector(constants.EnvArangoLicenseKey,
*l, constants.SecretKeyToken))
if len(env) > 0 {
return env, nil
return nil, nil
// GetVolumeMounts returns volume mount for the ArangoD data.
func (a *ArangoDIdentity) GetVolumeMounts() []core.VolumeMount {
return getVolumes(a.input).VolumeMounts()
func (a *ImageUpdatePod) AsInput() pod.Input {
return pod.Input{
ApiObject: a.apiObject,
Deployment: a.spec,
Status: a.status,
Group: api.ServerGroupImageDiscovery,
// GetExecutor returns the fixed path to the ArangoSync binary in the container.
func (a *ArangoSyncIdentity) GetExecutor() string {
return resources.ArangoSyncExecutor
func getVolumes(input pod.Input) pod.Volumes {
volumes := pod.NewVolumes()
// Security
volumes.Append(pod.Security(), input)
return volumes