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// Copyright 2016-2023 ArangoDB GmbH, Cologne, Germany
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
// Copyright holder is ArangoDB GmbH, Cologne, Germany
package resources
import (
core "k8s.io/api/core/v1"
meta "k8s.io/apimachinery/pkg/apis/meta/v1"
api "github.com/arangodb/kube-arangodb/pkg/apis/deployment/v1"
inspectorInterface "github.com/arangodb/kube-arangodb/pkg/util/k8sutil/inspector"
v1 "github.com/arangodb/kube-arangodb/pkg/util/k8sutil/inspector/arangomember/v1"
servicev1 "github.com/arangodb/kube-arangodb/pkg/util/k8sutil/inspector/service/v1"
var (
inspectedServicesCounters = metrics.MustRegisterCounterVec(metricsComponent, "inspected_services", "Number of Service inspections per deployment", metrics.DeploymentName)
inspectServicesDurationGauges = metrics.MustRegisterGaugeVec(metricsComponent, "inspect_services_duration", "Amount of time taken by a single inspection of all Services for a deployment (in sec)", metrics.DeploymentName)
// createService returns service's object.
func (r *Resources) createService(name, namespace, clusterIP string, serviceType core.ServiceType, owner meta.OwnerReference, ports []core.ServicePort,
selector map[string]string) *core.Service {
return &core.Service{
ObjectMeta: meta.ObjectMeta{
Name: name,
Namespace: namespace,
OwnerReferences: []meta.OwnerReference{
Spec: core.ServiceSpec{
Type: serviceType,
ClusterIP: clusterIP,
Ports: ports,
PublishNotReadyAddresses: true,
Selector: selector,
// EnsureServices creates all services needed to service the deployment
func (r *Resources) EnsureServices(ctx context.Context, cachedStatus inspectorInterface.Inspector) error {
log := r.log.Str("section", "service")
start := time.Now()
apiObject := r.context.GetAPIObject()
status := r.context.GetStatus()
deploymentName := apiObject.GetName()
owner := apiObject.AsOwner()
spec := r.context.GetSpec()
role := spec.Mode.Get().ServingGroup().AsRole()
defer metrics.SetDuration(inspectServicesDurationGauges.WithLabelValues(deploymentName), start)
counterMetric := inspectedServicesCounters.WithLabelValues(deploymentName)
// Fetch existing services
svcs := cachedStatus.ServicesModInterface().V1()
amInspector := cachedStatus.ArangoMember().V1()
reconcileRequired := k8sutil.NewReconcile(cachedStatus)
// Ensure member services
for _, e := range status.Members.AsList() {
memberName := e.Member.ArangoMemberName(r.context.GetAPIObject().GetName(), e.Group)
member, ok := cachedStatus.ArangoMember().V1().GetSimple(memberName)
if !ok {
return errors.Newf("Member %s not found", memberName)
ports := CreateServerServicePortsWithSidecars(amInspector, e.Member.ArangoMemberName(deploymentName, e.Group))
selector := k8sutil.LabelsForActiveMember(deploymentName, e.Group.AsRole(), e.Member.ID)
if s, ok := cachedStatus.Service().V1().GetSimple(member.GetName()); !ok {
s := r.createService(member.GetName(), member.GetNamespace(), spec.CommunicationMethod.ServiceClusterIP(), spec.CommunicationMethod.ServiceType(), member.AsOwner(), ports, selector)
err := globals.GetGlobalTimeouts().Kubernetes().RunWithTimeout(ctx, func(ctxChild context.Context) error {
_, err := svcs.Create(ctxChild, s, meta.CreateOptions{})
return err
if err != nil {
if !kerrors.IsConflict(err) {
return err
} else {
if changed, err := patcher.ServicePatcher(ctx, svcs, s, meta.PatchOptions{},
patcher.PatchServiceType(spec.CommunicationMethod.ServiceType())); err != nil {
return err
} else if changed {
// Headless service
headlessPorts, headlessSelector := k8sutil.HeadlessServiceDetails(deploymentName)
if s, exists := cachedStatus.Service().V1().GetSimple(k8sutil.CreateHeadlessServiceName(deploymentName)); !exists {
ctxChild, cancel := globals.GetGlobalTimeouts().Kubernetes().WithTimeout(ctx)
defer cancel()
svcName, newlyCreated, err := k8sutil.CreateHeadlessService(ctxChild, svcs, apiObject, headlessPorts, headlessSelector, owner)
if err != nil {
log.Err(err).Debug("Failed to create headless service")
return errors.WithStack(err)
if newlyCreated {
log.Str("service", svcName).Debug("Created headless service")
} else {
if changed, err := patcher.ServicePatcher(ctx, svcs, s, meta.PatchOptions{}, patcher.PatchServicePorts(headlessPorts), patcher.PatchServiceSelector(headlessSelector)); err != nil {
log.Err(err).Debug("Failed to patch headless service")
return errors.WithStack(err)
} else if changed {
log.Str("service", s.GetName()).Debug("Updated headless service")
// Internal database client service
var single, withLeader bool
if single = spec.GetMode().HasSingleServers(); single {
if spec.GetMode() == api.DeploymentModeActiveFailover && features.FailoverLeadership().Enabled() {
withLeader = true
clientServicePorts, clientServiceSelectors := k8sutil.DatabaseClientDetails(deploymentName, role, withLeader)
if s, exists := cachedStatus.Service().V1().GetSimple(k8sutil.CreateDatabaseClientServiceName(deploymentName)); !exists {
ctxChild, cancel := globals.GetGlobalTimeouts().Kubernetes().WithTimeout(ctx)
defer cancel()
svcName, newlyCreated, err := k8sutil.CreateDatabaseClientService(ctxChild, svcs, apiObject, clientServicePorts, clientServiceSelectors, owner)
if err != nil {
log.Err(err).Debug("Failed to create database client service")
return errors.WithStack(err)
if newlyCreated {
log.Str("service", svcName).Debug("Created database client service")
status := r.context.GetStatus()
if status.ServiceName != svcName {
status.ServiceName = svcName
if err := r.context.UpdateStatus(ctx, status); err != nil {
return errors.WithStack(err)
} else {
if changed, err := patcher.ServicePatcher(ctx, svcs, s, meta.PatchOptions{}, patcher.PatchServiceOnlyPorts(clientServicePorts...), patcher.PatchServiceSelector(clientServiceSelectors)); err != nil {
log.Err(err).Debug("Failed to patch database client service")
return errors.WithStack(err)
} else if changed {
log.Str("service", s.GetName()).Debug("Updated database client service")
// Database external access service
eaServiceName := k8sutil.CreateDatabaseExternalAccessServiceName(deploymentName)
if err := r.ensureExternalAccessServices(ctx, cachedStatus, svcs, eaServiceName, role, shared.ArangoPort,
false, withLeader, spec.ExternalAccess, apiObject); err != nil {
return errors.WithStack(err)
if r.context.IsSyncEnabled() {
// External (and internal) Sync master service
eaServiceName := k8sutil.CreateSyncMasterClientServiceName(deploymentName)
if err := r.ensureExternalAccessServices(ctx, cachedStatus, svcs, eaServiceName, api.ServerGroupSyncMastersString,
shared.ArangoSyncMasterPort, true, false, spec.Sync.ExternalAccess.ExternalAccessSpec, apiObject); err != nil {
return errors.WithStack(err)
status := r.context.GetStatus()
if status.SyncServiceName != eaServiceName {
status.SyncServiceName = eaServiceName
if err := r.context.UpdateStatus(ctx, status); err != nil {
return errors.WithStack(err)
if spec.Metrics.IsEnabled() {
ctxChild, cancel := globals.GetGlobalTimeouts().Kubernetes().WithTimeout(ctx)
defer cancel()
ports, selectors := k8sutil.ExporterServiceDetails(deploymentName)
name, _, err := k8sutil.CreateExporterService(ctxChild, cachedStatus, apiObject, ports, selectors, apiObject.AsOwner())
if err != nil {
log.Err(err).Debug("Failed to create %s exporter service", name)
return errors.WithStack(err)
status := r.context.GetStatus()
if status.ExporterServiceName != name {
status.ExporterServiceName = name
if err := r.context.UpdateStatus(ctx, status); err != nil {
return errors.WithStack(err)
return reconcileRequired.Reconcile(ctx)
// ensureExternalAccessServices ensures all services needed for a deployment.
func (r *Resources) ensureExternalAccessServices(ctx context.Context, cachedStatus inspectorInterface.Inspector,
svcs servicev1.ModInterface, eaServiceName, role string, port int, noneIsClusterIP bool, withLeader bool,
spec api.ExternalAccessSpec, apiObject k8sutil.APIObject) error {
eaPorts, eaSelector := k8sutil.ExternalAccessDetails(port, spec.GetNodePort(), apiObject.GetName(), role, withLeader)
if spec.GetType().IsManaged() {
// Managed services should not be created or removed by the operator.
return r.ensureExternalAccessManagedServices(ctx, cachedStatus, eaServiceName, eaSelector, spec)
log := r.log.Str("section", "service-ea").Str("role", role).Str("service", eaServiceName)
createExternalAccessService := false
deleteExternalAccessService := false
owned := false
eaServiceType := spec.GetType().AsServiceType() // Note: Type auto defaults to ServiceTypeLoadBalancer
if existing, exists := cachedStatus.Service().V1().GetSimple(eaServiceName); exists {
// External access service exists
owned = apiObject.OwnerOf(existing)
updateExternalAccessService := false
loadBalancerIP := spec.GetLoadBalancerIP()
loadBalancerSourceRanges := spec.LoadBalancerSourceRanges
nodePort := spec.GetNodePort()
if spec.GetType().IsNone() {
if noneIsClusterIP {
eaServiceType = core.ServiceTypeClusterIP
if existing.Spec.Type != core.ServiceTypeClusterIP {
deleteExternalAccessService = true // Remove the current and replace with proper one
createExternalAccessService = true
} else {
// Should not be there, remove it
deleteExternalAccessService = true
} else if spec.GetType().IsAuto() {
// Inspect existing service.
if existing.Spec.Type == core.ServiceTypeLoadBalancer {
// See if LoadBalancer has been configured & the service is "old enough"
oldEnoughTimestamp := time.Now().Add(-1 * time.Minute) // How long does the load-balancer provisioner have to act.
if len(existing.Status.LoadBalancer.Ingress) == 0 && existing.GetObjectMeta().GetCreationTimestamp().Time.Before(oldEnoughTimestamp) {
log.Info("LoadBalancerIP of external access service is not set, switching to NodePort")
createExternalAccessService = true
eaServiceType = core.ServiceTypeNodePort
deleteExternalAccessService = true // Remove the LoadBalancer ex service, then add the NodePort one
} else if existing.Spec.Type == core.ServiceTypeLoadBalancer && (loadBalancerIP != "" && existing.Spec.LoadBalancerIP != loadBalancerIP) {
deleteExternalAccessService = true // LoadBalancerIP is wrong, remove the current and replace with proper one
createExternalAccessService = true
} else if existing.Spec.Type == core.ServiceTypeNodePort && len(existing.Spec.Ports) < 1 || existing.Spec.Ports[0].Name != shared.ServerPortName && (nodePort != 0 && existing.Spec.Ports[0].NodePort != int32(nodePort)) {
deleteExternalAccessService = true // NodePort is wrong, remove the current and replace with proper one
createExternalAccessService = true
} else if spec.GetType().IsLoadBalancer() {
if existing.Spec.Type != core.ServiceTypeLoadBalancer || (loadBalancerIP != "" && existing.Spec.LoadBalancerIP != loadBalancerIP) {
deleteExternalAccessService = true // Remove the current and replace with proper one
createExternalAccessService = true
if strings.Join(existing.Spec.LoadBalancerSourceRanges, ",") != strings.Join(loadBalancerSourceRanges, ",") {
updateExternalAccessService = true
existing.Spec.LoadBalancerSourceRanges = loadBalancerSourceRanges
} else if spec.GetType().IsNodePort() {
if existing.Spec.Type != core.ServiceTypeNodePort || len(existing.Spec.Ports) < 1 || existing.Spec.Ports[0].Name != shared.ServerPortName || (nodePort != 0 && existing.Spec.Ports[0].NodePort != int32(nodePort)) {
deleteExternalAccessService = true // Remove the current and replace with proper one
createExternalAccessService = true
if updateExternalAccessService && !createExternalAccessService && !deleteExternalAccessService {
err := globals.GetGlobalTimeouts().Kubernetes().RunWithTimeout(ctx, func(ctxChild context.Context) error {
_, err := svcs.Update(ctxChild, existing, meta.UpdateOptions{})
return err
if err != nil {
log.Err(err).Debug("Failed to update external access service")
return errors.WithStack(err)
if !createExternalAccessService && !deleteExternalAccessService {
if changed, err := patcher.ServicePatcher(ctx, svcs, existing, meta.PatchOptions{},
patcher.Optional(patcher.PatchServiceOnlyPorts(eaPorts...), owned)); err != nil {
log.Err(err).Debug("Failed to patch database client service")
return errors.WithStack(err)
} else if changed {
log.Str("service", existing.GetName()).Debug("Updated database client service")
} else {
// External access service does not exist
if !spec.GetType().IsNone() || noneIsClusterIP {
createExternalAccessService = true
if deleteExternalAccessService {
if owned {
log.Info("Removing obsolete external access service")
err := globals.GetGlobalTimeouts().Kubernetes().RunWithTimeout(ctx, func(ctxChild context.Context) error {
return svcs.Delete(ctxChild, eaServiceName, meta.DeleteOptions{})
if err != nil {
log.Err(err).Debug("Failed to remove external access service")
return errors.WithStack(err)
if createExternalAccessService {
// Let's create or update the database external access service
loadBalancerIP := spec.GetLoadBalancerIP()
loadBalancerSourceRanges := spec.LoadBalancerSourceRanges
ctxChild, cancel := globals.GetGlobalTimeouts().Kubernetes().WithTimeout(ctx)
defer cancel()
_, newlyCreated, err := k8sutil.CreateExternalAccessService(ctxChild, svcs, eaServiceName, eaServiceType, eaPorts, eaSelector, loadBalancerIP, loadBalancerSourceRanges, apiObject.AsOwner())
if err != nil {
log.Err(err).Debug("Failed to create external access service")
return errors.WithStack(err)
if newlyCreated {
log.Debug("Created %s external access service")
return nil
// ensureExternalAccessServices ensures if there are correct selectors on a managed services.
// If hardcoded external service names are not on the list of managed services then it will be checked additionally.
func (r *Resources) ensureExternalAccessManagedServices(ctx context.Context, cachedStatus inspectorInterface.Inspector, eaServiceName string,
selectors map[string]string, spec api.ExternalAccessSpec) error {
log := r.log.Str("section", "service-ea").Str("service", eaServiceName)
managedServiceNames := spec.GetManagedServiceNames()
apply := func(svc *core.Service) (bool, error) {
return patcher.ServicePatcher(ctx, cachedStatus.ServicesModInterface().V1(), svc, meta.PatchOptions{},
// Check if hardcoded service has correct selector.
if svc, ok := cachedStatus.Service().V1().GetSimple(eaServiceName); !ok {
// Hardcoded service (e.g. <deplname>-ea or <deplname>-sync) is not mandatory in `managed` type.
if len(managedServiceNames) == 0 {
log.Warn("the field \"spec.externalAccess.managedServiceNames\" should be provided for \"managed\" service type")
return nil
} else if changed, err := apply(svc); err != nil {
return errors.WithMessage(err, "failed to ensure service selector")
} else if changed {
log.Info("selector applied to the managed service \"%s\"", svc.GetName())
for _, svcName := range managedServiceNames {
if svcName == eaServiceName {
// Hardcoded service has been applied before this loop.
svc, ok := cachedStatus.Service().V1().GetSimple(svcName)
if !ok {
log.Warn("managed service \"%s\" should have existed", svcName)
if changed, err := apply(svc); err != nil {
return errors.WithMessage(err, "failed to ensure service selector")
} else if changed {
log.Info("selector applied to the managed service \"%s\"", svcName)
return nil
// CreateServerServicePortsWithSidecars returns ports for the service.
func CreateServerServicePortsWithSidecars(amInspector v1.Inspector, am string) []core.ServicePort {
// Create service port for the `server` container.
ports := []core.ServicePort{CreateServerServicePort()}
if amInspector == nil {
return ports
if am, ok := amInspector.GetSimple(am); ok {
if t := am.Status.Template; t != nil {
if p := t.PodSpec; p != nil {
for _, c := range p.Spec.Containers {
if c.Name == api.ServerGroupReservedContainerNameServer {
// It is already added.
for _, port := range c.Ports {
ports = append(ports, core.ServicePort{
Name: port.Name,
Protocol: core.ProtocolTCP,
Port: port.ContainerPort,
TargetPort: intstr.FromString(port.Name),
return ports
// CreateServerServicePort creates main server service port.
func CreateServerServicePort() core.ServicePort {
return core.ServicePort{
Name: shared.ServerPortName,
Protocol: core.ProtocolTCP,
Port: shared.ArangoPort,
TargetPort: intstr.FromString(shared.ServerPortName),