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// Copyright 2016-2023 ArangoDB GmbH, Cologne, Germany
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
// Copyright holder is ArangoDB GmbH, Cologne, Germany
package resources
import (
core "k8s.io/api/core/v1"
meta "k8s.io/apimachinery/pkg/apis/meta/v1"
api "github.com/arangodb/kube-arangodb/pkg/apis/deployment/v1"
inspectorInterface "github.com/arangodb/kube-arangodb/pkg/util/k8sutil/inspector"
podv1 "github.com/arangodb/kube-arangodb/pkg/util/k8sutil/inspector/pod/v1"
var (
inspectedPodsCounters = metrics.MustRegisterCounterVec(metricsComponent, "inspected_pods", "Number of pod inspections per deployment", metrics.DeploymentName)
inspectPodsDurationGauges = metrics.MustRegisterGaugeVec(metricsComponent, "inspect_pods_duration", "Amount of time taken by a single inspection of all pods for a deployment (in sec)", metrics.DeploymentName)
const (
podScheduleTimeout = time.Minute // How long we allow the schedule to take scheduling a pod.
terminationRestartPeriod = time.Second * -30 // If previous pod termination happened less than this time ago,
// we will mark the pod as scheduled for termination
recheckSoonPodInspectorInterval = util.Interval(time.Second) // Time between Pod inspection if we think something will change soon
maxPodInspectorInterval = util.Interval(time.Hour) // Maximum time between Pod inspection (if nothing else happens)
forcePodDeletionGracePeriod = 15 * time.Minute
func (r *Resources) handleRestartedPod(pod *core.Pod, memberStatus *api.MemberStatus, wasTerminated, markAsTerminated *bool) {
containerStatus, exist := k8sutil.GetContainerStatusByName(pod, api.ServerGroupReservedContainerNameServer)
if exist && containerStatus.State.Terminated != nil {
// do not record termination time again in the code below
*wasTerminated = true
termination := containerStatus.State.Terminated.FinishedAt
if memberStatus.RecentTerminationsSince(termination.Time) == 0 {
memberStatus.RecentTerminations = append(memberStatus.RecentTerminations, termination)
previousTermination := containerStatus.LastTerminationState.Terminated
allowedRestartPeriod := time.Now().Add(terminationRestartPeriod)
if previousTermination != nil && !previousTermination.FinishedAt.Time.Before(allowedRestartPeriod) {
r.log.Str("pod-name", pod.GetName()).Debug("pod is continuously restarting - we will terminate it")
*markAsTerminated = true
} else {
*markAsTerminated = false
r.log.Str("pod-name", pod.GetName()).Debug("pod is restarting - we are not marking it as terminated yet..")
// InspectPods lists all pods that belong to the given deployment and updates
// the member status of the deployment accordingly.
// Returns: Interval_till_next_inspection, error
func (r *Resources) InspectPods(ctx context.Context, cachedStatus inspectorInterface.Inspector) (util.Interval, error) {
log := r.log.Str("section", "pod")
start := time.Now()
apiObject := r.context.GetAPIObject()
deploymentName := apiObject.GetName()
var events []*k8sutil.Event
nextInterval := maxPodInspectorInterval // Large by default, will be made smaller if needed in the rest of the function
defer metrics.SetDuration(inspectPodsDurationGauges.WithLabelValues(deploymentName), start)
agencyCache, agencyCachePresent := r.context.GetAgencyCache()
status := r.context.GetStatus()
var podNamesWithScheduleTimeout []string
var unscheduledPodNames []string
err := cachedStatus.Pod().V1().Iterate(func(pod *core.Pod) error {
if info.GetPodServerGroup(pod) == api.ServerGroupImageDiscovery {
// Image ID pods are not relevant to inspect here
return nil
// Pod belongs to this deployment, update metric
memberStatus, group, found := status.Members.MemberStatusByPodName(pod.GetName())
if !found {
log.Str("pod", pod.GetName()).Strs("existing-pods", status.Members.PodNames()...).Warn("no memberstatus found for pod")
if k8sutil.IsPodMarkedForDeletion(pod) && len(pod.GetFinalizers()) > 0 {
// Strange, pod belongs to us, but we have no member for it.
// Remove all finalizers, so it can be removed.
log.Warn("Pod belongs to this deployment, but we don't know the member. Removing all finalizers")
_, err := k8sutil.RemovePodFinalizers(ctx, r.context.ACS().CurrentClusterCache(), cachedStatus.PodsModInterface().V1(), pod, pod.GetFinalizers(), false)
if err != nil {
log.Err(err).Debug("Failed to update pod (to remove all finalizers)")
return errors.WithStack(err)
return nil
spec := r.context.GetSpec()
groupSpec := spec.GetServerGroupSpec(group)
coreContainers := spec.GetCoreContainers(group)
if c, ok := memberStatus.Conditions.Get(api.ConditionTypeUpdating); ok {
if v, ok := c.Params[api.ConditionParamContainerUpdatingName]; ok {
// We are in update phase, container needs to be ignored
if v != "" {
coreContainers = coreContainers.Remove(v)
} else {
// Restore gracefulness
if !k8sutil.IsPodTerminating(pod) {
if err := k8sutil.EnsureFinalizerPresent(ctx, cachedStatus.PodsModInterface().V1(), pod, k8sutil.GetFinalizers(groupSpec, group)...); err != nil {
log.Err(err).Error("Unable to enforce finalizer")
// Update state
updateMemberStatusNeeded := false
if k8sutil.IsPodSucceeded(pod, coreContainers) {
// Pod has terminated with exit code 0.
wasTerminated := memberStatus.Conditions.IsTrue(api.ConditionTypeTerminated)
markAsTerminated := true
if pod.Spec.RestartPolicy == core.RestartPolicyAlways && !wasTerminated {
r.handleRestartedPod(pod, &memberStatus, &wasTerminated, &markAsTerminated)
if markAsTerminated && memberStatus.Conditions.Update(api.ConditionTypeTerminated, true, "Pod Succeeded", "") {
log.Str("pod-name", pod.GetName()).Debug("Updating member condition Terminated to true: Pod Succeeded")
updateMemberStatusNeeded = true
nextInterval = nextInterval.ReduceTo(recheckSoonPodInspectorInterval)
if !wasTerminated {
// Record termination time
now := meta.Now()
memberStatus.RecentTerminations = append(memberStatus.RecentTerminations, now)
} else if k8sutil.IsPodFailed(pod, coreContainers) {
// Pod has terminated with at least 1 container with a non-zero exit code.
wasTerminated := memberStatus.Conditions.IsTrue(api.ConditionTypeTerminated)
markAsTerminated := true
if pod.Spec.RestartPolicy == core.RestartPolicyAlways && !wasTerminated {
r.handleRestartedPod(pod, &memberStatus, &wasTerminated, &markAsTerminated)
if markAsTerminated && memberStatus.Conditions.Update(api.ConditionTypeTerminated, true, "Pod Failed", "") {
if containers := k8sutil.GetFailedContainerNames(pod.Status.InitContainerStatuses); len(containers) > 0 {
for _, container := range containers {
switch container {
case api.ServerGroupReservedInitContainerNameVersionCheck:
if c, ok := k8sutil.GetAnyContainerStatusByName(pod.Status.InitContainerStatuses, container); ok {
if t := c.State.Terminated; t != nil && t.ExitCode == 11 {
memberStatus.Upgrade = true
updateMemberStatusNeeded = true
case api.ServerGroupReservedInitContainerNameUpgrade:
memberStatus.Conditions.Update(api.ConditionTypeUpgradeFailed, true, "Upgrade Failed", "")
if c, ok := k8sutil.GetAnyContainerStatusByName(pod.Status.InitContainerStatuses, container); ok {
if t := c.State.Terminated; t != nil && t.ExitCode != 0 {
log.Str("member", memberStatus.ID).
Str("pod", pod.GetName()).
Str("container", container).
Str("uid", string(pod.GetUID())).
Int32("exit-code", t.ExitCode).
Str("reason", t.Reason).
Str("message", t.Message).
Int32("signal", t.Signal).
Time("started", t.StartedAt.Time).
Time("finished", t.FinishedAt.Time).
Warn("Pod failed in unexpected way: Init Container failed")
r.metrics.IncMemberInitContainerRestarts(memberStatus.ID, container, t.Reason, t.ExitCode)
if containers := k8sutil.GetFailedContainerNames(pod.Status.ContainerStatuses); len(containers) > 0 {
for _, container := range containers {
if c, ok := k8sutil.GetAnyContainerStatusByName(pod.Status.ContainerStatuses, container); ok {
if t := c.State.Terminated; t != nil && t.ExitCode != 0 {
log.Str("member", memberStatus.ID).
Str("pod", pod.GetName()).
Str("container", container).
Str("uid", string(pod.GetUID())).
Int32("exit-code", t.ExitCode).
Str("reason", t.Reason).
Str("message", t.Message).
Int32("signal", t.Signal).
Time("started", t.StartedAt.Time).
Time("finished", t.FinishedAt.Time).
Warn("Pod failed in unexpected way: Core Container failed")
r.metrics.IncMemberContainerRestarts(memberStatus.ID, container, t.Reason, t.ExitCode)
log.Str("pod-name", pod.GetName()).Debug("Updating member condition Terminated to true: Pod Failed")
updateMemberStatusNeeded = true
nextInterval = nextInterval.ReduceTo(recheckSoonPodInspectorInterval)
if !wasTerminated {
// Record termination time
now := meta.Now()
memberStatus.RecentTerminations = append(memberStatus.RecentTerminations, now)
if k8sutil.IsPodScheduled(pod) {
if _, ok := pod.Labels[k8sutil.LabelKeyArangoScheduled]; !ok {
// Adding scheduled label to the pod
l := addLabel(pod.Labels, k8sutil.LabelKeyArangoScheduled, "1")
if err := r.context.ApplyPatchOnPod(ctx, pod, patch.ItemReplace(patch.NewPath("metadata", "labels"), l)); err != nil {
log.Err(err).Error("Unable to update scheduled labels")
// Topology labels
tv, tok := pod.Labels[k8sutil.LabelKeyArangoTopology]
zv, zok := pod.Labels[k8sutil.LabelKeyArangoZone]
if t, ts := status.Topology, memberStatus.Topology; t.Enabled() && t.IsTopologyOwned(ts) {
if tid, tz := string(t.ID), fmt.Sprintf("%d", ts.Zone); !tok || !zok || tv != tid || zv != tz {
l := addLabel(pod.Labels, k8sutil.LabelKeyArangoTopology, tid)
l = addLabel(l, k8sutil.LabelKeyArangoZone, tz)
if err := r.context.ApplyPatchOnPod(ctx, pod, patch.ItemReplace(patch.NewPath("metadata", "labels"), l)); err != nil {
log.Err(err).Error("Unable to update topology labels")
} else {
if tok || zok {
l := removeLabel(pod.Labels, k8sutil.LabelKeyArangoTopology)
l = removeLabel(l, k8sutil.LabelKeyArangoZone)
if err := r.context.ApplyPatchOnPod(ctx, pod, patch.ItemReplace(patch.NewPath("metadata", "labels"), l)); err != nil {
log.Err(err).Error("Unable to remove topology labels")
// End of Topology labels
// Reachable state
if state, ok := r.context.GetMembersState().MemberState(memberStatus.ID); ok {
if state.IsReachable() {
if memberStatus.Conditions.Update(api.ConditionTypeReachable, true, "ArangoDB is reachable", "") {
updateMemberStatusNeeded = true
nextInterval = nextInterval.ReduceTo(recheckSoonPodInspectorInterval)
} else {
if memberStatus.Conditions.Update(api.ConditionTypeReachable, false, "ArangoDB is not reachable", "") {
updateMemberStatusNeeded = true
nextInterval = nextInterval.ReduceTo(recheckSoonPodInspectorInterval)
// Member arch check
if v, ok := pod.Annotations[deployment.ArangoDeploymentPodChangeArchAnnotation]; ok {
if api.ArangoDeploymentArchitectureType(v).IsArchMismatch(spec.Architecture, memberStatus.Architecture) {
if memberStatus.Conditions.Update(api.ConditionTypeArchitectureMismatch, true, "Member has a different architecture than the deployment", "") {
updateMemberStatusNeeded = true
// Member Maintenance
if agencyCachePresent {
if agencyCache.Current.MaintenanceServers.InMaintenance(state.Server(memberStatus.ID)) {
if memberStatus.Conditions.Update(api.ConditionTypeMemberMaintenanceMode, true, "ArangoDB Member maintenance enabled", "") {
updateMemberStatusNeeded = true
nextInterval = nextInterval.ReduceTo(recheckSoonPodInspectorInterval)
} else {
if memberStatus.Conditions.Remove(api.ConditionTypeMemberMaintenanceMode) {
updateMemberStatusNeeded = true
nextInterval = nextInterval.ReduceTo(recheckSoonPodInspectorInterval)
if k8sutil.IsContainerStarted(pod, shared.ServerContainerName) {
if memberStatus.Conditions.Update(api.ConditionTypeActive, true, "Core Pod Container started", "") {
updateMemberStatusNeeded = true
nextInterval = nextInterval.ReduceTo(recheckSoonPodInspectorInterval)
if memberStatus.Conditions.IsTrue(api.ConditionTypeActive) {
if v, ok := pod.Labels[k8sutil.LabelKeyArangoActive]; !ok || v != k8sutil.LabelValueArangoActive {
pod.Labels[k8sutil.LabelKeyArangoActive] = k8sutil.LabelValueArangoActive
if err := r.context.ApplyPatchOnPod(ctx, pod, patch.ItemReplace(patch.NewPath("metadata", "labels"), pod.Labels)); err != nil {
log.Str("pod-name", pod.GetName()).Err(err).Error("Unable to update labels")
if k8sutil.IsPodReady(pod) && k8sutil.AreContainersReady(pod, coreContainers) {
// Pod is now ready
if anyOf(memberStatus.Conditions.Update(api.ConditionTypeReady, true, "Pod Ready", ""),
memberStatus.Conditions.Update(api.ConditionTypeStarted, true, "Pod Started", ""),
memberStatus.Conditions.Update(api.ConditionTypeServing, true, "Pod Serving", "")) {
log.Str("pod-name", pod.GetName()).Debug("Updating member condition Ready, Started & Serving to true")
if status.Topology.IsTopologyOwned(memberStatus.Topology) {
nodes, err := cachedStatus.Node().V1()
if err == nil {
node, ok := nodes.GetSimple(pod.Spec.NodeName)
if ok {
label, ok := node.Labels[status.Topology.Label]
if ok {
memberStatus.Topology.Label = label
memberStatus.IsInitialized = true // Require future pods for this member to have an existing UUID (in case of dbserver).
updateMemberStatusNeeded = true
nextInterval = nextInterval.ReduceTo(recheckSoonPodInspectorInterval)
} else if k8sutil.AreContainersReady(pod, coreContainers) {
// Pod is not ready, but core containers are fine
if anyOf(memberStatus.Conditions.Update(api.ConditionTypeReady, false, "Pod Not Ready", ""),
memberStatus.Conditions.Update(api.ConditionTypeServing, true, "Pod is still serving", "")) {
log.Str("pod-name", pod.GetName()).Debug("Updating member condition Ready to false, while all core containers are ready")
updateMemberStatusNeeded = true
nextInterval = nextInterval.ReduceTo(recheckSoonPodInspectorInterval)
} else {
// Pod is not ready
if anyOf(memberStatus.Conditions.Update(api.ConditionTypeReady, false, "Pod Not Ready", ""),
memberStatus.Conditions.Update(api.ConditionTypeServing, false, "Pod Core containers are not ready", strings.Join(coreContainers, ", "))) {
log.Str("pod-name", pod.GetName()).Debug("Updating member condition Ready & Serving to false")
updateMemberStatusNeeded = true
nextInterval = nextInterval.ReduceTo(recheckSoonPodInspectorInterval)
if k8sutil.IsPodScheduled(pod) {
msg := fmt.Sprintf("Assigned to node %s", pod.Spec.NodeName)
if memberStatus.Conditions.Update(api.ConditionTypeScheduled, true, "Pod is scheduled", msg) {
log.Str("pod-name", pod.GetName()).Str("node", pod.Spec.NodeName).Info("Member has been scheduled")
updateMemberStatusNeeded = true
nextInterval = nextInterval.ReduceTo(recheckSoonPodInspectorInterval)
} else {
if k8sutil.IsPodNotScheduledFor(pod, podScheduleTimeout) {
// Pod cannot be scheduled for to long
log.Str("pod-name", pod.GetName()).Debug("Pod scheduling timeout")
podNamesWithScheduleTimeout = append(podNamesWithScheduleTimeout, pod.GetName())
} else {
unscheduledPodNames = append(unscheduledPodNames, pod.GetName())
if k8sutil.IsPodMarkedForDeletion(pod) {
if memberStatus.Conditions.Update(api.ConditionTypeTerminating, true, "Pod marked for deletion", "") {
updateMemberStatusNeeded = true
log.Str("pod-name", pod.GetName()).Debug("Pod marked as terminating")
// Process finalizers
if x, err := r.runPodFinalizers(ctx, pod, memberStatus, func(m api.MemberStatus) error {
updateMemberStatusNeeded = true
memberStatus = m
return nil
}); err != nil {
// Only log here, since we'll be called to try again.
log.Err(err).Warn("Failed to run pod finalizers")
} else {
nextInterval = nextInterval.ReduceTo(x)
// Check if any additional deletion request is required
if !k8sutil.IsPodAlive(pod) {
var gps int64 = 10
forceDelete := false
if t := k8sutil.PodStopTime(pod); !t.IsZero() {
if time.Since(t) > forcePodDeletionGracePeriod {
forceDelete = true
} else if t := pod.DeletionTimestamp; t != nil {
if time.Since(t.Time) > forcePodDeletionGracePeriod {
forceDelete = true
if forceDelete {
gps = 0
log.Str("pod-name", pod.GetName()).Warn("Enforcing deletion of Pod")
// Pod is dead, but still not removed. Send additional deletion request
nctx, c := globals.GetGlobals().Timeouts().Kubernetes().WithTimeout(ctx)
defer c()
if err := cachedStatus.PodsModInterface().V1().Delete(nctx, pod.GetName(), meta.DeleteOptions{
GracePeriodSeconds: util.NewType[int64](gps),
Preconditions: meta.NewUIDPreconditions(string(pod.GetUID())),
}); err != nil {
if kerrors.IsNotFound(err) {
// Pod is already gone, we are fine with it
} else if kerrors.IsConflict(err) {
log.Warn("UID of Pod Changed")
} else {
log.Err(err).Error("Unknown error while deleting Pod")
if updateMemberStatusNeeded {
if err := status.Members.Update(memberStatus, group); err != nil {
return errors.WithStack(err)
return nil
}, podv1.FilterPodsByLabels(k8sutil.LabelsForDeployment(deploymentName, "")))
if err != nil {
return 0, err
// Go over all members, check for missing pods
for _, e := range status.Members.AsList() {
m := e.Member
group := e.Group
if podName := m.Pod.GetName(); podName != "" {
if _, exists := cachedStatus.Pod().V1().GetSimple(podName); !exists {
log.Str("pod-name", podName).Debug("Does not exist")
switch m.Phase {
case api.MemberPhaseNone, api.MemberPhasePending, api.MemberPhaseCreationFailed:
// Do nothing
log.Str("pod-name", podName).Debug("PodPhase is None, waiting for the pod to be recreated")
case api.MemberPhaseShuttingDown, api.MemberPhaseUpgrading, api.MemberPhaseFailed, api.MemberPhaseRotateStart, api.MemberPhaseRotating:
// Shutdown was intended, so not need to do anything here.
// Just mark terminated
wasTerminated := m.Conditions.IsTrue(api.ConditionTypeTerminated)
if m.Conditions.Update(api.ConditionTypeTerminated, true, "Pod Terminated", "") {
if !wasTerminated {
// Record termination time
now := meta.Now()
m.RecentTerminations = append(m.RecentTerminations, now)
// Save it
if err := status.Members.Update(m, group); err != nil {
return 0, errors.WithStack(err)
log.Str("pod-name", podName).Debug("Pod is gone")
m.Phase = api.MemberPhaseNone // This is trigger a recreate of the pod.
// Create event
nextInterval = nextInterval.ReduceTo(recheckSoonPodInspectorInterval)
events = append(events, k8sutil.NewPodGoneEvent(podName, group.AsRole(), apiObject))
m.Conditions.Update(api.ConditionTypeReady, false, "Pod Does Not Exist", "")
wasTerminated := m.Conditions.IsTrue(api.ConditionTypeTerminated)
if m.Conditions.Update(api.ConditionTypeTerminated, true, "Pod Does Not Exist", "") {
if !wasTerminated {
// Record termination time
now := meta.Now()
m.RecentTerminations = append(m.RecentTerminations, now)
// Save it
if err := status.Members.Update(m, group); err != nil {
return 0, errors.WithStack(err)
spec := r.context.GetSpec()
allMembersReady := status.Members.AllMembersReady(spec.GetMode(), r.context.IsSyncEnabled())
status.Conditions.Update(api.ConditionTypeReady, allMembersReady, "", "")
// Update conditions
if len(podNamesWithScheduleTimeout) > 0 {
if status.Conditions.Update(api.ConditionTypePodSchedulingFailure, true,
"Pods Scheduling Timeout",
fmt.Sprintf("The following pods cannot be scheduled: %v", podNamesWithScheduleTimeout)) {
r.context.CreateEvent(k8sutil.NewPodsSchedulingFailureEvent(podNamesWithScheduleTimeout, r.context.GetAPIObject()))
} else if status.Conditions.IsTrue(api.ConditionTypePodSchedulingFailure) &&
len(unscheduledPodNames) == 0 {
if status.Conditions.Remove(api.ConditionTypePodSchedulingFailure) {
// Save status
if err := r.context.UpdateStatus(ctx, status); err != nil {
return 0, errors.WithStack(err)
// Create events
for _, evt := range events {
return nextInterval, nil
func addLabel(labels map[string]string, key, value string) map[string]string {
if labels != nil {
labels[key] = value
return labels
return map[string]string{
key: value,
func removeLabel(labels map[string]string, key string) map[string]string {
if labels == nil {
return map[string]string{}
delete(labels, key)
return labels
func anyOf(bools ...bool) bool {
for _, b := range bools {
if b {
return true
return false