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// Copyright 2016-2024 ArangoDB GmbH, Cologne, Germany
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
// Copyright holder is ArangoDB GmbH, Cologne, Germany
package replication
import (
meta "k8s.io/apimachinery/pkg/apis/meta/v1"
api "github.com/arangodb/kube-arangodb/pkg/apis/replication/v1"
const (
CancellationTimeout = time.Minute * 15
AbortTimeout = time.Minute * 2
// addFinalizer adds new finalizer if it does not exist.
func (dr *DeploymentReplication) addFinalizer(finalizer string) error {
if dr.apiObject.GetDeletionTimestamp() != nil {
// Delete already triggered, cannot add.
return nil
apiObject := dr.apiObject
if !finalizerExists(apiObject, finalizer) {
apiObject.SetFinalizers(append(apiObject.GetFinalizers(), finalizer))
if err := dr.updateCRSpec(apiObject.Spec); err != nil {
return errors.WithMessage(err, "Failed to update CR Spec")
return nil
// addFinalizers adds a required finalizers to the api object when needed.
func (dr *DeploymentReplication) addFinalizers() error {
// Add stop sync replication finalizer automatically.
return dr.addFinalizer(constants.FinalizerDeplReplStopSync)
// runFinalizers removes stop sync finalizer if it is possible.
func (dr *DeploymentReplication) runFinalizers(ctx context.Context, p *api.ArangoDeploymentReplication) (bool, error) {
if !finalizerExists(p, constants.FinalizerDeplReplStopSync) {
return false, nil
dr.log.Str("replication-name", p.GetName()).Debug("Inspecting stop-sync finalizer")
if retrySoon, err := dr.inspectFinalizerDeplReplStopSync(ctx, p); err != nil {
return true, errors.WithMessagef(err, "Cannot remove finalizer \"%s\" yet", constants.FinalizerDeplReplStopSync)
} else if retrySoon {
// No error, but not finished. Try to reconcile soon.
dr.log.Debug("Synchronization is still cancelling")
return true, nil
removalList := []string{constants.FinalizerDeplReplStopSync}
c := dr.deps.Client.Arango().ReplicationV1().ArangoDeploymentReplications(p.GetNamespace())
if _, err := k8sutil.RemoveSelectedFinalizers[*api.ArangoDeploymentReplication](ctx, c, c, p, removalList, false); err != nil {
return true, errors.WithMessage(err, "Failed to update deployment replication (to remove finalizers)")
return false, nil
// inspectFinalizerDeplReplStopSync checks cancellation progress.
// When true is returned then function can be called after a few seconds to check progress.
// When it returns false and nil error then cancellation process is done.
func (dr *DeploymentReplication) inspectFinalizerDeplReplStopSync(ctx context.Context,
p *api.ArangoDeploymentReplication) (bool, error) {
abort := isTimeExceeded(p.GetDeletionTimestamp(), CancellationTimeout)
// Inspect deployment deletion state in source.
depls := dr.deps.Client.Arango().DatabaseV1().ArangoDeployments(p.GetNamespace())
if name := p.Spec.Source.GetDeploymentName(); name != "" {
depl, err := depls.Get(context.Background(), name, meta.GetOptions{})
if kerrors.IsNotFound(err) {
dr.log.Debug("Source deployment is gone. Abort enabled")
abort = true
} else if err != nil {
dr.log.Err(err).Warn("Failed to get source deployment")
return false, errors.WithStack(err)
} else if depl.GetDeletionTimestamp() != nil {
dr.log.Debug("Source deployment is being deleted. Abort enabled")
abort = true
// Inspect deployment deletion state in destination
cleanupSource := false
if name := p.Spec.Destination.GetDeploymentName(); name != "" {
depl, err := depls.Get(context.Background(), name, meta.GetOptions{})
if kerrors.IsNotFound(err) {
dr.log.Debug("Destination deployment is gone. Source cleanup enabled")
cleanupSource = true
} else if err != nil {
dr.log.Err(err).Warn("Failed to get destination deployment")
return false, errors.WithStack(err)
} else if depl.GetDeletionTimestamp() != nil {
dr.log.Debug("Destination deployment is being deleted. Source cleanup enabled")
cleanupSource = true
// Cleanup source or stop sync
if cleanupSource {
// Destination is gone, cleanup source
/*sourceClient, err := dr.createSyncMasterClient(p.Spec.Source)
if err != nil {
log.Warn().Err(err).Msg("Failed to create source client")
return errors.WithStack(err)
return false, errors.WithStack(errors.Errorf("TODO"))
// Destination still exists, stop/abort sync.
// Create a client to the destination sync master.
destClient, err := dr.createSyncMasterClient(p.Spec.Destination)
if err != nil {
return false, errors.WithMessage(err, "Failed to create destination synchronization master client")
// Get status from sync master.
syncInfo, err := destClient.Master().Status(ctx, client.GetSyncStatusDetailsShort)
if err != nil {
return false, errors.WithMessage(err, "Failed to get status from target master")
// Check progress of a cancellation.
if syncStatus, err := dr.getCancellationProgress(syncInfo); err != nil {
return false, err
} else if syncStatus == client.SyncStatusInactive {
return false, nil
} else if syncStatus == client.SyncStatusFailed {
return false, errors.WithMessagef(err, "unexpected synchronization status \"%s\"", syncStatus)
} else if syncStatus == client.SyncStatusCancelling {
// Synchronization is cancelling, so request was already sent.
if !abort {
return true, nil
changed := dr.status.Conditions.Update(api.ConditionTypeAborted, abort, "Cancellation type",
"Cancellation will wait for source data center to be canceled with a timeout")
if !changed {
return true, nil
// A Request must be sent once again because abort option has changed.
// Check whether data consistency must be ensured.
if syncInfo.Status.IsActive() && util.TypeOrDefault[bool](p.Spec.Cancellation.EnsureInSync, true) {
if inSync, inSyncShards, totalShards, err := dr.ensureInSync(ctx, destClient); err != nil {
return false, err
} else if !inSync {
if time.Since(dr.lastLog) > time.Second*5 {
dr.lastLog = time.Now()
dr.log.Info("Consistency is being checked, %d of %d shards are in-sync", inSyncShards, totalShards)
// Retry soon.
return true, nil
// From here on this code should be launched only once unless abort option is changed
// or replication is not in cancelling state.
sourceServerMode := driver.ServerModeDefault
if util.TypeOrDefault[bool](p.Spec.Cancellation.SourceReadOnly) {
sourceServerMode = driver.ServerModeReadOnly
req := client.CancelSynchronizationRequest{
Force: abort,
ForceTimeout: AbortTimeout,
SourceServerMode: sourceServerMode,
dr.log.Interface("request", req).Info("Stopping synchronization...")
_, errCancel := destClient.Master().CancelSynchronization(ctx, req)
if errCancel != nil {
dr.status.Reason = fmt.Sprintf("Failed to stop synchronization: %s. Abort: %s", err.Error(), strconv.FormatBool(abort))
} else {
dr.status.Reason = "Stopping synchronization started"
// Update CR status.
if err := dr.updateCRStatus(); err != nil {
dr.log.Err(err).Warn("Failed to update replication status")
// Don't return with this error because original error must be returned.
// Not a big deal, because only reason was not saved.
// It will be saved on next updateCRStatus call, because reason is kept in status memory
// If err is nil then nil will be returned.
if errCancel != nil {
if abort {
return false, errors.WithMessage(errCancel, "Failed to abort synchronization")
return false, errors.WithMessage(errCancel, "Failed to stop synchronization")
return true, nil
// finalizerExists returns true if a given finalizer exists.
func finalizerExists(p *api.ArangoDeploymentReplication, finalizer string) bool {
for _, f := range p.ObjectMeta.GetFinalizers() {
if f == finalizer {
return true
return false
func (dr *DeploymentReplication) getCancellationProgress(syncInfo client.SyncInfo) (client.SyncStatus, error) {
if syncInfo.IsInactive() {
if len(syncInfo.Source) > 0 {
return "", errors.New("Inactive target data center is still configured with the endpoint set to a source DC")
return client.SyncStatusInactive, nil
if syncInfo.Status == client.SyncStatusInactive {
// There are some not finished shards but status is inactive, so it was na canceled.
return "", errors.New("Target data center is inactive but some shards are not closed")
return syncInfo.Status, nil
// ensureInSync checks whether data is consistent on both data centers.
// During this check both data centers will be in read-only mode.
// Return nil when data is consistent or when consistency was already checked.
func (dr *DeploymentReplication) ensureInSync(ctx context.Context, c client.API) (bool, int, int, error) {
if dr.status.Conditions.IsTrue(api.ConditionTypeEnsuredInSync) {
return true, 0, 0, nil
cancelStatus, err := c.Master().GetSynchronizationBarrierStatus(ctx)
if err != nil {
return false, 0, 0, errors.WithMessage(err, "Can not get synchronization barrier status")
if !cancelStatus.SourceServerReadonly ||
dr.status.Conditions.Update(api.ConditionTypeEnsuredInSync, false, "Consistent", "Data on both data centers is not the same") {
// If `GetSynchronizationBarrierStatus` could return active barrier then it would not create the above condition.
if err := c.Master().CreateSynchronizationBarrier(ctx); err != nil {
if driver.IsPreconditionFailed(err) {
dr.log.Info("Can not create synchronization barrier because synchronization is not running")
return false, 0, 0, nil
return false, 0, 0, errors.WithMessage(err, "Can not create synchronization barrier")
if err := dr.updateCRStatus(); err != nil {
return false, 0, 0, errors.WithMessage(err, "Failed to update ArangoDeploymentReplication status")
dr.log.Info("Synchronization barrier created, both data centers are in read-only mode")
totalShards := cancelStatus.InSyncShards + cancelStatus.NotInSyncShards
if cancelStatus.InSyncShards > 0 && cancelStatus.NotInSyncShards == 0 {
if dr.status.Conditions.Update(api.ConditionTypeEnsuredInSync, true, "Consistent", "Data on both data centers is the same") {
if err := dr.updateCRStatus(); err != nil {
return false, 0, 0, errors.WithMessage(err, "Failed to update ArangoDeploymentReplication status")
return true, cancelStatus.InSyncShards, totalShards, nil
return false, cancelStatus.InSyncShards, totalShards, nil
// isTimeExceeded returns true when a time exceeds a given timeout.
func isTimeExceeded(t *meta.Time, timeout time.Duration) bool {
return t != nil && time.Since(t.Time) > timeout